Welcome to the PC-FX World Game Reviews section where you can find in-depth reviews of your favorite PC-FX games. If you would like to contribute to our database of reviews, please feel free to send them in to the staff.

 Ah! My Goddess (Ah! Megami Sama)
Added 10.22.01 by Kaze Kiri FX (Jake)
“..has a lot of neat little innovations you won’t find in every digital comic game...”

 Arubarea’s Maiden
Added 12.4.01 by Jeffery Villanueva
“..Your rivals are a snotty, stuck-up looking blonde and a kind, nature-loving brunette...”

 Battle Heat
Added 2.24.98 by Nick Rox from GameFan Magazine
“..No matter which of your fighter’s moves you perform, it comes out INSTANTLY!...”

 Battle Heat
Added 2.24.98 by Joe Santulli from Digital Press Online
“..Battle Heat is considered to be one of the very best games for this system...”

 Chip Chan Kick!
Added 9.15.00 by Aaron Nanto
“..This brought back many memories of the anime scenes from Ys...”

 Classmates 2 (Doukyusei 2)
Added 9.15.00 by Aaron Nanto
“..If you don’t like tons of Japanese text, I would stay away from this one...”

 Der Langrisser FX
Added 3.3.98 by Adam Edwards
“..If you have ever played a previous Langrisser game and enjoyed it, read no further and buy this one...”

 Farland Story FX
Added 10.22.01 by Kaze Kiri FX (Jake)
“..This game is a beautifully drawn turn-based strategy adventure...”

 Fire Woman Matoi-gumi
Added 8.8.01 by Kaze Kiri FX (Jake)
“..you can have as many girlfriends as you want in this game...”

 Galaxy Fraulien Yuna FX
Added 9.15.00 by Aaron Nanto
“..you will see Yuna launch all the way across the water and then BOOM!...”

 Kishin Doji Zenki: Vajura Fight
Added 9.15.00 by Aaron Nanto
“..CG airplanes blowing up, transparency/fog effects and more!...”

 Last Imperial Prince
Added 3.23.98 by Alex Childress
“..One of the most impressive features of LIP is its spectacular array of colorful graphics...”

 Lil’ Red Riding Hood CHA-CHA (Akazukin Cha Cha)
Added 7.5.97 by Anthony Jones
“..the loading time is amazingly quick and there are tons of hidden secrets to be found...”

 Makeruna! Makendou Z
Added 10.22.01 by Kaze Kiri (Jake)
“..you should be amused by the zany cast of characters...”

 Minimum Nanonic
Added 10.22.01 by Kaze Kiri (Jake)
“..I was very bored with the concept of the shrunken girls...”

 Sparkling Feather
Added 7.5.97 by Anthony Jones
“..warning: this game is supposed to be a comedy...”

 Super God Trooper Zeroigar (Tyoushin Heiki Zeroigar)
Added 9.15.00 by Aaron Nanto
“..hey, that explosion sound is the same one found in Blazing Lazers!...”

 Super God Trooper Zeroigar (Tyoushin Heiki Zeroigar)
Added 2.9.02 by Starbuck
“..Zeroigar offers rock solid gameplay...”

 Tenchi-muyo! Ryououki FX
Added 11.10.04 by Kaze Kiri (Jake)
“...Having been a pretty big fan of this anime series back in the day, I must say I was rather anxious to get my hands on this game...”

 Tengai Makyo Karakuri Kakutoden
Added 12.4.01 by Starbuck
“..Any PC-FX owner familiar with Hudson’s hyper kinetic, anime-FMV based fighting game Battle Heat will be right at home with Tengai Makyo...”

PC-FX World (v14) was created & developed by Aaron Nanto. All logos & graphics are the property of their respective owners. Please leave any comments or questions to pcefx@pcengine-fx.com.  This page is best viewed with Internet Explorer at a resolution of 800x600+ at 16-Bit color. All MP3 files found on this site are copyright by their respective owners and creators, and were originally encoded into MP3 format by PCEngine-FX.com unless otherwise noted. All ads and art photos were also originally scanned by PCEngine-FX.com unless otherwise noted.