Sega Lord X reviews the Street Fighter II Champion Edition PC Engine port.
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Messages - rag-time4

Looking to part ways with my TurboExpress. It barely sees any use so it's in great shape. Chop has had his hands on it, so the audio and video both work great! The power adapters were purchased new and have been used only sparingly.

Asking $175 shipped within the US.

EDIT ~ Moved to ebay:

To complete this thread, I would like to point out there was a CD-ROM2 game that game in an oversized box, with a big handbook: The first of Naxat Soft's two Sangokushi turn-based strategy games.

With the help of Allah: Clear #41 - Soldier Blade clear!!

This game made a bad first impression on me... it immedeately seemed to be extremely overrated, with only three unoriginal weapons, mediocre music and uninspired gameplay. As I played through it, the game grew on me a little. The green wave weapon reminded me of Blazing Lazers, as did the enemies who fired ring-blaster like blasts. One of the later bosses also has a wavy flame weapon, as in the first two soldier games. It was pretty neat to go toe to toe with some of my favorite weapons from older games in the series, but it was somewhat melancholy that my own weapons were so lame. The special attack available with each weapon makes this game too easy, as you're invulnerable while the apecial attack is in use. There is some really good action in the game, but the best segments, as well as the final form of the boss, are breezed through with special attacks. All in all, I didn't enjoy it nearly as much as Super Star Soldier and Blazing Lazers.

Just got a big purchase in from RR1980 that I'm very excited about.... an O.G. PCE CIB, an IFU-30 near CIB, and a CDROM2:

First of all, RR was flexible with me and worked out a good deal, and really packed things well (Thanks for the FRAGILE STICKERS!)


The lot inuded a System Card 1.0, and the all-important Arcade Card Pro, as well as Hellfire S and 3X3 eyes... Thanks again for removing stuff I already had RR!!


The PCE is in great shape, as is the box... and the serials all match:


Here's teh IFU, which is near complete and with all matching serials as well (Very excited to get this part of it):


Teh CD-ROM2, which has a matching manual, and also came with the little plastic cover for the IFU connection port:


And so, here she is, in perfect working condition:

Off-Topic / Re: Secret Santa 2011
12/13/2011, 11:35 PM
Quote from: bartre on 12/13/2011, 05:54 PMWhat'd you get you naughty boy?
Quote from: SMF on 12/13/2011, 05:57 PMLol that's why I m waiting till the last min to shipp out my SS gift lol. But yes tell us what you got.
Two games I've wanted for quite some time but never pulled teh trigger on...


Quote from: Ninja Spirit on 12/08/2011, 03:49 PMSuper Famicom Squaresoft overload! Now where the fuck's my LIVE-A-LIVE at??!!

For the record....
Ive been thinking of those SaGa games lately... Ive never played through one!!
Just received this technical manual for the original Street Fighter arcade machine in the mail. I don't think I've ever seen it for sale... the technician who converted my cabinet from the Street Fighter II 6 button setup to Street Fighter 1 6 button had to borrow this book from another arcade tech to do the job, so I'm glad to be able to get this so I can have it handy.

These are all asking prices, including shipping within the U.S.:

Famicom Pro Baseball Satsujin Jiken (Pro Baseball Murder Case) loose cart (directed by Mega Man creator Keiji Inafune!) ~ 5

FDS Metroid - NEW/SEALED ~ 25
FDS Nazo-no Murasamejou - NEW/SEALED ~ 25

SNES Donkey Kong promo VHS ~ 10

PS1 Street Fighter Alpha 3 - Complete ~ $10

PS2 tekken 5 fight stick ~ 60
PS2 Breaker Pro (play JP/EUR PS1 games on a USA PS2) ~ 10

Gamecube Capcom vs SNK 2 - in case, no manual ~ 15
Gamecube Harry Potter chamber of secrets - complete ~ 5

