@GTV reviews the Cosmic Fantasy 1-2 Switch collection by Edia, provides examples of the poor English editing/localization work. It's much worse for CF1. Rated "D" for disappointment, finding that TurboGrafx CF2 is better & while CF1's the real draw, Edia screwed it up...
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Topics - spenoza

What PCE games do you think have the best animation? I'm not talking about HuVideo stuff, but in-game. Ninja Warriors has lots of frames, especially for the main characters. Also, I think Prince of Persia is pretty well animated (as are all versions of it). Dracula X also has a great variety of animation. The animation isn't always fluid, but there are many different positions and graphics for each character and enemy. What other games really put in the attention to animation detail?
Found this link on Slashdot. This fellow created a LISP assembler for the NES and he lists a lot of the details on his LJ page along with some demos and other stuff. Anything we could learn? Maybe we could win him to the dark side...


Edited to include an actual link!

Arkhan, you are welcome to rethink the no when you have an actual linky.
We've had discussions about the different audio libraries/sound sets used by various games. Perhaps we should collect our guesses together. For example, Soldier Blade and Neutopia II appear to use very similar waveform libraries, and Air Zonk and Coryoon seem to share more than just an audio engine. It appears to mostly be Hudson titles that share very similar audio arrangements.

On that note, what are some games which appear to use unique audio arrangements? I've got a few to get us started.

Dungeon Explorer
Bonk's Adventure
Parasol Stars
OK, so I suspect this post may raise a few hackles, but what the heck, here I go! One of the things our community uses to lord over the MD is the PCE's high on-screen color count. Problem is, a lot of early games didn't make good use of colors. Later CD titles and a few HuCard titles did bust out some nice color use, but I suspect even some of our favorite titles don't really push the color counts. Compare to the Genesis which has actually done some pretty darn impressive things with quite limited color capabilities. Is this related to memory limitations? Is this a lack of artistic vision? What's going on?
So, here's how Mike Daily handles collisions. He uses Gamemaker as a starting point because he argues it does things horribly. How does his method compare to your own?

Could the TG-16 be successful as a TV game. You know the TV games I'm talking about. Like the stuff from Jakk's Pacific. Basically either a little console with cheap controllers or controller ports (like the Atari Flashback) or a console built into a controller that connects to a TV and has all the games hardwired onto it. Could a Hudson-only TG-16 TV game be a success? What games would you want to include (due to licensing restrictions, they should probably all be Hudson/NEC and owned/original properties)?
Aaron, thanks for not keeping us hanging too long while you put this place back together. We appreciate your time and stewardship. For our sake, we (lots of us, anyway) encourage you to appoint a backup admin or two to help keep an eye on things so that when you get busy we still have someone watching over us.

Also thanks to Sunteam_Paul for giving a new home for a while. SP, you did great work in a short time and I would have been perfectly happy to call the new place home had it come to that. I'm glad you're part of the community.

Hugs all around, guys! Woo!
Hey, I wonder if Kickstarter (and a "Getting the word out" campaign) would be a good way to get funding and support to develop hardware for the PCE. Some ideas for projects might include memory mappers for larger HuCards, HuCard or expansion-port based upgrades via auxiliary chips (co-processors or even memory enhancements), or even a new system card. If a chip designer and low unit count manufacturer can be found it might be a good idea. Kickstarter supporters aren't charged for their support until the project meets the funding goal, so a realistic funding goal is critical (meaning if you're being optimistic with your numbers your goal is not realistic).
It's pretty clear that the PCE was intended (by Hudson) to be the successor to the Famicom's crown. The hardware is more advanced, yet surprisingly familiar. With that in mind. What NES/Famicom games really needed a PCE sequel? I'll offer up one to get us started.

Yami no Shigotonin KAGE/Shadow of the Ninja/Blue Shadow - Awesome music and sound FX, even if the game is a little short. Would love to see what Natsume would do with the enhanced color, sprite, and sound capabilities of the PCE.
Guys, this idea is silly, but I think some of you might be interested in throwing in. I would like us to, as a group, create YouTube medley videos of clips from PCE games which represent either great color use and art design or interesting special effects. They would basically be show-off videos of what the PCE can do.

First, of course, we have to select interesting moments in games which demonstrate the graphical prowess of the system and the ingenuity of the programmers. Then we have to record them (most clips will be fine as emulator output, but a few scenes might require a real system). After that, we stitch them together, tag them similarly, and create a playlist that strings them all together.

