Sega Lord X reviews the Street Fighter II Champion Edition PC Engine port.
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Messages - BigusSchmuck

Couldn't you just put in a dash Henshin-Engine and call it a day?
Quote from: Gredler on 11/21/2017, 05:08 PMGlad I'm not working on anything that could get potentially C&D'ed
Well maybe that catapult from Blazing Dragons... 17:52 into the video
Been a while since I posted a good article, but if you got 15-20 minutes its a long one.

QuoteThe Story of NESticle, the Ambitious Emulator That Redefined Retro Gaming

The product of a talented programmer who designed a hit shareware game while he was still in high school, NESticle was so good that everyone looked past the fact its name was basically a dick joke.

Backup Link
Quote from: DragonmasterDan on 10/26/2016, 03:04 PM
Quote from: guest on 10/26/2016, 02:18 PM
Quote from: Flare65 on 10/25/2016, 08:18 PMYou are aware that only about 500 copies of Magical Chase made it out to the retail stores like Electronics Boutique, Toys R Us, etc... right???  Copies with the box an manual are very rare.  Even the Japanese copies of the game are few and far between and seem to sell for over the $300.00 mark.
Japanese copies are not really that rare, they've just gone through crazy inflation in the last couple of years since everyone wants SOME sort of Magical Chase even if it's not the US one.  They even did two printings of the game in Japan.  It was never really like a bargain bin game, but even a couple of years ago you could score the JP version for like $100 or so.

The same thing has happened with Lickle for the Famicom.  Little Samson is a crazy expensive grail so people go for the next best thing and buy Lickle, and look at the prices on it now :|
Price gouging on Lickle? That's quite a pickle. Someone should stop this, like the grim reaper and his sickle. And they should do so, soon like real quickle. Though some people might not like it, as they're a little too fickle.
You forgot the Piccolo pun.
Quote from: Gentlegamer on 10/20/2016, 09:26 AM
Quote from: guest on 10/20/2016, 08:21 AM
Quote from: tbone3969 on 10/20/2016, 08:01 AM
Quote from: guest on 10/19/2016, 09:10 PMPm with offer please.
Sweet set up Nulltard.  What kind of speakers are those?
Thanks, those are just some cheapy Sony towers.  I've since upgraded with a stack of BIC/Acoustech F12 subs and PL-89II towers.

* Nulltard waves e-peen
Don't the magnets in the speaker screw up your CRT being that close?[/quote]
Holy shit batman! Those speakers make my puny Logitech 2.1 THX setup look like a wussy.
Quote from: esteban on 10/19/2016, 07:57 PM
Quote from: BigusSchmuck on 10/19/2016, 07:42 PMJust saw this:
5:00 on Saturday, the Nintendo Playstation with Ben Heck. Nerdgasm!
Ben Heck is a hack. :)

It is much kooler to hang out with the old dude who acquired the SNES PlayStation :)


What's kool is he let me make a video where I rubbed the SNES PlayStation on my left one.
I hope it didn't chafe. So you in Esteban? Or are you just giving everyone shit? lol
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: ISO TG Games
10/14/2016, 09:48 AM
(Leonard Nimoy) In Search Of.. **Bigfoot** (Season 1 Episode 5)

Quote from: BlueBMW on 10/11/2016, 09:22 AMMy opinion... I think Hillary will win this cycle but she will only be a one term president.  She's about the worst candidate the Democrats could have picked and I think ultimately it will cost their party.  They really alienated a lot of new younger voters with the whole Bernie Sanders affair.  I know so many young people who really connected with Sanders over economic issues like income inequality, prohibitive cost of health care and higher education.  These young people aren't stupid.  The ones I know are mostly engineering students and are surprisingly informed about all these issues.  The feeling now is that the system really is rigged and that we really dont have power.  The Democrats had the chance to basically get a large swathe of new voters into their fold which would not only effect the presidency but countless down ballot contests.  Truly the Democrats fumbled this one... BAD.