PC Microprose Magic the Gathering (box and inserts only, no game) ~ 15

SMS R-type - loose cart ~ 5
SMS Space Harrier - loose cart ~ 5
SMS Rescue Mission - complete with case, manual, poster ~ 10 (light gun required)
SMS Rambo III - game and case (case damaged, light gun game) ~ 5
SMS Afterburner - complete with case, manual, poster (case and case artwork damaged) ~ 10
SMS Miracle Warriors - complete with case, manual, poster, and map insert ~ 20
SMS Outrun - complete with case, manual, and 1986 preview booklet ~ 15 (hangtab broken)
SMS Thunderblade - case and poster (case and case artwork damaged) ~ 5

Genny Ms Pac-Man - loose cart ~ 5
Genny Chakan- complete with case and manual ~ 5 (case, manual, and case artwork have wear, mint cart) ~ 5
Genny World of Illusion starring Mickey and Donale - complete with case and manual ~ 10
Genny Batman Returns - with case ~ 5
Genny Mortal Kombat complete with case and manual ~ 10
Genny official Sega Mega Fire 3-button turbo pad (looks like an OG genesis controller with PCE style turbo switches) ~ 10

I have here a few things for sale. These are asking prices, including shipping within the U.S.

Nobunaga's Ambition (Nobunaga no Yabou: Zenkokuban) - PCE SCD complete with case, manual, spine, furoku (poster map) ~ 15
Nobunaga's Ambition: Lord of Darkness (Bushoufuuunroku) - PCE SCD case only ~ 5
Deep Blue - PCE Hu game and manual only ~ 5
Monster maker - PCE SCD reg card only ~ 5

World Class Baseball - US Turbo chip with case and manual (no sleeve) ~ 5
TV Sports Football - US Turbo chip with case, manual, and playsheet (no sleeve) ~ 5
Ys III - US Turbo CD - case and back insert only (no game, front of case has a few cracks) ~ 5

The PC-Engine portion of my wedding anniversary gift was picked up from the post office today! The PS1 game is the original Zill'Oll... there is a new Zill'Oll game for PS3 that I'm very curious about.

With the help of Allah, clear #40! Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari clear!! (hard mode)


As a huge fan of River City Ransom, which I loved as a kid when it was first released, this was a game I had my eyes on since I started collecting for teh Duo. I loved all the redbook music, and I also enjoyed the voice acting. Very noteworthy about this game is that there are no kanji characters used in dialogue or inside the shops, so it can be a fun way to work on some basic vocabulary. The only place kanji characters show up in the game is on shop awnings and on signs and posters plastered about. There was one major disappointment, however... the sound of the lead pipe hitting the ground is far inferior to the NES version. On the NES, it has an amazing, hollow metal sound, but it sounds terrible on the PCE as it does on the Gameboy Advance version.
With the help of Allah: Clear #39!! Exile clear!


The first time I played this game, I quickly put it back on the shelf after repeatedly being killed by the flying beetles in the beginning! I had a suspicion, however, that it was the type of game that would actually get easier after advancing a bit. I was right, after the first section, the game becomes a breeze. Pretty mediocre game all around, but I did like the fact that the map screens used real world environments, and that the main character seems to have been a Muslim.
Just to add, the spinecard I have for Aoki Ookami To Shiroki Mejika (Genghis Khan II) has a barcode:
I believe Nobunaga no Yabou: Bushou Fuuunroku (Lord of Darkness) was originally packaged with the Save-Kun.

If you look at the spine card for the game, there is interestingly no barcode:

I wasn't aware of Aoki Ookami To Shiroki Mejika (Genghis Khan II) being packaged with Save-Kun but I suppose it's possible.

For anyone interested in playing any of these, the NEC MB-128 unit is also compatible. You must have either the MB-128 or Save-Kun to save your game.
With the help of Allah: Clear number 38!! Image Fight II clear!!


I highly recommend playing this game on a nice home theater system if not the virtual cushion for which it was designed! What an awesome soundtrack!! Most of the tunes are remixed versions of the original Image Fight tracks.

