12/23/2024: Localization News - Team Innocent

PC-FX Localization for Team Innocent is released, a pre-Christmas gift!! In a twist, it feels like the NEC PC-FX got more attention in 2024 than any other time I can remember! Caveat: The localizers consider the "v0.9" patch a BETA as it still faces technical hurdles to eventually subtitle the FMV scenes, but they consider it very much playable.
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Messages - Lochlan

TailChao, please sign me up for purchasing one card.  Thank you!
Quote from: SuperDeadite on 03/19/2015, 09:29 PMFalsion must be played with the 3D Glasses.

Can you see 3d successfully?  It's never worked for me, I have the same experience as this guy: http://atariage.com/forums/topic/236401-falsion-with-the-famicom-3d-system/

Pretty disappointing as Falsion is cool game that would really benefit from the 3d.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: WTB Coryoon
03/16/2015, 08:20 PM
Buy an everdrive?  $200 for a complete copy would be considered cheap these days.
Quote from: schweaty on 02/21/2015, 01:58 PManyone have an update on this?
I guess you haven't been around long enough to remember how long Mysterious Song took?  Pre-orders opened three years before the game was finally released.

I'm anxious to receive this game too (my pre-order will be a year and a half old next week!) but given what happened with the Old Rover's last project my expectations for the timeline are generous.  I can't feel totally let down because I knew this would happen, and as an over-extended developer myself I sympathize with these sorts of timeline issues.  (I think most people who have developed software have had at least one project go like this.)  I'm also personally confident that the game will eventually be released, although I wouldn't be shocked if it took another year or more.

If it were up to me I think I would offer beta access to customers who pre-ordered.
Awesome raffle, please enter me!
I really like the Lufia font, but the Lagoon one is good too.

It would be amazing if this received a dub.
I have a played condition copy without obi, does that interest you?
Quote from: Sarumaru on 01/13/2015, 12:41 PMNot like anyone owns these copyrights anymore anyway. :)
I'm sure that's not true.
THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU!!!! + mad props to SAMIAM for being such a prolific translator in recent times.

I'm glad to see an accomplished ROM hacker such as yourself working on this project, I'm sure whatever state you leave it in will represent some non-zero progress even in the worst case.  I'm hoping for the best, though, I've been wanting to play this one for a long time!
Quote from: cjameslv on 01/09/2015, 04:36 PM
Quote from: Lochlan on 01/09/2015, 03:52 PM
Quote from: cjameslv on 01/09/2015, 02:19 PMThank you, it arrived safely. I ended up switching the case and printing a back insert :)
No love for the original case?
Yeah the pack-in was not given the love possibly due to the system near end of life, compared to the prior release which also included back insert and map.
I meant no love from you since you replaced it!
Quote from: cjameslv on 01/09/2015, 02:19 PMThank you, it arrived safely. I ended up switching the case and printing a back insert :)
No love for the original case?
Quote from: Sarumaru on 01/06/2015, 02:14 PMDrunk posting, fun. But in all seriousness, I sometimes see spine cards for prices like 30 and 40 dollars.. wut??
Sometimes I see product X for $Y.  Why is that?  How do markets work?  Plz halp.
Please enter me into your raffle.
The bugs really hurt the experience.  I had the game freeze on me ~10 times through in my own play-through.  The worst one was when it froze immediately after killing the boss.  Ugh.  Had to make my way through the final dungeon again to see the ending.
Quote from: fragmare on 12/23/2014, 10:14 PMWould you need the expanded System Card 3.0 RAM to play the game, or merely to hack the game?
Quote from: TurboXray on 12/21/2014, 10:47 PMYes, you would need this card to play them.
Why do it over e-mail?  Just post the screenshots here.
Nulltard my friend,

I have access to a free Magical Chase (sealed US) for you, but currently it is being held in customs from a previous shipment, as a duty fee is due.  If you send a payment of $50 US to me by wire I can file the paperwork to get the game released and send it to you, it would be my honor to send this game to a celebrity such as yourself.  Please send payment fast or the product will be destroyed by the local post office.

