Localization Legend "Supper the Subtitler" has "joined the club" in being targeted for CD-pressings by bootleg master Tobias/PCEWorks! His projects like Private Eyedol, Galaxy Fräulein Yuna 1 & 2, etc. are now being sold on Chinese factory-pressed CDROMs...
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Messages - PCEngineTrev

Yeah its could well be a hoax, not sure what they have to gain in trolling the PCE/TG community, but if youre bored I guess....

Smokemonster thinks it could well be legit, but the fact that the creator is reluctant to post anything other then a couple of short videos is a bit sketchy.
OK so it turns out someone is working on an HuCard form factor Everdrive-like device that can run the CDs. Not sure if its been mentioned here before:
I ordered mine last week, cant wait to get it!

They seem to take an age to ship though. How long after ordering did ppl here get their units? Im based in the UK.
The brick wall is the limitations of the HuCard slot. Does the lack of pins mean the kind of data the CD image would need to stream through there wouldn't ever work? I dont think its something that you can fix by emulating the CD interface with an FPGA as its a physical limitation of the slot itself.
With the release of the Super SD System, it got me wondering what the possibilities were for running the disc images of PCE/Turbo CD games on the greatest handheld of all time.

As we know on the regular home versions of the Turbo/PCE, the CD add-on connects through the rear expansion port. The TE lacks this port, so presumably some kind of mini-super SD system would need to emulate that in some way in order for CD images to interface correctly with the rest of the TE hardware? Or is the huey slot on the TE cable of interfacing with CD images anyways?

Theres also what size can a Turbo Express Super SD system be. Ideally it would need to be not much bigger than...say...a Turbo Everdrive. Can you squeeze all that tech onto something that small?

If it was possible.....just imagine....playing Rondo on the go on real hardware. It could well be impossible, but an interesting thought none the less....
Thanks for the info!

Be interesting to see if this would work on my PAL TG.

An even more interesting thought is; could a smaller version of this be produced that would allow CD ISOs to run on a Turbo Express?
QuoteThey're the same, only the physical shape of the TG-16 shell is slightly different.
So you'd have to mess with the casing on the Super CD System to get it to fit?
Will this work on a TG16? I thought the expansion port had a different pin layout to the PCE one?
Got a TG16 on the way over from the states, just wondering if anyone knows if any UK console power supplys work with it?

The Mega Drive 1 UK PSU works with most of the Jap PC Engine systems, but can it work with a TG16 too?
Buy/Sell/Trade / WTB: TG16 Game cases
10/06/2017, 02:06 PM
I have a few loose turbochip games and I want to get the cases for them so I can properly store them with my other Turbo stuff. These are the ones Im after:

Legendary Axe
JJ & Jeff
Victory Run
China Warrior

Let me know if you have these and would be willing to sell.
Hi and welcome!

NEC were as bad as Nintendo when it came to region protecting accessories. Technically they can work, but the ports/sockets are either a different shape or have a different pin-out.

In a nutshell, no, the PCE Super CD-Rom wont attach to the US Turbo out of the box. Modding the TG16 will allow it to be attached and work if youre happy to do that.

The more experienced guys here can probably tell you exactly what needs to be done to get it to work.

I have a similar issue actually, but Im looking to get the US TG16 CD unit to work with the PAL TG!
I really cant tell if theres anything unique about that GT to justify the insane price. Its somehow attracted 16 watchers!
From the nuggets of info Ive found on the interwebs, it looks like nothing for UK consoles works on a Duo. Managed to pick up a good power supply from these guys though:

Thanks for the responses. Ive had problems with Dreamcasts reading burned discs, even when it does it successfully you can hear the lens jumping around like crazy.

Perhaps older console drives that only spin at 1X speed are less susceptible to wear then later 4-8-12X + drives.
Are burned games likely to damage your Duo though?

I use them on my PCE Duo with no issues, but I keep hearing that older drives (such as the PCEs/Turbos) have trouble reading burned discs, leading to shorter working lifespans. Any truth to this?
I would love that set up, but with shipping and import taxes to the UK its well out of my price range.

Im looking for the CD dock/unit on its own, but it hardly appears on ebay these days.
At least smile when youre holding a bag with two boxed TE's in!
Hey guys,

Been trying to find a case that my TE would fit in, and not one of the now very expensive original carry cases NEC produced in the 90s.

The DMG Gameboy has a ton of options, with new ones still being made.

I was thinking something that would hold a large-ish digital camera might be the right size, as phone cases are super small for the chunky TE.

What do you guys recommend for taking your TE on the go?
Hey guys,

Does anyone know what UK console PSU's are compatible without issues on the black PCE Duo?

I grabbed a Duo for a good price recently but it didnt come with a PSU, was hoping to save cash buying one.

