12/23/2024: Localization News - Team Innocent

PC-FX Localization for Team Innocent is released, a pre-Christmas gift!! In a twist, it feels like the NEC PC-FX got more attention in 2024 than any other time I can remember! Caveat: The localizers consider the "v0.9" patch a BETA as it still faces technical hurdles to eventually subtitle the FMV scenes, but they consider it very much playable.
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Topics - Lochlan

I have an extra copy of PC Genjin 3 Taikenban.  It's in good shape, I will post pictures later.  I am interested in acquiring Bomberman Users Battle or perhaps something else from my pcedai wishlist.  (Please note that I am NOT interested in incomplete games, spine cards are required if available for a given title.)  Rarities or good games not in my list (that I don't already own) will also be considered.  Cash offers will be entertained but are unlikely to be accepted.

This is somewhere between a trade request and an "interest check" so please understand that I'm bound to be a bit wishy washy when it comes to negotiating.  I'm considering keeping this around for the right trade but wanted to put my feelers out there for now.

Thanks for looking.
Prices include shipping to USA 48 states.  Games are CIC unless noted.  Please feel free to make offers if you don't like the prices.  And I'm much more likely to give price breaks if you buy a bunch of games. 

Payment to be sent via paypal gift

Vasteel US with manual and map, missing outer sleeve $79 shipped
Dungeon Master $39 shipped
Sherlock Holmes, case has damage, untested (will test it out on request) free with purchase over $10
Fighting Street, replacement case $22 shipped sold

Final Lap Twin $9 shipped
Victory Run $8 shipped
Legendary Axe $15 shipped
Chase HQ (manual + Hu + case) $55 shipped
Darkwing Duck (Hu only) $30 shipped
Darkwing Duck (manual + Hu) $60 shipped sold
Galaga '90 $18 shipped sold, shipped
Sidearms $15 shipped sold, shipped
Blazing Lazers $22 shipped sold, shipped
Ordyne (CIB except missing styrofoam) $65 shipped sold
Veigues $22 shipped sold

PC Engine games for sale here: https://www.pcengine-fx.com/forums/index.php?topic=17832

Click images to see larger versions:


I have a lot of extras that I'd like to get rid of.  I'm going to start by posting a list.  At some point I will add prices, and possibly photos.  But, for now, you get a list.  I will PM photos to anyone with serious interest and add them here after taking them.  My pricing for unpriced games will be something like "middle-of-the-road eBay completed auctions minus 10-15%", plus or minus at my discretion.  And if you want to buy a bunch of games I am happy to make deals, just shoot me offers.  All games are case/manual/disc without spine card unless otherwise stated.  This is all gamer's condition and totally playable.  There may be reg cards for some, not sure at the moment.  Anyway, here's the list!

I added a few prices, shipped prices are to US 48 states only

Hu Card:
Zero 4 Champ NEW, side is faded free with purchase over $50 or make me an offer

CD Rom 2:
XZR (Exile)
Super Albatross, side is faded  free with any purchase
Rayxanber II sold

Super CD Rom 2:
Nexzr - has a small weird faded spot on front of manual $125 shipped
Image Fight 2 - Cover/back page of manual not attached to the inner pages $55 shipped
Xak I + II
Moonlight Lady
Future Boy Conan
Cosmic Fantasy 4 Chapter 1
3x3 Eyes
Spriggan 2 - $55 shipped sold
Metamor Jupiter sold
Macross 2036 sold
Anearth Fantasy Stories sold

Arcade CD:
Fatal Fury Special w/ spine (faded)

Also have a bunch of common US games and Vasteel US (no sleeve), see this thread here: https://www.pcengine-fx.com/forums/index.php?topic=17847

PM me with offers!  Thanks for looking.
I don't know if any of you guys used this site, but,

IT IS DOWN!!  ARRRRGHH!!  I wish I had've had the foresight to download it, it was a super useful docs site!

Does anybody know who ran it?  If they maybe have a copy backed up or something and could send it to me?  I would be happy to host it.  Thanks!
Have any of you tried implementing this in ASM or HuC?  Or for another (perhaps similar) platform?  I googled a bit and I think I understand the basic high-level concepts of variable width fonts, but I have no idea what an implementation would look like on PCE.  I'm looking for any places to start before I go digging.  Thanks!
The other day I open-sourced a little demo I worked on briefly.  Take a look here: https://github.com/Lochlan/pce-arpg

Don't get too excited, there's not much to see!  There's no collision detection, enemies, levels, or much of anything.  Not even a readme!  It's just the dude from Neutopia walking around, and you can use the I & II buttons to swing your sword.  Try holding down the button and walking around for "swing" attacks!

I may revisit this code later, but I just wanted to put it out there for anybody to look at who's interested.  I make no claims that any of this code is good, let alone production-ready.

Feel free to make a pull request if you want to hack on this a bit.  Or just fork it and go crazy, consider this code public domain!

I hope somebody gets some use out of this, I'll post a README.md at some point so more people are more likely to stumble upon it.
Every time I fight the first enemy in Hi Leg Fantasy, I die.  Before I even get a hit in, while my character's "ATB" meters are charging, my whole party gets smashed.

I've tried experimenting with some different configurations of items (but I don't understand Japanese and I might be buying the wrong items?) but so far I haven't been able to figure out how to beat the first enemy.  What am I doing wrong?  Any advice?

Thanks for reading.
The cut-scenes are very well done.  I have to admit that I really like the title song as well, I listened to it three times before even beginning lol.  Everything else about this game is absolutely awful.

After clearing Cosmic Fantasy 2, which itself sports a pretty mediocre engine, I wasn't expecting much--but I was actually impressed at how awful the first game is.  If I was playing it in 1989 as-intended I probably would have been so blown away by the cut-scenes that nothing else would have mattered.  But it is one of the most primitive JRPGs I have ever played.  The menus are clunky beyond belief.  It is on-par with or worse than Dragon Quest 1.  I'm also shocked that somebody managed to release a game with such impressive cut-scenes paired with such crappy tiles and character sprites.  And the load times, good God!  I got ten minutes in and just couldn't take it any more.

I have higher expectations for later titles.
Buy/Sell/Trade / WTB: Spine Cards
04/19/2014, 10:31 PM
I'm not expecting a lot, many of these games are hard to find.  I thought it was worth a shot though.  Let me know if you have any of these, I'll happily pay fair market value.

Image Fight II
Macross 2036
Metamor Jupiter
Spriggan Mark 2
Horror Story
Valis 1
Moonlight Lady
Faussete Amour
Popful Mail
Martial Champion
Rainbow Islands

Thanks for looking!
Here's a summary of what happened.

1. I buy an empty box for Parasol Stars and Devil's Crush a day or two apart.  Devil's Crush arrives without issue.  Parasol Stars is listed as "out for delivery" for days.  I e-mail the seller asking if they insured the package since it seems to be lost in limbo.  No response.

2. I go to the post office, turns out the seller sent priority box with first-class postage.  USPS doesn't allow that and charged me for priority mail, so I had to pay $4 to release the package.  Also the package was 7oz and they paid for 6oz so I owed for the extra ounce as well.  I e-mail the seller and tell them about it.  No response.  I wait a few days.

3. Having never heard from the seller, annoyed that I had to pay extra moneys for their mistake, I leave negative feedback.  I finally get a response!

Quoteyou paid no shipping on both products and i have the tracking slip still
with the hipping price and weight which was and always is 7 oz. i will be
contacting ebay about these items and the bad feedback. I dont make the
package size ebay does. Enjoy not being able to buy my other 30 games cib.
Or any other deal I sell all my products lower than anyone. That was just
my empty boxes.
I respond with a picture of the box that says 6oz and postage due and say this:
QuoteHi.  I attached a photo of the label.  Note where it says six ounces, and note where it says "postage due" many many times.  The amount written on the box was re-calculated when I was at the post office and was $3.77.

