PC Engine Homebrew News: The duo that brought you FX-Unit Yuki returns! A demo for "Nyanja!" is available, an action platformer akin to games like Bubble Bobble & Snow Bros in gameplay style.
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Topics - BigusSchmuck

Yeah, my old copies got hit by the Bernie curse. Joking. :P I am looking for these two please. I do have stuff to trade too (non dot matrix printers I promise!) Thanks.
Yep there goes my life for the next month or so. :P Very impressed by this port.
Off-Topic / Net Neutrality
11/23/2017, 12:39 AM
Yeah I'm going there. I'm curious to why every day people are against this. Or maybe they don't understand how the internet works...
General Gaming / Got a 32x...
10/27/2017, 10:43 AM
Got a good deal for a 32x at PRGE this year ($20 from Castlemania games!) and looking for some games for it. I heard that Space Harrier and Afterburner are good arcade ports, but are there any other games worthwhile on the system? I see stinkbay has Kolibri, Tempo, and Knuckles Chaotix but those look rather pricey...
Off-Topic / PRGE 2017
10/03/2017, 11:12 PM
Anyone going this year? 40th anniversary of Atari and all games Star Wars. http://www.retrogamingexpo.com/
I'll be there.
Anyone else playing this? I got it on Steam a few days ago and having a blast with it.
Just realized they came out within 5 days of each other in the U.S? October 10th for the Duo, October 15th for the Sega CD (according to Wikipedia). If there is some truth to this, then the Duo really was a stellar deal.
General Gaming / Friday the 13th the game
07/26/2017, 12:29 AM
Anyone playing? Just got the pc version the other day. Not as bad as the nes version. LOL. But it is bad ass playing Jason even if I do suck.
General Gaming / Mario Augmented Reality
06/23/2017, 08:42 AM
This looks really cool.
General Gaming / Atari Box
06/10/2017, 10:11 AM
Hmm what could this be... A new console?

Been a while since I posted a good article, but if you got 15-20 minutes its a long one.


QuoteThe Story of NESticle, the Ambitious Emulator That Redefined Retro Gaming

The product of a talented programmer who designed a hit shareware game while he was still in high school, NESticle was so good that everyone looked past the fact its name was basically a dick joke.

Backup Link
Curious, what would it take to get Shovel Knight ported to the PCE? Might just be a pipe dream of mine, but its one hell of a platformer.
General Gaming / Final Fantasy 7 Orgins
01/12/2017, 01:10 AM

Really great article on the back story of Final Fantasy 7. Definitely my favorite 3d FF game..
General Gaming / Deadly Towers thoughts
01/01/2017, 09:46 PM

I finally sat down and played this through today (no cheating, just online maps as a guide). Its not as bad as everyone thinks it is, just takes forever to get going. Once you start getting the hyper equipment it becomes significantly easier. Took me about 6 hours to do it and boy the ending is about as great as I thought it would be. lol What are your guy's thoughts? Has anyone else played more than 20 minutes of this game? I suppose I should post some pics of the deed...
General Gaming / Civilization 6
10/25/2016, 12:41 PM
Bad. Crack. Enough said. Who all is playing? I like it much better than Civilization 5, maybe a tad bit more than 4. Really nice they brought back unit stacking and have Sean Bean be the narrator (and you can actually skip it).
Who's in this year?

Prototype Snes Cdrom is being showcased and the Gaming Historian Norm will be there.
Is finally released: metroid2remake.blogspot.com
Here comes the cease and desist letters...
Don't care if its loose, booty whatever as long as it works with my mvs. I'll even trade some dot matrix printers for it. :P
Discuss and post pictures! No cheating with a certain password now!
Why didn't NEC just wait to release the Supergrafx here in the US instead of just releasing the Turbo? I mean aside of the localization and such there was only like 4 months between release dates? It couldn't have been that much more expensive to produce the Supergrafx here in the U.S and hell you could even had older pc engine games to fill in the void until more Supergrafx games were available. Just a weird thought...
Figure its time to raffle these off. Rules:

- Must have at least 100 posts outside of sales
- For an extra entry donate some $$$ to Nightwolve and post a screen shot via pm
- No schmucks

Raffle ends in a week.


Knightwarrior is the winner!
Up for raffle is a Nes to Famicom converter. I don't need it as I have a AV famicom now. Requirements:

- Must have a 100 posts outside of sales
- No schmucks


Raffle ends in a week.

Bernie wins! PM me your address and I'll get it shipped out this afternoon. Thanks for playing.
So this one was a pretty good read about the unintended effects of the drug war:
Tired of messing around with my Famicom converter. Don't care if it's the AV version or original. I just know I just want it. Thanks.

No longer needed, thanks guys!
General Gaming / Fallout 4
11/18/2015, 06:08 PM
Bad. Crack. 500 hours of my life will be lost to this game. Anyone else playing it?
General Gaming / Rampart
11/05/2015, 01:07 PM
Started a game up of Rampart on the SNES. Bad Crack. I'm surprised we didn't see a port of it to the Turbo/PCE since it's ported on almost every other system.. So with that being said, what's everyone's favorite port of Rampart? I personally like the SNES one and the PC port, but haven't played any of the other ports of it yet..
Off-Topic / Ash vs the Evil Dead
11/02/2015, 03:04 PM
Anyone watch this weekend? All I have to say is this:
AWESOME! Enough said. :)
Anyone try this with the PCE/Turbo side? I'm curious as it seems the majority of us are all over the world and if it was super easy to setup maybe we can have people get down on some multiplayer! I know emulation isn't perfect, but to get to Obey with fellow gamers on these forums would be awesome.
General Gaming / Amiga 500
10/27/2015, 03:31 PM
Any Amiga 500 owners out there? I'm in the process of acquiring one. This guy gave me an awesome idea:
Just curious on what are some of the shortfalls in acquiring one? I know most of the games I will want to play require 1mb of ram, but I"m also curious if maxing out the ram on the system would be the best way to go? Thoughts please..
Up for raffle is a $20 gift card to Chevron. As a bonus, I'll throw in a Dragon Warrior 2 manual. It's pretty beatup and is missing the front cover but it's free right? No particular rules, drawing will be held in two weeks.


And the winner is...
slinkyturd, send me your info dude and you got yourself a gift card and manual!
I dunno about you guys, been seeing a lot of sale threads with people posting their first post as a wtb or FS thread.
I have some pc stuff for sale if anyone is interested:
1x Used AMD AM3 Athlon 2 X4 CPU 3.0ghz  $10 (was pulled out of a working system, comes with fan and heatsink)
1x Used Geforce 6200 256mb DDR2 PCIxpress $5 (was pulled out of a working system)
3x Used USB 2.0 4 port PCI cards $5 a piece, buy all three of them for $10

If someone buys all of the above, I'll throw in free shipping.
I do have a PC system for sale, it powers on but doesn't post. For $50 gets you the following:
1x Used AMD AM3 Athlon 2 X4 CPU 3.0ghz
Biostar AM3+ 880GZ motherboard
120 GB Sandisk SSD
650 Kingwin Power Supply
16x DVD Burner
Windows 7 Pro 64-bit OEM license
Brand new Antec VSK3000 case

Shipping will depend on your location. If someone decides they want everything, all the above for $70 and free shipping.
I will post pictures if there is enough interest. Otherwise, off to Feebay.