And then there's the Donald Trump phenomenon.  I think the Donald Trump campaign "success" has revealed a side of America that is quite honestly appalling.  I really cant see how anyone can justify this guy.  Its extremely clear that he is a narcissist who has no problem demeaning women and minorities.  I mean really he is the epitome of the white male superiority paradigm.  His popularity brings into the open the fact that there are a lot of Americans who align with his values.  That is the appalling part.  I really had hoped that this country had moved beyond racism and sexism but I can see that both issues are alive and well.  Few admit that they're racist or sexist but this campaign has given many an opportunity to be comfortable in their beliefs and show them publicly.  When I lived in Tennessee I discovered that racism was very much still a thing but I thought it was a local issue.  Now with the Trump campaign I see that the problem is widespread.  This isn't to say all of Trumps supporters are racist or women-demeaning but his campaign has appealed to those that are.  They've come out of the woodwork in numbers far greater than I would have ever imagined.

Here's the part that really gets me.  The evangelical vote.  I am a church goer myself but I find myself in the minority amongst Christians being a progressive.  How the evangelicals can justify a president trump confounds me.  Usually the answer is that he's not Hillary.  That's no answer.  The attempts to justify Trump are offensive.  Evangelicals on the whole seem to be stuck in the Conservative camp over a few issues:  gay marriage, abortion etc.  Issues that rarely are legislated on and only have a small impact on society.  Economic issues harm and kill far more people than abortion or gay marriage ever will.  I saw this comic a while back and to me it really rings true.


The rest of the world is watching all of this.  I don't know the exact reactions but I'm guessing its a mix between laughter, sadness and disgust.  Really America, this is the best we could do?  Of the 280 million or so people we have living here these two individuals are what rose to the top?  I want to believe we are better, rather I have to believe we are better.
+1. Not a Sanders supporter, but I do like what he has to say on social issues and foreign policy. Honestly it should have been a Biden/Sanders ticket. Instead we got Billary and Drumpf.
Is finally released:
Here comes the cease and desist letters...
Quote from: geise on 07/12/2016, 01:12 PM
Quote from: BigusSchmuck on 07/11/2016, 08:20 PM
Quote from: CGQuarterly on 07/11/2016, 04:50 PMHoly shit.  Today is my first day back at work since the game came out.  The number of kids walking around the campus with their face buried in their phone is nuts (moreso than usual.)  I went off to a quiet part of our arboretum, well away from any campus buildings, to make a phone call because I wanted some privacy and I would say that at least 10 people walked past me looking for pokemons on their phone.  Jesus I hope this is a fad.
I hope so too, getting tired of the interns at work asking for the damn wifi password so they can eat up corporate bandwith to play this game. Seriously.
Why do they need wifi when it uses your gps?
It's a stupid excuse to use the wifi here at work. Pretty dumb really.
And now there are fucking pokemon on the bathrooms. Wow.
Quote from: in99flames on 07/06/2016, 10:23 PMThe panty vending machine is definitely hysterical....but missing the waffle motif ;-) 
Part 2.
Japanese panty vending machine?
Quote from: hoobs88 on 02/19/2016, 11:53 AMChop5 made some "Chu cards" of Coryoon and Magical Chase. Definitely a cheaper solution than owning the real deal. You might want to contact him to see if he has any left.

Oh yeah, forgot about those. Might just do that. :)
Quote from: csgx1 on 02/01/2016, 01:31 PMI tried the SFII' trick and it works.  Pretty cool feature that I wish other Hucard games had.  It also would be awesome if a Duo could be modded with CD player controls. 

Here's more details that ElSeven posted a few years ago...

Quote from: ElSeven on 01/07/2013, 06:56 PMi love reviving this thread  :P

Rumor (legend?) has it that Street Fighter 2 was originally supposed to load music off of an included CD, which may explain why the hucard comes in a double case.  The double case could have just been used to make the game look more impressive, since it was a whopping 9800 YEN at release (ouch!).  Either way, the CD was apparently scrapped to help keep the cost down.

