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Has Arjak gone a bit psycho over my situation with XSEED Games ?? ...

Started by NightWolve, 04/29/2015, 11:00 PM

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It's not the first time he's erupted into a fiery flaming fireball of hate/rage either! Heh! Last time he directed his wrath at me at this level was because he thought I didn't send him early access to a Ys:Felghana software patch, but the file was attached in the email I sent all along! Rather than reply back, correct the issue with me on the spot (which is what a SANE person would do!), he instead developed a grudge and later took to the airways of the Ancient Land of Ys forums to publicly rage how I had gyped him, having joined in a 2 minute hate session with others that was started by, guess who, Thomas Lipschultz, the guy at XSEED who's responsible for this!

So now, yeah, it's dejavu all over again! I had patched that issue up with him, but this time with the amount of hate that he just put out, I doubt that's possible nor do I think I really want to... Dude is a full-fledged schizo nutjob!

Here's his little psycho love letter to me below. I figured I'll just retitle the issue with my own thread rather than engage in his. ;)

Quote from: Arjak on 04/29/2015, 09:50 PMIMG
I have never known where to stand on the whole NightWolve Vs. XSeed drama. I enjoy XSeed's releases, and am extremely happy that Falcom's work is finally starting to get some recognition in the West, but I was concerned about whether NW had indeed been screwed over. It's a real "he said/they said" issue. Still, my desire to stay on good terms with NW has until now allowed me to overlook his strange behavior.

However, after this...I'm sorry, NW, but you are certifiably insane. You have lost all rationality on this issue. You are so obsessed with winning this battle that you don't care about anyone else who happens to get hurt in the process. I am TRULY sorry that you feel you got screwed over in this whole affair, but a wrong isn't fixed by committing fifty wrongs of your own.

Yeah, you didn't get the credit you wanted. You got screwed over.

Welcome to real fucking life.

I've been screwed over so many times in my life that I shudder at the very thought of trying to count. Yeah, I still bitch from time to time about some of the worst examples, but then I go on with my day. You, on the other hand, have gone into full Count of Monte Cristo mode, desiring revenge at all costs and refusing to move on.

I see it in every post or comment you make. The obsession with wallowing in this bad experience you had, and an insatiable need to get even. Where is it going to end, NW? Will you not stop until you have Deuce and Wyrdwad's heads on a pike in each hand?

I'm sorry, but I've had enough of your rotten temper tantrum routine. I'm done with accepting your ramblings to be polite.

You're also a hypocrite, because you are doing the exact same thing that you flipped out about when your Felghana patch got leaked. You did all that work on that patch, and hoped to get compensation out of it, and then a troublemaker got mad about it, and leaked it to the outside for free.

Now what are you doing? You hate XSeed, so when they are working hard to create the first official release of the PC Version of Ys VI, you quickly put together a translation patch, and threaten to release the entire game for free.

So, who is the warez pirate now, NW? I can't wait to hear your excuse about how these two events are TOTALLY different. Seriously. You are sick, and you need help.
Honestly, have YOU lost it ? You're sounding pretty psycho about it! It's weird how you took a snapshot of my FB post like that and brought it over here to fight... You hardly post here, then all of a sudden this...? Very dramatica of you! We're friends, we're not friends, we're cool, we're not cool... Which is it? Just finding it weird, creepy, a little schizo even!

Honestly, I'm afraid I am finding it a little hard to process your level of butthurt at my, well, what you would also dismiss/discredit as mere, "butthurt..." But anyhow, so be it, let's play the little flame game, shall we?

Quote from: ArjakI have never known where to stand on the whole NightWolve Vs. XSeed drama. I enjoy XSeed's releases, and am extremely happy that Falcom's work is finally starting to get some recognition in the West, but I was concerned about whether NW had indeed been screwed over. It's a real "he said/they said" issue. Still, my desire to stay on good terms with NW has until now allowed me to overlook his strange behavior.
I'm gonna start with my "Basic Facts" 8 bullet list, the short version, to explain my situation with XSEED Games. It's a good primer I think, and I tried to limit emotional responses to try to keep it objective/easy to understand so that there's no ambiguity as people like poor little Arjak suggest, dismissing XSEED's cheating actions as a mere "he said/she said" issue, etc. He just can't decide what the meaning of "cheating" is, so let's help him out!

Quote** "The XSEED XCISE": Basic Facts of how NightWolve was cheated **

1. XSEED Games acquired 4 fan-translated scripts & used them as the basis for their official translations for Ys I & II Chronicles, Ys: The Oath in Felghana and Ys Origin.
2. The fan-translations used by XSEED were the product of a joint venture between, at the very least, Deuce AND NightWolve! The work hours of BOTH (for script extraction/software/translation) were EVERY BIT as necessary to produce them!!
3. Deuce was secretly contacted to obtain the first "Ys: The Oath in Felghana" script, while NightWolve was deliberately avoided, was the last to know anything.
4. Deuce received 100% credit & 100% payment for said translated scripts (starting with Felghana)...
5. NightWolve received NO credit, compensation, or thanks... 0%! Just silence (read: playing stupid)!
6. Thomas Lipschultz, who XSEED just hired & pitched the idea to take the fan-translations, *HATED* NightWolve & was feuding with him privately & publicly since 2008!
7. After working with NightWolve across 5 years on such projects, knowing him for ~8, Deuce ceased any direct communication to him for 3 years after the 1st Felghana deal (May 15, 2010). No "explanation" nor apology for the handling of these "deals" was provided! Nothing! Ever! Total direct silence...
8. After NightWolve a) went fully public with how XSEED conducted "business," b) called everybody out that was involved & for a boycott, Deuce suddenly came out of his 3 years of "hiding" to e-mail NW a legal threat, indicating he'd hired lawyer & would file a libel lawsuit if NW didn't delete any and all references to him on his website (ysutopia.net).

Source By: Xalphenos
Deuce = Jeff Nussbaum
WyrdWad= Thomas Lipschultz
NightWolve=Nicolas Livaditis

While there is much, much more to this story, people have asked for a quick summary to give them an idea of what exactly is the dispute here, what's going on, etc. I think these 8 points do a quick enough job to give any reader an idea of what happened without having to dig through the many article-length posts I've written throughout my website to fight back against these criminals! There will be a lot to read thereafter if you care to know more, and hopefully I'll one day organize the whole story in one place to make it easier to ease into, but this is a good starting point to the issue I suppose. Thank you to anyone that has offered me moral support thus far. It means a lot to me!!

Long version begins about here:
Quote from: ArjakWell, shit. NightWolve has finally resorted to Scorched Earth tactics. He has become so hellbent on destroying XSeed, that he now doesn't care if he hurts Falcom in the process.
It's not that I don't care if Falcom gets hurt in the process, it's that I can't allow it to be held over me as leverage. Thomas Lipschultz and Ken Berry ALSO don't care if Falcom is hurt in the process. You only holding me accountable, while shilling for them shows your bias! Thomas and Ken chose defiance, thus I choose the same!

I gave Ken a free and easy option in the summer of 2012 to end this peacefully AND privately! I only asked for crediting in the Steam releases related to the translated scripts DeuceBag was in possession of due to my work hours in script extraction and custom software which entitles me to IP protection since that software was 100% legal! I did NOT ask for a % cut ($$$/money), as that would've made them more resistant, though I should've been apart of these deals from the start ON LEGAL/MORAL/ETHICAL PRINCIPLE!

From the first 2 phone calls, it sounded like he was gonna cooperate and do the right thing! He told me to give him a week, but when he got back to me, his whole toned changed and he fed me bullshit arguments to dismiss me. Both Thomas and DeuceBag pushed back and denied any wrongdoing and he chose that side, so they preserved their acts of cheating me for a 2nd time!

As for Falcom, technically, they already got paid a license fee by XSEED, so that's been done, over with. The target here is XSEED Games! Sure, if they were bankrupted and nobody else ever decided to buy licensing rights to Falcom games, then Falcom would get hurt! I'm well aware that the situation puts me in a rock in a hard place, but neither you nor any other XSEED shill is gonna hold Falcom hostage over my head as leverage... And since I don't have the power to somehow put XSEED out of business, I can only give them negative PR, your exaggerated fears of Falcom getting hurt are a non-issue and once again, XSEED is just as responsible for this outcome! You just want me to backdown, and not them!

Instead of writing this up and directing your rage at me, you could've emailed Ken Berry here:


And asked HIM to do the right thing, end this situation, but you didn't and you won't, will you ??

Or Thomas Lipschultz here ?


Or is it supposed to be taken as a given that they will never correct the situation that THEY caused and I should just give up because you love Ys games ?? Your conflict of interest of wanting Ys games and hate at a victim of theirs, me, is not going to be a deciding factor for me just surrendering... Sorry!

It's like fans of Bill Cosby telling the rape victims to go away, shut up and move on cause they're so blinded by him and can't believe he would've been capable of doing such things and they wanna stop further negative PR against him! XSEED made a choice, a deliberate choice, Lipschultz brought his grudge for me to the company, it affected how those scripts were acquired and has since tainted it, so they own that now! And they will continue to pay a negative PR price until they apologize and take corrective actions like they should've done back in 2012 when confronted!


Quote from: ArjakHowever, after this...I'm sorry, NightWolve, but you are certifiably insane. You have lost all rationality on this issue. You are so obsessed with winning this battle that you don't care about anyone else who happens to get hurt in the process. I am TRULY sorry that you feel you got screwed over in this whole affair, but a wrong isn't fixed by committing fifty wrongs of your own.
You look pretty certifiably insane to me your own damn self! As far as I was concerned, I was giving XSEED a good ole poke in the eye and with a smile. Frankly, I'm only doing what Thomas Lipschultz actually approved of doing before he was hired by XSEED and lectured about, free games/patches, easy to pirate, and no DRM, etc... He wanted people to easily pirate and get to play Falcom games before working for XSEED - he told me as much, privately! What I did is a very thought-out appropriate dose of medicine tailored for him! So yes, it's perfectly rational - just giving the fans what they want, and what fans like Lipschultz wanted in the past! ;)

Also, I don't just "feel" I got screwed over, there is no ambiguity about the FACT that I got cheated here, only an XSEED shill and someone with a personal grudge towards the victim would cast doubt and attempt to advance an uncertainty about the situation!

