The Analogue Turbo Duo clone shipped in time for Christmas 2023. Are you happy with yours ?? Find firmware updates here.
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Topics - pceslayer

I think most people already know of the red Hu variant of Champions Forever Boxing, but does any one know if it had a different barcode than the black label? I stumbled upon the following in my search for the answer.

The common one:

The unknown:


The box seems identical to the common one outside of the barcode and serial. I do not own the box...
Buy/Sell/Trade / WTB Duo-R or RX
05/17/2013, 07:32 AM
Looking to buy a Duo-R or RX in good condition.

Would prefer a RX of course... PM me



got one!
I am looking for the US versions of Power Strike and Super Monaco GP for Sega Master System.

If anyone is has a dupe or whatever that they are willing to part with PM me please!

I saw this earlier today and figured some of you may be interested in doing this yourself for the TG/PCE. I know I will be trying it in the near future. Perhaps modification to the code would be needed?

If this is the wrong forum or maybe I shouldn't be linking to other forms let me know. I'm just spreading the wealth...
Buy/Sell/Trade / WTB PCE Stuff
05/22/2011, 06:30 PM
I am looking to purchase the following.

A CoreGrafx II controller
A avenue pad 6

Battle Load Runner
Dragon Saber
Image Fight
Moto Roader II
Nekketsu Koukou Dodgeball Bun PC Bangai Hen        
Nekketsu KouKou Dodgeball Bun PC Soccer Hen
Ninja Ryukenden
Buy/Sell/Trade / WTB Turbo Stuffs!
05/22/2011, 05:59 PM
I'm looking to purchase the following... Boxes need not apply.

Ys III Wanderers from Ys CIC
Ive been playing through Ys book I and II the past week or so and have been having some horrible read issues with my Duo using a backup (because it won't read my orig grrr!). I was all ready and prepared to do the laser pot adjustments when suddenly my games just worked flawlessly with the unit disassembled. sooo...

My issue is with this pos thing right here!

When it is in place none of my originals boot... at all! On the other hand a damn backup will play 85% of the time, but with issues loading music / audio.

Pop this sucker off and my orig and backups play 100%... wth...

Wth would cause it to do this? Does this mean the laser is possibly scraping up against the tray cover? Can I even find a replacement for this thing?

Vids anyone?

Loading the Sapphire Bootie - cover on and off
Loading a backup of Ys - cover on and off
Ok so I took a crack at the region mod and well lemme tell you what... Grrrrrrr!


I ordered the IC's, made the PCB and got it all wired in!(Ignore the yellow wire... it is to be soldered to switch b4 closing (ground on pin 29))

mod on!

mod off!

ok so now here is the issue...

After about 30 seconds the screen gets all scrambled, beeps and glitches all over the place. Power off and back on a few times and eventually it just displays a white screen.

I checked my wiring to the pins and on the PCB atleast 15 times so that isn't an issue.

After about an hour of going over this crap I figured I had ruined the IC's somehow by overheating or something.

So I build a new one from scratch being very careful with the amount of heat applied to the pins of the IC. I wire it up, and it plays longer, but eventually it does the same thing!! WTF!!!

Another hour or two goes by and I cannot pinpoint the issue... So I said F*** THIS! de-soldered everything and wired the original pins back together and now the unit is back to normal stock, but works...

So my question is this... what the hell is going on?

Has anyone seen this before?

Could it possibly be my cable length? I can't think of anything else... I'm stumped...
Buy/Sell/Trade / Wanted TG16 & TGCD Box.
03/19/2009, 09:08 AM
I'm not a stickler for mint quality stuff so if anyone has an extra TG-16 or TGCD box, let me know.

Sadly the only thing I have for trade is money.  :oops:
Buy/Sell/Trade / TGCD/PCECD parts needed
03/12/2009, 01:47 AM
So... Does anybody have any spare or broken TGCD/PCECD drives they can sell or spare?

Looking for a unit that still has the laser sled gears intact...

mine has a gear with broken teeth :(

mine is just busted....
I was browsing ebay and found a listing for a defective PCE interface unit with the CDROM and a Core Grafx for $48 plus shipping. I thought to myself what the hell I'll give it a try.

Well it finally arrived yesterday afternoon and I began to troubleshoot the unit. Seperated the CDROM and PCE and powered them on individually.

First I test the CDROM unit. Ok it spins up, makes some nasty noises and stops spinning... So its a Laser issue maybe?

Now I attempt to power on the Core unit and get absolutly nothing, not even a flicker on the screen.

So I dissassemble the unit and this is what I find...

A nasty crack in the mainboard thats about 2" long and severs traces along the bottom and top of the board.(*note* Pictures are taken after I scraped the board to expose the traces)

So with some patience I follow the traces and attempt a repair.

**placeholder for top pic**
ok soldering done(green circles indicated areas where traces were severed)

now some hot glue to hold the wires in place


testing... YAY!

So next i'm going to dissassemble the interface unit and CDROM to see whats going on.

Also, does anybody know where I can purchase a region mod preassembled PCB on the cheap?