FX NEWS 7.6.98 - NO NEW GAMES FROM NEC HE No new games from NEC HE have been announced, and Hudson Soft looks like to be holding off for good on FEoE Namida. No new rumors/news about the PC-FX have been said also.
FX NEWS 5.8.98 - MORE FX SUPPORT? Is the PC-FX dead or alive? We all thought that the game First Kiss was the last PC-FX game to be released, but the latest rumor in Japan seems to be that NEC HE has at least 3-8 more games planned for the system. Could this be true? Could NEC HE still have more PC-FX games in development? It is also rumored that Hudson Soft is currently considering developing FEoE on the PC-FX, but so far no official announcement has been made by either Hudson Soft or NEC HE.
Here is what is currently going on:
--NEC HE currently lists First Kiss as the last PC-FX game (thus no official announcement of any new games yet)
--Multiple Japanese sources and venders are saying that between 3 to 8 more PC-FX games are planned from NEC HE in 1998-1999.
--Hudson Soft has said that they would bring out Far East of Eden Namida for the PC-FX if it is profitable...which is very questionable at the moment.
--NEC HE sold 1,927 PC-FX systems during March 1998...this shows that there is still demand for the system.
As soon as we get any more information about this subject, we will be posting it here. Lets hope NEC has something more planned for the PC-FX!
FX NEWS 4.24.98 - THE LAST PC-FX GAME HAS BEEN RELEASED! We all knew the day would come, but now that it has, what now? We all will remember this system as being different, not only in games, but in style. It is very unfortunate that the PC-FX did not have a longer life, for many people believe that the true power of the system was not fully tapped into. Now that this chapter of console gaming has come to a close, what does NEC have for us next? Will NEC continue the legacy though game development for the Sega Katana?....or...perhaps something else?...
No matter what happens, we here are PCEngine-FX.com will continue to support the PC-FX system, and will also continue to update this page regularly. LONG LIVE THE PC-FX!
FX NEWS 3.17.98 - MAKENDOU Z RELEASED Makeruna! Makendou Z was released last Saturday, the 14th in Japan. The next PC-FX game to be released is, Angelique Tenshi no Chinkonka, which by the looks of it should be one of the best RPG games to date for the PC-FX.
FX NEWS 3.10.98 - MAKENDOU Z COMING SOON Not much PC-FX news this time, but expect Makeruna! Makendou Z to be released by Saturday, the 14th.
FX NEWS 3.3.98 - ANIME FREAK 6 RELEASED & LAST FX GAME SET For game release info, Anime Freak FX Vol. 6 has been released in Japan as of 2/27/98. Expect more interviews, animation and previews packed into this title!
Now, on to the bad news...The release date for the last PC-FX game First Kiss has been set. As you will see below, the release date is 4/24/98. We believe that this will be the last PC-FX title to be released. NEC has said nothing about any kind of upgrade for the PC-FX so we assume they are going to let it rest in peace after First Kiss is released. PCEngine-FX.com has no plans to go offline after PC-FX support is dropped, and we will still continue to update the PC-FX Station with new reviews, photos, and more thoughout the year. Long live the PC-FX!
FX NEWS 2.24.98 - RURULI RA RURA RELEASED & 3 FX GAMES SET For the latest in PC-FX info, Ruruli Ra Rura has been released in Japan as of 2/20. This makes the 57th PC-FX game released to date. Only 5 more PC-FX games are set for release in 1998, with the next one being Anime Freak FX Vol. 6 this Friday (2/27).
On a different note, NEC HE has set release dates for 3 more games (see release schedule below). These 3 games are all set to be released in March. First Kiss is the only game left that does not have a release date set (it is expected sometime in April). We can all assume at this point that First Kiss will be the last PC-FX game released, thus ending game support for the PC-FX system. We will keep you posted on further developments.
FX NEWS 2.5.98 - GRADUATION R RELEASED For game news, Graduation R which is a version of Graduation 2 but with live-actors has been released. To this date, six more PC-FX games are set for release in 1998. Watch for Ruruli Ra Rura to be the next PC-FX release on 2/20/98.
FX NEWS 12.15.97 - NCS PC-FX OFFERS As you probably know by now, Ah! My Goddess was released last Friday in Japan. It should be available at NCS (www.ncsx.com) by now. You may also know that NCS now has some new PC-FX deals going on. Here is a rundown on the deals:
Offer #1: PC-FX console with three software titles: Angelique in the Wonderland, Red Hood Girl Cha Cha and Voice Paradise at US$305
Offer #2: PC-FX console with any one software title from our inventory that is currently in stock US$300
Offer #3: PC-FX console only. US$240
These are the best deals on the Internet for PC-FX systems, since the PC-FX was going for $350 originally.
FX NEWS 11.28.97 - COCKTAIL PACK RELEASED The new title Cocktail Pack from Cocktail Soft was been released for the PC-FX as of 11/28/97. Import prices are expected to be close to $100 for this title.
FX NEWS 11.15.97 - PC-FX SYSTEM INFO AT NCS Not much new news, but there are a few things to point out. NCS (www.ncsx.com) currently has PC-FX systems in stock for a new lower price of $275. They also said that for a total of $335, you can pick from any PC-FX game they have in stock to be encluded with a purchase of a new PC-FX.
