Quote from: PCEngineTrev on 04/16/2007, 05:58 PMHey people,
Im new to the forums here, and Ive only recently got into the wonderful world of the PC Engine, I cant believe Id overlooked this awesome console for so long! Ah well, better late then never I guess....
Apologies for making my first post about a technical issue which may have been brought up a million times before, but my own research has failed to give me a firm answer.
I have a GT that I managed to buy off a friend with little interest in keeping old consoles. It has a couple of issues, one being the typical low sound issue, but this is also combined with purplish black screen when turned on. Reading previous posts on the forums showed this to be a common problem, but I managed to work around it by using an adjustable power adapter and setting the voltage at 12V. When running off the 12V setting, the GTs screen works perfectly, albeit with the low sound. I know GTs normally only need 7V of power, yet mine seems to require 12!? This of course means that I cant use batteries on it at all, this wont provide enough power anymore and just leaves me with the low sound and the purplish black screen.
What has caused the GT to require 12volts now? And does this mean that my GT is on its last legs??
Any insight would be appreciated guys, thanks....