Well anyway, the programmers left in the code to turn off the chiptune BGM, so that you may enjoy CD Music with the standard SFII sound effects peppered in.  This procedure requires either a cd-rom2 briefcase setup or TG-CD.  Sorry, no fancy duo units allowed  [-(

1. Startup the game like normal, but let the demo play out
2. Insert a controller into port 3 of the tap and press RUN.  This will pause the demo, letting you know it worked correctly.
3. Insert any CD of your preference. 
4. Press RUN on controller 1 or 2 to start the game like normal.
5. Press the PLAY button on the CD unit for the music to start, skip buttons to select track.

maybe this is well known, but I had trouble tracking it down online.  Thankfully the turbolist archives are still online.

Edit: relevant gif is relevant

Original post...
I recall reading this in EGM back in the day. Pity I can't find the article, but it was one of those Q-man things that I never took seriously until now. :)
Quote from: guest on 11/13/2015, 06:45 PM
Quote from: guest on 11/13/2015, 05:35 PMIve been playing the hell out of my CMVS since getting it last year and loving every minute of it!

Now you tell me I haven't been getting the legit Neo experience? My non art labled MVS carts are just a cheap knock off? Fuck my life!!! Its all been a sham!!!

That's it. I'm joining Nulltard's gay Craigslist prostitution ring. I'll have money for an AES and a full set of games in no time! Nothing will keep me from having a true neo geo home experience! To make matters better, I'm gonna hold out for a US Themed AES too, and have it region modded, and RGB modded to match my RGB modded US Themed Genesis. I surely do NOT want to buy a separate cord!

Nulltard.... Call me!
I made my own cart labels.


I'm also working on a set of matching shock box inserts.
That's good to know.. Let me know if you plan to ever sell any of them, might be pming you in the future if you are..
General Gaming / Re: Rampart
11/12/2015, 04:59 PM
Quote from: Otaking on 11/12/2015, 04:26 PM
Quote from: BigusSchmuck on 11/12/2015, 03:35 PM
Quote from: Otaking on 11/12/2015, 02:08 PM"Ready! Aim! Fire!" I used always play the SNES version and loved it, with 2 players was awesome.

I also vaguely remember playing the arcade version which had a roller ball to control, I googled it and all I could find was this IMG
Yeah they had it at PRGE this year. I was surprised on how many people were playing it. Might even go the extra mile and get the PCM for my super gun..
I would guess the dedicated arcade cabinet with the roller balls would be quite rare, I only ever saw it once in one arcade.

After reading this thread I went and played the SNES version for the first time in years, it's really a great game.
Yeah I finished it on Super, talk about achy hands lol.
General Gaming / Re: Rampart
11/12/2015, 03:35 PM
Quote from: Otaking on 11/12/2015, 02:08 PM"Ready! Aim! Fire!" I used always play the SNES version and loved it, with 2 players was awesome.

I also vaguely remember playing the arcade version which had a roller ball to control, I googled it and all I could find was this IMG
Yeah they had it at PRGE this year. I was surprised on how many people were playing it. Might even go the extra mile and get the PCM for my super gun..
Quote from: PukeSter on 10/27/2015, 07:06 PM
Quote from: BigusSchmuck on 10/27/2015, 06:51 PMI guess someone forgot to take their blood pressure meds today.
If anybody needed Blood pressure meds, it might be you, my friend.

You really are one BIGus Schmuck.

Could you lose a few pounds a few dozen pounds? Hypertension is a serious problem, and I don't want to have to go to your funeral any time soon.

Please, get help. Your wife would appreciate it as well.

I like to see how you fare when you work 8-12 hours a day in an office, answer fucking phone calls about people forgetting their passwords, printers, and can't figure out control-alt-delete to log into their fucking computers. Yes I'm big, but I'm sure you would buckle underneath my pressure. Oh yeah, did I mention I'm on call 24/7? Yeah a different job might be in order here..  And all this negativity around here is getting old. Peace. Out.

Next to the Gamesack sticker!
Quote from: majors on 10/22/2015, 09:12 AM
Quote from: Sarumaru on 10/21/2015, 03:55 PM... Last time we hanged, neither of us was sober for long lol. Definitely going to PRGE next year!
Sounds like my kinda con. Was this back at the hotel or was there a slack open bottle policy?

Quote from: BigusSchmuck on 10/21/2015, 04:42 PM... Would have been really neat to see 10 player Saturn Bomberman in all it's glory though the screen better be gigantic!
Not the biggest projection we could get b/c the room was tight at AWA! I'll have a sweet setup for Youmacon next week...I'm gonna have a 20" PVM running RGB along with a projector thrown up on a screen.
Now that's what I'm talking about!
Quote from: guest on 10/20/2015, 03:19 PM
Quote from: guest on 09/25/2015, 04:49 PM
Quote from: BigusSchmuck on 09/25/2015, 04:40 PM
Quote from: agent_orange on 09/25/2015, 02:44 PMI know a couple guys going.  but nobody you would want to hang out with.
Lots of Youtube reviewers. Dunno, was hoping for something like the former CEO of TTI or something since we had Tom Kalinske last year. Bah, 30,000 square feet of arcades will keep me busy for the weekend. :P
I heard there are going to be some interesting "elite" homebrew programmers there
That has 'elite' all over it. :P
Oh yeah, that game. Didn't play it as one of dem hot cosplayers grabbed our attention and had to take a picture with them. :P
Off-Topic / Re: Game Sack
10/19/2015, 02:43 PM
Quote from: gekioh on 10/19/2015, 02:24 PMGetting to meet Joe and Dave was pretty rad. Thanks Game Sack for coming to PRGE this year and I really hope you guys come back again next year.
Shoot, if I had known you were there too we could have met up. :) I got a good picture with them too and got some questions in (could have killed Joe for calling me DildoKKKobold lol) during the Q&A. Unbelievable how fast it went and how many people were losing their voices from talking so much during the convention. Here's me and my buddy that I haven't seen in 14 years.

Quote from: esadajr on 09/02/2015, 03:19 PM
Quote from: BigusSchmuck on 08/31/2015, 04:14 PMI may be late to the game here, but why spend all this $$$ just to turn your nes into displaying 1080p and digital sound? Kind of scratching my head here on that one..
you're not alone, I thought this was it
For the everyday retro gamer yeah.. I'm kind of curious to see if someone just created a NES clone with hdmi ports if it would be cheaper to go that route instead of modding already existing consoles? Not that I'm trying to crap on this thread or anything, I'm legitimately curious.
Quote from: NightWolve on 08/27/2015, 10:19 PM
Quote from: guest on 08/27/2015, 09:03 PMWhy the fuck would anyone think that a can of energy drink with blank label straight from the movie Repo Man, with Dracula X art printed over it, would somehow justify paying hundreds for a bootleg of a 1990's video game.

Why has god abandoned us.
It's just a little extra something - he really is trying to mimic Working Designs with the stakes, crosses, keychain cards, and the drinks he found, but even without all that, you look at just the whole boxed package below, it IS attractive as all f--k!!! With or without the extra "sweeteners" to the deal, he's gonna cash in bigtime with it!

I really don't think anyone would try to drink any of those, but whatever. ; )
It's probably pigs blood or urine or something stupid like that.
General Gaming / Re: Turok Rage Wars
08/21/2015, 12:53 PM
Quote from: wildfruit on 08/20/2015, 02:21 PMWhat's Van Halen ? Is it a cancelled 64DD game?
AKA nose strip.
Quote from: wilykat on 07/26/2015, 05:02 PMNow you got me racking my head. My brother had the same thing years ago.  It is not MASK as that was my thing of the time. My brother was more into Wheeled Warriors, and that base I think is for the Wheeled Warriors

Eh I was close, same time period. :)
Quote from: elmer on 07/13/2015, 06:26 PMIt's been a while since this thread had a nice new screenshot so ...

