@GTV reviews the Cosmic Fantasy 1-2 Switch collection by Edia, provides examples of the poor English editing/localization work. It's much worse for CF1. Rated "D" for disappointment, finding that TurboGrafx CF2 is better & while CF1's the real draw, Edia screwed it up...
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Messages - kazekirifx

Hey guys. I finally got around to making a new video in this series.

This time I am covering an impressive shmup that was released late in the PC-88's life (1991). I'd be really interested to hear what my fellow turbo folks think of this game.

This isn't exactly Obey, but I posted this shot on Instagram a while back. NEC PC-8801MC with the beer Boku Beer Kimi Beer Zoku Yorimichi from Yona Yona.

Hey guys. For those who haven't checked out my PC-88 thread on the Chit Chat board, I want to show you an interesting PC which NEC released in 1989 and which I own. Interestingly enough, this machine can use the same CD drive that the PCE does as a CD rom drive.

I've made a youtube video about it in my ongoing series about games for NEC's old computers "PC-88 Paradise". Your feedback on my humble video would be much appreciated!

Hey guys. Sorry this video took so long for me to put together. It took me a while to learn to play this game, capture all the game footage, and edit it all together into a somewhat coherent video. It was fun to do a game that wasn't made by Falcom this time. I've got plenty more PC-88 games in my collection by Falcom and others that I'm still looking forward to covering in the future. Anyway, for now I'm dying to know how you guys like this game and my video!

All right, I know I keep teasing my next PC-88 video, and it really is very close to done. Unfortunately I had to work on this click-baity Sonic Mania video we had to make this week. Check it out if you're interested. I plan to have my video on "Wibarm" for PC-88 up very soon though.

I also made a separate thread in the PCE Supergrafx section, but I'll also mention here that I just put up a video on the Shubibinman series.


I am also in the middle of making a PC-88 video, and hope to have it up soon.
I did a review of the 3 Shubibinman games for PCE for our Youtube Channel "Basement Brothers". We'll have a second video up eventually covering Shubibinman Zero for Super Famicom.

If any of you would be kind enough to give it a view, I'd love to hear feedback from my fellow turbo addicts!

Today I added a short review of the Falcom PS4 game Tokyo Xanadu eX+ if anyone's interested.


I am planning another short PC-88 video soon. Sorry for the wait.
I've finally got the second video up!

The game is Star Trader by Falcom. Please check it out. Your honest feedback will be greatly appreciated.


Please give it a like on youtube and share with your friends if you find it educational and/or entertaining! :)
Hi everybody. My brothers and I have made a new Youtube channel called "Basement Brothers" and I am making a playlist for some in-depth reviews of games for the NEC PC-8801 under the name "PC-88 Paradise". Please come check us out since we are a new channel and we could use your support sharing, liking, subscribing and commenting.

The first video is a very long and detailed look at Ys 1 for PC-88.


(As you can see we currently have a number of arcade board footage videos up on our channel. Now that we've changed the channel name we are planning to do more in-depth videos with editing and narration like the Ys video.)

Thanks for your time and feedback!

Update 05/14/2017:

The second video in the series about the Falcom "shooter RPG" game Star Trader is up. Please check it out and give me your feedback!


Update 08/30/2017:

The third video is the first non-Falcom PC-88 game in the series. Please check it out and let me know what you think


Update 09/14/2017

The fourth video is an in-depth look at the particular model of PC-88 which I own. This one is especially interesting since it uses part of the PCE hardware as an add-on.


Update 12/20/2017

I've finally made a new video! This time I am covering an impressive shmup that was released late in the PC-88's life (1991). I'd be really interested to hear what my fellow turbo folks think of this game.

Off-Topic / Re: Korean BBQ
11/12/2012, 01:58 AM
Quote from: Burnt Lasagna on 11/09/2012, 02:50 PMIMG
Oh yes. That looks like authentic Japanese food to the extent that it looks more Japanese than actual Japanese food does.
I hope no one will mind me reviving this thread. It's only been dormant for a few months.

I just got a Vita recently. I'm enjoying Ys and Uncharted. The demo of Resistance seemed pretty good too, despite lukewarm reviews I've read.

My main gripe, as I've pointed out in the Ys Vita thread, is with the system's resolution. It seems games look a lot better when running in the system's native resolution - otherwise aliasing issues quickly become noticeable (as in all of the games mentioned above, though Uncharted and Resistance still look pretty good overall). The system's native resolution is only 960x544 (which actually looks quite good on that small screen). Seems to me that it shouldn't take too much power to run a game at this resolution, so I'm hoping most games in the future will do so. I've played demos of games running at this resolution (Power Smash 4 and Dynasty Warriors Next) and they look great.


EDIT: Uncharted is upscaling from 720x408 to 960x544. Bloody shame.

Got it. (and a Vita too)

I was only able to play it for about 2 hours last night, so this is by no means a "review". These are only very initial impressions, but here's what I think so far.