Quote from: ArjakI've been screwed over so many times in my life that I shudder at the very thought of trying to count. Yeah, I still bitch from time to time about some of the worst examples, but then I go on with my day. You, on the other hand, have gone into full Count of Monte Cristo mode, desiring revenge at all costs and refusing to move on.
I don't bitch about it every day either, and I still live my life, go on with my days, yours is nothing but a mere twisted portrayal! It's entirely arbitrary and selective, the result of a shill defending a company whose products he consumes.

You don't get to decide for me when it's time to move on, bud! That last relevant script transfer that DeuceBag profited off my back was in 2012, just over 2 years ago. For comparison, like I said in the other thread, the Donkey Kong developer that Nintendo cheated got justice after 10 years of fighting the fight, and it happened in an out-of-court settlement!! Were they supposed to give up after 1 or 2 years ?? If I get in a better situation, I would hire a lawyer regardless of the outcome. I want justice, that doesn't change with the years!

I'm gonna ask this question again and again and again, and I'm gonna ride you on the forum, motherf--ker, if you don't answer it since you wanted to start shit with me! Very simple question!

Was the developer of Donkey Kong that Nintendo cheated supposed to give up after 2 years and not continue the fight up to the 10th year in which they finally did get justice in an out-of-court settlement ???? YES OR NO, MOTHERF--KER ?? YES OR NO ??

Who the fuck are YOU to decide for anyone when to "give up" and "shut up" anyway ?? Oh, I know when, when you have a conflict of interest and don't want to see your precious Ys supplier suffer negative PR! They should just escape all consequences for what they did and that's that!

He who defends a criminal, IS a criminal! You wanna shill for criminal cheats, then you're as good as one in my book, so f--k you!

Quote from: ArjakThe obsession with wallowing in this bad experience you had, and an insatiable need to get even. Where is it going to end, NW? Will you not stop until you have Deuce and Wyrdwad's heads on a pike in each hand?
Just like any other activist against an injustice, I have to repeat myself for NEW people to learn of the situation even if it gets little buttholes like Arjak tired (it's no longer meant for you then!). Could be a year from now or five, somebody might have a helpful idea on how to obtain justice. At the very least, I may cost them sales and continue to apply pressure in financial losses. If I just permanently shut up about it, that might never happen and I let them totally escape from any negative consequences! So I gotta do what I gotta do, despite shills like yourself who simply can't ignore it and want to portray it as "strange," "wallowing," "obsessed," etc. in order to deter my activism! Put me on ignore and call it a day then, freak! But you most certainly are NOT gonna deter me, especially with strange stunts like your thread!

Quote from: ArjakI'm sorry, but I've had enough of your rotten temper tantrum routine.
Pot. Kettle. Black.

Quote from: ArjakI'm done with accepting your ramblings to be polite.


Quote from: ArjakYou're also a hypocrite, because you are doing the exact same thing that you flipped out about when your Felghana patch got leaked. You did all that work on that patch, and hoped to get compensation out of it, and then a troublemaker got mad about it, and leaked it to the outside for free.

Now what are you doing? You hate XSeed, so when they are working hard to create the first official release of the PC Version of Ys VI, you quickly put together a translation patch, and threaten to release the entire game for free.
It's called payback! Criminal cheats should get cheated on! They cheated me out of my IP Rights on my translation software and benefited from my work hours in script extraction, so the public should simply cheat cheaters! Simple enough logic for you!

The leaker was an arrogant, bigoted, fanatical, anti-capitalist malcontent. I never cheated him or anyone, nor somehow harmed him in any way! But, he wanted to impose his worldview on me through his actions. He had no moral high ground to leak my software. If I had cheated him somehow, then I would've more understood his actions, but I did NOTHING to deserve what he did, it was just an unlucky situation of the software falling into the hands of a hateful bigot. There's a big difference between the situations, morally!

I don't care about criminal cheats "working hard" (I sacrificed thousands of work hours myself, motherf--ker, and they don't care about that either!) for "the first official release of the PC Version of Ys VI" as if they're just "heroes" with no record of past criminality and that they should just be judged on that and that alone! What kind of ridiculous, out of context argument is that ? The company is guilty of something, and they refuse to correct it, so since I never pursued legal action for multiple reasons, this is something I can do for free as some type of punitive action against them.



Quote from: ArjakWhere is it going to end, NW? Will you not stop until you have Deuce and Wyrdwad's heads on a pike in each hand?
I was thinking more along the lines of when my financial state & will power allows, to hire a lawyer in XSEED's jurisdiction, drag them to court by whatever means necessary, win or lose! You know, justice, plus further embarrassment, shaming, humiliation at their criminality! You sure painted a much more different, and psycho twisted picture at that, didn't you?? So yeah, who's the psycho now?

Quote from: ArjakSo, who is the warez pirate now, NW? I can't wait to hear your excuse about how these two events are TOTALLY different.

Well, here then:

1) My hands were never clean of piracy. Duh. And this from the guy that approved of pressing an Ys IV CD-ROM with your voice-acting on it ??

2) My criticisms were more precise than what you portray them as. It was the total 99% freeloading of pirates that was the real issue precisely because they got the game for free! Since you escaped paying $60 to $100 bucks on the game itself, why was $1 in donation so hard for 99% of you freeloading buttholes ??? THAT WAS THE POINT! To date: ~100,000 patch consumers, only 400 ever donated, you being one of them... You bet your sorry shill ass that was worth criticizing and exposing!

3) There were, admittedly, times that I decided to publicly distance myself from the mass pirating as a PR move in case I ever got in trouble with Falcom. They would know I only ever publicly trashed piracy with a militant fervor, etc. The thought was that would make me look good in their eyes... That was part of the rationale behind it. Is that hypocrisy ? I guess, but I felt it necessary propaganda at the time. I don't give a flying f--k now, so there's your f--king answer to it!

Quote from: ArjakYou are sick, and you need help.
Speak for yourself, nutjob!



But: I hate it when I have to see people getting screwed. I'm not ashamed to say that I support Nightwolve.


I'm about done in my initial reply, I actually hit the letter count post limit, so yeah, it is long. ;)

The thing that gets me about this guy is he was there, way back in the beginning with Thomas Lipschultz ("WyrdWad"), before he was ever hired by XSEED Games, hanging out with him on that Ancient Land of Ys forum where he joined him in slinging mud in my direction, the two-faced prick that he is!

If he and a few others like him had directed even just a fraction of the rage that he just unloaded on me towards Lipschultz or even to Ken Berry about cheating me, we wouldn't have gotten to this point! Never lifted a finger in that regard on my behalf, no, but instead waited for it to get to this point and basically just tell me to shut up and get over it!

He's actually forwarding the same last words that Lipschultz said to me!! That's been their strategy too, to run out the clock, just ignore me, hope I'll tire out with enough passage of time/years, give up, forget about it, move on, etc. rather than have to take corrective actions!

I'll say it again to you, Arjak, instead of having written all this up and directed your rage at me, you could've emailed Ken Berry here:


And asked HIM to do the right thing, end this situation, but you didn't and you won't, will you ??

Or Thomas Lipschultz here ?


No, you've only ever served as Lipschultz' enabler, you and others like you on AHOY ALOY! I dunno how friendly you were with him on that forum or if you even still talk to him, but your conflict of interest here is up the wazoo, so no, you ain't some random f--king party that's best suited to judge this situation! Just pointing out your own bullshit that you conveniently omitted from your first post...


Somebody was kind enough to PM me a new Torrent link from The Pirate Bay of XSEED's Ys VI GOG release! Those rascals sure DO work fast, VERY FAST, God love 'em!! I've now linked it front and center on my website, was happy to do so! I already downloaded it, found it all in working order. I even extracted the 2 manual and 5 tabulas images and added them to my patch. Heh. Cheers! Fans want what they want, Arjak, and they sure do love FREE! Ya can't just stand in front of a tsunami like that and yell stop as if you're gonna have an effect on it. ;)


Hmmmm...I am having a difficult time evaluating my stance on this controversy.

NightWolve, if you could elaborate further, I think we would have a better idea of how you feel about this issue.



Hah, yeah, I always get crap about that from PunkCryborg, that my posts are too skimpy, never providing enough detail, never backing up my positions or thoughts well enough, but what can I do, ya know ?? ;)


Quote from: NightWolve on 04/30/2015, 06:37 AMHah, yeah, I always get crap about that from PunkCryborg, that my posts are too skimpy, never providing enough detail, never backing up my positions or thoughts well enough, but what can I do, ya know ?? ;)
Hahahhahahajja. Well, you can't please everyone. :)


Geez... Are y'all publishing these posts in hardback later? I think both of you have lost it.


Ah, too cowardly to just reply to my topic, eh? :P

Quote from: NightWolve on 04/29/2015, 11:00 PMIt's not the first time he's erupted into a fiery flaming fireball of hate/rage either! Heh! Last time he directed his wrath at me at this level was because he thought I didn't send him early access to a Ys:Felghana software patch, but the file was attached in the email I sent all along! Rather than reply back, correct the issue with me on the spot (which is what a SANE person would do!), he instead developed a grudge and later took to the airways of the Ancient Land of Ys forums to publicly rage how I had gyped him, having joined in a 2 minute hate session with others that was started by, guess who, Thomas Lipschultz, the guy at XSEED who's responsible for this!
I have, and will do so again now, admit publicly that that was on me. I apologized to you, and I genuinely felt bad about that incident.

Quote from: NightWolve on 04/29/2015, 11:00 PMHonestly, have YOU lost it ? You're sounding pretty psycho about it! It's weird how you took a snapshot of my FB post like that and brought it over here to fight... You hardly post here, then all of a sudden this...? Very dramatica of you! We're friends, we're not friends, we're cool, we're not cool... Which is it? Just finding it weird, creepy, a little schizo even!
Ah, yes, because you have been acting completely rational and mature about this situation as well. :P

Quote from: NightWolve on 04/29/2015, 11:00 PMHonestly, I'm afraid I am finding it a little hard to process your level of butthurt at my, well, what you would also dismiss/discredit as mere, "butthurt..." But anyhow, so be it, let's play the little flame game, shall we?
Very well! LETS DO IT. :twisted:

Quote from: NightWolve on 04/29/2015, 11:00 PMI'm gonna start with my "Basic Facts" 8 bullet list, the short version, to explain my situation with XSEED Games. It's a good primer I think, and I tried to limit emotional responses to try to keep it objective/easy to understand so that there's no ambiguity as people like poor little Arjak suggest, dismissing XSEED's cheating actions as a mere "he said/she said" issue, etc. He just can't decide what the meaning of "cheating" is, so let's help him out!

