12/23/2024: Localization News - Team Innocent

PC-FX Localization for Team Innocent is released, a pre-Christmas gift!! In a twist, it feels like the NEC PC-FX got more attention in 2024 than any other time I can remember! Caveat: The localizers consider the "v0.9" patch a BETA as it still faces technical hurdles to eventually subtitle the FMV scenes, but they consider it very much playable.
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Messages - BigusSchmuck

That is really an awesome find. Even better you got it working now.
$30 still is a bit steep, but I guess its worth it for the adapter. I still have my turbo to duo adapter I got from TZD back in the 90s.
Nice! I think my favs are still Dragon Spirit and R-Type.
After watching this video I really don't know why anyone would waste their time with one considering a pc will have most of the big games on it.
You could say that. Anyway, who all here is going?
Quote from: NightWolve on 09/06/2018, 03:32 PMYeah, I thought that was the one Aaron went to as it's a road trip away from him.

OH MY, so ProJared and Metal Jesus Rocks will be there ? Count me in man, I'd love to meet those guys!!! ;) /kidding

But on a serious note, the Ben Heckendorn dude is pretty cool in my book actually, and I like Ian & Pat NES Punker also to be honest.
Metal Jesus Rocks was across the hall from us at the hotel we were staying at last year. Lets just say he is a rather large and noisy man when he's drunk. lol
Off-Topic / Re: I'm alive...
05/09/2018, 09:24 PM
Yes your paypal info would be great and I get paid on Friday so I can throw some scratch for you.
Quote from: Asmikace on 04/13/2018, 09:24 PM
Quote from: SuperDeadite on 04/04/2018, 04:46 AM
Quote from: Asmikace on 04/03/2018, 04:48 PMLet me in the club, got the Genesis and TG 16 addons for mine with original controllers.
Does anyone have the JB Harold Blue Chicago Blues game? I just want to know if some has it since I cannot find one.
I have both the MegaLD and LD-ROM2 versions.
I didn't realized they made a LD-ROM2 version. I am also looking for Don Quixote but you have to make sure to get the US release for English.
I have it as well, not sure if I'm willing to sell it but am up for trades..
Quote from: hoobs88 on 04/13/2018, 10:27 AM
Quote from: BigusSchmuck on 04/13/2018, 09:42 AMI'm so happy I could play Windows 95 startup on an accordion!
Is that Ron Jeremy?
Nope, just his father's brother' nephew's cousin former roommate which has absolutely no relation what so ever.
I'm so happy I could play Windows 95 startup on an accordion!
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: WTB: IDE hard drives
04/12/2018, 09:18 AM
I might have some old maxtor drives at work. Let me know if you are interested.
Quote from: guest on 04/10/2018, 09:55 PMDoes the Samsung migration software need a Samsung drive for both ends, or just as a target?
Just as a target. Intel is lame that they both have to be Intel drives. I use HDClone, its free and does the job nicely. Just very slow. https://www.miray.de/products/sat.hdclone.html
I got Dragon Warrior 3. Just needing part 4.
+1 for Samsung's ssd migration software. Hence the reason why I usually suggest their ssds over Intel (though Intel has their own migration software). I would also point out M2s are not as great as advertised, seen them fail like those old hitachi deathstar drives.
I bought the LOGH bootleg dvd boxset back in the early 2000s just to have it subbed. It's nice knowing there are other LOGH fans out there. :)
Quote from: guest on 04/04/2018, 11:58 PM
Quote from: BigusSchmuck on 04/04/2018, 11:51 PMJust finished Devilman Crybaby. Brutal. Tits and gore. Enough said.
Groovy. That's on Netflix, isn't it?
Yep, that it is. My few complaints is its too short, they crammed a ton of stuff in 10 eps and took a lot out. Ryo's Engrish in the subbed version is pretty bad. Other than that, I say its better than new Berserk series. Not sure how they will continue the series though unless they put in Devilman Lady or Violence Jack in the mix.
Just finished Devilman Crybaby. Brutal. Tits and gore. Enough said.
Felt this is appropriate:
Quote from: cabbage on 03/09/2018, 07:27 AMthe manhole should be on the 100% english list
Added. And if anyone else has some more to add, will start up the spreadsheet of all these for friendly view!
Yes, NUCS have the worst heat dissipation ever. Especially if you decide to use M2 drives. I have seen them burn out those drives (even with the cheapo heat sink on the m2 drives) quick. I have also used the Lenovo's mini pcs and the same kind of thing, heat killing ssds and hard drives in general. My suggestion: Build one yourself with a third party case though good luck finding a decent gpu for a good price due to those crazy miners.
General Gaming / Re: Super Nt
02/19/2018, 10:26 AM
I have a tough time justifying this if you already have a decent CRT and own the original system.
Off-Topic / Re: Net Neutrality
02/16/2018, 09:43 PM
Quote from: guest on 02/16/2018, 09:40 AMIt's a dumb article that misses the point.  Facebook, Google, Netflix, and Amazon do indeed dominate the internet, but there's nothing stopping me from using one of their many competitors; the point of net neutrality is that for many people there is only viable option for an ISP.