Kindest regards,
I have an extra copy of PC Genjin 3 Taikenban.  It's in good shape, I will post pictures later.  I am interested in acquiring Bomberman Users Battle or perhaps something else from my pcedai wishlist.  (Please note that I am NOT interested in incomplete games, spine cards are required if available for a given title.)  Rarities or good games not in my list (that I don't already own) will also be considered.  Cash offers will be entertained but are unlikely to be accepted.

This is somewhere between a trade request and an "interest check" so please understand that I'm bound to be a bit wishy washy when it comes to negotiating.  I'm considering keeping this around for the right trade but wanted to put my feelers out there for now.

Thanks for looking.
^From the downloads and links page of pcedev.wordpress.com:

QuoteNES2PCE projects:

- Castlevania 1 ver 0.44 (early beta)
- Contra ver 0.35 (early beta)
- Ducktales 2 ver 0.31 (early beta)
- Robowarrior ver 0.27 (early beta)
- SMB 1 ver 0.21 (early beta)

Note: The above nes2pce stuff have older audio emulation, and will sound off. They haven't been updated with the newer AUP core yet. Once I get sweep emulation working, I'll update all of the above roms.
...which I assume is what you're referring to.
Hori Fighting Pad PC all the way.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: WTB: Double Dragon 2
11/26/2014, 11:57 AM
How much are you offering?
Quote from: PunkCryborg on 11/23/2014, 04:33 PMNow this is the kind of thing those blank hu cards need on them, not magical chase
OMG THIS LOOKS AMAZING!  Thanks so much for posting this, I'm really looking forward to trying this out!
Fighting Street / Re: eBay shaming
11/21/2014, 11:04 AM
Quote from: guest on 11/21/2014, 08:01 AMDo you own any games at all? Do you play them all regularly? None that you wanted to get to, but just haven't had the time/inclination for that one title?
I have hundreds of games that sit on my shelf.  I also don't run around calling other people "collectards," 'cause stones and glass houses and all that.
Fighting Street / Re: eBay shaming
11/21/2014, 04:00 AM
Quote from: guest on 11/20/2014, 10:28 PMI play the games I own.
I'm sure you have played your games, but if you have enough titles that you could play a different one every day for two years then I think it's pretty clear that they all sit on a shelf basically all the time.
Quote from: esadajr on 11/17/2014, 07:00 PMYou get to play good games on the original hardware without making the laser work extra.
You can buy five or six lasers for the cost of this set.
Quote from: guest on 11/14/2014, 10:52 AM(pachinko controller)
I just got one of these myself the other day, also from hit-japan.  Really awesome controller, I've been having a ton of fun with pachio games!
Quote from: guest on 11/13/2014, 05:02 PMAnd I give zero fucks about your spine card market.
God fucking damnit I used the wrong terminology.  I understand that you think I'm implying that, ALL I MEANT was that it would be shitty if somebody bought a game with a spine card and found out it was fake [just to be super clear I mean it would be shitty NOT because of "lost value" per se but because they expected an authentic pc engine item and received a counterfeit].  I am not talking about reselling anything.  This shit is going to be buried with me.  /rant

I get that giving a shit about game value is like poison to the community values here and I definitely misspoke, but, please, I am only advocating for living in a world where counterfeit games are less of an issue, no more no less.
Quote from: guest on 11/13/2014, 03:57 PMAnd I'm still LOLing about the spine card market.  Jesus, I like getting obis as much as the next guy but come on, it's a fucking piece of paper.
Heh I deserve a ribbing for the phrasing, it came off a bit odd.  But I imagine that if you bought an authentic game with a counterfeit obi you probably wouldn't be too thrilled.  I think the PCE memories made that little bit of misrepresentation more possible.  Perhaps that's paranoid, but seeing Sapphire boots listed as authentic has made me paranoid.  I expect most of you don't really care about the obis one way or the other, I like them a lot because I store my games in plastic sleeves with the obis on the outside of the case.