I found this game significantly easier than the original, but there is plenty of good action to be had. Definitely higher production values in terms of graphics and sound over the original!
Off-Topic / Re: Hi everyone :)
04/18/2011, 01:55 AM
Quote from: esteban on 04/17/2011, 07:28 AMrag-time found us OUR NEW OFFICIAL TURBOBOOSTER SONG!

Jump to 3:00 in the video he linked to and witness the glory:


It doesn't get better.
Seems your image should be posted in the 'pop culture references' thread if it hasn't already!
Up for sale is a Breaker Pro ver 1.1 for PS2, which allows you to play imported PS1 games on your US PS2. There are tools included for the fat version or the original slim version. I don't believe it works on the current model of slim PS2's, but I don't know too much about that as I've never owned a slim PS2...

$15 shipped to the US, $20 shipped to Canada or non continental US territory, $25 shipped to the rest of the world.

Off-Topic / Re: BlueBMW needs an avatar!
03/20/2011, 02:43 AM
Here is my wifey's favorite blueBMW, though she would prefer a black one!
With the help of Allah... Clear #37!! Military Madness clear!

Played through all 32 stages, which includes the second loop of the first 16 maps! Ceti, this is that 'surprise clear' i was working on!


Here is my dominating final turn on the second to last stage, 31:


And here are the stats for the creampuff final stage:

Quote from: Eltigro on 02/19/2011, 05:27 PMI don't remember the exact year, but it was when I was still in High School so it was probably about 90 or 91.  My parents got it for me for Christmas.  We lived in East Texas and they drove to Shreveport to find one.  We had a shop in the local mall, a McDuff's Electronics, that sold them, but I told my parents about a special deal package that came with a coupon for a free game.  They had to call around and then go to Louisiana to find a store that had the coupon package.  I ordered Blazing Lazers as my free game, and I also got The Legendary Axe that Christmas.  Anyway, I still have the same TurboGrafx and box to this day.

Later on, I added more games and accessories via shop closings, clearance deals, pawn shops, ebay, and TZDirect.

Shreveport, home of the great Stromile Swift!

Welcome aboard the forum Eltigro!
Quote from: esteban on 02/20/2011, 05:37 PM
Quote from: rag-time4 on 02/20/2011, 12:13 AMI disagree on the aesthetic of the PCE + IFU setup... to me it's much more futuristic than it is utilitarian. In fact, I think that even today it still looks futuristic.

On the topic of small consoles, what about Wii? Sure, the PS3 and XBOX 360 make mincemeat of the word 'slim', but the Wii is extremely compact. How does Wii compare to PCE size wise?
I'll defend TG-CD's honor later :)

As for the Wii vs. PCE...

I didn't put the rear cover on the original PCE.
Poor PCE.... looks like someone left his jammies open!

Looks like he needs a bath too!

Btw, nice comparison shots!
Quote from: BlackandBlue on 02/04/2011, 05:52 PMThanks to play-asia for their 20% off-coupon for instock items ;)  Didn't want a kinect, but basically got it for free.
If you weren't already aware, a cool think about owning a Japanese 360 is that most of the US games are region free.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: Secret Santa 2010
01/06/2011, 10:11 PM
Quote from: guest on 01/04/2011, 03:24 PMRags was the lucky winner of the poster, which has arrived and will hopefully soon be adorning one of his game room's walls.
Rags was also the lucky winner of the most deliciously wrapped gift Santa has ever given! Feast your eyes on this one boys:


And the contents:

And a couple shots of teh wifey and me opening other gifts:
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: Secret Santa 2010
01/01/2011, 07:34 PM
Quote from: guest on 12/30/2010, 08:17 PMin the mail today...:) ... a shooter i always wanted to try and a hell of a good call on a PSP game that i would love. Much thanks with huggles there Sanata!!!

