Sega Lord X reviews the Street Fighter II Champion Edition PC Engine port.
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NoSexGex Banned

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Custom title:
Creepy Obsessed DoxPhile Stalker...
Personal text:
Wily Ryley F'ing Reynolds!
I hate Le NightWolve, I stalk/harass him on Facebook/Twitter like Nintega and DarKKKobold!
Created an attack parody NightWolve account on Facebook, joined it in gaming groups NightWolve was a member, and might also still be engaging in registration vandalism. Permaban achievement unlocked!

Violent psychotic homophobe on the loose, he ONLY stalks men on the Internet, keeps calling us f-gg0ts when we tell him no-means-no, pack it up, go somewhere else!

❤ Interests:
Last known harassment, registration vandalism on 9/22/2018! His Canadian IP range was banned, then resorted to using proxy services to write spam in the registration system. He began crank calls from Canada in 2019 when Aaron closed the forum! The Crazy Cranky Canadian Crank-Caller - another low point of PCEFX forum history...

❤ Games:
#1 Don't ban me bro! I AM the PC Engine Community!

#2 Don't ban me bro! You'll be sorry! You can't ban me, I AM THE COMMUNITY!

#3 Don't ban me bro! Unban Nulltard NOW or else! I'm a KKKrazy KKKFarms troll/manlet, you're gonna regret this!!!

❤ Films/TV: - Wily Ryley the Psycho, don't let him in your PC Engine group, he will target your members with that KKKrazy temper tantrum, it's not a matter of if, and under what circumstances, but when!

The psychotic bastard has the nerve to hurl psychological attacks against Aaron and myself, as if we owed him kowtowing in response to daily harassment, blackmail, extortion, defamation, cross-platform staking, even doxxing, etc. No, the only thing you were owed you rotten motherf-cker was a lifetime ban! I know, I know, you have the same thought patterns as N1ntega, no matter what doxxing/harassing/blackmail abuses you perpetuate, they should all be excused because you crawled around on a forum for a few years and had the blessing of Andrew Darovich...

It's not hard to stop being abusive online and avoid being banned, but then you'd have to sometimes apologize and back down, but no-can-do for a never-back-down bully such as yourself! This is YOUR problem and the DildoPhile gang's problem as well, not mine or Aaron's!

Now that you exposed how crazy you are, why would I or ANYONE else take the risk of letting you back in a forum again?? How long before you get butthurt at someone and start stalking and crank-calling them again ??? Make your own PC Engine group on Facebook and f-ck off!


❤ Books:
Does not handle rejection very well, maybe Wily Ryley -Rolls- Reynolds should seek professional counseling and stop crying about being banned from a little gaming forum for abuse, stalking, defamation, crank-calling, harassment, extortion, etc.!

❤ Quotes:
Quote from: NoSexGex on 04/21/2017, 02:10 PMIMG
Turbo Crash, like his life!
❤ Random:
A Wild Psycho Ryley appears:
11/19/2015, 03:47 AM
Local Time:
02/09/2025, 01:00 PM
For a good time, reach out to this wily KKKFarm-crankcaller at (780) 717-9274 or up in Alberta, Canada!
His last crank-voicemail: "Gimme a call back when you can. This is Ryley by the way... *giggles*"
He then followed it up with 8 WEEKS of ~DAILY calling! BAN ON SIGHT!!!