Anyway this release apparently goes far out of its way to look like a different product, which is good news to me.
Quote from: esadajr on 11/13/2014, 01:49 PMspine card market? what are you talking about?
The PCE memories spine cards look very similar to originals so now it's that much harder to ensure spine cards for the games in that set are authentic.  That's all I meant, I agree that using the phrase "spine card market" was a confusing way to state that.
Quote from: guest on 11/13/2014, 12:55 PMI bought Sapphire years back because it's pressed and my TurboDuo won't play CDRs at all.
I'm guessing you got your Sapphire boot for super cheap or free but IMO it makes way more sense to adjust/replace a laser (having someone else do the work if necessary) than to spend a bunch of money on pressed discs.  I have the same argument vs. people who want to "prolong" the life of their laser (which is a mechanical part doomed to failure anyway) since the cost of CDRs+Laser << the cost of pressed discs.

I would never support a bootlegger like this, who as far as I'm concerned has already had negative effects on the spine card market with his last release.  I appreciate that he's most-recently trying to differentiate his new stuff from the real product (unlike the care4data Sapphire debacle) but he didn't go far enough with the spines.  The only positive effect I've seen is that PCE Memories seems to have been a small release valve on demand, I was able to pick up real Kaze Kiri+Faussete+Sylphia all with spines for far less than I could have prior to PCE Memories.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: Legend of Hero Tonma
11/10/2014, 08:22 PM
How much?
Quote from: Gentlegamer on 11/08/2014, 12:49 AMBlazing Lazers cic $175 BIN
There are multiple sealed copies on eBay for less.  I don't understand how this could have occurred.  I'm genuinely curious to know what this person was thinking.

And you gotta love this choice quote from the auction:
Quotehardly used was more of a collection
Off-Topic / Re: Mail Fail
11/06/2014, 05:29 PM
FYI eBay policy about return shipping changed recently, if your item is not as described (or whatever they call it these days) sellers have to pay the return shipping.  So all hope is not lost, although you'll have to find another box of course.

That really sucks man, sorry to hear it.
Quote from: reno5 on 11/04/2014, 03:16 PMI can confirm Sidearms was available at my local RadioShack up north
But was it available as a French version with a French manual?  (Or was it a gray market item?)  Do you have any pics?
Quote from: Nulltard on 11/04/2014, 08:04 AMI'm not disputing anyone's statements/claims... but i am beginning to think the project of identifying which games have box differences, full manuals vs shiny inserts, and which came with escargot gift certificates is going to be a chore. Haha...
There are three kinds of box/manual configurations for French language games.

1) Old style boxes (four screenshot black boxes).  They original English text is under the top two screenshots and then there is a French translation under the bottom two.  There is an Ontario address for NEC Canada and usually some fonts are different, there seem to always be slight variations.  A French manual is included OUTSIDE the jewel case (same quality as original manual).  All this is true for the two white box CD games as well.

2) NEC released "colored" boxes.  The game genre on the back is in French and the description has smaller text with both English/French descriptions.  I think they have the Ontario address also but generally less variance than with the old boxes.  Also include a French manual outside the jewel case (same quality as original manual).  All this is true for the boxed CD games

3) TTI releases.  UPC sticker and a glossy b&w paper manual.  You can really see the cost-cutting measures with this one

What I'm not sure about is the CD games without boxes.  I know at least Beyond Shadowgate had a Canadian release with the UPC sticker but I've never seen a French manual for the unboxed CD titles.
I can't 100% confirm it's existence as I have not personally seen it.

However I am sure that it exists.  TTI French Canadian releases have a UPC sticker on the box (over the old one) and a folded B&W glossy paper manual.
Quote from: BlueBMW on 11/02/2014, 10:56 AMCan the everdrive function as a GE system card?