Now i think i know the name... i will have to look back at the f-ebay members as i think i can find you in there :)
Thanks a ton and i am still on holidays so this is an extra treat for me to enjoy right now :)

Too bad santa went cheap and didn't get both on PC Engine!
Quote from: ceti alpha on 12/11/2010, 09:38 PM
Quote from: BlueBMW on 12/11/2010, 09:35 PM
Quote from: Duo_R on 12/11/2010, 09:03 PMYou should try usimg a wiimote as a controller for Droid. Kicks ass
:shock:  You can do that?!  Hmm... so now I'll be toting my phone, an ipod and wiimote around.. :P
hahaha. Yeah, not exactly portable, but still kinda cool.
All he needs to make the wii mote more portable is something to stash the wii mote in.... something like this here:
Quote from: ceti alpha on 11/15/2010, 04:12 PMClear #34: Buster Bros (1 player)

Nice wheels there, Ceti, but don't think you're gonna drive away with an easy victory!!
With the help of Allah... Clear #36!! Ryoko-no Ken / Art of Fighting clear!!

One of the most clunky fighting games ever made.... It's a pretty cool game other than the gameplay itself.

This one deserves special music :mrgreen:...
With the help of Allah.... Clear #35!! Final Lap Twin clear!! Quest and F1 modes!!!!

The quest mode was fun, but pretty easy. The F1 mode is one of the most grueling challenges I have ever undertaken! The key is not letting other cars bump you into the signage, which can happen constantly due to the extremely wonky crash physics! Braking at the start of turns helps immensely!

The final heat:

Final points standings:

The celebration:

And Rags became the world champ driver!!!
Off-Topic / Re: Bicycle Recommendations
08/21/2010, 09:28 PM
Personally I would go with a penny farthing...
Henry, I think this image is exactly what I was thinking of for Arthur:

ArthurRender.webp Arthur1.webp

And as for the rpg character, make sure you choose a real adventurer rather than some wanderer!

gamersblock net /2009/09/adol_main_psd_jpgcopy.jpg
Quote from: henrycsc on 07/22/2010, 06:40 PMIf anyone has a boxed original CD RomRom that Rag and Tats are referring to and would be willing to contribute a pic of it for my PCE-volution tree I've been working on, please PM me.  Thanks!

This version seems to come up less frequently that a boxed Super CD RomRom or Boxed LT  does anybody have statistics on unit sales for the different configurations?

Quote from: Tatsujin on 07/21/2010, 10:38 PM
Quote from: rag-time4 on 07/21/2010, 10:19 PMI believe the reason you see so many of the 2.0 and 2.1 cards loose is that they were probably packed in with the IFU + CDROMROM boxed set.
This is not just probably, this is a fact :)
I have a pic to contribute!! Obtained from the greatest of all ebay sellers!

Quote from: JapanTokei on 07/16/2010, 09:49 AMWhat a charmer indeed.  I think I am charmed by all those sexy PCE games in the shelves behind the flowers from the pictures though :) 

Quote from: rag-time4 on 07/16/2010, 12:02 AMAnniversary bocquet of flowers for my wife!! Hot and Cold collide!!!!
I was wondering if anyone would notice teh sexies!!!

Quote from: Digi.k on 07/16/2010, 02:39 PMmmmmmmmmm I love all the pc-e controllers when they still look in great shape and condition ^______^

picked up this evil fella.. 360 S just released in EU and was there around midnight to grab mine and standing next to my older elite model
Digi, hope it's durable for you!!

EDIT!! ~~

Just received my trade stuff from Nectarsis!! Very happy with the Keith Courage for PS1! Was expecting only to get the spine and reg cards in the trade!


I've also picked up some cheapies from gamestop during their used game sale, and a Wii cheapie from best buy:

Anniversary bocquet of flowers for my wife!! Hot and Cold collide!!!!

Another sealed goodie just arrived today! This is the Japanese PS1 remake of the KOEI classic "Bandit Kings of Ancient China" available for the NES, as well as various home computers on floppy disks.

Some recent buys, and a free 3-red-ring 360.

Three of teh PCE games are sealed!!! (not F1 circus)

With the help of Allah, clear #34! Spriggan 2 clear!! Double post!!