Anybody interested in participating or is this idea not worth a community effort?
Found this image on the Totek site. I'm shit for kanji, and I don't know anything titled Kaizard, so would someone with more of a clue weigh in on this?

I added the "and others" to the title to make sure Arkhan doesn't feel TOO on the spot. I was just thinking lately that a Dig Dug clone for PCE could be awesome-tastic, and probably not too hard to generate graphics content for, given that the original game was VERY tile-based.
Off-Topic / Origins Game Fair
06/21/2011, 02:00 PM
Anybody going to Origins in Columbus, OH later this week?
So, I got a good look at 3 (yes, 3) of Arkhan's PCE projects today and I can say they're all great. Insanity we all know, and we've seen footage of Pyramid Plunder, but he's also got another rather impressive item in the works and his early demo of it was pretty impressive. I'm very much looking forward to what he comes up with. I won't spill any of the beans, though. That's up to him.
Alright experts, I'm having trouble with the 3rd boss of Shinobi, Mandara. I cannot seem to take down the statues before they bump me up against the electricity and kill me. Am I missing something, here?
I figured I'd expand here on the "favorite soldier weapon" thread.

My favorite weapon setups are:

  >Bullets w/ homing missiles - you get 8 instead of 4, and if you grab several homing powerups the missiles get faster
  >Ring blaster with Fullfire
  >Waves with Fullfire

  >Red missile - A number of people prefer green because it can loop back, but it has a poor turning radius. Red is stronger and can veer up and down almost instantaneously.
  >Six-shot - powerful and easy to hit things with


Gate of Thunder
  >Earthquake - my favorite weapon by far
OK, so we all know Wikipedia is a mixed bag of information, although really, they do have a lot of well-structured, detailed, and relatively informative and accurate articles. The PC Engine article, however, is a mess. As a community we have all sorts of access to information in interviews and articles, both in English and Japanese. We should take up a project to "fix" the Wikipedia article on the PC Engine and TurboGrafx 16. If we decide, as a community, to do this, we should resolve to be factual, fair and not simply fanboyish. Anyone here already have some familiarity with Wiki syntax and structure? What sources should we draw upon? If anyone has one of those giant Tokuma books which documents info on games and hardware that would be great. The one I have is too recent to include PCE releases, unfortunately.
So, this dude is the key man responsible for the excellent LoT soundtrack. Anyone know if he's done anything else on the PCE?

Also, why on earth doesn't T's Music have a Wikipedia entry in the US site?
Alright, I know I start a lot of these kinds of threads, but I love reading what comes out of them. So the new question is, what are the best technical and artistic tricks plied by PCE developers? Feel free to post pictures or videos to provide examples. Extremely complicated effects or very simple effects with dramatic visual or artistic results all quality in my mind. One of my favorite examples is the backgrounds in Vasteel.
I want the community's opinion on what some of the biggest missed opportunities were for the PCE. What games were begging for a PCE port but inexplicably missed out? What major market moves did Hudson/NEC completely fail to predict or later take hold of? Were there any companies Hudson and NEC failed adequately to court or partner with?

I think Capcom missed the bus with the system, supporting Nintendo and Sega extensively but for some reason relying on NEC Avenue to provide Capcom titles for the PCE. Konami didn't develop as effusively for the system as they did for others, but at least they did develop directly and did a darn good job of it. Sunsoft and Natsume did lots of great action games for the NES but didn't migrate to the PCE with the same productivity or enthusiasm. Sure, there were a couple here and there, but it would have been nice to have had the same selection of rockin'-soundtracked action games.

Wandering into pipe dream territory, the original Rastan would have been a pretty cool port for the PCE, as would the arcade game Silkworm, though given how the Ninja Gaiden port on the PCE suffered maybe it was a good thing Silkworm never got ported.
Has anyone taken any cool sound effects or musical diddies and turned them into cell phone ringtones, either MIDI or MP3? I finally have a cell phone I can get ringtones onto without paying an arm and a leg, and I'm thinking I need to spruce things up. I have a CD or original arcade chip music from some Capcom games, including Street Fighter 2, and have already made a couple tones (SF2 versus, etc...), but some PCE ones would be rather cool. Since most ringtones are limited to 20 seconds or repeat, it would be nice to see some artistically crafted, rather than just "Here's 20 secs of rocking music, dude!"
I'm a fan of Tool-Assisted Speedruns. I like seeing games abused, broken, bent over and told to take it and like it. Just about 2 years ago a Mednafen fork was given TAS tools (re-recording, AVI output, frame advance). 8 months later the PCE code was ripped out and stuck into a GUI with additional tools like RAM watch, lag counter, etc... There's now a fully graphical, relatively accurate/compatible PCE emulator with full Tool-Assisted Speedrun capabilities, and several PCE runs have been posted at tasvideos.org.

