@GTV reviews the Cosmic Fantasy 1-2 Switch collection by Edia, provides examples of the poor English editing/localization work. It's much worse for CF1. Rated "D" for disappointment, finding that TurboGrafx CF2 is better & while CF1's the real draw, Edia screwed it up...
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JAPJAC Floret Sprung

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Custom title:
"Your Man in Japan"
Personal text:
J.A. Cullen
UK / Japan
Gamer - A leading pioneer and expert in the field of Japanese videogame playing...
Quote'Who was JAPJAC?'

"They were an English arcade-action gamer interested in Japanese issue TV and Arcade gaming from Pondtail. Although their first gaming platform was a TV-Game 6 and then a rubber-keyed Sinclair Spectrum 48k, it all started for them in the home with their grey imported Japanese RGB Scart Mega Drive (plus a Philips CM8833 monitor) from Shekhana, London, England in 1989 when they were just 11 years old. Since then they literally have only purchased Japanese issue Systems and Games.

Arcade-wise, Double Dragon and Out Run were the first ones that they became addicted to, circa 1987. They were a Neo Geo owner in 1992. They bought their first PCB, Rolling Thunder (with an Arcade Connection SuperGun) in 1994. They got their first arcade machine (Electrocoin Xenon) in 1998. They got their Capcom Power System CHANGER in 2005.

They were 12 years old when they were U.K. Altered Beast and Thunder Force II Champion (as printed in many issues of C+VG and Complete Guide to Consoles magazines) for the Japanese Mega Drive. For Thunder Force II they beat Julian Rignall's score to take the title.

They did their Secondary School, 2 week work experience with their then heroes at Mean Machines and C+VG magazines (EMAP). Every English school boy gamer's dream at the time.

The December 2010 issue 84 of retro GAMER magazine contains a feature on the Capcom Power System CHANGER, a feature that they pitched, provided all the information and images for and was the subject for interview. They believe this to be the FIRST feature in print on the system in English, in the World, ever.

An Englishman from Fleet residing in Tokyo since 2003.

They started doing all this a long time ago. Proper old skool, proper hardcore.

They have been making and uploading YouTube videos since 2006."
Prior to myself living in Japan (2003) and going on holiday for myself (2001) information on the internet regarding all things gaming in Japan was very thin on the ground. "Akihabara" was probably one of the first words I typed into Alta Vista upon using the internet for the first time resulting in nothing in return. I gained my information about Japan through the fantastic UK magazines and fanzines that we were lucky to have had since the late eighties (and the odd Japanese magazine from The Japan Centre). Now days it's very easy to find out what the inside of a shop in Akihabara looks like for example thanks to BA005 and myself. The first time I ever spoke to/knew a Japanese person was in Japan.

It wasn't long before my best mate BA005 conned/charmed his way in to some nice digs getting things stable for when I arrived. Probably wasn't a very nice thing to do at the time, but it was the plan from day one and we all make mistakes when we're young right? I guess the ends justified the means for us and it was a long time ago, too long for any grudges and to be remembered. But some girls can never get over being used, abused and dumped. Hell hath no fury! Meow!!

Now I promised myself that I would share my experiences with the World upon landing in Japan. There was always going to be two ways it was going to be taken by people; those that saw it as boasting and showing off, those that were grateful as I would of been if in the other shoes. I'm pleased you are the latter as it was intended.

I have no doubt in my mind that the main reason why both of us came here to live in the first place was to do with Japanese gaming.

There are some downsides to all this selfless sharing from Tokyo to the outside World regarding Japanese gaming. People think they know you when they really don't. I've had the same close real-life friends for over 35 years, not really interested in making virtual friends through twitter, YouTube and such like. One becomes part of people's on-line daily routines that one is literally the first person they think of when going on-line in the mornings by either checking ones blog (this message board) or ones YouTube channel etc. It's a kind of obsession, stalking even. And I would be a rich man if I had a quid for everytime someone tried to befriend me/wanted to converse with me, even take my picture in Akihabara (and other places) because I am so recognisably infamous. Just not interested. It's "kimoi" as they say in Rome.

