@GTV reviews the Cosmic Fantasy 1-2 Switch collection by Edia, provides examples of the poor English editing/localization work. It's much worse for CF1. Rated "D" for disappointment, finding that TurboGrafx CF2 is better & while CF1's the real draw, Edia screwed it up...
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Messages - Lochlan

This thread turned out way better than I expected!

Quote from: guest on 03/13/2014, 05:07 PMA penitent man
lost: (lochlanmcintosh.com/share/soldier-blade-raffle.jpg)

I acquired a copy of Soldier Blade US in a trade that has some damage to the back.  Here's a picture:
Soldier Blade damaged back (/soldier-blade-damaged-back.jpg).

It looks like the game was left in the sun.  Nonetheless it appears to run ok.  I soon-after bought a replacement copy (boxed, woo!) so this has only been played a couple times.  I can confirm that it's at least playable to level 3 (it's a touch snug in the Hu slot lol), no idea if this game is "100%" functional but it appears to be.  Obviously the damage is pretty severe, so who knows ?

To enter, just make a post in this thread requesting entry.

I will use some random method to determine the winner at an unspecified date in the future.

  • Anyone may request entry, but I reserve the right to withhold entry or remove someone entered.
  • I will pay shipping, worldwide.  Although if you live somewhere really remote (I am in the US) such that shipping is really outrageous, I wouldn't turn you down if you offered to help cover that cost.
  • You have to actually play it.  Bonus karma to the winner if they post photos of themselves playing :)
  • You must not already own it.  Please, be respectful of this rule--and don't flip this on eBay.
  • If you ever get a replacement copy, please re-raffle this one!

This raffle is as-is, no guarantees.  Please do not enter if you have a problem with that.

  • fsa
  • kentuckycc
  • bishopcruz
  • Keith Courage
  • 420GOAT
  • NightWolve
  • seieienbu
  • Trevpwnsnoobs
  • dallaspattern
  • wildo2ne
  • BigusSchmuck
  • Miracle_Warrior
  • LS650
  • EvilEvoIX
  • munchiaz
  • deubeul
  • wildfruit
These are played, but in pretty good shape.  Hopefully these are priced fairly, but please feel free to make an offer on anything.
Prices include shipping within the US.  Paypal gift (no fees) or +4%.  Money order OK.  No international sales, thanks.

I will provide pictures upon request--just ask!

Ys Book I & II with original case/insert, manual, and MAP! (Just missing outer box.)
$85 shipped
Map has been folded over a third time and has a ~1cm tear, so this can be considered "damaged" to uber-collectors--but otherwise it's in good shape, no stains and not a ton of wear overall.
I will not sell the map separately.  However, PLEASE NOTE that if you want the other copy of Ys that I have for sale (listed below) instead of the copy pictured above, I'll happily switch it out.  The copy shown above has a very miscut manual, which I personally think is very unique/cool--but if you don't agree then let me know and you can buy the boring non-miscut one in its place! :p
Photo of map
Photo of map tear
(Sorry for the picture quality, it's my phone's camera!  Let me know if you want any additional photos!  I can take higher quality photos for any interested party.)

CD Games
$46 Valis III (case, insert, miscut manual)
$43 Ys Book I & II (case, insert, manual--no map)
$23 Last Alert (replacement case, insert, manual)
FREE Sherlock Holmes (loose CD with damaged outer track--boots OK!)

$10 Ys III manual only - front looks nice, back cover is a little wrinkled and has damage from CD case tabs.  No tears

HuCard Games
$23 Veigues Tactical Gladiator  (case, manual, replacement sleeve)
$15 Bonk's Adventure (case, manual, replacement sleeve)
$15 Sinistron (loose, replacement sleeve)
$6 Final Lap Twin (loose, no sleeve)
FREE Keith Courage (loose -or- with manual!) - I have plenty of these, just ask.  And if you just want a copy of Keith (and no other games) send me a PM and I'll sell it for the cost of shipping.


Sold items:
Bonk's Adventure (case, manual, replacement sleeve)  SOLD to gamefreak054
Legendary Axe  SOLD to gamefreak054
Bonk's Revenge  SOLD to gamefreak054
Sidearms  SOLD to gamefreak054
China Warrior SUPER SCUFFED/well loved  SOLD to gamefreak054
Bonk's Revenge with case, manual, sleeve SOLD to Mzo
Buster Bros SOLD to Mzo
Ys III SOLD to Mzo
It Came from the Desert (replacement case) SOLD to Mzo
Riot Zone (loose)  (damaged outer track, boots OK) SOLD to Mzo
Final Zone II SOLD to Jibbajabba
Lords of the Rising SunSOLD to Jibbajabba
I'd like to enter as well, please!

My favorite Ninja is also a part of TMNT, but he's obviously the most bad-ass of them all:

Quote from: nectarsis on 08/02/2008, 11:08 PMNever seen this one..any chance of pics?  :)
There's an excellent chance: you can find pictures online  O:)

Here's my copy:
Quote from: Dragon Warrior Jasen on 06/10/2008, 12:01 AMLochlan, are you referring to reputation pages? Its an entire tab in the members area, and if you are looking at other peoples ratings you can easily see it in the members list or right their on the auction listing.

I guess i don't understand exactly what you are referring to.
Maybe that's what I mean?  I'm not sure what you mean now :P.  Sorry, I should have been more clear; I meant this page:

It took me forever to find.  I eventually found it by going to a completed auction page, where the link is featured prominantly as a number representing the net feedback.

My point here is: why can't I access this page from every place that your user name is output by the gamegavel site engine (like you can on eBay, for example)?

For instance:


My larger point, which I snarkily encoded into that link (which you should really check out, by the way -- TONS of great information about web usability from arguably the leading expert on the subject) is that the gamegavel UI is not user-friendly and does not use information scent well, in that it misleads the user into going to an incorrect page that does not feature what they're looking for.  For most users, if they can't find something virtually immediately, they decide that 1) it doesn't exist or 2) it's not worth their time to look further.

The abstraction you've chosen for the site's hierarchy is overly-complicated and requires too much navigation to complete most tasks (and I say this as someone who is reasonably adept at using gamegavel).

If *I* (a web developer and student in both computer science and electrical engineering) have problems with user-interface limitations, you can bet your bottom dollar that the so-called "average" user is going to have that bad a time or worse.

(Consider this: regardless of the problems eBay has in terms of its marketplace, you can not deny that it is easy to use)
Quote from: PCEngineHell on 06/09/2008, 11:04 AMWhats next, when this doesn't sell is he going to add a treasure chest and a playboy to the lot

This is from awhile ago, but I'm still approximately this sexy.

My hair is a little less scruffy now -- a little.


I really hope he replies in this thread.

Just for fun, I googled this guy.  Here's his myspace: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=56208567  Not that interesting overall, with one amusing exception:


Today's update on the auction:

QuoteUpdate. June 4, 2008.

Thank You Everyone For Looking at this listing.  I have increased the BUY IT NOW Price to $1,880.  Starting bid is now at $380.  My original Starting Price was $880 Just so you all know.  I had no clue the market price for this thing was.  I have not seen another one on ebay, except for a gray one.  Which are VERY Common.  The Grey ones can be just as dirty but you cannot tell.  Think of APPLE 2e and OREGON TRAIL.

I'm sorry to anyone if I offended someone for selling VIDEO GAMES. 




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