Quote** "The XSEED XCISE": Basic Facts of how NightWolve was cheated **

1. XSEED Games acquired 4 fan-translated scripts & used them as the basis for their official translations for Ys I & II Chronicles, Ys: The Oath in Felghana and Ys Origin.
2. The fan-translations used by XSEED were the product of a joint venture between, at the very least, Deuce AND NightWolve! The work hours of BOTH (for script extraction/software/translation) were EVERY BIT as necessary to produce them!!
3. Deuce was secretly contacted to obtain the first "Ys: The Oath in Felghana" script, while NightWolve was deliberately avoided, was the last to know anything.
4. Deuce received 100% credit & 100% payment for said translated scripts (starting with Felghana)...
5. NightWolve received NO credit, compensation, or thanks... 0%! Just silence (read: playing stupid)!
6. Thomas Lipschultz, who XSEED just hired & pitched the idea to take the fan-translations, *HATED* NightWolve & was feuding with him privately & publicly since 2008!
7. After working with NightWolve across 5 years on such projects, knowing him for ~8, Deuce ceased any direct communication to him for 3 years after the 1st Felghana deal (May 15, 2010). No "explanation" nor apology for the handling of these "deals" was provided! Nothing! Ever! Total direct silence...
8. After NightWolve a) went fully public with how XSEED conducted "business," b) called everybody out that was involved & for a boycott, Deuce suddenly came out of his 3 years of "hiding" to e-mail NW a legal threat, indicating he'd hired lawyer & would file a libel lawsuit if NW didn't delete any and all references to him on his website (ysutopia.net).

Source By: Xalphenos
Deuce = Jeff Nussbaum
WyrdWad= Thomas Lipschultz
NightWolve=Nicolas Livaditis

While there is much, much more to this story, people have asked for a quick summary to give them an idea of what exactly is the dispute here, what's going on, etc. I think these 8 points do a quick enough job to give any reader an idea of what happened without having to dig through the many article-length posts I've written throughout my website to fight back against these criminals! There will be a lot to read thereafter if you care to know more, and hopefully I'll one day organize the whole story in one place to make it easier to ease into, but this is a good starting point to the issue I suppose. Thank you to anyone that has offered me moral support thus far. It means a lot to me!!

Long version begins about here:
For a lot of this, I have only seen YOUR WORD to back up these claims, and your attitude makes it hard for me to accept it as a level-headed portrayal of events. Please show me some hard evidence to back up your claims, and I will be much more willing to accept your version of events.

Quote from: NightWolve on 04/29/2015, 11:00 PMI gave Ken a free and easy option in the summer of 2012 to end this peacefully AND privately! I only asked for crediting in the Steam releases related to the translated scripts DeuceBag was in possession of due to my work hours in script extraction and custom software which entitles me to IP protection since that software was 100% legal! I did NOT ask for a % cut ($$$/money), as that would've made them more resistant, though I should've been apart of these deals from the start ON LEGAL/MORAL/ETHICAL PRINCIPLE!

From the first 2 phone calls, it sounded like he was gonna cooperate and do the right thing! He told me to give him a week, but when he got back to me, his whole toned changed and he fed me bullshit arguments to dismiss me. Both Thomas and DeuceBag pushed back and denied any wrongdoing and he chose that side, so they preserved their acts of cheating me for a 2nd time!
First I've heard of this, but again, it's only your word that I'm seeing.

Quote from: NightWolve on 04/29/2015, 11:00 PMInstead of writing this up and directing your rage at me, you could've emailed Ken Berry here:


And asked HIM to do the right thing, end this situation, but you didn't and you won't, will you ??

Or Thomas Lipschultz here ?

You know what? That's a good idea! I should get their side of the story as well, and not just listen endlessly to yours. Thanks for the email addresses; I'll try to make good use of them.

Quote from: NightWolve on 04/29/2015, 11:00 PMYou look pretty certifiably insane to me your own damn self! As far as I was concerned, I was giving XSEED a good ole poke in the eye and with a smile. Frankly, I'm only doing what Thomas Lipschultz actually approved of doing before he was hired by XSEED and lectured about, free games/patches, easy to pirate, and no DRM, etc... He wanted people to easily pirate and get to play Falcom games before working for XSEED - he told me as much, privately! What I did is a very thought-out appropriate dose of medicine tailored for him! So yes, it's perfectly rational - just giving the fans what they want, and what fans like Lipschultz wanted in the past! ;)
I'm sure that if you get in trouble for copyright infringement that the courts will totally understand. :P

Again, two wrongs don't make a right. You're making yourself look bad as well.

Quote from: NightWolve on 04/29/2015, 11:00 PMWas the developer of Donkey Kong that Nintendo cheated supposed to give up after 2 years and not continue the fight up to the 10th year in which they finally did get justice in an out-of-court settlement ???? YES OR NO, MOTHERF--KER ?? YES OR NO ??
Haven't heard about this. I'll look it up later.

Quote from: NightWolve on 04/29/2015, 11:00 PMHe who defends a criminal, IS a criminal! You wanna shill for criminal cheats, then you're as good as one in my book, so f--k you!
Only Sith speak in absolutes.

XSeed hasn't been proven guilty of anything to me. I have seen no hard evidence of their crimes. You, on the other hand, have freely and proudly admitted to pirating their games on your Facebook. Am I supposed to just accept your word that they're evil, and also look the other way when you are clearly wrongdoing yourself?

Quote from: NightWolve on 04/29/2015, 11:00 PMIt's called payback! Criminal cheats should get cheated on! They cheated me out of my IP Rights on my translation software and benefited from my work hours in script extraction, so the public should simply cheat cheaters! Simple enough logic for you!

The leaker was an arrogant, bigoted, fanatical, anti-capitalist malcontent. I never cheated him or anyone, nor somehow harmed him in any way! But, he wanted to impose his worldview on me through his actions. He had no moral high ground to leak my software. If I had cheated him somehow, then I would've more understood his actions, but I did NOTHING to deserve what he did, it was just an unlucky situation of the software falling into the hands of a hateful bigot. There's a big difference between the situations, morally!

I don't care about criminal cheats "working hard" (I sacrificed thousands of work hours myself, motherf--ker, and they don't care about that either!) for "the first official release of the PC Version of Ys VI" as if they're just "heroes" with no record of past criminality and that they should just be judged on that and that alone! What kind of ridiculous, out of context argument is that ? The company is guilty of something, and they refuse to correct it, so since I never pursued legal action for multiple reasons, this is something I can do for free as some type of punitive action against them.
Again, I'm totally sure a court would be very understanding of such action. :roll:

And again, two wrongs don't make a right. Just because someone hurt you doesn't mean you get to hurt them back.

Quote from: NightWolve on 04/29/2015, 11:00 PM2) My criticisms were more precise than what you portray them as. It was the total 99% freeloading of pirates that was the real issue precisely because they got the game for free! Since you escaped paying $60 to $100 bucks on the game itself, why was $1 in donation so hard for 99% of you freeloading buttholes ??? THAT WAS THE POINT! To date: ~100,000 patch consumers, only 400 ever donated, you being one of them... You bet your sorry shill ass that was worth criticizing and exposing!

3) There were, admittedly, times that I decided to publicly distance myself from the mass pirating as a PR move in case I ever got in trouble with Falcom. They would know I only ever publicly trashed piracy with a militant fervor, etc. The thought was that would make me look good in their eyes... That was part of the rationale behind it. Is that hypocrisy ? I guess, but I felt it necessary propaganda at the time. I don't give a flying f--k now, so there's your f--king answer to it!
Ah, I see. So it's only OK to pirate something when you don't give a flying fuck. You got hurt first, so it's totally OK for you to screw over someone's business, but how DARE someone do that to you without provocation! I'm sorry, but your double standards are showing.

Quote from: NightWolve on 04/29/2015, 11:00 PMSpeak for yourself, nutjob!
Ah, so I'm crazy for not putting up with your immature handling of this? If you weren't responding to this whole thing with the tact and maturity of a spoiled teenager, maybe I wouldn't NEED to be "crazy" when responding to you!

If XSeed really did wrong you, then I fully support taking action. But the way you handle it is so ridiculous that it makes it impossible for me to take your word fully seriously. If you were handling this like an adult, maybe I wouldn't feel the need to make posts and dismiss what you have to say.
He who dings the Gunhed must PAAAAY!!! -Ninja Spirit



After reading the names involved, I can deduce that what happened to NightWolve wasn't... kosher.
Quote from: VenomMacbeth on 10/25/2015, 02:35 PMGentle with games, rough with collectards.  Riders gon riiiiide.


Arjak I don't understand how you think Nightwolve not getting any credit of anything related to those translations and Deuce getting PAID is moral and right.  Yeah he's on a mission to tell XSEED to go fuck themselves and it isn't the most professional way to do it, but he has every right.  He can say whatever the hell he wants.  Also, good luck getting any "real" answer from XSEED on the issue when you email them.


OK, after calming down, thinking about this some more, getting some food in my system, taking my meds, etc., I realized something.

I may have overreacted a little. ](*,)

Yeah, I blew my top, and I'm pretty embarrassed. I kinda did go psycho there for a bit.

While I am often frustrated by the way NightWolve handles the dispute he is having with XSeed Games (and I do find his actions quite immature), that is no excuse for me to tell him how to live his life, much less criticize him for not doing things MY way. I mean, talk about being full of myself...

I may not be Christian, but it's hard for anyone to deny the applicability of advice like, "Before removing the splinter from your friend's eye, first remove the large beam from your own eye." And I certainly had at least a redwood or two in there the other day.

I've mentioned this in passing once or twice before, but NightWolve was closer to home than he probably thought with calling me a Schizo. The truth is that I do have a mental disability, albeit not quite THAT serious. I have a mild form of Autism known as Ausperger's. Because of this, I have some issues with things like social tact and separating my emotions from the facts. I also have a bad temper, which I'm sure is a real shock, since I've proven to be so level-headed and never once said things just to hurt people (i.e., Telling someone that they should just deal with getting totally screwed over.)