I've made a couple attempted runs myself, but I tend to run out of steam. Still, I think there are some great games to TAS and I'd like to attempt at least one. What games do you think would be most entertaining to TAS? Games like shooters which have fixed scrolling speed tend to be a little dull unless you do a lot of creative play-around to fill empty scrolling time. Games with lots of random variables are too challenging for me because there's lots of LUA scripting and RAM watching, and also, they can sometimes be a little too abbreviated to be that fun to watch, though that's never stopped the TASing geniuses at the site. I'm looking for something either straightforward that would be fast and entertaining, or something glitchy as all hell just waiting to be abused.

I've considered Galaga 88/90, but the latest PCEjin revision has a weird error with it. If the error gets fixed I'm jumping right in if I haven't already committed to something else. I've also been thinking about Gradius II. Yes, it's forced scrolling, but when you put the ship speed up to max and start flying around the screen, doing loops around hostile objects and working to eliminate as much lag/slowdown as possible it can be entertaining anyway.

I want you guys to weigh in, though. What other games should I consider? Go to tasvideos and watch the existing PCE runs to get some ideas and let me know what you think. http://tasvideos.org/Movies-PCE-PCECD.html
Konami released a number of shooters on the PCE and a fantastic Castlevania title. So why wasn't there a PCE Contra? Was the series simply not popular enough in Japan? I mean, in Gradius II it even has the little alien-dispensing pods! What would it have taken to get a Contra title?

Also, on a side note, I wonder sometimes about the quality of Konami's actual game code. Gradius II just has WAY too much slowdown.
So, while I definitely want to expand my Core with SuperCD capabilities, it occurs to me that there are other hardware arrangements. Those of you currently dabbling in the PCE market, what do you think a solid estimate is for building the following software compatibility setups? Meaning, if someone wants to get into the PCE market, what should their initial outlay be expected to be for the following capabilities? What hardware would you use to accomplish this setup and why? Are there cheaper or more expensive means to do this that are more or less practical? This is primarily only for JPN games, but if you want to explore how adding US games capabilities increases the costs and changes the options available, go ahead.

Hucard only

Hucard + SuperCD

Hucard + ArcadeCD

SGX only

SGX + SuperCD

SGX + ArcadeCD

Here's the reason I think this is something worth discussing, and periodically revisiting with cost changes. The proliferation of emulators (including Virtual Console) has and will continue, hopefully, to get people interested in the PCE and even original systems. I think visitors might like to have an idea of current cost estimates to get into the hobby at a hardware level. Now, prices, especially on eBay, vary widely, but there's surely some kind of baseline we can establish as to what resources people need to bring to bear to get into this hobby.

Here's my obligatory disclaimer: I used to have a Turbo setup with ACD capabilities and a Kisado, as well as some very nice import games (original Rondo of Blood, bought new in Japan, for example). Many years ago I traded it all to get into Sega Saturn gaming (I couldn't afford a system new and the trade got me set up with a good batch of starting games and equipment). Well, now I have a Core, a single controller, and a few games. I'm just as curious as newbies to see what kind of cash I should expect to have to lay down to expand back into familiar territory.

If there's a better way to approach this than this way, please let me know.
Hey guys. I want to play the Startling Odyssey II translation, but I can't seem to patch it correctly. What PPF tool do you guys use? How can I best guarantee my success?
I love the game Loom. I know it's a pretty straight port of the DOS floppy version, and they could have easily enhanced the graphics quite a bit, but it's such a great game, and the TG-CD port definitely does it justice. I don't read many people talking about this title, which is a shame, because it's awesome. I remember playing all three challenge levels just to see if I could.

