PC Engine Homebrew News: The duo that brought you FX-Unit Yuki returns! A demo for "Nyanja!" is available, an action platformer akin to games like Bubble Bobble & Snow Bros in gameplay style.
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Messages - geise

Sorry to hear you have so much going on Dragon. I would also recommend One Punch Man. Also for oldschool I enjoyed Dragon Half.
Off-Topic / Re: I'm alive...
05/10/2018, 09:56 AM
It's the weather out there Clash. It does wonders.
That Bloody Wolf one looks awesome!
Nice! Hopefully I'll have a forum to post a score tomorrow!
Quote from: GoldenWheels on 05/06/2018, 11:36 AMI know it was kinda voted down or whatever, but maybe it should be Game(s) of the Month. As in, two games of differing types, shooty/pinball, racing/action, whatever. That way we'd have a plan B.

I could be sucking at Hellfire (as I suck at Hellfire) and you guys could be making fun of me. That'd be way more fun.
Will think about it going forward. Only problem is months that we might have RPG's going on. I guess if it's an RPG and just a quick play shooter or platform game it won't affect much since it's a full month. Plus it could give a nice break into the RPG being played. Some just don't have the time to commit to even an RPG for a full month plus another game. People like me. I might be in the minority though.

Regarding this current GOTM I am happy to see some people playing. I just got back from out of town and will start posting scores soon. When I get better haha!
I have not played it yet. I want to just finish it on ps4 then get on the pc release. The buggy shit is mostly from people who commented before the patches. There are a good amount of comments from people that have had little to no issues with the game.
It might be able to have it's chance again next month. Go ahead and play it anyways. You can start a discussion thread about it as well. Possibilities are endless.

First go play Alien Crush. Crush some scores.

God that was bad...
Voting closed! Thanks everyone for participating!


The winner is Alien Crush. An excellent pinball game by good ol' Naxat Soft for the Turbo / PCE. Some prefer Devil's Crush, but this is still a fantastic pinball game. I really enjoy the Alien style aesthetic. Alien Crush also makes good use of all the types of pinball items such as the bumpers and flippers. Getting into the bonus rooms for extra items and boss fights can be a challenge, but are great for points. The music is also fantastic. Devil's Crush I like a little better in the music department, but these tunes are still really nice. Well I hope everyone has fun this month. Post some high scores!!!!!!!!!!
Quote from: esteban on 04/29/2018, 05:11 PMDamn, when is this starting?
This starts tomorrow.
Sword of Vermilion, Armed Police Batrider, Unravel. Still early in the day with time to obey. Been humming Star Parodier's title theme song in my head all day. So more than likely going to play that.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: WTT Gate of Thunder
04/28/2018, 01:54 PM
Didn't you get Spriggan Mk II from CrackTiger or were you shunned? BTW good luck trading GoT for Nexzr.
Quote from: seieienbu on 04/28/2018, 12:53 PMI'm sure that's a fake auction with shill bidding.
That's how Saru advertises. O:)
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: WTB Super Air Zonk
04/27/2018, 06:50 PM
So, what other games do you want besides Super Air Zonk? What games do you like to play on the Turbo?

Sometimes it's nice to start a little "Hello" thread introducing yourself. What made you get into the turbo? Do you have history with the system?
So, I just noticed there could possibly be a tie. If that is the case I guess it can just be both of those games for the month.
Quote from: guest on 04/26/2018, 12:14 PMAw I miss when SamIAm used to do these, they were great! Voted for Hellfire S if I can even play it :)
If he wants to jump and host for a month he is more than welcome. I totally agree and is why I decided to do a GotM. A little more time per game, but hopefully not to much time. I am sure it might be depending on the game that is voted.
LOL! So far I'm the only one that voted Splash Lake.
It is pretty sweet yet so many hate Darksoft.
Quote from: guest on 04/24/2018, 01:44 PMDownloading and burning is soooo hard!
You lazy turd! LOL!
I voted Splash Lake. Mostly cause it's been forever since I've played it. I could easily play any of these this month. I'm trying to do games that normally aren't played all the time by others. Dive into the library a bit more. These are fairly common.  Didn't want to go to crazy on obscure games.
Rip your game. Take the sound files into a program and adjust the levels.
With prices on games now there is no way I'd just start getting rid of my games from the early days. As nice as they are I would still want to play my actual owned games at some point, even if I owned one.
Ok, starting the voting to get this game of the month up and running. So the last week of each month I'll make a poll with games we can vote for. I'll try to keep a good mix of genre and hucard/cd based games, so hopefully everyone will be happy (lol probably not). Below is info for all the games in the poll for people who don't know of certain games. Hopefully people that don't normally post might come forward and participate in discussion or even with certain games post high scores. Lets make this fun.

1. Aoi Blink

2. Dungeon Explorer

3. Alien Crush

4. Splash Lake

5. Hellfire S
It's probably just dirty bathwater put into old recycled bottles with his labels on it.
Sega doesn't have the pull anymore from the community like nintendo has. This is going to sell nowhere what nes and snes mini have. I wish it would but it's not going to. I also think the mini fad is wearing down. That or everyone has one at this point that really wants one. You can find snes mini's anywhere here.
what about Don Doko Don and New Zealand Story?
Off-Topic / Re: I'm bald.
04/16/2018, 08:55 PM
Quote from: hoobs88 on 04/16/2018, 08:17 PM
Quote from: esteban on 04/16/2018, 07:40 PM
Quote from: hoobs88 on 04/16/2018, 10:49 AMMeMyHair43.jpg
I'm still rocking the long hair. Fortunately, haven't lost it yet and I'm 43.
The mysterious hoobs has appeared!
The last time I posted a photo of myself, someone said I looked like Billy Mitchell.
God no. No, you do not. BTW what phone is that!?
I am more worried how this is all going to affect Secret Santa this year. :(
Nightwolve I'm disappointed man, seriously disappointed. You need to take a vacation...for a long time.
For it's time the graphics are quite good considering a lot were pre-rendered. Modeling was still in it's early forms then. Add to the fact it was for sprites on a 16-bit system with a limited but decent color palette, I felt they were pretty good.
Mad Stalker not that long ago was a $35 game. Past couple years the game on every platform it was made on has gone up like crazy.

I like the cut scenes and music on the pc-e but for arcade card the game could've been better. It pales in comparison to the x68k.
Yeah man. Batman has an amazing soundtrack. I put it up there with Dungeon Explorer as some of my favorite on a HuCard.
Quote from: guest on 04/13/2018, 06:04 PMCan I request Hatris or will it kill GotM and make y'all rage quit?
Hatris is welcome. I am thinking of doing a voting system where 5 games or so get voted a little before the end of the month. Whichever one wins is of course the game we play for that month. I do kinda like the idea of picking a random game like Clash said. It's either that or we vote from a poll each month from a list of games. I would like to add pc-fx but not as many play it. I would like to keep it strictly pc-e and turbob. 

In regards to types of games I'd like to include everything, but I fear JRPG's or other heavy text games might kill participation. If most are cool with it we'll go with everything pc-e and turbo then.

How do people feel about like 5 games and a poll to vote before the end of each month?
Fuck! These games were made in Zipang? I never knew! :shock:
I find the sound at least more pleasing on the pc-e version
I haven't played Cotton in forever. Is there any difference in score between the US and JP version?
I'm assuming no, but you never know.
BTW nice score Billy.
^ That's actually pretty nice. I like it's using the early genny instruments and not the later.
Quote from: guest on 04/03/2018, 01:50 PMI think that one'd pair nicely with a Genny game.  :mrgreen:

I don't know if doing a pairing with Hany is a good idea. I'll think of another.
LOL. Keep em' coming Clod!
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: ISO CD laser assembly
04/03/2018, 10:00 AM
Chop5 might  be able to help you out.
Clean it and bring it back to life. It is a great system and we have good peeps here that might be able to help on the tech side of things aren't working right when / if you get it clean. Might not have said this before but welcome to the forums.
EDIT: lol I am over a year late on that. 2016 registration date.
One game would  be easier. That was also what I was thinking in regards to me hosting each month.
Quote from: guest on 04/02/2018, 10:54 AMI'm somewhat interested.  I like the idea of having a whole month to work on 'em, though no more than two games please.
Yeah this is going to be 2 games only. Sounds like this is going to be how we'll do it. I'd like to get this started by May. So, my idea is to start a thread soon for who wants to choose the games for the months of 2018. I'll host to keep it going, but will have people request the games they want for each month like SamIAm did for each week. If people really want to host themselves that's fine and we can go that route. If people get to busy I can step in for them and host.

Do people want to host themselves for each month?
Quote from: guest on 03/31/2018, 05:30 PMWhat's more shocking is that such an old as butt Geocities site is still up and working
Yeah. At least it wasn't hosted on Angelfire.
My mom needs my uncles death certificate so she can cancel his account and stop getting "wish George a happy birthday" notice every fucking year. They make it near impossible to cancel on purpose.

Esteban, you and I are in total agreement with all of it.
Those headphones look nice.
Off-Topic / Re: What happened to Nullity?
03/31/2018, 05:36 PM
Funny. I remember when Nulltard was working on his site. I liked the graphics he worked on for it. Gave some small suggestions and was glad to see another site coming around that was Duo related. People had no problem signing up when it went live. Some were excited for it. The scans section is great. It also had a chat section. Even better since we lost ours here and then finally went to paul's (now defunct :() chat. When shoutbox was here we mostly all hung out here, posted in the forums and kept the place going. Over time Nulltard was being silly, joking and constantly just saying d.u.o.p.h.i.l.e.c.o.m. I gave no shits, however after a year or so it was getting old and wasn't stopping. Then people were having beefs over other forum shit (mostly about moderation that we finally started having) among other things I don't remember.

I remember watching on of Josh's gamehuggers vids where esteban, arkhan, dan, and josh were talking. Arkhan brought up how much this site has been less active over the years, and the different chat places having much to do with it along with FB. He mentioned how much it sucks cause we're already a small enough niche community we don't need to be splitting off. Having a chat here really helped this place. He is totally right. Not long after NW decided to bring the shoutbox back. I was super excited. He's still trying to make it better for us. All the shit that happened while he was working on it was totally unnecessary.

I realize shoutbox isn't going to make it like the old days. Those are long gone. Most just do shit on their phones, so FB and certain chats are where people go now. However I am hopeful it can bring this place to be more active to a degree.
Off-Topic / Re: Your wet dream
03/31/2018, 04:54 PM
Wait. So Arkhan has tits?