Watch Arjak have a Mental Meltdown! (Formerly: Has NightWolve finally lost it?)

Started by Arjak, 04/29/2015, 09:50 PM

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EDIT: Please pay no serious attention to the author flipping his shit over something that is none of his goddamn business. Simply point your finger at him, laugh hysterically at his folly, and walk away.

The following is my original, embarrassing post:

So I was just on Facebook a moment ago, when I came across this cheerful sight:


Well, shit. NightWolve has finally resorted to Scorched Earth tactics. He has become so hellbent on destroying XSeed, that he now doesn't care if he hurts Falcom in the process.

I have never known where to stand on the whole NightWolve Vs. XSeed drama. I enjoy XSeed's releases, and am extremely happy that Falcom's work is finally starting to get some recognition in the West, but I was concerned about whether NW had indeed been screwed over. It's a real "he said/they said" issue. Still, my desire to stay on good terms with NW has until now allowed me to overlook his strange behavior.

However, after this...I'm sorry, NightWolve, but you are certifiably insane. You have lost all rationality on this issue. You are so obsessed with winning this battle that you don't care about anyone else who happens to get hurt in the process. I am TRULY sorry that you feel you got screwed over in this whole affair, but a wrong isn't fixed by committing fifty wrongs of your own.

Yeah, you didn't get the credit you wanted. You got screwed over.

Welcome to real fucking life.

I've been screwed over so many times in my life that I shudder at the very thought of trying to count. Yeah, I still bitch from time to time about some of the worst examples, but then I go on with my day. You, on the other hand, have gone into full Count of Monte Cristo mode, desiring revenge at all costs and refusing to move on.

I see it in every post or comment you make. The obsession with wallowing in this bad experience you had, and an insatiable need to get even. Where is it going to end, NW? Will you not stop until you have Deuce and Wyrdwad's heads on a pike in each hand?

I'm sorry, but I've had enough of your rotten temper tantrum routine. I'm done with accepting your ramblings to be polite.

You're also a hypocrite, because you are doing the exact same thing that you flipped out about when your Felghana patch got leaked. You did all that work on that patch, and hoped to get compensation out of it, and then a troublemaker got mad about it, and leaked it to the outside for free.

Now what are you doing? You hate XSeed, so when they are working hard to create the first official release of the PC Version of Ys VI, you quickly put together a translation patch, and threaten to release the entire game for free.

So, who is the warez pirate now, NW? I can't wait to hear your excuse about how these two events are TOTALLY different.

Seriously. You are sick, and you need help.

End of line.
He who dings the Gunhed must PAAAAY!!! -Ninja Spirit



I predict this topic will remain civil, and consist of calm, interesting, and insightful dialog.
For a good time with the legendary DarkKobold, email:
Dildos provided free of charge, no need to bring your own! :lol:
DoxPhile .com / chat


Grabs popcorn and left over breast milk.


I don't get how all this energy is wasted on this.  Such anger.
Quote from: PCEngineHellI already dropped him a message on there and he did not reply back, so fuck him, and his cunt wife.


to funny, darkdouche and evil ass both show up when drama is about someone else...go crawl back under your rocks.


Quote from: Arjak on 04/29/2015, 09:50 PMYeah, you didn't get the credit you wanted. You got screwed over.

Welcome to real fucking life.
I do not care who you are, you don't take it lightly getting screwed over.. And you never forget.. (( see sig))
I hold grudges, and in a case like this.. I don't blame NW... He did not get recognized so release the hounds..

Again see my sig.


Quote from: guest on 04/29/2015, 11:49 PMI do not care who you are, you don't take it lightly getting screwed over.. And you never forget.. (( see sig))
I hold grudges, and in a case like this.. I don't blame NW... He did not get recognized so release the hounds..

Again see my sig.
Thanks sparky! Yeah, according to this butthole, I (and not XSEED, who he has NEVER put negative pressure on to give up from playing stupid, and not taking corrective actions!) was supposed to give up after a year or two, then delete everything and never speak of it again or something to prevent his precious Ys supplier from suffering further negative PR...

The Donkey Kong developer that Nintendo cheated got justice after 10 years of fighting the fight, and it happened in an out-of-court settlement, but to people like Arjak, they were just butthurt, should've shut up after a few years and moved on cause, yeah, he got cheated too, and he let it go in a rather short amount of time, you see... Everyone's supposed to do it like Arjak does! Nevermind the selective/arbitrary logic here and his conflict of interest to shill for a company he has an emotional attachment to, plus he knows Thomas Lipschultz (the XSEED employee responsible for all this!) from the ALOY forums!

Anyway, thread redirected:


Damn it, I already finished my popcorn. Time to make some more.



