RIP to BT Garner of BT passed away early 2023 from health problems. He was one of the top PCE homebrew developers and founder of the OG Turbo List, then Condolences to family and friends.
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Messages - Dark Fact

Hey all! :)

Just thought I'd pop in for the first time in a while to let you know about a new anime that premiered in Japan this past week called Hi-Score Girl. The anime is about a kid named Haruo Yaguchi who is obsessed with arcade and console games but happens to develop a relationship with a mute girl named Akira Ono who happens to share his obsession.

It's a cute series for those of you who happened to watch it and the recent episode covered Haruo's obsession with the PC-Engine. :D

Games featured were The Kung Fu/China Warrior, R-Type, Bonk's Adventure/PC Genjin, Altered Beast, Darius Plus, and Splatterhouse!

The episode also talked about the affordability of Hu-Card games in Japan at the time as well as the sheer luxury of owning a PC-Engine GT! LOL! :lol:

Unfortunately, I won't put up the episode as I don't know whether it is permitted under PCENGINEFX's terms but here is a blog site that has screen grabs from the episode and more info:

Off-Topic / Re: Random Pictures Thread
03/20/2010, 03:18 PM
Quote from: Joe Redifer on 02/10/2010, 02:17 PMI couldn't find an appropriate place to post this, so I am create this.  Post any pics you like, within reason, of course.
The Bioshock/Bomberman comparison is unbelievable.  I honestly can't stop laughing.  :lol:
Quote from: NecroPhileSo that was you, eh?  You owe me a new tire, you sonofabitch!!1!!!!one!
For all your tire needs. :)
Hi guys.  It's been a while.

Anyways, I've got a couple of questions related to an arcade accessory that is pretty notorious throughout the net and the gaming community.  That accessory is the X-Arcade stick.

Before I get into the questions themselves though, I'm just gonna let you all in on what I'm doing.

About a few months ago, me and my hobby club members have been brainstorming over a theme room for this year's upcoming Keycon 2009 sci-fi convention in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.  After throwing around a few crazy ideas, we decided to settle upon a Cyberpunk themed room. 

Now, the Cyberpunk themed room is based upon futuristic science fiction like in the movies Blade Runner and Terminator 2: Judgement Day. only with a little more 'tude and a lot more outrageous costumes like the ones you create in tabletop RPGs. (Have I mentioned that Cyberpunk is based more on the tabletop RPG than what you see in the movies? :) )

Here is what we've come up so far for the room:

-Metallic walls and counters with aluminum or tin foil
-Pachislo slot machines (The prez of the club is a BIG fan of these)
-neon lights
-lava lamps
-spiked hair and glove costume accessories along with leather jackets and sunglasses

We're also planning on holding contests and gaming tournaments.  The gaming tournament is where the X-Arcade stick comes in.  Basically, the idea is to have an arcade game tournament (with Cyberpunk themed games that are in the spirit of the room theme) with a real arcade game interface.  The prez suggested a stand up cabinet but the assembly costs for it could be a bit of a hassle.  I think it would be better to have a minimum 2-player stick with the gaming monitor projected onto a white screen using a high grade DVD and PC projector.


What you see above is the stick in question.  It's called the X-Arcade Dual Tankstick and comes with 2 8-Directional joysticks with 16 customizable action buttons, 1 and 2 player start buttons, a 3" Trackball, 4 side buttons for pinball gaming, and PS/2 and USB support for any computer.  It's also fully compatible with all major gaming stations (except for XBOX 360 on account of Microsoft being total assholes for not allowing compatibility support unless it fell under their terms) as well. 

The official site gives further details on the Tankstick and it looks impressive enough but I do need second opinions on this.

Is the stick worth the cash?
Repeat after me kids: I IMG homebrew. O:)
Off-Topic / Re: Bernie Mac Dies
08/13/2008, 10:02 PM
Wow, that sure is one disturbing game to play.  I might even say sick. IMG
Are we on P?

I'm starting my own film festival and it will be showing: Predator!!!!

Predator-Poster1.webp Predator-Poster2.webp
Quote from: BonkIMG
Samurai Pizza Cats was such an awesome show back then.  I made every effort to catch every episode (even in reruns).  Not only was it one of the gateway shows to my anime fandom, it was just damn funny! Bad Bird owned! :D
Off-Topic / Re: Cereals that suck...
03/16/2008, 01:18 PM
Cereals that suck?

Long long ago, I once had this cereal called Hidden Treasures.  It was basically a cereal composed of honey wheat squares with a bit of candied fruit in the center.  I had a box of it once and thought it was the nastiest shit I ever tasted.  Candied fruit as a fucking cereal? What the hell?

There was also another one called Fibre O's which was basically a cheerios like cereal only that it was composed of barley or some shit and was nearly rock hard to eat.  It tasted even worse in milk! :-&
Quote from: TRONIMG
Dude! I had PAC-MAN cereal as a kid! That stuff was awesome! I also loved to shake up the box and put it on its side to see what distribution of Pac-Man and ghosts I get and then try to tell an imaginative story about what they're doing. :D
Quote from: MurderDatefor nut butters (heh)  almond & peanut all the way..    you really can't beat peanut butter taste-wise, but most of us have been eating it  for our entire life so there you go. almonds are healthy as all hell.
Ever tried cashew butter? I saw a general store in the country one time selling it.  I would've loved to try that stuff because I like cashews. :)
Bob Barker sez:


Always remember to spay and neuter your pets.
Off-Topic / Re: what's your avatar and..
12/03/2007, 02:53 PM
I think the period between Gun and Smoke was put in to prevent a lawsuit from the rights holders of the original Gunsmoke TV series. :-k
No way would a poster like that be accepable in today's politically correct world.  No fucking way. :lol:
Well, I've been busy with the game for a while and have some new pics to show.  I'm also a member of a super group called "Dimebag Darrell's Heroes" and I've been promoted to " Old Skool Metallica". :P  So now, me and my fellow buds are waging war all across the cities by blowing up Arachnos robots as well as pulling off heists, defeating heroes, and mocking law enforcement. :twisted:

Here's today's haul:

What lies in this lab of strange and wonderful things? Who cares! I gotta beat the mad scientist here and blow it up, that's what!
Time to do a little vandalism. :twisted:
Ah, nobody needed that workstation anyway.
So much for that government grant. :P
Here's the boss of this mission.  Complete wacko bent on ruling the world with his mad genius.  Needless to say, he didn't really achieve that goal. [-X
No more mad scientist, no more lab, no more problem. 8)
No officer is going to put this priest under arrest!
Check it out! I can fly around. :D
Does this scene look familiar?
City of Villains allows your character to obtain new power pools after a certain number of levels.  Here, I was able to select Fly so now I can fly around whenever I want.
Another client.  The best thing about this guy is that whenever I complete a certain number of jobs under my own reconnaissance, he gives me a job to pull off a major heist in Paragon City, the home of heroes.  You'll get to see that later. :wink:
Here's a mission I chose under my own reconnaissance.  Defeat other magicians and show them that I'm the real deal in magic.  All I have to do is open that door and enter their hidden stronghold :twisted:
Well, well, what have we here?
Time to show these amateurs what real magic is all about!
Bring it on, bitches!
The head archmage.  He was more to my level but still went down in the end, within my flame! :twisted:
Just sleeping on the job.  It's not like that guy put a sleep spell on me or anything. :-"

That's all for this batch.  Next time, you'll see me blow up public property and rob a bank or two. :D

So, anyone interested in playing this game yet? :)
Here's the new screens!

This guy is called the quartermaster.  Unlike the arbiter trainers, I get to purchase and sell power inspirations and enhancements from him.  So, if there is any enhancement that I need to boost up my power arsenal, he's the go to guy. :)
Behold, the power of darkness! :twisted:
These wannabe superheroes thought they could get one on me.  Needless to say, they were wrong! :twisted:
Here was the leader of the pack.  He's not as tough as he looks.
A tanker filled with pirates? What's a bunch of lowly pirates gonna do against a priest like me?
Whoa, a little too close to the head there, buddy.
The pirate's den! Time to clean up this ship!
These guys are the more powerful batch of pirates.  However, their powers were no match for mine! :twisted:
Even the most vile of supervillains need a little help now and then.  I got this guy to help me out with a mission. :)
See how teamwork pays off? Our enemies never stood a chance! :D
Uhhhh...I shouldn't have had that 10th bottle of Jack Daniels.
This is my new client.  After you finish work for other clients, you get redirected to different clients who will give you different missions to complete.  He's a mad scientist, and our relationship is like dirt and bread, but a guy needs work after all.

If you find a mission to difficult to complete on your own, ask some buddies to help out.  There is also an option in the game to create Super Groups which consist of a group of super villains going out to do guessed it, villainry! :D Joining one of these groups can make the game a LOT more fun and exciting. 

Next time, you'll see me wreak havoc at a laboratory, fight rival priests, and me flying through the air.
Quote from: guestWhat about when you fight Dark Fact and the background turns into dark space?
That's more of an astrological plane than pure darkness.
Quote from: ParanoiaDragonWow, very cool.  Hmm, if someone else is called Dark Fact.....what does his character look like??
I don't know who the joker is that took that name, but I don't think his Dark Fact would look as good as mine. 8)
Quote from: KeranuNow lets see Dalles and Darm!  :dance:
Have you already forgotten that there is no cloak accessory in this game yet? Without a cloak, it's impossible for me to create Dalles. :roll: Dharm, on the other hand, is possible but I'm gonna have to put in a good few hours to make him.

Here's today's screens:
That bubble headed figure is the guy I report to for training every time I level up.  Recently, I just gave myself the power of flight so I can move through the air! :D
The cave missions involve me hunting down snakes.  It's almost like I'm Adol going through the Rastin mines to get treasure. :)
A whole nest of snakes! Yup, you guessed it, they're gonna die! :)
Snakes on fire, snakes on fire! :twisted:
Throughout the game, I get a set of temporary powers called inspirations.  Depending on the inspiration, I can have a temporary accuracy boost, defense boost, power boost, HP or MP recovery, or revival.  They can help bail me out of tough scrapes if my other powers get used up.
Whoops, missed me! :P
A treasure chest! What's inside? A ring of invincibility perhaps? :P
Getting my fire ready for some more snake broiling action! :twisted:
There is only one thing you can do in a snake's nest, blow up some eggs! :twisted:
Would you like your eggs poached...
or scrambled?
If you use up too much of your powers, you'll find yourself exhausted.  This giant cobra is the boss of the cave and let me tell you, it wasn't an easy fight.  Long story short, I won, he lost. :wink:

Next time, you'll see me raid a pirate tanker and team up with other fellow villains. :wink:

P.S. If anyone is interested in playing this game and teaming up with me, look me up on the PINNACLE server.  I'm usually on during the mornings and afternoons. :)
Okay, here's the attributes for my character:

1. Corruptor - This allows my character to manipulate natural elements such as fire, ice, or lightning to attack my opponents.  Considering that Dark Fact uses fire attacks, it was only natural to give him fire abilities.  The results are astounding! It really does make it look faithful to his powers in the original Ys games. :D
2. Magic - Considering that Dark Fact uses magic spells in Ys, it was only natural to assign him this attribute.  All other options are based off of mutation or technology which I say poop to that.
3. Primary Powers: Flare - Choosing between this and fireball, I went with flares considering that they do multiple amounts of damage on a single target and look just like the small fireballs that Dark Fact attacks Adol with on the platform during the final battle.  You can see the results from the screenshots posted above. :D
4. Secondary Powers: Dark Miasma - This allows Dark Fact to conjure up darkness from the netherworld to give him abilities to heal himself and weaken his opponents in the process.  While I've never seen him do this in the Ys games, it was the only logical choice given from the menu.  I'm not complaining though, as this power has saved my butt in battle multiple times. :)

And here are a couple of screens:

Here is me testing out my powers over a long distance.  Basically, I get to bug a few ships for a client and let's say, things didn't go as planned. :? No matter, they were no match for my dark powers! :twisted:
My first official use of the fireball power! I forgot to mention that after leveling up, I can add new powers to my arsenal.  So, the fireball power that I skipped initially has been finally added.  It sure came in handy in taking out the chief security officer at the runway! Look at that bang! :D
And here is my client.  I do a few odd jobs for him in order to build up my skills.  Nice fellow, albeit a little too paranoid sometimes.

Check back next time for some snake bustin' action! :D
Face shots:

facial view.
Full frontal body view.
Well, after spending a couple of hours customizing my character, this is what I've got so far:

  • Unfortunately, there is no option in the character creation mode to give Dark Fact a cloak.  So, in its place, I gave him some armour since it's the only other medieval thing he's got.
  • I couldn't get any screenshots of the character creation mode but I'll find a way to get a full frontal shot later.
  • I had to call him Dark Priest Fact on the official ID card because Dark Fact was already taken.  Ah well, it's not like I had to call him Bob, the blue bastard or anything in his place. :P

And as promised, screens! :D
Here's me in prison.  I don't know why I'm in prison.  All you need to know is that I'm bustin' out! 8)
I don't know exactly what went on here, but I had to get a fellow prisoner his medication and thus, had to go and threaten the nurse to do it.  Yay! :twisted:
Just shootin' the breeze with another fellow convict. :)
This is what happens when you play with fire.  You burn stuff! :)
Just me burning up a few fellow inmates.  Just a little revenge against them for taking my Manwich from last night's Sloppy Joe bonanza. :twisted:
The best part about being a villain is going where you're not authorized.  Here, I get to trespass and blow stuff up! Hooray! :D
Apparently, some security guards didn't like what I was doing and decided to "punish" me for it.  Well, I had to be reasonable with I decided to offer them a free tan.  Unfortunately, I overdid it. :P
I got to plant some explosives.  Go me!
And that's me standing proud for a job well done.  Being a villain never looked so good...I mean bad! :P

And that's all for the day.  I'll get some more screens up a bit later to show you all how I'm progressing on this game.  I'll also have some more info about Dark Fact's character attributes to share with you. :)
Quote from: PCEngineFX on 02/19/2007, 04:35 PM
Quote from: Dark Fact on 02/06/2007, 01:04 AMHoly shit that's one sharp camera! :shock: Where can I get one? :shock:
I'm using the Sony Cyber-shot DSC-T50 which is one of the only point-and-shoot cameras which have a super-micro zoom option (can focus down to 1cm) - $450.
SonyCyber-shotDSC-T50.jpg SonyCyber-shotDSC-T50back.jpg
So, anyone care to lend me 500 bucks? I'm broke. :cry:
*cue Dr. Who music*

Anyway, can you do an extreme closeup on the chipboards too ? Throw in the bees for fun! :wink:
General Gaming / Re: good ol' Konami Wave
02/08/2007, 01:15 PM
I think it looks like "Kjonami" myself. :P
Quote from: natThat original Konami logo actually reminds me quite a bit of the Nintendo logo.
Perhaps that's why it was changed.  They thought it looked a little too close to Nintendo's logo and feared that Nintendo would go after their asses for it.  In my opinion, it was for the better.  This first logo looks too dull!

As for the logo change, yes, I am very disappointed that they had to shelf the original logo in favor of that new boring one.  Konami's argument for this is that they want to improve themselves for the future and wanted a new logo to reflect upon their improvement.  In other words, it's a business decision (more like business politics) for them.  They thought that keeping the old logo with the waves would make them look too "old-fashioned".  I call BS on this as Capcom has never changed their logo ever since they went into the video game development business back in the 80's and are still great today as they were back then.

What would happen if Hudson felt the need to eliminate the bee from their logo in order to make themselves more "improved"? Food for thought.
DAMMIT!!! All this talk about a Turbo Fest and I can't go if my life depended on it! :x I really would like to meet up with you guys at this convention but unfortunately, I don't really have any Turbo systems or games to contribute.  Not to mention that I live all the way up here in Canada so cross border travel is pretty tricky in this post 9/11 world.

Anyways, it's great to see you guys very eager in getting this convention under way.  While I can't contribute directly to TurboFest, I could make a few suggestions:

  • Get some Valis cosplayers.  Nobody will be able to resist going to TurboFest if they see hot babes promoting Turbo goods and games.
  • In addition to classic Turbo consoles, you could also have a Wii setup with the latest Turbo games like Bomberman '93 and Military Madness.  Nintendo raising the Turbografx back up from obscurity is a blessing to all Turbo fans and it would be a good show of appreciation to have a Wii with Turbo games ready to play.
  • If possible, make some paper Bonk or King Drool cutouts with the words "Bonk was here" or "King Drool was here" and paste them up everywhere to get people noticing (in addition to the TurboFest logo on the cutouts as well).
Nice MS paint job, Sage. =D>
Just read the article.  Now THAT is funny! :lol:

It'd be a shame if some little kids in the line saw what was happening to poor Luigi getting dragged out like that.  It'd break their hearts.
They look like Yakuza to me. :-s Maybe Luigi didn't pay his "protection" fee and they're dragging him out back for a little payback. :-k
Ah, Hamburger Helper! The packaged mix of pasta, sauce mix, and other herbs & spices that we all like to buy in our grocery stores and blend it with ground beef to make a tasty lunch or dinner treat! Admit it, we've all had our share of the famous ground beef kit sometime in our lives so why don't we share our fondest memories of it? It could be about that very first time that you've had a taste of Hamburger Helper, how Hamburger Helper was a major part of your life during the Reagan administration or just flat out say what your favorite flavour is?

The premise was simple: you bought a pack of Hamburger Helper, browned up some ground beef, mixed in the pasta and sauce mix, and voila! Lunch or dinner is served! For me? I always make an effort to purchase the Lasagne flavour in addition to any other flavour.  Lasagne is not only my favourite flavour, it was the very first flavour I ever had of Hamburger Helper...and this was when I was 6! Since that first fateful bite, there was no turning back.
Nowadays, I make an effort to try out every flavour of Hamburger Helper but to this day, no flavour I've tried was ever able to beat Lasagne.  That flavour was just too good for me! :P

Hamburger Helper makes a great meal! Just talk to the hand! =; The helping hand that is! :wink:

That looks just like the one I played at the city fair when they were in town years ago.  Lots of fun but will eat your quarters! 8-[
I would suggest using a soft, slightly damp cloth to clean your connectors with.  Of course, you could also try blowing if you're in a rush. :wink:

If you don't have a soft, slightly damp cloth to clean your connectors with, I would suggest picking up this little gem:


It should help you get your games back up and running. :wink:

Of course, since it's out of print, your best bet is look at an online auction.  There is one for the kit here

And don't use any solvents or other cleaners, it can and will damage the circuitry completely and will turn your cartridges into makeshift coasters.
Now that's an 80's Betamax video movie cover if I ever saw one...distributed by Orion films. :wink:

I was kidding in that above line by the way.  Don't go scouring mom 'n' pop video stores across the nation trying to find a Patrick Swayze movie that doesn't exist. :wink:

This game fails it for not being engrish enough!  :evil:

Oh, and Tron, LOL at that list!  :lol:
Buy/Sell/Trade / Wanted Marble Madness
02/12/2006, 06:01 PM
This guy reminds me of T-1000, only deadlier.

Quote from: ThibautThank you Dark Fact 
My PC Engine collection will be complete soon (in few months), hardwares and softwares (CD and Hucards).
An now I search some very rares games and prototypes.
You're welcome. :D
If you got a digicam, put your collection up on the boards.  :wink:

QuoteSorry my english is not very good... You want to say if I ask Tengen or Hudson Soft ?
Um, I'm just asking if you do any work yourself and not with any company when it comes to building and modifying Turbo systems.
You can all get a peek at the upcoming trailer for the movie at the official site: SILENT HILL MOVIE SITE
Watch the trailer, it's surprisingly good! :shock:  The movie fits into the theme of the first game!

Awesome poster, TJ! Now that is something that really can get me to go see the movie! :D  Loved the way you designed the overlapping hands.