First off, I have an amazing TG/PCE collection, I have Shadowgate, Cotton, Tonma CIB, etc.  It's hilarious that you're saying I can't buy from you anymore as if it's some sort of missed opportunity for me.  Why would I ever want to buy from you again?  My experience with you was pretty poor so far.  Why would you even bother writing a message like that?    The prices I paid for these boxes was pretty good, and the condition is reasonable.  I am satisfied in that regard.  But, really, if you wanted to avoid the negative feedback you should have replied to my message.  Either of them.  I guess now you'll know for next time?

BTW if you would like to pay me the postage you claimed was "free" (plus my own $4 I guess?) it would be appreciated.
I don't leave feedback for Devil's Crush.  Maybe I should have?  I get an unsolicited message from them:
Quotewhy dont you go ahead and rate the other box? its because your an ignorant prick burn in hell loser 3 dollars your a broke joke clearly wow that is so pathetic. realizing you admitted you got great prices yet 3 dollars matters so much all of a sudden. Get a life and stop acting like your doing someone a favor by being a prick. you got shit for a collection considering you ate up two common game boxes like they were candy.
I leave more negative feedback and report them to ebay.  Fin.  (Or is it?)

Just found this whole thing pretty hilarious and wanted to share with y'all that this person is a nut in case they post some juicy turbobs on the bay.
Buy/Sell/Trade / WTB: SuperGrafx console
03/15/2014, 03:28 PM
Mainly interested in the console only (I don't need any controllers or hook-ups), but I'll entertain any offers.  Cosmetic condition is not too important.

I bought some PCE games recently that came with resealable plastic bags, allowing the spine card to be displayed.  I like how the games look with the spine card visible.  To anybody here that does this: what bags do you recommend? (If you can provide a link that would be even better!)  Any particular brands to avoid?

Rayxanber II with case, manual, and CD.  No spine or reg card.

In nice shape.  Manual has very light signs of being read, disc is super good with only the faintest scratches/marks.  PM me with any questions.

$40 shipped (US, continental 48 states)
lost: (lochlanmcintosh.com/share/soldier-blade-raffle.jpg)

I acquired a copy of Soldier Blade US in a trade that has some damage to the back.  Here's a picture:
Soldier Blade damaged back (/soldier-blade-damaged-back.jpg).

It looks like the game was left in the sun.  Nonetheless it appears to run ok.  I soon-after bought a replacement copy (boxed, woo!) so this has only been played a couple times.  I can confirm that it's at least playable to level 3 (it's a touch snug in the Hu slot lol), no idea if this game is "100%" functional but it appears to be.  Obviously the damage is pretty severe, so who knows ?

To enter, just make a post in this thread requesting entry.

I will use some random method to determine the winner at an unspecified date in the future.

  • Anyone may request entry, but I reserve the right to withhold entry or remove someone entered.
  • I will pay shipping, worldwide.  Although if you live somewhere really remote (I am in the US) such that shipping is really outrageous, I wouldn't turn you down if you offered to help cover that cost.
  • You have to actually play it.  Bonus karma to the winner if they post photos of themselves playing :)
  • You must not already own it.  Please, be respectful of this rule--and don't flip this on eBay.
  • If you ever get a replacement copy, please re-raffle this one!

This raffle is as-is, no guarantees.  Please do not enter if you have a problem with that.

  • fsa
  • kentuckycc
  • bishopcruz
  • Keith Courage
  • 420GOAT
  • NightWolve
  • seieienbu
  • Trevpwnsnoobs
  • dallaspattern
  • wildo2ne
  • BigusSchmuck
  • Miracle_Warrior
  • LS650
  • EvilEvoIX
  • munchiaz
  • deubeul
  • wildfruit
I happen to have an extra copy of Beyond Shadowgate (missing poster, otherwise complete and in reasonable played shape).  I would like to trade it for other expensive TG games if possible.  My current top wants are:

Dynastic Hero
Might & Magic III
Super Air Zonk
Legend Of Hero Tonma

(US versions only, please!)