NightWolve hates xseed?  When did this happen?!?  :roll:

Seriously, who gives a fuck?

Quote from: Arjak on 04/29/2015, 09:50 PMI have never known where to stand on the whole NightWolve Vs. XSeed drama....It's a real "he said/they said" issue.
Are you seriously trying to argue that nobody knows what's going on?  It's a fact that they worked on the translations together; it's a fact that D-Bag took the translations to xseed, got a job out of it, and used it to make their official release; and it's a fact that NW received zero credit.  If you think that's open to interpretation and debate, then you've obviously decided that NW is wrong.

Quote from: Arjak on 04/29/2015, 09:50 PMI see it in every post or comment you make.... I'm sorry, but I've had enough of your rotten temper tantrum routine. I'm done with accepting your ramblings to be polite.
Dry your tears, buttercup - that's what ignore is for.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


I thought the ignore function is gone on  the forums or are we talking about the "universal" ignore?


Quote from: geise on 04/30/2015, 02:24 PMI thought the ignore function is gone on  the forums or are we talking about the "universal" ignore? 
It's still here, it's just harder to find.  It's on your profile page, under modify profile - buddies / ignore list.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


What does marking people as Buddies do?
Justin the Not-So-Cheery Black/Hack/CrackTiger helped Joshua Jackass, Andrew/Arkhan Dildovich and the DildoPhiles destroy 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged/destructive/doxxing toxic turbo troll gang which he covers up for under the "community" euphemism!


For the life of me I cant think of who this Arjak clown is. At any rate, why the fuck is he obsessed with Nick. I mean, this is a guy complaining about someone else who is complaining about being screwed over. Do you have nothing fucking going on in your life Arjak that you have to go create drama by attaching yourself to NW's situation in some form? Who the fuck are you, and why should we even care about anything you have to say? You have nothing to do with his situation, so you should have just kept your fucking mouth shut and kept whatever stupid thoughts you had about it to yourself.


Quote from: CrackTiger on 04/30/2015, 03:29 PMWhat does marking people as Buddies do?
Not much?  The only thing I know of is using buddy status for labeling and accepting PMs.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


I thought some italian fan translation group already patched Ys VI Napishtim years ago?  That's what I've been using with my official Falcom copy.  Is Nightwolve's patch a different script?


Love the pic.


Geeze that guy is bored and lonely!


Quote from: aslbozz on 04/30/2015, 10:23 PMGeeze that guy is bored and lonely!
Don't post about shit you know nothing of.


Quote from: guest on 05/01/2015, 10:03 AM
Quote from: geise on 05/01/2015, 09:55 AM
Quote from: aslbozz on 04/30/2015, 10:23 PMGeeze that guy is bored and lonely!
Don't post about shit you know nothing of.
But... it is fighting street!  Fuck you all, neckbeards!
Fuck you!  Go back to Sonic and cure your hangover!


For the life of me I cant think of who this PCEngineHell clown is. At any rate, why the fuck is he obsessed with Arjak. I mean, this is a guy complaining about someone else who is complaining about someone else who is complaining about being screwed over. Do you have nothing fucking going on in your life PCEngineHell  that you have to go create drama by attaching yourself to Arjak's situation in some form? Who the fuck are you, and why should we even care about anything you have to say? You have nothing to do with his situation, so you should have just kept your fucking mouth shut and kept whatever stupid thoughts you had about it to yourself.
For a good time with the legendary DarkKobold, email:
Dildos provided free of charge, no need to bring your own! :lol:
DoxPhile .com / chat


For the life of me I cant think of who this Nulltard clown is. At any rate, why the fuck is he obsessed with DarkKobold. I mean, this is a guy complaining about someone else who is complaining about someone else who is complaining about someone else who is complaining about being screwed over. Do you have nothing fucking going on in your life Nulltard that you have to go create drama by attaching yourself to DarkKobold's situation in some form? Who the fuck are you, and why should we even care about anything you have to say? You have nothing to do with his situation, so you should have just kept your fucking mouth shut and kept whatever stupid thoughts you had about it to yourself.


Quote from: guest on 05/01/2015, 12:54 PMFor the life of me I cant think of who this DarKKKobold clown is. At any rate, why the fuck is he obsessed with PCEngineHell. I mean, this is a guy complaining about someone else who is complaining about someone else who is complaining about someone else who is complaining about being screwed over. Do you have nothing fucking going on in your life DarKKKobold that you have to go create drama by attaching yourself to PCEngineHell's situation in some form? Who the fuck are you, and why should we even care about anything you have to say? You have nothing to do with his situation, so you should have just kept your fucking mouth shut and kept whatever stupid thoughts you had about it to yourself.
teehee =D


Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!




He who dings the Gunhed must PAAAAY!!! -Ninja Spirit