When JAPJAC posts, contributes on the internet, it's instantly reported on as a big deal, when it really is not.

Now also, I won't ever have England slagged off! It of course all depends again where you live/lived that reflects on your love for any country. Again myself and BA005 come from a very wealthy and nice town in the South East of England (Fleet). All depends and reminds me that I always wanted to do a no-holds-bared 10 ten of things I miss about England!

In no order:

1) Christmas time/new year.
2) Proper food! Proper fish 'n chips, proper English Breakfast, proper Sunday Roast (Marmite on crumpets is what I have hunger for at the moment!) etc.
3) Family and friends of course.
4) Telly! You have the best telly in the World!
5) English! Talkng proper English at proper speed/level. Shamefully the Chav thing almost passed me by.
6) Beer Gardens. Sitting outside drinking outdoors at a pub cannot be beaten.
7) The sights of London. When I go back I'm always proud and amazed at the sheer history and beauty of London.
8) Cans. I'm talking walking around town centres just seeing them bounce up and down all day on nearly every fit bird you see.
9) Watching England play football down the pub during a national game getting really aggressive.
10) Sundays. T4 and EastEnders on the telly, Sunday Roast (again), just the whole Sunday 'feeling'.

Top 10 things I don't miss about England in no order:

1) Price of fags.
2) Expense in general.
3) Reverse discrimination.
4) Labour Government.
5) Overly P.C. culture.
6) Threat of becoming a European country.
7) Other home nations slagging off the English.
8) The current grey import scene.
9) Bread-Christ it was so stale and shitty compared to Japan.
10) 12 hour flights to Japan!

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❤ Quotes:
Quote from: Sarumaru on 11/03/2017, 08:45 PM
Quote from: JAPJAC on 11/03/2017, 08:01 PMThanks for the fandom. Who are you? No one.  Don't care. Thanks for your time.
Well, you certainly aren't going to make any friends with that attitude, mister!

Quote from: SignOfZeta on 11/03/2017, 09:52 PM
Quote from: JAPJAC on 11/03/2017, 08:01 PMThanks for the fandom. Who are you? No one.  Don't care. Thanks for your time.
Fuck yeah! I mean, when did you buy your Neo Geo? In 1993!? Ha! You fucking herb! There's no way you could have filled it with as much cum learned as much about it as this guy has. Die noob, you got burned by the fan's fan, the OG (of the English speaking world) Fapjack.

Quote from: turboswimbz on 11/03/2017, 10:00 PM
Quote from: JAPJAC on 11/03/2017, 08:01 PMThanks for the fandom.  Who are you?  No one.  Don't care.  Thanks for your time.
❤ Random:

JAPJAC self-deleted/vandalized nearly all his posts primarily due to combative, "tough-guy," argumentative harassment/heckling by Psycho Necromancer and other turbo trolls like SignOfZeta, that's my working theory from what I can undelete/assess of whatever quoted posts I could find to rebuild his account...

It looks like NecroPhile earns most of the credit/victory for this self-deletion (separate from whether or not it was good or bad to ban/expel JAPJAC). JAPJAC was banned by ShmupJunkie for example (I witnessed it) for being incredibly jealous/envious (pathetically so) about the success of the ShmupJunkie channel which led to trolling, trying to take credit for being the OG at raising PCE awareness long before ShmupJunkie ever arrived, then spamming his own failed channel (like a Nulltard), etc... It was a truly pathetic display of ego/pride/self-importance, so no loss... Ilya remarked at what he felt was a "vile" or "disgusting" post (strong language I recall), before deleting all of the exchange (not wanting drama), and then booting him.
04/18/2009, 07:03 AM
Local Time:
02/16/2025, 02:09 PM
Last active:
02/16/2018, 06:23 PM
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JAPJAC - "A leading pioneer and expert in the field of Japanese videogame playing, studying & collecting in the U.K. since day one" © 2001. Japan resident & TFP founder.