The truth is, if I was in your situation, I would be pissed. I would want to get even. Hell, I've had teachers in school that were so horrible that I often joke to friends and family that if I ever met them again, I would punch them in the face. In other words, I have no right to judge.

I won't ask you to forgive me, NightWolve. This is probably the biggest meltdown I've ever had on this forum, and I understand that you'll probably be angry with me for a while, especially since this isn't the first time something like this has happened between us.

All I'll say is this: I have a feeling that this isn't the first time someone has flipped out and said something they didn't truly mean on the Internet. I do think that very few of those people ever have the humility to actually apologize when they screw up, though.

P.S.: Keep an eye on the title of my flame thread. There's a possibility that it might change.
He who dings the Gunhed must PAAAAY!!! -Ninja Spirit


Apologies aside, would you just shut the fuck up and go away already? The more you keep attaching yourself to his mess, attaching your name to it in any sort of way, it just makes me more annoyed and makes me feel like your being more of a douche, unintentional or not.


Quote from: PCEngineHell on 05/01/2015, 11:34 PMApologies aside, would you just shut the fuck up and go away already? The more you keep attaching yourself to his mess, attaching your name to it in any sort of way, it just makes me more annoyed and makes me feel like your being more of a douche, unintentional or not.
I don't know...Will you do the same? Maybe if you ask nicely... :roll:

I've already apologized. I already feel bad. You getting in my face about my mistake is not going to help in any way. The irony here is, if you hadn't decided to post your obnoxious little attempt at getting the last word in to something that doesn't concern you, I'd already be gone.

In the language of Fighting Street: Stop being such a little bitch. :P

And with that, I'm done here. I'm off to try to learn something from this whole mess...
He who dings the Gunhed must PAAAAY!!! -Ninja Spirit


Quote from: Arjak on 05/02/2015, 12:13 AM
Quote from: PCEngineHell on 05/01/2015, 11:34 PMApologies aside, would you just shut the fuck up and go away already? The more you keep attaching yourself to his mess, attaching your name to it in any sort of way, it just makes me more annoyed and makes me feel like your being more of a douche, unintentional or not.
I don't know...Will you do the same? Maybe if you ask nicely... :roll:

I've already apologized. I already feel bad. You getting in my face about my mistake is not going to help in any way. The irony here is, if you hadn't decided to post your obnoxious little attempt at getting the last word in to something that doesn't concern you, I'd already be gone.

In the language of Fighting Street: Stop being such a little bitch. :P

And with that, I'm done here. I'm off to try to learn something from this whole mess...
The difference between you and me is I consider Nick a friend and peer. I understand his situation, how he feels he was done, and honestly I think it is insulting that you are trying to attach yourself to that situation, and still are. Me posting here to tell you how it is, is simply an acknowledgement that Nick has a large circle of supporters in his cause, myself being one of them. We are here for him, to vent or whatever he needs. You however can simply fuck off already. Go get bent or something. No one gives a fuck about your opinion on the matter, or what you have to say.

You burned this bridge one too many times already, assburgers or not. Nothing I hate worse then someone using a mental disability as a crutch and base for their publicly attacking someone numerous times. Went through this shit with Nintega already for years now. Shit gets old fast. Asperger's syndrome is not a license to be a constant asshole and thorn in ones side.

Psycho Punch

Guy rants about something on Fighting Street hoping to get universal support of the community, quickly backpedals when the inverse happens. Ayy lmao.

At least DarkKobold and EvilEvoX kept their opinion after all those flamewars and dedicated rant threads.
This Toxic Turbo Turd/Troll & Clone Warrior calls himself "Burning Fight!!" on Neo-Geo.com
For a good time, reach out to: aleffrenan94@gmail.com or punchballmariobros@gmail.com
Like DildoKobold, dildos are provided free of charge, no need to bring your own! :lol:
He also ran scripts to steal/clone this forum which blew up the error logs! I had to delete THOUSANDS of errors cause of this nutcase!




Quote from: Arjak on 04/30/2015, 01:01 PMAh, too cowardly to just reply to my topic, eh? :P
Quote from: NightWolve"I figured I'll just retitle the issue with my own thread rather than engage in his. ;)"
Why would it be cowardly, butthole ? If you're gonna make thread titles with psychological attacks with my name, I'm gonna return the favor. No, cowardly is what you are and were back in your ALOY days.

QuoteI have, and will do so again now, admit publicly that that was on me. I apologized to you, and I genuinely felt bad about that incident.
You were an enabler of Thomas Lipschultz. He couldn't have used his company for vindictive revenge against me if there weren't enablers that cheered him on at ALOY and elsewhere. I've no idea if you still communicate with him or not, but definitely feel you were trying to run defense/interference for him!

QuoteAh, yes, because you have been acting completely rational and mature about this situation as well. :P
When I get cheated on for something I sacrificed $XXX,XXX, 5 good years of my life on, all so that Jeff "DeuceBag" Nussbaum could get credited on 4 official videogame releases of Ys then play stupid for 3 years, you can surely bet that it's gonna get nasty... I will use whatever free means that I can in the pursuit of justice, even if that ruffles some feathers! If I could've done the lawyer option, I would've done it already, though this approach will make it difficult in the future admittedly.

QuoteFirst I've heard of this, but again, it's only your word that I'm seeing.
Oh OK, so we're back to portraying this as he said/she said.

Quote from: NightWolve on 04/29/2015, 11:00 PMInstead of writing this up and directing your rage at me, you could've emailed Ken Berry here:


And asked HIM to do the right thing, end this situation, but you didn't and you won't, will you ??

Or Thomas Lipschultz here ?

You know what? That's a good idea! I should get their side of the story as well, and not just listen endlessly to yours. Thanks for the email addresses; I'll try to make good use of them.
Yeah, I'm sure you'll get right on that...

QuoteI'm sure that if you get in trouble for copyright infringement that the courts will totally understand. :P

Again, two wrongs don't make a right. You're making yourself look bad as well.
Am I afraid Falcom would remotely hire a lawyer in the state of Illinois for one site in a sea of them that share Pirate Bay links ?? Nope, I'm sorry, I'm not. And picking the site of the guy who has a counter-suit claim for the IP Rights of his translation software being violated by their business partner in the US (XSEED) is not exactly the best fight to pick which should bring ALL of the bastards even more negative PR which I welcome!

Tit-for-tat, butthole, tit-for-tat. Thomas Lipschultz called me a "text delivery boy" over email and dismissed any IP Rights on my translation software. You expect me to respect their IP Rights in return ?? Nah, not gonna work that way!

QuoteHaven't heard about this. I'll look it up later.
The point stands, who the fuck are you to decide for me when it's time to give up ? Does an activist after one year of not achieving his goal say, "Oh well, guess I'll just delete my boycott campaign and never speak of this injustice again ??" Nope. You don't give a shit cause it wasn't you and you're coming off as too bigoted/arrogant to even listen cause of your conflict of interest, wanting to buy more Ys games from them, and your connection to the criminal responsible for this inside of XSEED, Lipschultz, etc.

I'm sure the Donkey Kong developer had shills such as you doing much the same thing. "C'mon, it's the 5th year already, give up already, surrender, leave MY Nintendo alone!! Fuck off, stop being so butthurt, move on!! C'mon, it's the 6th year now, STFU and move on!!! LEAVE NINTENDO ALONE! SO WHAT IF THEY CHEATED YOU!!!" All the way down to the 10th year of them not giving up and good for them I say! Good for them!

QuoteXSeed hasn't been proven guilty of anything to me. I have seen no hard evidence of their crimes. You, on the other hand, have freely and proudly admitted to pirating their games on your Facebook. Am I supposed to just accept your word that they're evil, and also look the other way when you are clearly wrongdoing yourself?
Your outrage is selective, arbitrary, emotionalist, and I doubt your hands are clean of pirating either. No, I'm pretty sure they're not. And at this point, to choose to claim ignorance to my claims is basically just playing stupid about it.

QuoteAgain, I'm totally sure a court would be very understanding of such action. :roll: And again, two wrongs don't make a right. Just because someone hurt you doesn't mean you get to hurt them back.
Sure it does! It's called tit-for-tat.

Sometimes when you cheat somebody, they might find a way to cheat you.

Welcome to the real world Arjako-Whacko.

Sometimes when you commit injustices, a lawsuit might just find your way, as it did for Thomas Lipschultz' buddy over at Hardcore Gaming 101, Psycho John Schizomaniak.

Your "solution" was made clear in your first post. It's basically, "STFU, go away, leave 'em alone, I buy Ys games from them and I'll not have you attempt to ruin their business REGARDLESS of what they did to you, etc.! I'm sorry you 'feel' you got cheated, but I think that's just he/she said, and if it was me, I would've gotten over it already..."

Pretty much it in a nutshell, but sorry, that's not how it's gonna go. I didn't work up the courage after 2 years of silence to go back into silence because of intimidation tactics like what you just did with your stunt...

QuoteAh, I see. So it's only OK to pirate something when you don't give a flying fuck. You got hurt first, so it's totally OK for you to screw over someone's business, but how DARE someone do that to you without provocation! I'm sorry, but your double standards are showing.
Again, your hands ain't clean of pirating, so you have no moral authority either way.

It wasn't any different than the way romhacking.net operates, yelling about no ROMs, no pirating or anything else to publicly distance themselves from it to take away the heat should the shit hit the fan, but in reality, they wouldn't be in business without pirating... Pirating IS their business. All the ROMs they make patches for had to have at one point an illegal reader device for the cart to dump the ROM and upload to the Internet.

Pirating was my business back in my RIGG days, you should remember that. It was Tenchi-no-ryu (Stephen Harris of RPGFAN.com) who set up a FTP with Ys I & II Complete and let me download it from his computer back in those days as well. He didn't market the link front and center on the website, but he did so in the forums and the chatrooms. After falling in love with the game, I promised myself I would one day fan-translate it, and guess what ?? I did, but ultimately DeuceBag got to commercially profit off of the event and XSEED got the cheapest possible deal on ready-to-go translated results given the way they conducted business was such that they only had to pay one person, instead of two, credit only one person, instead of two, etc... Coincidentally enough, the guy (me) that was excluded from these deals, was the guy that Thomas Lipschultz hated and was publicly feuding with on ALOY... But yes, it's all he said/she said, isn't it ??