Like the first one, this one was definitely on the easy side. The only real challenge in the whole game was the final boss, who has a couple squirrelly attacks that can be tough to dodge. It has a ton of dialogue for a shooter, which can be turned off to make it feel like more of an old-school shooter. With the dialogue it feels like an interesting hybrid between a pure shooter and an adventure game heavy on the cutscenes.

With the help of Allah... Clear #33!! Spriggan clear!

Ceti's right, this game is too easy! Very cool graphics and sound, cool weapon system, but the powerups are probably too plentiful. A nice breather after playing so much Gradius lately! Gradius 1 and 2 don't let you continue in the default settings, while Spriggan lets you continue and gives you more powerups than you could ever need.

With the help of Allah, Clear #32!! Akumajou Dracula X clear!!

Even my wife said this game was worth the money! 'Nuff said!!

Got 100% Clear

And all babes saved!

With the help of Allah, Clear #31!! Gradius clear!!

I cleared this one on NES 10-15 years ago, first time clearing the PC Engine version! Now I can go after Gradius II guilt-free!!! :twisted:

Received my new PC-Engine setup on saturday! Very excited to try it, but I'm still waiting on my SuperGrafx AC adapter (sold seperately) to arrive


I also got a few new games in my order, along with a very nice Ys-no Subete (all of Ys) guidebook that covers Ys I through III.

pics of the new 10uf cap in place:

I've finished replacing 90% of the caps on the board (doing total cap replacement) but one of the first ones I removed I am so far unable to replace. My problem cap is one of the 10uf caps near the sound amp. I have removed all the solder from the board and can't get new solder to attach to the board, and therefore can't get a replacement cap to stay in place. Here are a few pics:

If anyone has any ideas on how I can replace the solder please share!

Quote from: esteban on 04/03/2010, 08:19 PMrag-time, turn to the best pages in the Ys III guide and show us what it is like!

Here are some pics of the guidebook!

According to Toshi, this guide was available only as an insert with a video gaming magazine. He wasn't able to tell me what magazine. It has dates of April and 1991 printed on the back cover!

Got a cheap sealed Wii game from Game Crazy.....

Along with my college grad gift from my wife (DRAC X) and an Ys III guide book!
With the help of Allah... Clear no. 30!! Sangokushi III clear!!

Wanted to play something that would take me a while to give Ceti Alpha a fighting chance of catching me! As of this clear, I'm leading 30-22 by God's grace...

The PC-Engine version of Sangokushi III was noticably different from the SNES version I spent so much time on as a teenager. There is an additional generic face type in the PCE version not found on SNES, there seem to be a handful of new unique faces for officers who had generic faces in the SNES version, and there is an additional scenario not found on the SNES! The downside to this version was that play would sometimes be interrupted by CD loading. Maybe my Duo is just unhappy...

I used Gongsun Zan (Kou Son San in Japanese romaji) in the 189 scenario, and cleared the game in 203.

With the help of Allah - Clear #29! Bloody Volt clear!!

A very nice companion to Last Alert! Not quite as much variety though, with only one stage being a "rescue-all-the-hostages" stage, but still quite fun!

With the help of Allah: Clear #28! Wataru clear!

Wish I had a SuperGrafx and Granzort but I'll settle for Wataru!


And the boss vid, once again no cheating!


Quote from: guest on 08/07/2009, 02:09 PM
Quote from: rag-time4 on 08/07/2009, 12:27 PMWith the help of Allah: Clear #27! Keith Courage clear!
Well done rags.

"Yeah! There we go."   <--  :lol:
Took me a couple days to beat that boss!!
With the help of Allah: Clear #27! Keith Courage clear! I'm an official Turbo Nerd now!! This game has a sweet soundtrack! And like Rocky Balboa, I didn't use any tricks in the final round! Here's the boss battle vid:

With the help of Allah: Clear #26! Last Alert clear!!

Too bad this game had to end!! Super super fun, if a bit too easy. I'm gonna have to go for Bloody Volt next to keep the theme going!

Special thanks to my wife for taking pix!