I know the Mega Drive PSU can work with the original white PCE, is that the case with any other models? Thanks!
Thanks for the heads up, Ill give them a shout!
Looking at getting my PAL Turbografx modded for 60hz. Im not quite brave enough to attempt it myself, so Id be happy to pay one of the amazing modders on here to do it if thats possible?
Quote from: guest on 09/29/2008, 10:22 AMThey should have the same mode switch as the Avenue Pads, so you shouldn't have any troubles as long as you have it on the correct setting.
6 button Street Fighter 2:CE goodness here I come!
I saw a Duo RX on ebay for cheap, boxed and everything, ebay were kind enough to offer me 20% off anything I buy this week so I might go for it. I like the six button control pad that comes as standard but Ive heard there are compatability problems with the pad on certain games, similar to the Avenue Pad 3/6 issues?
Hey guys, Im looking to buy a Turbo Duo system. It has to be in working order, and complete with a pad, power supply and connection cables. Ideally a complete boxed system but I dont mind if its loose. Im not after any games bundled with it, but if you have any kind of Duo package your willing to sell, PM me to let me know how much money you would like to sell it for and we can take it from there  :D
Thanks for the info, Im pretty knowledgeable about PCE stuff in general, but not when it comes to the US versions which Ive never owned! I think Ill get myself a Turbo Duo on ebay as there does seem to be more of them then PCE Duos, and they tend to be boxed unlike the PCE Duos Ive seen.

In fact I might head over to the buying/selling forums and see what I can find on there  :D
I had to sell my PC Engine Duo a few months back which was heartbreaking but I needed the money at the time. Im looking to start a collection over again but Im having difficulty finding a PCE Duo that Id like to buy, mainly via Ebay, there doesnt seem to be many of then on there right now.

The other option Im considering is a Turbo Duo, Im guessing they might be more common and less expensive if I grab one via Ebay US. Just wondering what compatibility issues I might have with Japanese PCE HuCard/CD-ROM2 stuff. I know Turbo Duos can play Japanese CD-ROM2 games out of the box, what about Super CD-ROM2 games. Also I know Turbos cant use Japanese HuCards without a converter, does this mean that you will need a converter to add an Arcade card to the Turbo to play Arcade CD-ROM2 games?

Any help from you guys would be awesome....
Hi there,

I aquired a PC Engine GT from a friend who had it stored away in a box and wasnt interested in keeping it. He gave it to me but unfortunately I cant use because it has a couple of issues that make it awkward to use.

It has the low sound issue common with GTs, although this is repairable if you follow the guide posted on here.
The big problem with it is the screen, it wont work when running of batteries and needs a power supply that can provide 12 volts of power for it to work properly. From what Ive been told on here, the screen is needing more power then it should because its on its last legs.

As a result of the screen problem (and the low sound) its useless to me, but everything else about it is fine. All the buttons work, it loads Hucards perfectly (I can tell because I can still hear the ingame audio) and cosmetically its in great condition. Im selling it to anyone on here for spares or repair purposes and I think someone who has the knowledge would just need to replace the screen elements with working ones to have a perfectly usable GT.

If your interested just give me an offer for it on this thread or via PM....
Yeah that sounds pretty reasonable to me. This sound issue isnt really a problem, and it plays hucards fine, even the unit itself is in pretty good cosmetic condition. The screen is the main problem, with its power demands. I dont want to keep running the GT with 12volts as this is surely bad for it over a prolonged length of time. I have a friend who repairs electrical applicances, so I might hand it over to him and ask him if he can see anything wrong with the screen and how it handles power.

Could the screen issues have something to do with the power supply the previous owner used with it?

Thanks for the feedback by the way, v.helpful!  :D
Hey people,

Im new to the forums here, and Ive only recently got into the wonderful world of the PC Engine, I cant believe Id overlooked this awesome console for so long! Ah well, better late then never I guess....

Apologies for making my first post about a technical issue which may have been brought up a million times before, but my own research has failed to give me a firm answer.

I have a GT that I managed to buy off a friend with little interest in keeping old consoles. It has a couple of issues, one being the typical low sound issue, but this is also combined with purplish black screen when turned on. Reading previous posts on the forums showed this to be a common problem, but I managed to work around it by using an adjustable power adapter and setting the voltage at 12V. When running off the 12V setting, the GTs screen works perfectly, albeit with the low sound. I know GTs normally only need 7V of power, yet mine seems to require 12!? This of course means that I cant use batteries on it at all, this wont provide enough power anymore and just leaves me with the low sound and the purplish black screen.

What has caused the GT to require 12volts now? And does this mean that my GT is on its last legs??

Any insight would be appreciated guys, thanks....