As we're approaching the release date, we're adding in some things that we didn't originally feel that we were going to be able to do.

One of those things is adding soft-subtitles to the level name screens.

I hope that people like them.  :)

This only makes me drool even more for a PC-FX.
Quote from: Gentlegamer on 07/07/2015, 09:50 AMThe famous EGM issue 8 from March 1990 doesn't seem to have been scanned in high quality high resolution (it's one of the few missing at Retro Mags), but I have come across some readable scans. I thought you all might enjoy going back in time to revisit the forgotten console war.




You know, I might have a better copy of that issue at my dad's house, I'll have to look for it next time I'm up there if we need to get better scans.
Quote from: Warbucks on 06/22/2015, 09:10 PM
Quote from: PCEngineHell on 06/22/2015, 05:32 PMWinner announced in two weeks! :P
Great now I am gonna have nightmares about this.
Hopefully not about the flyers as I got pictures up now!
Quote from: PCEngineHell on 06/22/2015, 05:32 PMWinner announced in two weeks! :P
Uh, that will give me a seizure lol. You wants in Prof?
Ok, so I went to my dad's house this weekend and guess what I found.. A small stack of Turbo Zone Direct flyers! This is open to anyone who remembers these. I will post some pictures up tonight when I get home.. Open until July 4th! I'll be gone on the 4th out of town, but I'll be sure to draw a name on the 5th when I return!

1. Professor
2. Nulltard
3. esteban
4. elderbroom
5. cjameslv
6. Groover
7. turboswimbz
8. RNSpeed
9. xcrement5x
10. SuperGrafx

Edit: So there are 1 catalog and 2 flyers. All up for raffle :).

Quote from: esteban on 06/22/2015, 03:56 PM
Quote from: Opethian on 06/22/2015, 03:50 PM
Quote from: guest on 06/22/2015, 02:15 PM
Quote from: BigusSchmuck on 06/22/2015, 09:27 AMI have a few Dreamcast demo disks up for sale if you are interested...
Hopefully they are in overpriced inkjet printed cases...
Just so you know, they were from the official Dreamcast Magazine. But I will post pictures of them to see if they are legit or not if it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: WTB Turrican
06/05/2015, 08:11 PM
Quote from: guest on 06/05/2015, 08:06 PMIMG
lol. A side of Combat Basketball and Falcon and I'm set! :P
Quote from: esteban on 05/22/2015, 05:17 PMI can't even troll any more.

Metroid is a billion-zillion times better than Turrican.


I will admit that Turrican 2's music is legendary. Especially this mix:
Quote from: SuperDeadite on 05/22/2015, 10:14 AMWell I got tired of messing around with scalers and 20 year old CRTs that tend to have random issues.  So I said fuck it and bought this beast.  Truly brand new (manufactured in 2014) true flat auto trisync arcade monitor.  Very expensive I'll admit, but I couldn't be more pleased.


Connections Box

Testing with the X68000



Ok, I'm going to ask, how much did you get this for? And if you were to import it via slow boat from china how much? lol
Quote from: Ghudda on 04/08/2015, 02:35 PMSo I picked up a boxed Turbo Stick today and was surprised to see that it actually had a black ball top, not the usual orange one. Was there by chance a black ball top variant (I'm guessing not), or did someone most likely just swap for their NES Advantage ball top back in the day? I was actually wanting to salvage a black ball top at some point so this is kind of convenient, but it's kind of random and I wasn't expecting to receive it like that.

Also, are there any Turbo Stick mods out there?