The card itself is software-only as the GE CD games use the internal memory--hence they only run on SCDs and Duos.
Quote from: Redfield1 on 10/30/2014, 10:09 AMI have just received the parcel today and unfortunately, the jewel case is broken...
Doesn't this belong in a PM or e-mail?

Mine was sent to me in a flat-rate box, assuming yours was as well it will be insured for $50 and either you or Arkhan can file a claim.
^ A relevant link (and for the OP as well): https://www.pcengine-fx.com/forums/index.php?topic=6688.msg308282#msg308282

FWIW my times for the games I've cleared have all been over what's listed in that post so YMMV.  I reference this whenever I decide to start a new PCE JRPG.
Quote from: geise on 10/28/2014, 03:30 PMNot true for me.  If I have a cdr of a game that I am playing it kinda makes me feel like I'm using roms on an emulator.  Sort of gives me an empty feeling cause I know I don't technically own it.  Same goes for an everdrive. 
I wrote a post about this a while back if you're curious (I have already linked it in this thread, but here it is again) that briefly addresses this ("some people can't enjoy ROMS for various reasons"): https://www.pcengine-fx.com/forums/index.php?topic=17248.msg357769#msg357769)

I totally know exactly what you mean, I have a similar issue.  Being paralyzed by choice is part of my problem when seeing a million ROMs on my everdrive.  I've heard of other people feeling the same way.  But it's a personal problem that is possible to overcome and has nothing to do with the availability of the game for you to play.  There are lots of people who don't have this issue, too.

Responding to "just play a ROM" with "I can't, it doesn't feel the same to me!" is not unreasonable, but is hardly a refutation of the point that you don't have to own the game to play it.
Quote from: guest on 10/28/2014, 11:31 AMMost (many? some? a few?) of us collect games we want to play, rather than some shiny piece of shit. That's the difference inherent in schweaty's argument that you failed to grasp.
Eh?  What Necromancer said, and you failed to grasp, is that if you want to play you don't need to collect anything at all.

I'll never understand the worldview of "I buy games to play them".  At this point the acquisition of vintage game media can be completely separated from actually playing the games.  Everdrives and CDRs can provide all the games on the platform.
IIRC it took me around 20+ hours
I bought a new copy of Zero 4 Champ from them that had terrible sunfading, I was really surprised it wasn't mentioned in the auction description.  They offered to let me return it, I pay shipping (this was before eBay's most recent policy change about that).  I don't think I'd buy from them again.
That's great news!  Any idea how much these will cost (ballpark)?  I'm assuming you'll be doing volume discounts as well?

And I might be getting ahead of myself, but will you have some sort of casing solution as well so that devs wouldn't have to release games on bare pcbs?
I'll scan 'em, don't worry.  I have several others as well.  I want your scans too, I've been meaning to PM you since I saw your post (and JelloSlug as well) but I've had other things on my plate.  I'm glad to see I'm not the only person interested in getting this stuff documented though!

And infinite props to Sparky for the incredible hookup.
Quote from: henrycsc on 10/23/2014, 06:20 PMLe French use PAL
The French used SECAM, not PAL
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: WTB Mysterious Song
10/23/2014, 12:57 AM
Quote from: guest on 10/22/2014, 11:14 PMnot trying to sound pissy... but just want to offer an outsider's opinion: rover is not deserving of gougetard-suspicion.

I am not suggesting that at all...

Not sure how that came across wrong.  I was just asking what made them change their mind and how many were being produced, there was literally nothing about that intended to label or demonize Rover or Frozen Utopia, a person and group I highly respect.

Edit: I guess maybe the link and directness of my question seemed aggressive or something?  Don't read too much into it, I'm asking because I want to know more about the viability of homebrew in the market and what kind of real numbers can get sold.  That's why I'm asking.  It has nothing to do with gouging.