But anyhow, the main point is, pirating is what got the first Falcom PC translation project started, Arjak... It's why Jeff Nussbaum has single screen crediting in XSEED localized versions right now... All the opportunities that he got off my back was thanks to pirating, pirating policies which Lipschultz as a fanboy fully supported BEFORE being hired by XSEED... So there ya go! Wild, huh ?

QuoteAh, so I'm crazy for not putting up with your immature handling of this? If you weren't responding to this whole thing with the tact and maturity of a spoiled teenager, maybe I wouldn't NEED to be "crazy" when responding to you!
Who the fuck are you exactly to put up with anything with me ?? I'm supposed to care...why ? Because you'll make brazen threads attacking my sanity on forums I happen to be registered on ? Because you'll forward ambiguity on the matter if I was cheated by them or not ? Where did all this pent up rage come from as if I talk about XSEED cheating me every day ??

QuoteIf XSeed really did wrong you, then I fully support taking action. But the way you handle it is so ridiculous that it makes it impossible for me to take your word fully seriously.
You ignored my boycott all up to this point, now you selectively claim you had to speak out cause it's gone too far. The act of cheating me 4 times was "going too far" already... We're way past "going too far..."

I don't care for whatever frienemy status we had before. You were always a two-faced weasel and I'm done with you as far as I'm concerned. Tell Lipschultz I said hello.


Quote from: guest on 05/02/2015, 02:10 AM
Quote from: guest on 05/02/2015, 02:05 AMGuy rants about something on Fighting Street hoping to get universal support of the community, quickly backpedals when the inverse happens. Ayy lmao.

At least DarkKobold and EvilEvoX kept their opinion cleft assholes after all those flamewars and dedicated rant threads.
I feel a little embarrassed to be clarifying this but aren't all assholes situated between a dark, dank, cleft mound of fatty tissue just waiting for a wanting face to bob within?  I mean Null, we've had our noses buried in each others umm, muffs more times than I can remember.  Point being my ass is definitely a cleft situation and I hope it remains so.  It isn't just a flat board with an asshole sticking out like a puckering Life-Saver; that would just be silly.
Quote from: PCEngineHellI already dropped him a message on there and he did not reply back, so fuck him, and his cunt wife.


over here we resolve issues like this with advocates. The less talking the better. I don't get why that dude Arjak and that other dude Nightwolve and all those other dudes involved couldn't legally fight it out through court system and lawyers. Instead they are fighting it out on a forum?


It is Fighting Street, that is what it's technically for as far as Arjak and my actions. As for any legal fight I personally would've loved to have with XSEED/DeuceBag, that's way easier said than done.


I think you should solve this dispute in the steel cage, preferably with knives.


Quote from: NightWolve on 05/11/2015, 05:37 PMIt is Fighting Street, that is what it's technically for as far as Arjak and my actions. As for any legal fight I personally would've loved to have with XSEED/DeuceBag, that's way easier said than done.
From what I gathered they stole your ideas correct? I know it's a pain in the ass to copyright every single thing these days, but this has to be done to prevent things like this. I also think Xseed and Arjak are lucky they didn't get sued or on a bit harsher note, jumped on their way to work/school/home. I have a feeling this is not over yet.


Quote from: Psycho Alt-Nintega on 05/11/2015, 06:39 PM
Quote from: NightWolve on 05/11/2015, 05:37 PMIt is Fighting Street, that is what it's technically for as far as Arjak and my actions. As for any legal fight I personally would've loved to have with XSEED/DeuceBag, that's way easier said than done.
From what I gathered they stole your ideas correct? I know it's a pain in the ass to copyright every single thing these days, but this has to be done to prevent things like this. I also think Xseed and Arjak are lucky they didn't get sued or on a bit harsher note, jumped on their way to work/school/home. I have a feeling this is not over yet.
Ideas can't be copyrighted, just patented. However, that doesn't really apply in this situation. My understanding is that Nightwolve put in the effort to write tools to dump the scripts of these games, and Deuce used those scripts to create English text, and Nightwolve put that text back into the game. 

Here's the rub, NW had no intellectual property rights to provide that script to Deuce in the first place. By transferring it to Deuce, he actually committed a copyright violation. While the scripts/code he wrote to remove the text from the game are his intellectual property, he has zero rights to the script itself. Deuce, on the other hand, translated the script into English, with his own spin and interpretation, which means that he created a derivative work. This is something protected by copyright law. XSEED couldn't have used Deuce's translation without his permission. Unfortunately for NW, he did not provide any intellectual property of his own in the script itself, just in extracting it. However, since that was basically a copyright violation, I doubt he has much legal ground to stand on.

For a good time with the legendary DarkKobold, email: kylethomson@gmail.com
Dildos provided free of charge, no need to bring your own! :lol:
DoxPhile .com / chat


Quote from: DildoKKKobold on 05/12/2015, 03:21 PM
Quote from: Psycho Alt-Nintega on 05/11/2015, 06:39 PM
Quote from: NightWolve on 05/11/2015, 05:37 PMIt is Fighting Street, that is what it's technically for as far as Arjak and my actions. As for any legal fight I personally would've loved to have with XSEED/DeuceBag, that's way easier said than done.
From what I gathered they stole your ideas correct? I know it's a pain in the ass to copyright every single thing these days, but this has to be done to prevent things like this. I also think Xseed and Arjak are lucky they didn't get sued or on a bit harsher note, jumped on their way to work/school/home. I have a feeling this is not over yet.
Deuce, on the other hand, translated the script into English, with his own spin and interpretation, which means that he created a derivative work. This is something protected by copyright law.
This is incorrect. Translation rights belong solely to the copyright holder.


DarkKo butts in and gets it wrong, of course... The Useful Douchenozzle indeed! Thanks, o.pwuaioc BTW!

First off, I already went to great lengths to combat someone just like you, Kyle, who also thought they knew copyright law so well and argued it from the same angle, attempting to give/grant derivative work rights to DeuceBag even though he did not legally own the source Japanese text! This first post broke all that bullshit down here:


If you care of the subject enough, I suggest you read all of it first before commenting further and stop spreading further misinformation/confusion on it, as did tool (yes, he's wrong too obviously - I never said anything anywhere about "ideas" being "stolen").

To address this in place, you don't gain legal rights/ownership over say George Lucas' Star Wars movie scripts/book stories after translating them to Spanish just because you did the writing - you don't own the copyright on the source material, you are violating the law right then and there by attempting the translation without prior licensing/permission from the copyright holder... If the translated script goes public, that is, it begins being distributed, that constitutes a right of translation infringement by you the translator and NOT some sort of protection as a deriviative work...

Actually, this paragraph I already wrote was worth repasting here:
QuoteYou can't go around, just cause you feel like it on a whim, translating books, movies, games, etc. without prior licensing/permission/authorization from the copyright holder then yell "derivative work" and claim legal ownership as a defense! That is engaging in right-of-translation infringement! That same international copyright law (Berne Convention) which protects against piracy, unauthorized distribution of copyrighted material, also grants the owner of the material protection against unauthorized attempts of translation - Falcom being a Japanese company, international law applies as well. At any rate, NEITHER of us could ever be the "legal" owner of ANYTHING here! You don't seem to get that and you're not arguing anything all that different than Kirsten Miller or this Sara, in trying to falsely frame the debate in terms of legal ownership.
The situation had NOTHING to do with legality in any way... It had to do with grudges, the negative presentation Thomas Lipschultz made to his boss, Ken Berry (now vice president), about me when he pitched the idea to him to take the first Felghana translated script from the fan project and DeuceBag willing to go along in secret without me...

Since my translation software was 100% legal, technically DeuceBag violated my IP Rights in using it one last time for commercial purposes to port the translated results to an Excel file that XSEED had given him (I NEVER verbally or on paper licensed it to him for for-profit commercial activity!)... I can say that too, and I'm actually on solid, technical legal ground there, but they don't give a shit! And to even be able to file a lawsuit in US courts when it comes to protecting the IP Rights of your software, you have to register it with the copyright office... Even if I tried on that angle, there'd be more hurdles.

Other than that, when you play with legal technicalities, those translated results never should've existed if the law had been followed, but then essentially XSEED forgave the original unlicensed actions that were taken because they saw they could save work hours/time as opposed to starting a translation from scratch. In the end, it becomes about work hours and simple fairness, nothing that anybody who was involved cared about!

They outright looked for ways to cheat me, in fact, and try to make it more justifiable: my PC had the best, edited versions with all the context fixes over the years I caught and fixed with DeuceBag, his PC had the rough draft results with all the errors, yet they took the worst version of the results so that they could say, "We eliminated your edits, and hence your 'work', too bad sucka!!" However, they can't have eliminated my work hours in script extraction/preparation and software development that was part of and NECESSARY to produce something of value they wanted - it was a 2 MAN JOB! DeuceBag wasn't in a corner over there by himself and had magically produced translated results ready to hand off, though that's exactly how he acted! Not to mention he disappeared ever since, not for 3 years did I hear from him again and that was just to threaten ME with a lawsuit!!

Another factoid from my ysutopia post:

Quote from: http://www.legalzoom.com/intellectual-property-rights/copyrights/what-are-derivative-works-under1) Copyright law protects original, creative works of authorship such as books, manuscripts, music, film and video productions, computer code and works of art such as paintings and photos—among other things. Authors of these works have exclusive rights to do the following with their work:
**Distribute copies of the work to the public
**Display the copyrighted work publicly
**Prepare derivative works based upon the work

2) So What Is a Derivative Work?
Example: Translating an English novel into Spanish

3) Who Can Produce Derivative Works?
Only copyright owners have the exclusive right to produce derivative works based on their original, copyrighted works. Copyright on original works of authorship is automatic, and registration—while it does carry significant benefits, like the right to sue for infringement—is not required for a work to be protected; protection attaches immediately when the work is completed. However, a copyright owner can grant permission to someone else to make a derivative work based on his or her original—if permission is granted (in the form of a license or assignment), then creation of the derivative work is not infringement. But if the original isn't yours and you don't get permission to use the original from its creator, then you're infringing that author's copyright.
Simple enough to clear this up right now before it goes any further!


Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


I've had to explain this to others like Darkko, and the best way I found was with the 3 step process idea. Take this altered hypothetical scenario:

STEP 1: Darkko extracts/prepares the Japanese scripts on 4 games and develops translation software to aid in managing them and ease translation. He is the de facto IT/Tech staff/contractor. Put 1 year of work hours on that step.

STEP 2: Darkko transfers that software/with scripts to NightWolve, the translator, who then converts it to all English. He is the de facto translation staff/contractor. Put 6 months of work hours on that step.

STEP 3: A commercial entity, XSEED Games, secretly contacts NightWolve to acquire the translated results. NightWolve agrees, ports the results over, is paid 100%, is credited 100%, says nothing to Darkko, disappears after knowing him for 8 years, and is never heard from again. Not till 3 years later to threaten Darkko with a libel lawsuit to shut his trap!

Question: Did NightWolve unjustly profit from Darkko's STEP 1 work hours ?? YES OR NO ?? YES OR NO ?? Simple question... Did NightWolve cheat Darkko ?? YES OR NO ??

Details: The step 1 and step 2 work hours were all originally done for free for fan purposes. If Darkko was a corporation, NightWolve wouldn't have done his work hours for free on his behalf, and if NightWolve was a corporation, Darkko wouldn't have done his work hours for free on his behalf either!

Principle: Work hours that were done for free for fan/non-profit purposes become billable should the product of what they produced be commercialized in some way down the road. You're supposed to go back and talk business with relevant parties and not sneak around.

Continuing on, so Darkko then learns the employee inside XSEED responsible for all of this was an old enemy, let's call him "Professor..." Professor hated Darkko, so he pitched the idea of using these fan translated results in a way that led to Darkko's exclusion conveniently enough. ;) Professor used anything negative, like his troll posts on PCEFX, to represent him by and so the boss naturally thought that Darkko should be avoided/excluded. Professor had become good friends with NightWolve, and they had already done things together even before Professor was hired by XSEED... Darkko is left hanging, has a pretty good idea of why things happened the way they did and that's how our story ends, ladies and gentlemen. ;)

Is it really that hard to understand the issue here ?? :P



You are 100% correct that you can not just go around translating Star Wars and expect that you are free from copyright lawsuits. As ROM hackers, you could have been sued by Falcom. That was a risk you decided to shoulder. So, that is correct, neither you NOR Deuce had any right to translate this work. This was done outside the law.

However, this fact doesn't mean that Lucas could use an illicit translation without the creator's permission.  Its still the translator's work, despite being created illegally. If Deuce had tried to sell the translation without Falcom/XSEED's permission, that would be a major copyright violation. He essentially got retroactive consent for the translation, and thus was able to sell his intellectual property to XSEED.

In your example, I gave away my services freely, and so did you. I can't retroactively add a contract or price to services already rendered. The difference is, through the course of the time period, you created a piece of intellectual property, and I did not. How much I hate prof or he hate hates me is 100% immaterial to my complaints.

Sure it sucks, and it would have been nice to get credit. That doesn't mean you are in the right.

Quote from: NightWolve on 05/12/2015, 03:41 PMOther than that, when you play with legal technicalities, those translated results never should've existed if the law had been followed, but then essentially XSEED forgave the original unlicensed actions that were taken because they saw they could save work hours/time as opposed to starting a translation from scratch. In the end, it becomes about work hours and simple fairness, nothing that anybody who was involved cared about!
I guess we are almost agreeing here. You weren't treated very nicely or fairly. The law doesn't actually care about nice or fairness, only about rights. As far as I can tell, you really have none.
For a good time with the legendary DarkKobold, email: kylethomson@gmail.com
Dildos provided free of charge, no need to bring your own! :lol:
DoxPhile .com / chat


^ you basically just said that Xseed used Wolf for his services. Told him "FUCK YOU" and "GET OUT" and that's not a problem according to you? You sure are acting like those people with mentality "tough shit, that's how business works"

your quote --
"You weren't treated very nicely or fairly. The law doesn't actually care about nice or fairness, only about rights."

keep using people in life, lets see how yours turns out. =D>  =D>


Quote from: Psycho Alt-Nintega on 05/12/2015, 05:56 PM^ you basically just said that Xseed used Wolf for his services. Told him "FUCK YOU" and "GET OUT" and that's not a problem according to you? You sure are acting like those people with mentality "tough shit, that's how business works"

your quote --
"You weren't treated very nicely or fairly. The law doesn't actually care about nice or fairness, only about rights."

keep using people in life, lets see how yours turns out. =D>  =D>
My argument was never that Nightwolve was fairly treated. Its that the law doesn't care about how fair he was treated, just what he had rights to. You are acting like I personally participated it in this. Yes they used him. And it appears that it turned out just fine for them. If he pursued legal action, he'd probably lose.

And yeah, life isn't fair. Especially in the business world. Welcome to the reality. 
For a good time with the legendary DarkKobold, email: kylethomson@gmail.com
Dildos provided free of charge, no need to bring your own! :lol:
DoxPhile .com / chat


im sorry nevermind. I just saw the Xseed avatar, then I saw the debate you were in and assumed that you are responsible for your company using an employee and then turning your backs on him.

my bad and sorry for the confusion. I need to read into this more. It's interesting material just very confusing and my English is second language.


Quote from: Psycho Alt-Nintega on 05/12/2015, 06:10 PMim sorry nevermind. I just saw the Xseed avatar, then I saw the debate you were in and assumed that you are responsible for your company using an employee and then turning your backs on him.

my bad and sorry for the confusion. I need to read into this more. It's interesting material just very confusing and my English is second language.
Good point. That was from when NW and I were having a go at each other. It was done as a somewhat mean joke. Joke's over.
For a good time with the legendary DarkKobold, email: kylethomson@gmail.com
Dildos provided free of charge, no need to bring your own! :lol:
DoxPhile .com / chat


Quote from: guest on 05/12/2015, 05:31 PMHowever, this fact doesn't mean that Lucas could use an illicit translation without the creator's permission.  Its still the translator's work, despite being created illegally. If Deuce had tried to sell the translation without Falcom/XSEED's permission, that would be a major copyright violation. He essentially got retroactive consent for the translation, and thus was able to sell his intellectual property to XSEED.
There are no test cases for the scenario you assert, an illegal translator who threw up his illegal translation on the Internet, which the copyright holder then took since it was freely out there, and then that illegal translator attempting to use our courts to seek legal recourse.


I already addressed how that would go in my ysutopia post you obviously did not read. You cannot in principle use courts to seek legal resource for that which you did illegally.

Quote from: NightWolveOn the flip side to his burglar example though, and the mentioning of illegal drugs, I was reminded of a Judge Judy Court TV-type episode some time back. A renter was sued by the landlady for back-rent. But, the renter escaped accountability by informing the judge that the apartment lost legal rental use, so the landlady lost her case and the deadbeat renter escaped having to pay a few months of back-rent that he owed her before moving out! Because the apartment had been denied legal rental use by the city, and she did it anyway, she couldn't seek legal recourse against a renter for back-rent, since the situation was illegal in the first place!! The judge gave this hypothetical to the landlady to help her understand why she had no legal recourse: Say if a drug user bought $1000 worth of cocaine from a drug dealer, but about 30% of it was diluted with an inactive powder, the drug user couldn't sue the drug dealer for being ripped off!! A legal court of law couldn't provide you with legal recourse since you were dealing with illegal products or situations in the first place, so you're shit out of luck, etc.! That was the message! Of course, you might also wind up with an arrest on that one, too!
True, there are flukes, a burglar who illegally breaks into your home, is in the process of a commission of a crime, hurts himself, and then manages to sue the homeowner for damages. It's happened before. If you have corrupt judges, anything can happen admittedly.

QuoteThe difference is, through the course of the time period, you created a piece of intellectual property, and I did not.
False, actually. DeuceBag did not gain a legal IP on unlicensed translated results and he will never have gained it! Only if he bought the copyright to the story and paid Falcom for it. He must become a legal IP owner of the Falcom story that he translated. I, on the other hand, did gain IP on 100% legal translation software that he had in his possession that he used for commercial activity. So, yeah, wrong again!

When Lipschultz inside of XSEED translated Ys 7 for them, he did not gain legal ownership of IP in the form of translated results, the company did as an entity since they paid Falcom a license fee - that's by the book. He was paid for his time on this earth, his work hours, nothing more. He doesn't own the "object" just cause he decrypted it from one language to another.

DeuceBag giving them the translated text wasn't a transfer of a legally owned object from one party to another, that's the point! Clear as day! Just as if XSEED contacted a professional translation company, they don't gain legal ownership of the results of copyrighted stories, they hold them until they are paid their damn money. If the deal falls through, they're supposed to destroy the results or hold them internally until another deal with the copyright or license holder can be reached again.

QuoteThat doesn't mean you are in the right.
Nor are you.

QuoteI guess we are almost agreeing here. You weren't treated very nicely or fairly. The law doesn't actually care about nice or fairness, only about rights. As far as I can tell, you really have none.
Then that goes back to my technical IP Rights on 100% legal software. Copyright protection on 100% legal software that you created is automatic under the Berne convention. DeuceBag had to use that software one last time for commercial purposes to help a commercial entity. I never licensed it to him for commercial usage, so yes, I can go back and retroactively add a contract/price to that. He, technically, under the law, was supposed to contact the creator of that copyrighted software, me, which he didn't. He didn't think to, didn't care, he violated the law. All matters of technicality that none of them give a shit about cause I don't have the big pockets to pursue the issue in court. Best I can do is resort to negative PR over the Internet.


Quote from: NightWolve on 05/12/2015, 06:17 PMTrue, there are flukes, a burglar who illegally breaks into your home, is in the process of a commission of a crime, hurts himself, and then manages to sue the homeowner for damages. It's happened before. If you have corrupt judges, anything can happen admittedly.
There was this robber who was on his way out after robbing a house, traps his stupid self inside the owners garage somehow. Couldn't go back in the house and couldn't come out of garage. He spend over a week in the garage starved to death and near death dehydrated. He was living the first few days off 2 cans of Chef Boyarde canned ravioli. Anyways when owners came back home from vacation they found this dehydrated dude in their garage. To make long story short, eventually a lawsuit came and the robber won for damages caused to him from the garage having no access out.