FX NEWS 10.24.97 - NEC/SEGA/DURAL TAKEOVER - PART 2 As you may know already, the subject of the NEC/SEGA/Dual takeover is on everybody’s mind. Will NEC take total control over the “Dural” project? No new news about this has sprung up, but it looks like Sega is still going strong with the project. In PC-FX game news, Minimum Nano Nikku was relesaed in Japan today (10/24/97), and NCS (www.ncsx.com) is currently taking pre-orders for the upcoming PC-FX game, Ah My Goddess, set for release this year. NCS reports that about 10 or so games are still in the works for the PC-FX (which is about right), and that we can see titles being released at least though 2nd quarter ‘98.
FX NEWS 10.6.97 - NEC/SEGA/DURAL TAKEOVER? THIS IS A RUMOR ONLY! But please consider the possibility :) GameFan Online has reported a rumor that NEC will take over the “Dural” system project (currently being developed by Sega). According to GameFan Online, “...NEC has been working with Sega on the hardware design and creation, it's now being said that NEC has shown great interest in taking over total control of the hardware...” If NEC does take over the “Dural” project, then it is possible that Sega will sign on as a third-party developer for the NEC labeled system. What will also happen is Sega will become a “software only” company, making games for the new NEC system. Look for more news about this subject in the next week or so.
FX NEWS 10.6.97 - COMIC ROAD RELEASED, NEC/SEGA RUMOR For PC-FX game news, Comic Road was just released as of 9/26/97 in Japan. This makes the 52nd PC-FX game to be released to date. On the flip side, a rumor of NEC getting back into the home video game market is floating around. It was heard that NEC Home Electronics might re-enter the home console market with a machine that will use the Power VR graphic chipset. If this is true, then don’t expect the system to be released until after Sega’s new system which is due late ‘98.
FX NEWS 9.8.97 - GRADUATION 2 ON AMERICAN PC’s Graduation 2 is coming to American PCs courtesy of Mixx Entertainment Inc. The American version of Graduation 2 (the same version found on the PC-FX) will actually be named Graduation. For more information, and/or ordering, go to the Mixx Entertainment Graduation page at http://www.mixxonline.com/mixxonline/grad/grad.html. Thanks to Robert S. for bringing this news to my attention.
FX NEWS 8.29.97 - LAST IMPERIAL PRICE ON THE PC NEC HE has announced that the PC-FX game, Last Imperial Prince will be released on the PC for Windows 95. Previews indicate that it will be almost an exact copy of the PC-FX version, but no release date was available. It will be released in Japan only.
FX NEWS 8.25.97 - ANIME FREAK FX VOL. 5 RELEASED The 5th volume in the Anime Freak FX series of games from NEC HE was released in Japan today. It features new Japanese Anime that has been released in Japan, a ton of interviews with Japanese Voice Idols, and a lot more.
FX NEWS 8.15.97 - SUPER GOD TROOPER ZEROIGAR RELEASED One of the most anticipated PC-FX games to come out in a long time, Super God Trooper Zeroigar (Tyoujinheiki Zeroraiga) has been released in Japan as of August 8. This game marks the only PC-FX game to date in the genera of “Vertical Shooter.”
FX NEWS 7.25.97 - SUPER GOD TROOPER ZEROIGAR RELEASED Tonari no Princess Rolfee was released today (7/25/97) in Japan. You should be able to find it at NCS (www.ncsx.com) very soon.
FX NEWS 7.5.97 - RELEASE DATES SET, NAMIDA STILL POSSIBLE? NEC has finally set release dates for two upcoming PC-FX titles. The first one is Super God Trooper Zeroigar (Tyoujinheiki Zeroraiga), set for August 8th, 1997, and the second one is Anime Freak FX Vol. 5, set for August 29th, 1997. Zeroigar has been one of the most anticipated PC-FX titles since last year, mainly because it will be the first, and most likely, *only* shooter to be released for the PC-FX system. On the other hand, NEC just released info on Anime Freak FX Vol. 5, so it is somewhat of a surprise announcement.
Hudson Soft’s halted PC-FX project, Far East of Eden III NAMIDA is one game many FX owners want. Though the project has been halted for an unknown period of time, the chance of Hudson restarting development on the project is still there. It will be safe to say that if Hudson does not restart development on NAMIDA by the end of 4th quarter this year, it will never be released on the PC-FX.
Wakusei-kougekitai Little Cats was released yesterday (7/4/97) in Japan for the PC-FX system. NCS (www.ncsx.com) should be carrying it soon.
FX NEWS 6.27.97 - ARUBAREA’S MAIDEN RELEASED Arubarea’s Maiden (Arubarea no Otome) was released today (6/27/97) in Japan. It should be available at NCS (www.ncsx.com) by 6/30/97.
FX NEWS 6.9.97 - NCS PRICES, RELEASE DATES ANNOUNCED National Console Support (www.ncsx.com) has finally updated their PC-FX section, with current prices and stock status. They now have FX systems in stock, for $350. Check them out if you need a game!
NEC Home Electronics of Japan has announced Oh My Goddess! for the PC-FX. The retail price is set for 8,000 ¥, and is scheduled for release this August.
NEC Home Electronics of Japan has announced release dates for two upcoming PC-FX games - Wakusei-kougekitai Little Cats is set for 7/4/97, and the first game to have the PC-FX mascot featured, Tonari no Princess Rolfee, is set for 7/25/97.