Depending on the value on either side of the trade, cash or items could of course be added.  I have some other nice stuff available, too, and cash is always an option if you already have Beyond Shadowgate but have one or more of my wants for sale.  Please PM me with offers!  Pictures available for serious inquiries.

As far as feedback goes, since I'm discussing some pretty high-value items: I have done a handful of deals here both recently and in the past, and also have feedback on Neo Geo and a few other gaming forums.  I do also have a currently-active eBay account with a recent history of selling expensive items.  I am happy to message you from any of these accounts to confirm my identity.  I will probably expect you to ship first unless you are an exceptionally notable collector (and even then may still have that expectation), so please bear that in mind before sending any offers or other inquiries.  Thank you for your understanding.

I have a working game engine for a horizontal shooter and I am stuck on the art.  I'm fairly far along, the engine supports multiple enemy types and objects through a kind of primitive polymorphism, has collision detection, etc.  It's also fairly fast, I can support a pretty large number of objects on-screen simultaneously.  A lot of the finer points haven't been handled (how I handle player death, points, etc.) but that's largely because I've been trying to figure out the graphics myself...and failing to come up with satisfactory results!

Are there any artists here who might be interested in collaborating?  I want the game to be a fairly generic space shooter, thematically and visually.  I would need to maintain creative control of the project.

I'm not ready to show off to the forums at-large (my graphics suck!!) but I'm happy to e-mail a ROM of my WIP to anyone who might be seriously interested.   I am willing to do some kind of profit sharing with an artist who works on this project with me through completion, although any interested party should be aware that this a labor of love and realistically there is no money in this.

Anyway, if this sounds like something you (or somebody you know) could be interested in, please send me a PM (preferably with a link to some kind of portfolio).

Thanks for looking!
Like the title says: I would like a copy of Dragon's Curse, complete in the case.  If you have a boxed version I am potentially interested in that instead, but mainly I just want the case so it looks nice on my shelf.

Please PM with offers!  I will happily pay fair market value, so let me know what you've got!
Has anybody seen this before?

I will update later with pics, but basically the manual is cut wrong--you can see the bottom of another Valis III cover at the top of this one.  The miscut isn't huge, less than a cm.

Just wondering if this was common, I have another copy that doesn't have it and I don't think I've seen another one miscut like this--but obviously the ones above and below it on the print sheet are miscut as well, lol.
Macross 2036

In a replacement CD case (black tray, not white).  Disc has a few light scratches, manual has a few wrinkles, foil sticker on insert is a bit crinkled.

$16 shipped within US.  Paypal gift (no fees) or +4%.  Money order OK.  No international sales, thanks.


These are played, but in pretty good shape.  Hopefully these are priced fairly, but please feel free to make an offer on anything.
Prices include shipping within the US.  Paypal gift (no fees) or +4%.  Money order OK.  No international sales, thanks.

I will provide pictures upon request--just ask!

Ys Book I & II with original case/insert, manual, and MAP! (Just missing outer box.)
$85 shipped
Map has been folded over a third time and has a ~1cm tear, so this can be considered "damaged" to uber-collectors--but otherwise it's in good shape, no stains and not a ton of wear overall.
I will not sell the map separately.  However, PLEASE NOTE that if you want the other copy of Ys that I have for sale (listed below) instead of the copy pictured above, I'll happily switch it out.  The copy shown above has a very miscut manual, which I personally think is very unique/cool--but if you don't agree then let me know and you can buy the boring non-miscut one in its place! :p
Photo of map
Photo of map tear
(Sorry for the picture quality, it's my phone's camera!  Let me know if you want any additional photos!  I can take higher quality photos for any interested party.)

CD Games
$46 Valis III (case, insert, miscut manual)
$43 Ys Book I & II (case, insert, manual--no map)
$23 Last Alert (replacement case, insert, manual)
FREE Sherlock Holmes (loose CD with damaged outer track--boots OK!)