Share your story!
Some of the cover/box art for PCE games rocks. Does anyone know who did the Soldier Blade art? What are your favorite pieces of art and what works do you want to find out the artists for?
OK all, I've decided to make a top 10 (and maybe an 11 - 20) of the "best" TG/PCE HuCard chiptunes. 10 minute video, 1 minute for each track I select, and some info on the game, stills, and some in-game footage for each game.

What are your favorite chiptunes and why? Is it because it's complex or technically impressive, because it uses great samples and instruments, or simply because it's a great tune/composition?

I may need help getting some interesting gameplay footage to accompany the tracks.

I only have a few games for my core, so I'm going to be relying on HES files for the audio. NEZplug+ via WinAMP sounds great and makes it REALLY easy to get this stuff to WAV format, except that the noise channel seems a little exaggerated. Is there a better HES player I could use or some way to "fix" the louder/more obvious noise channel issue in NEXplug+?

Some of my contenders so far (just listing games since it's hard to identify tracks by title or anything):

Parasol Stars - a couple excellent, upbeat compositions.
Dungeon Explorer - a couple nice compositions with some spooky/atmospheric instrumentation
Batman - good sampling with the music
Parodius Da - good use of PSG instrumentation
PC Denjin - good sampling and instrumentation
Magical Chase - last level track is FANTASTIC, one of my faves of all time, both for composition and instrumentation
Devil's Crush - composition
Coryoon - sampling and instrumentation
Apparently when I traded all my Turbo gear 13 years ago I neglected to send along the CD instructions. I have that bright orange instruction booklet still in very good condition. Anybody want to extend me a cash or trade offer? I'm only looking for JP Hus in trade. Just about anything that's fun, frankly. Doesn't have to be worth much. Cash offer doesn't have to be worth much, either, frankly. So best offer takes it, since it's no use to me.
Has anyone considered releasing an IPS patch with some tweaked numbers to bring Exile: WP to a playable challenge level? I certainly don't have the skills, but I think owners of the game would love the change.
I think it would be nice for us all to chronicle memorable game moments I'll start by sharing one.

One of the most unnerving yet awesome game memories I have is of playing Aeroblasters. I had finally managed to make it through the speed sections of stage 2 and was sitting too close to the TV. When the level 2 boss entered the screen and the background started weaving a figure 8 I could barely fight the boss because the background was making me dizzy.

What do you guys remember most?
Off-Topic / Whatever happened to grahf
04/11/2010, 12:15 AM
I know he disappeared from the forums in 2008. He seemed such a knowledgeable guy. Losing knowledge on a board like this can be painful.
The subject says it all. Which PCE games are truly the most rare and/or expensive and why? Is it because few were made, because the game is awesome, or simply the result of some crazy market quirk? Which of these are truly worth owning (in general vs at current "market" prices)?
I have an opportunity to pick up some US TG-16 hardware. What would you say is an appropriate price for a TG, CD unit, and a single pad with no games and only the System 2.0 card?

Also, what would be a reasonable price for a system, tap, pad or two, and a stick? How about that same setup with a booster?

I'm trying to decide what to offer the fellow. Basically, if I buy the TG + CD unit he'll still have 2 TG + tap + controllers + games packages up for sale, one with a booster. I'm hoping he'll give me a deal on the TG + CD if I can help him get rid of everything else at a reasonable price.
I'm curious to know how the Core and Core II differ. Is the Core II just a cheaper manufacturing process? It doesn't appear to differ in features.
OK, so I can get the 5 keys and reach Gomez, but he always destroys me. I can't even figure out how to hurt him or otherwise what to do with him. Also, does turning into a monster do anything for your?