So if crap happens in this country and people win suits..then yeah, if sued correctly, anything is winnable.


Quote from: NightWolve on 05/12/2015, 06:17 PMThere are no test cases for the scenario you assert, an illegal translator who threw up his illegal translation on the Internet, which the copyright holder then took since it was freely out there, and then that illegal translator attempting to use our courts to seek legal recourse.
Actually, the closest analogy I can think of is 50 Shades of Grey. It started out as awful fan fiction for Twilight. Even though it was rooted in copyright violation, the original author did not lose out on her intellectual property. It was A) Given away freely, and B) Originally violated copyright. While Meyer (author of Twilight) might have been able to sue and prevent 50 Shades of Grey from being sold, she could not have taken the IP and released it herself.

XSEED, in this case, did want to take a shortcut, so they ignored the infringement by Deuce, and decided to not infringe on him, themselves.

Quote from: NightWolve on 05/12/2015, 06:17 PMWhen Lipschultz inside of XSEED translated Ys 7 for them, he did not gain legal ownership of IP in the form of translated results, the company did as an entity since they paid Falcom a license fee - that's by the book. He was paid for his time on this earth, his work hours, nothing more. He doesn't own the "object" just cause he decrypted it from one language to another

DeuceBag giving them the translated text wasn't a transfer of a legally owned object from one party to another, that's the point! Clear as day! Just as if XSEED contacted a professional translation company, they don't gain legal ownership of the results of copyrighted stories, they hold them until they are paid their damn money. If the deal falls through, they're supposed to destroy the results or hold them internally until another deal with the copyright or license holder can be reached again.

Usually, translation companies have contracts which outline who keeps what regarding intellectual property.This is the same for any engineering firm, or Lipshitz employment contract. Yes, the translator couldn't sell the translation willy-nilly if a fall-out happened. That said, unless the original contract (employment or otherwise) stated that the original IP holder would gain the IP of the translation, the translator keeps it. You can transfer IP rights.

Quote from: NightWolve on 05/12/2015, 06:17 PMThen that goes back to my technical IP Rights on 100% legal software. Copyright protection on 100% legal software that you created is automatic under the Berne convention. DeuceBag had to use that software one last time for commercial purposes to help a commercial entity. I never licensed it to him for commercial usage, so yes, I can go back and retroactively add a contract/price to that. He, technically, under the law, was supposed to contact the creator of that copyrighted software, me, which he didn't. He didn't think to, didn't care, he violated the law. All matters of technicality that none of them give a shit about cause I don't have the big pockets to pursue the issue in court. Best I can do is resort to negative PR over the Internet.
This argument would fall under contract law not copyright law. Did you specifically have a contract with him that preventing the use of the software for commercial purpose? Copyright law speaks to the distribution of your software. A license, on the the other hand, is a contract. I'm guessing you didn't actually have any contract with him, you just sent it to him with no formal agreement. If you did have an actual license set up, which he had agreed to, you could sue him for violation of contract.
For a good time with the legendary DarkKobold, email: kylethomson@gmail.com
Dildos provided free of charge, no need to bring your own! :lol:
DoxPhile .com / chat


Quote from: NecroPhile on 05/12/2015, 04:04 PMDarkTard just can't help playing the fool.  :lol:
In my opinion, "playing the fool" would be throwing out childish name-calling in an otherwise civil debate. I guess some people just aren't capable of much else.
For a good time with the legendary DarkKobold, email: kylethomson@gmail.com
Dildos provided free of charge, no need to bring your own! :lol:
DoxPhile .com / chat


Quote from: guest on 05/12/2015, 06:37 PMUsually, translation companies have contracts which outline who keeps what regarding intellectual property.This is the same for any engineering firm, or Lipshitz employment contract. Yes, the translator couldn't sell the translation willy-nilly if a fall-out happened. That said, unless the original contract (employment or otherwise) stated that the original IP holder would gain the IP of the translation, the translator keeps it. You can transfer IP rights.
You do not gain legal IP ownership rights on illegally translated results for copyrighted stories that you do not legally own. Period. Otherwise that negates/neutralizes legal ownership by the legal copyright holder and their rights to control derivative works! You can get away with things, on the other hand, sure.

Once again, he is not nor was he ever a "legal" "owner" of the translated scripts - they're not legal objects that he legally gained ownership of as you were told from the very beginning when you tried to classify them as protected derivative works!

QuoteWho Can Produce Derivative Works?

Only copyright owners have the exclusive right to produce derivative works based on their original, copyrighted works.
Not "exclusive" enough for you apparently.

QuoteXSEED, in this case, did want to take a shortcut, so they ignored the infringement by Deuce, and decided to not infringe on him, themselves
He could not legally be infringed upon, he didn't legally own the source material. You speak of morally/ethically infringing/cheating at best. Him hypothetically attempting to use the courts for legal recourse down the road wouldn't likely get anywhere, not unless you had a judge such as the one that granted recourse to the burglar against the homeowner. And they obviously didn't care about any infringing when it came to me, so that angle is all selective.

QuoteUsually, translation companies have contracts which outline who keeps what regarding intellectual property.
Yes, which would never be turned over to some regular employee in some later event. The licensed IP would belong to the company's owner(s). The point was clear, Lipschultz inside, outside, anywhere in the world, unless he legally buys the IP of the Falcom story from Falcom, will NEVER become the legal owner of any translated results he might write in the future. That is a legal technical matter.

QuoteThis argument would fall under contract law not copyright law. Did you specifically have a contract with him that preventing the use of the software for commercial purpose? Copyright law speaks to the distribution of your software. A license, on the the other hand, is a contract. I'm guessing you didn't actually have any contract with him, you just sent it to him with no formal agreement. If you did have an actual license set up, which he had agreed to, you could sue him for violation of contracts.
Wrong. It would fall under copyright law. Prior to the Berne Convention, if you did not provide a clear licensing file/terms of use agreement such as "All Rights Reserved." you could lose out if whatever IP of yours wound up being used by a commercial entity when it was meant for say student/non-profit/fan purposes. Since 1988 and joining the Berne Convention, you no longer had to assert "All Rights Reserved." - the protection is automatic. If you say forgot to include some type of license file today, you still cannot be exploited, due to forgetfulness or ignorance, etc. Businesses know well enough to play it safe and check on whatever software that they're using internally.

QuoteAn author need not "register" or "apply for" a copyright in countries adhering to the Convention. As soon as a work is "fixed", that is, written or recorded on some physical medium, its author is automatically entitled to all copyrights in the work and to any derivative works, unless and until the author explicitly disclaims them or until the copyright expires.
The copyright never expired, nor did I explicitly disclaim any serious rights such as for commercial use on behalf of a commercial entity to my total exclusion!

So yes, DeuceBag violated the IP Rights of my 100% legally created software by using it for commercial activity without permission one last time. Never would've given up my rights in such a way, I would've been a fool to do so! The de facto usage of the software was for fan purposes, but yes, there was no formal agreement either verbally or with a license file. Nonetheless, I didn't lose my rights because I never could've predicted commercialization. He knew he was sneaking around, he was asked to sneak around and so forth. I was the last to know anything by the time it was all over.

QuoteCopyright law speaks to the distribution of your software
It speaks to a bit more than that! The right to profit from your software in the case of for-profit commercial entities or allow it to be used freely for students/non-profits is also apart of it.

QuoteHow the image or software is to be used is important; commercial use is not permitted, while nonprofit educational use is allowed.
DeuceBag could not say claim "fair use" of my software in the 4 commercial scenarios with XSEED that occurred "which in essence allows you to use some copyrighted material without seeking permission from its creator..." Imagine if DeuceBag is now inside XSEED with my software, or he let them handle the porting work, so the software with script was now inside of their offices, etc. Inside or outside, he was acting as a for-profit contractor to their benefit and decided to pretend I didn't matter even though my work hours and software gained him this advantage! Again, the guy that XSEED hired hated me and these events were by design based on all things I've mentioned previously.

QuoteCriminal copyright infringement requires that the infringer acted "for the purpose of commercial advantage or private financial gain."
So basically, you've aggressively returned to continue to argue that DeuceBag gained legal IP ownership over the translated scripts even though he doesn't legally own the Falcom copyrighted stories he translated and even though there's no legal paperwork between him and Falcom to show that he bought the rights to them, etc. but in my case, you deny any legal position of advantage, dismiss everything and ask for paperwork (contract) ??


Point 1: You ignored the 50 Shades example. E. L. James still has copyright over 50 Shades, despite the fact that it infringed on Meyer's copyright. Vanilla Ice's "Ice Ice Baby" was found to violate Queen & Bowie's copyright. Vanilla Ice still owns the rights to "Ice Ice Baby." Sorry, but you're are wrong. If a new entity violates copyright in its inception, that doesn't mean that new entity automatically loses its own intellectual property rights. This is just the legal reality. The original IP owner CAN step in and stop the new entity. However, it doesn't give them the freedom to steal the new entity and use it. 

While you ARE correct that the original copyright holder has rights to prevent or allow derivative works, that doesn't mean that they get intellectual property rights automatically over any illicitly created derivative works. Once again, Meyer can't just go publish 50 Shades of Grey because E.L. James originally infringed on her copyright. Meyer might have be able to legally STOP James. That said, Meyer would still have to license from E.L. James had she wanted to publish 50 Shades of Grey under the Twilight name. This isn't a hard concept.

Point 2: You absolutely have copyright over your software. That said, Fair Use doctrine applies when you DO NOT have the original copyright owner's permission to copy their software. You, the copyright holder, at some point, provided the software to Deuce to use, with the understanding that he'd use it on various computers. Therefore, the restrictions inherent in fair use do not apply. You directly gave Deuce the software with zero restrictions.
For a good time with the legendary DarkKobold, email: kylethomson@gmail.com
Dildos provided free of charge, no need to bring your own! :lol:
DoxPhile .com / chat


Quote from: guest on 05/12/2015, 08:27 PMPoint 1: You ignored the 50 Shades example. E. L. James still has copyright over 50 Shades, despite the fact that it infringed on Meyer's copyright. Vanilla Ice's "Ice Ice Baby" was found to violate Queen & Bowie's copyright. Vanilla Ice still owns the rights to "Ice Ice Baby." Sorry, but you're are wrong. If a new entity violates copyright in its inception, that doesn't mean that new entity automatically loses its own intellectual property rights. This is just the legal reality. The original IP owner CAN step in and stop the new entity. However, it doesn't give them the freedom to steal the new entity and use it. 
Sorry, but you are STILL wrong. DeuceBag is not the legal owner of the translated scripts and will never be - he does not legally own the Japanese source scripts, Falcom does! Period! It is NOT an original work, it is a straight derivative work of copyrighted material by Falcom, so therefore, he cannot become a legal owner and exert legal protection on the translations of that copyrighted material in principle. You apparently do not understand that.