GAMEPLAY - Exactly the same as Ys seven. Dash instead of jump, changing characters, special abilities all work exactly the same. Only addition is a guard button (not sure what that's for yet  :P ). The same system of collecting minerals and fauna is also still here. Basically, this is Ys 4 done Ys seven style, so if you liked Ys seven you should be very happy here.

STORY - Doesn't follow Dawn of Ys very closely at all, and probably not Mask of the Sun either (to the best of my memory since I only played it once, in the early '90s). Adol has amnesia for some reason. The first dungeon is a cave at Puroma rock, with the music from the first cave in Dawn of Ys, before you even can exit Puroma rock.

MUSIC - Nothing but familiar tunes. I really hate to say it, but I think the arrangement could be a little better. This is definitely not Oath in Felghana level (though that would be expecting a bit much). Nor does it sound quite as good as seven to me, either. As in most recent Ys games, the really good arrangements are reserved for certain key tracks, and the rest are the usual cheap synths Falcom tends to use (if not maybe slightly worse than usual so far). Only two decent tracks so far were the opening sequence (brand new music) and the first field music in the area outside Puroma Rock (not the same as PCE. They chose to use the music which was used in the rainy stage in the PCE). They're good, but neither of these really blew me away either. I fought a boss already (which used that Malmsteen rip-off track) and the arrangement I found rather disappointing for a boss track. The Puroma Rock music is okay I guess. Keep in mind I still haven't heard much of the soundtrack so who knows? The rest could be excellent for all I know, but honestly, not too impressed so far. It's par for the course at best. I'm sure there are lots of good tracks yet to come, after all they have good source material to work with.
(EDIT: And just a minor gripe - some of the sound effects are a bit annoying too, though most are the same as seven.)

GRAPHICS - This is where I'm most disappointed. I already said I wasn't expecting much in my second post above, but I was expecting better than this. To be fair, I haven't really played any other Vita games yet, so I don't really know what a Vita game is supposed to look like, but I expect more from a system released in 2012 (EDIT: Okay, Dec. 2011 in Japan). It isn't that the 3D environments are simple - I was expecting that - but seriously are polygons supposed to be this jagged, aliased, and low res on Vita? Sorry, but it looks like a slight incremental upgrade from Ys seven on the PSP at best. The Ys games released on the PC look a lot better than this. It shouldn't be that hard to make the polygons look smooth on a system this new, and they failed as far as I'm concerned. I've seen better looking 3D games on smartphones. I'm gonna get Uncharted over the weekend so I have another Vita game to compare it to, but if this is what is to be expected from the Vita then Sony shouldn't have bothered releasing a new portable at all.

Sorry to sound more than a bit negative about the graphics and music above. I really want to love this game, and I'm sure I will get plenty of enjoyment from it, as I mentioned the gameplay is fine. Playing through another Ys seven will be plenty of fun, and it will continue to be interesting to see the new takes on the Ys 4 story, locations, and music. If you liked Ys seven, then I think you should get this game despite my gripes above.

Correction. The town I referred to above as "Puroma Rock" is not called Puroma Rock in this game. It is referred to as "Casnan". I'm not sure if it is supposed to be equivalent of Puroma Rock, but it has the Puroma Rock music and it is the town you begin the game in.
Quote from: Burnt Lasagna on 08/31/2012, 10:47 AMIsn't NISA bringing this game out in English?
I kind of question their decision to make all the characters hand animated 2-D, wile the backgrounds are 3-D. It's funny because they treat it as the games main selling point, though it just makes the game look really outlandish. It probably would have been better if they just spent the money they used to hand animate the sprites and used it to make good looking 3-D models that have sort of a 2-D cell shaded effect on them. That would of looked better, if done correctly.
If it didn't look outlandish, it would just look like every other game and not catch anyone's attention. What you're describing with the cell shading, I imagine would come out looking like Valkyria Chronicles, or like Gal Gun on the PS3, neither of which look as weird and different as this game (tokitowa).

Valkyria Chronicles

Gal Gun

Tokitowa really looks like anime to me, more so than other games I've seen before.

I always thought regular game pads WERE left-handed. (Dominant hand controls the d-pad/stick.)

If you wanted a right hand controller, one of the few options was the Master System Stick.

This in Castlevania 3.
The only ways I was able to pass it are cheaply using Alucard to turn into a bat, or just taking a different route entirely.

Quote from: guest on 07/10/2012, 12:38 PMLe Cook is disappointed in your lack of Battle Royale knowledge. IMG
Yep. Never bothered with Battle Royale since everyone told me it was shit.IMG
General Gaming / Re: sega game gear help
06/09/2012, 09:06 PM
This rules.

and I'd settle for this too

Here's one in English

All of this modding is too complicated for my taste. I'd pay good money for one made by someone else though.
Quote from: CrackTiger on 03/22/2012, 07:59 AMIMG IMG IMG
Whoops. Only checked the cover for the second one before posting that. Yeah, let's just ignore that cover. It's stupid anyway. They fixed the naming convention for the second one.