Hey, folks, I was poking around in the Sapphire ISO and initial loader (IPL) and found a few things. First of which is a debug/configuration pre-load menu that went unused and deactivated:

The debug mode DOES work and has things to play around with by pausing the game and pressing buttons. The game can even run without the Arcade Card.
RAM Values for...
Debug: $2698 00/$FF off/on
Level: $269A 0..2 easy-hard
Play rec.: $269E 0..2 normal/trace/record
Demo No.: $001E 0..9 (not used ?)
Stage No.: $269C 0..9 all/1-9
Acc Read: $26A9 00/$FF off/on
If you skip the AC detection manually in the IPL, it loads the game, but with garbage for cinemas / large enemies / ground. If you set the above RAM value to turn "off" AC, it skips some screens and the BG is just blank. I haven't played through the game with these hacks yet.
Also, there is an earlier Arcade Card warning screen hidden in the ISO, before the well-known cheesecake pic was decided on:

The debug mode DOES work and has things to play around with by pausing the game and pressing buttons. The game can even run without the Arcade Card.
RAM Values for...
Debug: $2698 00/$FF off/on
Level: $269A 0..2 easy-hard
Play rec.: $269E 0..2 normal/trace/record
Demo No.: $001E 0..9 (not used ?)
Stage No.: $269C 0..9 all/1-9
Acc Read: $26A9 00/$FF off/on
If you skip the AC detection manually in the IPL, it loads the game, but with garbage for cinemas / large enemies / ground. If you set the above RAM value to turn "off" AC, it skips some screens and the BG is just blank. I haven't played through the game with these hacks yet.
Also, there is an earlier Arcade Card warning screen hidden in the ISO, before the well-known cheesecake pic was decided on: