Sega Lord X reviews the Street Fighter II Champion Edition PC Engine port.
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I have the following PCE Cases and manuals for sale. Looking to sell them as a lot only. Pics can be found on my flickr page:

Cases and manuals include:

Strip Fighter 2
Body Conquest 2
Ninja Warriors
PC Pachi-Slot Idol Gambler
Power Drift
Knight Rider Special
Chase HQ
Atomic Robo Kid Special
Salamander (Life Force)
Lode Runner Lost Labyrinth
Pac Land
Makyo Densetsu (Legendary Axe)
Hani in the Sky
Valkyrie No Densetsu
Chozetsu Rinjin Bravoman

Looking for $45 shipped within US and Canada, and that includes tracking and insurance.

I have a NES system available. New pin connector installed Nov. last year, and it includes another one for back up. Also includes three controllers, Game Genie, Cleaning cart, 2 AC Adaptors, and 3 RF Units.

All games are loose. Games included are:

3D World Runner
Adventures of Dino Riki
Adventures of Lolo
Air Fortress
Arch Rivals
Battle Ches
Blades of Steel (red label)
Blaster Master
Bump N' Jump
California Games
Captain Skyhawk
Castlevania 2 Simon's Quest
Cyber Stadium: Base Wars
Cobra Triangle
Demon Sword
Double Dribble
Dr. Mario
Golgo 13
Krusty's Fun House
Kabuki Quantum Fighter
Low G Man
MC Kids
Marble Madness
Mission Impossible
Monster in My Pocket
Robin Hood Prince of Thieves
Smash TV
Snake Rattle N Roll
Spy Hunter
Star Tropics
Star Wars
Super Mario Bros./ Duck Hunt
Super Mario Bros. 2
Super Mario Bros. 3
Tiny Toon Adventures 2
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3
Totally Rad
Wrath of the Black Manta

Pics can be found on my flickr page here:

Looking for $200 shipped within Canada and the US, which includes tracking and insurance.
I have a boxed PC-FX for sale, serial numbers don't match. Also included are the memory expansion module (FX-BMP), the PC-FX mouse, two additional controllers (new in box) and 23 games. Looking for $350 shipped in the US or Canada.
Games included are:
Queen of Queens
Return to Zork
Super Power League FX
Team Innocent
Cutey Honey
Power Dolls FX
Anime Freak Vol. 1
Anime Freak Vol. 2
Anime Freak Vol. 3
Battle Heat
Voice Paradise
Deep Blue Fleet
Dragon Knight 4
Can Can Bunny Extra DX
Ah! My Goddess
Galaxy Fraulein Yuna FX
Super Real Mahjong PV FX
Graduation 2 Neo Generation
Angelique Special
Classmates 2
Zoku Hatukoi Monogatari-syugaku ryokou
Tenchi-muyo! Ryououki FX
I have a small lot of 29 Famicom games. Looking for $45 shipped. That includes tracking and insurance in the US or Canada. link to pics at the bottom of the page. Any questions feel free to ask.

Games include:

Dragon Quest 3
Dragonball Z
Zippy Race
Mach Rider
Adventure Island
Antarctic Adventure
Goonies 2
Final Lap
Super Star Wrestling
Star Luster
Star Force
Super Mario Bros.
Bard's Tale
Sumo Wrestling
Family Stadium
Family Stadium '88
Tiny Toons Adventures
Square's Tom Sawyer
Kyuukyoku Harikiri Stadium: Heisei Gannen Han
Gegege no Kitaro: Youkai Daimakyou
Musashi no Ken: Tadaima Shugyou Chuu
Ninja Hattori-kun: Ninja wa Shugyou de Gozaru
Castle Quest
Makai Jima
SD Gundam Gachapon Senshi 3 Eiyu Senki
Konamic Sports in Seoul
Both sets are sold.
These have been Sold.

I have a small lot of PCE Cases and manuals, that need to be unloaded. Looking for $50 shipped for the lot in US and Canada. Includes tracking and insurance.

Cases included:

After Burner II
Hit the Ice
Chan & Chan
PC Genjin 2
Rock On
Cyber Dodgeball
J. League Greatest Eleven
Bomberman 93
Super Volleyball
Dungeon Explorer
Deep Blue
Cyber Cross
Space Invaders
Moto Roader
Final Lap Twin
F1 Circus 91
Image Fight
Nazo No Mascarade
Sadakichi Seven Hideyoshi No Ougon
Daichikun Crisis - Do Natural
Aoi Blink
Benkei Gaiden

Will also include the following:

Tweenbee Insert and Manual
Valis 2, Game, case and manual
Quiz Avenue, game, case and manual
Quiz Marugoto The World

Link to pics:
This is now sold. Off to Bernie.

Games are:

Card Only:
Final Lap Twin

Case and Manual:
Keith Courage
Tiger Road
Victory Run
China Warrior
Battle Royale
Andre Panza Kickboxing
Taking it to the Hoop
Night Creatures
Power Golf
TV Sport Football
Dungeon Explorer

Complete with outer box:
Galaga 90
Fantasy Zone
Blazing Lazers
World Class Baseball
Buy/Sell/Trade / FS: 6 PC FX Games (Sold)
03/21/2012, 09:30 AM
Sold to Necromancer

Games are:

Classmates 2
Anime Freak Vol. 2
Galaxy Fraulein Yuna FX
Neo Generation 2 FX
Anime Freak Vol. 1
Team Innocent

Will also be selling my extra TG16 system and games, and PC Engine systems and games in the coming weeks. So keep an eye out for those.
PC-FX Discussion / Thanks for the info.
01/16/2012, 06:16 PM
Thanks for all the info in these threads. I thought my recently acquired FX was buggered, as some games played while others skipped. I managed to re-calibrate the laser (pot VR103), and now all my games are running fine. There is definitely some good stuff here.

Nice set-up too.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Traded.
01/14/2012, 02:51 PM
thanks guys, this has been traded.
Items have been listed on Game Gavel, just follow the link below.  8)
Buy/Sell/Trade / WTB: PC-FX Mouse.
01/07/2012, 07:44 PM
Like topic states, looking for a mouse for the PC-FX. I do live in Canada, so if anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated.
Hello all,

I've just came into possession of a Core Grafx and PC-FX and I am currently looking for games for both. For the Core Grafx I'm only looking for the Hu Cards, while for the PC-FX I'm looking for games with case and manual (spine cards not needed).

Anyway I have the following to offer for trade, and will be listing my wants over the next few days.

I have the following to offer for sale or trade, for trade I'm looking for PC Engine games Hu Cards only, or PC FX games. Can provide pics, so just ask. Prices do not include shipping. Shipping is $3.50 for the first two games, then an additional $1.50 for the games and up.

SNES games are cart only:

Animaniacs $7
Cool World $5
Cybernator $6
David Crane's Amazing Tennis $2
Monopoly $5
Mortal Kombat $3
Mortal Kombat II $8
NBA Live 95 $3
Pilotwings $5
Scooby Doo Mystery $3
Sim City $5
Super Wrestlemania $4
Top Gear (bad label) $2

Sega Dreamcast games are complete:

Crazy Taxi $5
Heavy Metal Geomatrix $10
Maken X $7
Quake III Arena $7
Resident Evil : Code Veronica
Rippin Riders $5
Sega GT $5
Spawn In the Demon's Hands $15
Sonic Adventure $7
Soul Calibur $8
Star Wars Episode 1 Racer $8
Tony Hawk $3
Tony Hawk 2 $5
Vanishing Point $8

Some PC Engine cards I'm looking for include:

Aero Blasters
Afterburner 2
Altered Beast
Atomic Robo-Kid
Bloody Wolf
Bomberman (any of them)
Burning Angels
Cloud Master
Hit the Ice
Honey in the Sky
Knight Rider
New Zealand Story
Ninja Ryukenden
Ninja Warriors
PC Genjin
PC Gengin 2
Power Drift
Power Sports

For PC-FX I'm looking for the following titles:

Battle Heat
Blue Breaker
Cutey Honey FX
Der Langrisser FX
Farland Story
Last Imperial Prince
Shanghai The Great Wall
Sparkling Feather

Any help would be appreciated. I can provide pics upon request. And any questions, feel free to ask. Also I am located in Canada.