I should also mention that it's currently getting a much needed bath.
The mod I'm aware of is to make the cable longer (some soldering required) but as far as the black knob it was probably scavenged from a nes advantage joystick.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: WTB Coryoon
03/24/2015, 12:34 PM
Quote from: Trenton_net on 03/24/2015, 11:39 AM
Quote from: hoobs88 on 03/18/2015, 12:00 AM
Quote from: MotherGunner on 03/17/2015, 02:53 PMChu card?
Are these repos sold anywhere in particular? Ie. can you buy them or have them special made? Or are these just one-offs people find or made for themselves?
Talk to chop5, he might have some more.
Quote from: synbiosfan on 02/26/2015, 08:57 PM
    I have a couple of Chinese Famicom 400 - 1 carts I don't need.

    xcrement5x's post below covers most of my thoughts.

Quote from: guest on 02/25/2015, 05:47 PMI will borrow slightly from haboobi since I liked his rules:

  • Minimum Post count of 100
  • If I don't like your avatar, your signature, or your attitude here fuck it you're out.
I can't think of anyone's avatar, sig or attitude that I dislike enough to enforce that rule atm.

If the winner(s) don't want the cart, they can choose another member for me to send it to.
Shipping is free in the US. If you live elsewhere, I'll chip in $5 towards the S&H if you provide the rest.

Here's a review/list of the games

Here's a pic of the three I have, one of which I use with a 60-72 adapter and the two up for grabs.


And here's the pic


I may change the pic (unless there's a good response) if it's too offensive.
The first cart will be given away on March 6th.

The second on March 13th.

Make me laugh :wink:[/list]
So that's where my beer went to. Here I thought my cat got to it.
Quote from: Opethian on 01/30/2015, 08:56 AMIMG
loose carts have been selling about $500-800
but who knows you could get lucky on an untested cart and it be legit
Yeah I know Neo shit is expensive so yeah I'll wait it out.
Quote from: bust3dstr8 on 12/22/2014, 04:20 PMIMG

That is one of the fuggliest bootays I have ever seen.

I applaud your generosity, but please remove me from the drawing.
I had a funny feeling it might have been a bootie. Not even Mai's bounciness can save it lol.
General Gaming / Re: Disc rot/Bronzing...
11/26/2014, 11:04 PM
Quote from: csgx1 on 11/26/2014, 04:56 PMI have a disc that might be considered disc rot and it just so happens its a PC Engine game.  Received it from Japan in a lot a few years ago.  Looks like something ate away at the top area.  This is the only disc that I've come across. It doesn't seemed to have spread or gotten any worse since I had it.

That's definitely water damage. I have seen cd-rs exhibit that when submerged or something get spilled on it. But really, you could (as other have stated) just burn the damn game onto cd-r and play it that way if its that big of a issue.
Quote from: guest on 09/11/2014, 12:08 PMIMG

Now I gotta find time to play it.  :mrgreen:
Best of luck to you! Don't play it without a FAQ, the one at gamefaqs helped me quit a bit. That windmill is evil..
Quote from: Nulltard on 08/28/2014, 09:57 AM
Quote from: BigusSchmuck on 08/28/2014, 09:52 AMPardon me if this has been asked before, but why not use the arcade card? Or create repros of the arcade cards?
Look one post above yours. :lol: :lol: :D :lol:

In other news:

SamIAm + Bonknuts = IMG
Yeah I didn't catch that until after the fact. :P
Quote from: hoobs88 on 08/18/2014, 11:20 AM
Quote from: Flare65 on 08/17/2014, 10:51 PMNot a prototype.  Chop sells these.  He also sells Coryoon on the same chip. 

Is Chop still selling these? I've been looking for Coryoon and Magical Chase for a while now.
Pardon my ignorance, but what the heck are those?
I found this while cleaning out my closet at my father's house. Since I have no way of testing it (don't have a gamecube or a wii to test it on) I'm letting it go for $10 plus $3 shipping. It comes with the case and game, no manual. There are some scratches on the disc itself but according to my brother it was working fine on his system when he played it years ago. Thanks for looking guys!