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Cave Story (Doukutsu Monogatari)

Started by guyjin, 01/09/2009, 07:30 PM

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An awesome neo-old-school run and gunner for the PC. I'm a couple hours into it, and it's great! It's originally Japanese, but there's an English patch available from the site above.

The installation is non-obvious; you just unpack the program into a folder, the patch into another, and run the patch.
Also note that it ignores all keyboard presses except the ones it permits. I originally thought something was wrong when I couldn't get it to start; it wants you to press fire or jump (z or x by default) to start, and not, say, enter.


I've know of the game it's been out for many years.

It's also supose to hit the wii ware some time this year.
Wii U:Progearspec


Played a few hours into it before but never finished it (I really should!). Really fun game.
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
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You just found out about the game now?  :shock:

This is medieval news.