Thanks for what help you can give.
It's official. PCE/TG-16 games can now be TASed (Tool-Assisted Superplay) and submitted for publication at tasvideos.org using a modified Mednafen. Find the thread here and the Mednafen build and instructions here. I don't have much time now to contribute, won't until summer, but this is great news as I can finally find the will to enter the TAS scene. Anybody here is, naturally, welcome as well.
I did a quick search and didn't come up with anything. Is there a thread on here somewhere that talks about which TG-16 (or PCE for that matter) games use 256x256 and which games use 320x240?
I took a gander and the ROM files for both versions of Cadash are the exact same size, yet the TG version has an additional 2 characters, not to mention better graphics all around. I think the TG version's sound also holds up to the Genesis version. Frankly, I can't find anything to like in the Genesis version over the TG version, and yet both ROMs are the same size. Should I read anything into this about the difference in how efficient the graphics and sound storage formats are on the respective systems?
Me, I go back and forth between weapon 1 with homing missiles and weapon 2 with fullfire. 4 with fullfire is nice, but tends to get me killed, which is odd for a defensive weapon.
Well, I poked around in MAMEUI today and discovered that a great many Data East arcade games used the HuC6280 as the CPU. This makes me wonder why they didn't port more Data East arcade titles to the PC Engine. I mean, the CPU code, at least, would be an easy conversion.
I'm assuming the composers of GoT and LoT are different individuals, but if I recall the credits don't specify. For GoT I believe the music was attributed to Soundesign, or something, and I don't remember LoT. Anyone have a clue on this?
So, I've finally had a chance to play into DE II a bit. It is indeed very much like the original. I'm a little disappointed they didn't use the SCD memory to update the visuals a little as some backdrops and environments are still pretty plain. And it's been long enough since I played DE (original) that I can't remember how it handled large number of enemies on-screen, but it's my impression (based on my crappy memory) that DE II actually seems to be less good at keeping slowdown at bay when the enemies pile up.

Otherwise the game is fun, as expected.
I'm curious, how does the Duo Madden Football game compare to its Genesis and SNES colleagues? I know it has crappy FMV and doesn't have the NFL teams, but what about graphics, animation, sound effects, play control, on-screen action and the like?
Tom, I know you had a project or two moving a couple NES games to PCE. How are those coming along? I ask because I had a thought. If Castlevania II could be brought to the PCE it could be the beginning of something nice. Some nice tile edit tools, your new sound engine. Simon's Quest could be redone specifically for the PCE, enhanced and improved such as to kick more ass.

Anyone else think this sounds at all interesting?
OK, this keeps coming up, but I want to pull it out in the open. CCOVELL and TOM are going to be the two best qualified to address this and I invite them to. as well as anyone else who knows anything. At least this inquiring mind wants to know.

The HuC6280 in the PCE and the Ricoh 5A22 in the SNES all have their origins in the MOS 6502, the SNES perhaps a little more distantly. What truly separates these designs from each other and from their shared 6502 ancestor? And what were some of the practical implications for game design and system performance?
I'm considering putting in a region switch in my JPN Core, and also grounding the one pin (need to look it up) to allow US games to play. Are there any US or JPN games that can't operate with that pin grounded? Are there any potential problems as a result of this operation?

Maybe Chris or Bonknuts would be the best to answer this, but anyone with any info should chime in. Why was the 256 x 256 resolution on the PCE used for so damn many games? Why not 320 more often? Were they artistic choices (they liked having all the graphics stretched to 4x3 from 1x1) or technical considerations? What were the technical trade-offs?

Considering the PCE is considered, here at least, to have just as powerful a CPU and sprite blitter as the Genesis and SNES, why would they opt for lower resolution than any other system on the market? That just seems like market suicide. Clearly it went over OK in Japan, but what was up with that?
I know, best I can probably hope for is the cost of shipping to someone, but since I don't have Neo Nectaris (and haven't had it for a damn long time) I'm hoping someone could get some use for it.

I'll accept offers for a few days. Best offer that equals or beats the cost of base shipping takes it.

I'll accept crappy JPN hucards in trade.

Also, still have the Dengeki PC Engine August 1994 issue. Nat offered shipping previously, and if I don't hear better this time I'm inclined to let him have it for that.

Neo Nectaris spinecard is spoken for.
I want more PC Engine hardware and software. And since money is a premium around here I'm going through my various anime and game goods to see what I've lost interest in over the past several years.

Here's a list of what I've dug up for trade. Assume good to very good condition unless specified.