$10 Ys III manual only - front looks nice, back cover is a little wrinkled and has damage from CD case tabs.  No tears

HuCard Games
$23 Veigues Tactical Gladiator  (case, manual, replacement sleeve)
$15 Bonk's Adventure (case, manual, replacement sleeve)
$15 Sinistron (loose, replacement sleeve)
$6 Final Lap Twin (loose, no sleeve)
FREE Keith Courage (loose -or- with manual!) - I have plenty of these, just ask.  And if you just want a copy of Keith (and no other games) send me a PM and I'll sell it for the cost of shipping.


Sold items:
Bonk's Adventure (case, manual, replacement sleeve)  SOLD to gamefreak054
Legendary Axe  SOLD to gamefreak054
Bonk's Revenge  SOLD to gamefreak054
Sidearms  SOLD to gamefreak054
China Warrior SUPER SCUFFED/well loved  SOLD to gamefreak054
Bonk's Revenge with case, manual, sleeve SOLD to Mzo
Buster Bros SOLD to Mzo
Ys III SOLD to Mzo
It Came from the Desert (replacement case) SOLD to Mzo
Riot Zone (loose)  (damaged outer track, boots OK) SOLD to Mzo
Final Zone II SOLD to Jibbajabba
Lords of the Rising SunSOLD to Jibbajabba
Hiya, folks!

I'd like to buy an Arcade Card Duo.  The lowest-price possible is preferred, so loose/beat-up is OK.  Please PM me with a shipped price to zip code 97007 (USA).

I will entertain offers for complete copies as well (or even an Arcade Card Pro), but I really want to get this thing on the cheap!

Thanks for looking!
I'm writing an STG engine in HuC/Assembly and I'm nearly finished with the engine part of it.  I'm very far along--I can do stuff like generate enemies, handle player/enemy/bullet collisions, handle updating my stacks of objects in the game loop, etc.--but there is something holding me back.  It's (maybe) not so much a question of programming as it is code structure:

How the hell do I program a level?

Since this is an STG, basically I need to create a series of enemies that are generated on a timer, that's going to solve my problem.  But I'm wondering how to develop this programmatically.  Do I just have a level1(), level2(), etc. series of functions with their own game loops, each calling add_enemy() functions on a timer?  Do I figure out how to incorporate some sort of scripting language, writing scripts for the levels and letting the engine interpret them?  This is not the first STG game engine I've built, but is the first one I've bothered to try and make real levels for.

I looked a bit on stack overflow and found some ok answers (if not exciting ones), but I'm wondering what you other PCE devs do.

Thanks a lot for any responses!
Recently I've been playing around with the sound hardware (under emulation).  For some reason I can't get white noise to work in my huc project.  I'm calling this function on a button press:

whitenoise() {
lda     #4              ; Select channel 4
sta     $800
lda     #%000_11111     ; Stop playing waveform
sta     $804            ; and set volume to $1F
lda     #$FF            ; Balance settings
sta     $805
lda     #$80+2          ; Noise ON and set frequency
sta     $807

...but nothing is happening.  I ripped this directly from the huc documentation (doc/pce/psg.txt) so I don't understand why this isn't working.  I've used the button to do other things in other contexts, so I know that the function call should be fine.  I've tried playing with various values in the lower 5 bits written to $807 but nothing seems to be working.  I'm running my .pce ROM in Mednafen (after having various issues with Magic Engine).

What is going on here?  Does anybody have an idea?  Any advice is greatly appreciated.
I started messing around with HuC and so far I have a sprite you can move around on the screen.  (Aw yeah!)  I'm trying to go deeper, and found out that these exist:

A Crash Course In HuC - Part 3 - Gone Loopy
A Crash Course In HuC - Part 4 - Playing With Yourself
A Crash Course In HuC - Part 5 - Animaniacs
A Crash Course In HuC - Part 6 - Of Bonks And Magic Scrolls
A Crash Course In HuC - Part 7 - The State Of The State

Unfortunately it looks like ObeyBrew is down, and these aren't on the Internet WayBack machine.  Does anybody have a copy of these they could post here?  I will keep moving forward regardless, but it would be easier if I had some tutorials to work from.

How to I get the charge weapons in Shubibinman (featured in the intro)?

I'm assuming it's something I buy on the pre-level screens?  How do I get it?

And can somebody please explain to me what items are for sale?  I couldn't find a FAQ or anything for the game.
I just picked up Bomberman '94 Taikenban for next to nothing.  I tried looking on ebay to see what it goes for but couldn't find anything for sale now or within the last 30 days.

Anybody have any ideas?  The case is a little scratched and there's no spine card, but the disc is MINT and the insert is near mint.
I want Wonder Momo for the PC Engine (or if somebody has a PCB I'd consider taking that too :P).

Complete copy in nice shape strongly preferred, but all offers will be considered.  (If you have a loose Hu and you're practically giving it away, we can probably work something out)

Please PM me with offers.
How do you beat the boss in China Warrior level 2-1?

For the bosses on 1-1 through 1-3 my strategy was pretty much "mash kick as much as possible", which seemed to work pretty well.

The 2-1 boss keeps doing her little hurricane kick deals and other special moves, and has alot more reach than I do (or that's how it seems anyway).  Jump kicks are totally useless.  Punching is pretty much waiting to get hit.  All I have are my kicks, but she destroys me before I can enough hits in.

Any tips?
It wasn't that long ago when you could easily find Air Zonk loose for under $30 (and I would have considered that to be a somewhat high price).  Prices have seemingly doubled (or worse) on eBay.

What do you guys think about this?  This has to be a result of the Virtual Console exposing more people to the game, right?  Does this mean that other fun, uncommon games for the TG-16 are bound to increase in price as VC versions are released (and discovered by the formerly uninitiated)?

1. All prices include shipping to the continental US. (Int'l buyer ok, shipping will be extra)
2. Paypal preferred (no fees), money orders are OK.
3. If you want me to take more or better pictures of anything, just let me know.
4. Feel free to make me an offer.

TURBOGRAFX-16 (HuCard-only)

Bonk's Revenge - $9
Blazing Lazers - SOLD to ApolloBoy!

Both games have moderate scuffing but are in good, playable condition.

HuCard picture: http://web.pdx.edu/~lpm/games_for_sale/tgfront.jpg
(Sorry the picture so crappy)


Capcom Generation 3 (JP)
Manual has minor creasing, disc has a couple very light scratches. The case has some light scratching and a couple tiny little cracks but nothing serious. No spine card.

Albert Odyssey (JP)
Disc is in so-so condition: no big scratches, but kind of "scuffed" looking, like maybe somebody rubbed it with a linty cloth. Manual is ok shape, case is scuffed but decent, but the CD tray has a few loose teeth. No spine card.

saturn picture: http://web.pdx.edu/~lpm/games_for_sale/saturn.jpg


Capcom Generation 5 (JP)
The manual is in excellent shape; it has clearly been read and has minor creasing and a ding on the front, but it looks really nice. The disc has only a few very very light scratches. The case has some price-tag goo on it and light scuffing. No spine card.

comcom gen 5 picture: http://web.pdx.edu/~lpm/games_for_sale/capcomgen5.JPG

I have feedback on the neo-geo forums under this user name.  Click here: http://www.neo-geo.com/forums/itrader.php?u=16231

FREE copy of Keith Courage (HuCard only) and/or Virtua Cop Sega Saturn (US disc only) with any purchase
PC Engine controllers wanted! Only looking for 3-button and 6-button pads right now.

I would also consider custom/modded controllers, even if they're ghetto-rigged from an old macintosh cable or something.

Let me know what you've got!

(if you are curious, I have feedback on the neo-geo forums under this user name)