Vanilla Ice used a melody from another copyrighted work. They paid a price for that because the legal copyright holder brought a lawsuit. The rest of the song, the writing, the lyrics was legally theirs and original. What was NOT legally theirs is what they paid a price for! Your example fails to provide an effective comparison to a straight translation of copyrighted material! DeuceBag did NOT gain ANY copyrights on an unlicensed/unauthorized/illegal translation of existing copyrighted material! There is NOTHING that partly became legally DeuceBag's, NOTHING, while part was left as belonging to Falcom!!! It was a straight translation, not an alternate Ys universe story using some characters from Falcom, ideas, here and there, or what have you! YOU ARE A FAILURE, but thanks for trying!

And as for Vanilla Ice, the copyright holder winning the lawsuit could've meant removing the melody, paying big bucks as settlement, or, letting them keep the melody, pay big bucks and perhaps royalties, all depends on what the holder wanted should they win the lawsuit! Anyway, that was somehow supposedly settled out of court I see. Bowie and all the members of Queen settled for being given songwriting credit for the sample and whatever else.

QuoteThat said, Fair Use doctrine applies when you DO NOT have the original copyright owner's permission to copy their software. You, the copyright holder, at some point, provided the software to Deuce to use, with the understanding that he'd use it on various computers. Therefore, the restrictions inherent in fair use do not apply. You directly gave Deuce the software with zero restrictions.
False, it was not provided with the understanding for usage for a commercial entity for commercial purposes! It was only provided for usage for our de facto working partnership. The de facto understanding was for fan purposes. You are wrong! You can distribute things on the Internet and explicitly limit the rights for just fans/students/non-profits but yet restrict in the case of commercial activities. And even if you forgot to license explicit terms, the default protection is all rights reserved. He only had the rights given to him from the understanding of our partnership and was told never to give the software to anybody else I'm pretty sure at the least. It was internal, proprietary software authorized for use, by me, to him, for our fan projects, and for nobody else! He legally, morally, ethically should've asked me first instead of sneaking around which is what he did and then hiding for 3 years.


Quote from: NightWolve on 05/12/2015, 08:39 PMSorry, but you are STILL wrong. DeuceBag is not the legal owner of the translated scripts and will never be - he does not legally own the Japanese source scripts, Falcom does! Period! It is NOT an original work, it is a straight derivative work of copyrighted material by Falcom, so therefore, he cannot become a legal owner and exert legal protection on the translations of that copyrighted material in principle. You apparently do not understand that.

A derivative work isn't a sliding scale, it either is or isn't. 50 shades is a derivative work, Ice Ice Baby is a derivative work, and Deuce's translation was a derivative work. How they are regarded in the law doesn't change. If Deuce had no intellectual property rights to his translated script, then why would XSEED pay him at all? It already existed, and as you said, he has zero rights to it... why would they drop a dime on it? They could have stolen it freely, if he had no IP involved.

Quote from: NightWolve on 05/12/2015, 08:39 PMFalse, it was not provided with the understanding for usage for a commercial entity for commercial purposes! It was only provided for usage for our de facto working partnership. The de facto understanding was for fan purposes. You are wrong! You can distribute things on the Internet and explicitly limit the rights for just fans/students/non-profits but yet restrict in the case of commercial activities. And even if you forgot to license explicit terms, the default protection is all rights reserved. He only had the rights given to him from the understanding of our partnership and was told never to give the software to anybody else I'm pretty sure at the least. It was internal, proprietary software authorized for use, by me, to him, for our fan projects, and for nobody else! He legally, morally, ethically should've asked me first instead of sneaking around which is what he did and then hiding for 3 years.
I don't think anyone disagrees with the moral or ethical agreement. You present a compelling argument here, as to the regards of the expectation. However, as you said, "You can distribute things on the Internet and explicitly limit the rights for just fans/students/non-profits but yet restrict in the case of commercial activities." FYI, the definition of explicit is "stated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubt." You may or may not have reached that threshold in your communications with Deuce. Obviously, if you were in a legal case, there would be discovery, and it would be determined legally. It sounds like you didn't, but wish you had. You assumed it would never be of any value commercially, so you failed to reasonably restrict it.
For a good time with the legendary DarkKobold, email: kylethomson@gmail.com
Dildos provided free of charge, no need to bring your own! :lol:
DoxPhile .com / chat


Think of all the things you guys could be doing with your time, instead of typing out walls of text in an attempt to prove wrong someone whom you've never met.


Quote from: guest on 05/12/2015, 06:06 PMAnd yeah, life isn't fair. Especially in the business world. Welcome to the ebay. 


Quote from: CGQuarterly on 05/12/2015, 09:24 PMThink of all the things you guys could be doing with your time, instead of typing out walls of text in an attempt to prove wrong someone whom you've never met.
when debates get big like this, its time for the tape measure method. Time to start measuring whos unit is bigger to determine the winner of the debate.


Quote from: CGQuarterly on 05/12/2015, 09:24 PMThink of all the things you guys could be doing with your time, instead of typing out walls of text in an attempt to prove wrong someone whom you've never met.
Think of all the things you guys could be doing with your time, instead of whining about each and every piece of content you don't like that shows up on a forum. Or you could just, I don't know, ignore it? You know what this thread is about, just stay out of it.

This conversation is interesting to me. Nightwolve has some interesting arguments, and has mostly laid off the personal attacks. I disagree with him, but its remained cordial.

For a good time with the legendary DarkKobold, email: kylethomson@gmail.com
Dildos provided free of charge, no need to bring your own! :lol:
DoxPhile .com / chat


Quote from: Psycho Alt-Nintega on 05/12/2015, 09:43 PM
Quote from: CGQuarterly on 05/12/2015, 09:24 PMThink of all the things you guys could be doing with your time, instead of typing out walls of text in an attempt to prove wrong someone whom you've never met.
when debates get big like this, its time for the tape measure method. Time to start measuring whos unit is bigger to determine the winner of the debate.
That's fucking stupid and Deucebag already tried that over at the neo forums years ago.  Didn't work all that well.


Quote from: guest on 05/12/2015, 09:22 PMA derivative work isn't a sliding scale, it either is or isn't. 50 shades is a derivative work, Ice Ice Baby is a derivative work, and Deuce's translation was a derivative work. How they are regarded in the law doesn't change. If Deuce had no intellectual property rights to his translated script, then why would XSEED pay him at all? It already existed, and as you said, he has zero rights to it... why would they drop a dime on it? They could have stolen it freely, if he had no IP involved.
And it was an illegal, unlicensed, unauthorized derivative work. How that is regarded in the law does not change! He is not nor will he ever be the legal owner of the translated results. Period.
QuoteWho Can Produce Derivative Works?

Only copyright owners have the exclusive right to produce derivative works based on their original, copyrighted works.
Translation for the stupid: FALCOM! NOT DEUCEBAG!

There's nothing original in the end result that could legally be separated as "his" versus Falcom's like the song example that you provided, moron! Unless he went off and wrote an alternate Ys universe, wrote his own story like Working Designs style! Then that becomes "HIS" story with some parts stolen from Falcom! If it was different enough, MAYBE it could survive a legal challenge with the right kind of judge!

He wasn't paid due to "gaining IP rights" as your falsely set up straw man suggests. He was paid to hand over the text cause it was ready-to-go (just as a professional translation company would do, only that it'd take longer!) and because it came at the advice of the newly hired Thomas Lipschultz who was also an illegal/unlicensed fan translator who worked on that Felghana project as well! They had no programming staff on hand at the time, except for one they gained later for Steam releases, so they couldn't very well extract it out of my patches and you need a view of the original Japanese and English next to it to play match up in porting (only we had that!)! Him or me outputting it from my software, formatting to their Excel sheet was the only way it was gonna get done.

He had ZERO LEGAL IP/Copyright involved, period, and companies have taken fan translations and used them as their own knowing this such as when it comes to free fan subtitles (that is easy to take, doesn't need a pricey IT programming staff to do!)! That they didn't steal it freely doesn't prove he had legal IP/copyrights involved! That's ridiculous! That they at least included him for half moral/ethical reasons (while excluding me) was for PR purposes at the very least and they either needed him or me to port the script over to their format, which would then be given to Falcom to insert back into the game. The only choice was either dealing with both or one of us to transfer the text.

*According to Darkko: Take George Lucas' script/story, translate or just change a few words around, release it, and hey, now it's MY PROTECTED IP!!! YOU ALL BETTER RESPECT MY NEWLY GAINED COPYRIGHTS ON THAT!!!

QuoteObviously, if you were in a legal case, there would be discovery, and it would be determined legally. It sounds like you didn't, but wish you had. You assumed it would never be of any value commercially, so you failed to reasonably restrict it.
I don't think I had to based on all previous arguments made! And even if I had, he's on another computer in another state being instructed to sneak around... They knew they could get away with it! Besides, any clear license agreement with software/games/etc. would be like anything else that's pirated on any given day, greeted with a "whatever" response... But once again, IP/Copyrights are automatic on 100% unique software/music/whatever, etc. and I gave it to him privately for our working relationship, not for anything else, most especially commercial activity with something like XSEED Games so that he'd get to screw me over! Never would've done those work hours for free, or created that software and given it to him under such circumstances down the road. Bottomline, he unjustly, criminally profited from my software and those work hours in the face of a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that he took all for himsefl!


god this is so sad and embarrassing for all that like video games.


Yeah, look to galam for non-embarrassing forum posts, etiquette, subject matter, etc. The guy who can barely string words together!

So Fighting Street gets used for its intended purpose basically, a fight, but then the complaint is from those that don't want to see an actual serious one, that it ??