What I have to trade

Manga (Japanese)
•Rurouni Kenshin vols. 1 and 11 (not I and II, 1 and 11)

•Dominion vol. 1 (Dark Horse) - Fair to good condition

Magazines - Inquire for more info if you are interested
•1 BClub issue
•2 NewType issues
•3 Animage issues

Anime DVDs
•Revolutionary Girl Utena - Entire series w/ box for Apocalype Saga DVDs (10 volumes)
•Gasaraki - Entire series w/box (8 volumes)
•Dai Guard - Entire series (6 volumes)
•Devil Hunter Yohko Complete Collection - Entire series (2 volumes)
•Outlaw Star - Entire series (original release, 3 volumes: 6 discs)
•Jin Roh: The Wolf Brigade Special Edition - Includes special case, extras DVD, and soundrack CD
•Geo Armor: Kishin Corps

Video Game soundtrack CDs
•Wanderers from Ys Super Arrange Version - booklet includes what appears to be the keyboard score the PC versions of "Dancing on the Road" and "Wanderers from Ys"
•Samurai Spirits OSV w/ sound effects tracks
•Samurai Spirits III (can't read the kanji for the actual subtitle) Arrange Sound Trax
•Final Fantasy VI Original Sound Version - Cardboard outer box and inner double-thick case also worn - CDs have many minor scratches that should not affect play on a decent CD player (none are deep, they are just numerous): CD polish could renew completely.
•All Sounds of Final Fantasy I & II - includes fold-out with score for FF1 opening and FFII main theme. Also includes monster gallery with small Amano sketches for many of the monsters in FFII
•Symphonic Suite Dragonquest IV - Includes symphonic CD and OSV CD, special outer case, and DQIV stickers (in great shape, still un-stuck)

Anime sountrack CDs
•SDF Macross Vol.II - Inc. spine card
•Slayers Great: The Motion Picture "G"
•X Original Sountrack
•Animax: Animation Hits Collection be Meu - rental sticker on CD
•3 x 3 Eyes Seima Densetsu Matsuei Futanshi: OAV Sound Track Album
•3 x 3 Eyes Dai-ni Shou - double CD case, 1 normal CD and one mini CD
•Garou Densetsu (Fatal Fury) The Motion Picture BGM Collection\\
•Lodoss Original Soundtrack

Seiyuu Idol CDs
•Megumi Hayashibara: Iravati - includes outer cardboard case (some wear) and cd-sized hardbound picture book (pictures of you know who)
•Doco Second (Ranma 1/2 seiyuu CD with original songs) - short crack in case cover

CD Singles (Japanese, 8cm) - Many of these have little rental stickers on the case. Some are enclosed in protecive plastic cases I bought for the ones I liked better. Condition is good or better for the CDs and fair or better for the cases. Most have the title track and then the title track either remixed or sans vocals. Sometimes another song is included as well. There is some variation and I'm not going to list every permutation unless someone asks. Generally, 2 - 4 tracks each.
•KIX-S: Dynamite
•KIX-S: Moving On
•Globe: Joy to the Love
•Sachiko Kumagai: Rhapsody in Love
•Two Mix: Time Distortion
•Two Mix: Living Daylights
•Two Mix: Beat of Destiny
•Two Mix: Summer Planet No.1
•FBI: Moonlight Prelude
•Fanatic Crisis: 7[SEVEN]
•Yuko Takeuchi: Tada kaze ha fuku kara ('because only wind blows' or somesuch)
•Flip Flap: everything!
•Blast (song from Rurouni Kenshin)
•Megumi Ogata: RUN (song from Rayearth)
•Kenji Hayashida: Mada Mada
•Kenji Hayashida: Kurenai (?) Maboroshi (red phantom/mystery)
•The End of Evangelion - soundtrack single inc. Thanatos (Yoko Takahashi)
•Evangelion: Death and Rebirth - inc. Tamashi no Rufuran (Yoko Takahashi)
•Yoko Takahashi: We're the One
•Kohmi Hirose: sutorobo (Strobe)
•Every Little Thing: NECESSARY
•Every Little Thing: FOREVER YOURS

What I want
Also looking for non-PCE stuff. Inquire for more info. Make offers, yo!

PCE Hardware:
•6-button pad (NEC Avenue 6 preferred)
•Super CD-ROM unit or CD-ROM unit with Super System Card
•Region mod for my PCE Core  :)
•Stereo output cable for my PCE Core
•Flash Card for PCE, any size or type as long as it works

PCE Software (Prefer JPN but will accept US versions - No CDs as I don't have a CD unit yet)
•PC Genjin 2
•PC Genjin 3
•PC Denjin
•Super Star Soldier
•Final Soldier
•Solder Blad
•Aero Blasters
•Devil Crash
•Dragon Saber
•Magical Chase
•Lode Runner
•Battle Lode Runner
•Mizubaku Daibouken (Liquid Kids)
•Time Cruise II
•Ankoku Densetsu