As for the intranet thing, what's the point?  I don't hear anyone clamoring for a tiny local internet that only has things provided by and relevant to the local community; the greatest thing about the internet is that it gives you access to stuff you couldn't get before, not easily anyway.  If I want to shop at the local store, I stop in and shop; if I want to know what my friends, family, and neighbors are up to, I talk to them.
Nailed it. I knew it was missing that something. :P I will like to bring up I find it very interesting states are taking actions on creating their own net neutrality rules. I would move to Montana, but its way too cold for my tastes.
I'm sure there will be more to follow.
Off-Topic / Re: Net Neutrality
02/15/2018, 08:57 PM
Interesting perspective, but my argument what's stopping people doing intranet things on their own?
No rush. If it comes out the same day as the new Rick and Morty that would be cool indeed.
At PRGE last October I had seen a repro of Magical Chase going for $100 and thought to myself, you aren't fooling nobody by doing this. The damn thing didn't even look remotely like the real thing and it was loose.
Quote from: CZroe on 01/24/2018, 01:53 PMQuick question:
Can I share this list in the AtariAge TG16 thread? Someone's asking me for it. I'll give credit.
Go for it. Honestly forgot about this list. :P One day I will create a spreadsheet so it makes a little bit more sense. Those AtariAge guys never did help me with my Jaguar problems btw lol.
Off-Topic / Re: Net Neutrality
01/30/2018, 11:59 PM
Yeah, my old copies got hit by the Bernie curse. Joking. :P I am looking for these two please. I do have stuff to trade too (non dot matrix printers I promise!) Thanks.
Off-Topic / Re: Old School Gamer Magazine
01/25/2018, 09:34 AM
It's not bad, they were handing these out at PRGE last October. Had some spelling errors so I wouldn't say its worth $30 but maybe if it was a yearly subscription (12 issues not 6).
I would recommend the Wizardry and Ultima games for the NES. Rampart for the Famicom is pretty bad ass too. Oh yeah and the original Gooneis. Can't go wrong with that. :P
About the only reason I even considered a FM Towns Marty was due to the enhanced graphics of some of the Ultima and Wizardry games.
Played the demo for Dragon Quest Builders on the Switch, loved it preordered it. Anyone else try it out yet? I think its waaaaaaaaaaaay better than Minecrap.
Yep saw this coming, cutting entitlement programs to pay for the tax cut for the wealthy and rich. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/12/18/16741730/gop-agenda-medicare-social-security
Political suicide if they go through with it.
Off-Topic / Re: Net Neutrality
12/29/2017, 11:30 PM
A brief history on ISPs douchery:
Makes you wonder if people will have to pay a fee to run their crypto coin miners...
If the U.S release wasn't so damn expensive I would pick it up. Its good to know the PCE version is so much cheaper though...
Off-Topic / Re: Net Neutrality
12/18/2017, 11:35 PM
Yep. So much for Republicans holding onto power if they don't overturn this ruling.
Quote from: SuperGrafx on 12/12/2017, 06:29 PMI was wondering about how it ran/performed in comparison to say the X360 version.

How are the load times?  Frame rate issues?  Any weird lagging or stuff like that?
No issues in the least other than its a little dark when playing in handheld mode. Oh yeah and weird bugs like giants not getting into buildings and such. You can still cheese them pretty easily. Still an awesome game and a great port!
Any particular reason why you would want to use VOIP over a cell phone? Hell, if you have good enough internet service, why not just use something like Google Voice on your pc/tablet/celluar device?
Yep there goes my life for the next month or so. :P Very impressed by this port.
My boss at work is spending a grip of cash on pc hardware just to mine. Dropped closed to 20k on server equipment and I think to myself, Christ you can drop 20k on mining hardware but you can't hire decent techs and give the rest of us a Christmas bonus? Yeah greedy bastard.
And then this happened:
What. On. Earth. Is. He. Thinking. World War 3 anyone?
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: Random Stuff for Sale
12/06/2017, 10:13 AM
How much for your Robotech Battlecry?
Great! I hope you guys do more, people need to get off the snes drug and give the PCE more loving!
General Gaming / Re: Got a 32x...
12/02/2017, 10:56 PM
I actually play this more than my Jaguar...  Seriously.
I couldn't stop laughing watching this dog destroy this lady's car.
