12/06/2023: Localization News - Tengai Makyou/Far East of Eden: Ziria!!!

OMG! ZIRIA! ZIRIA!!! IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED!! 34 YEARS LATER!! The epic/legendary Tengai Makyou/Far East of Eden: Ziria JRPG has finally been localized! Supper the Subtitler struck again! Simply unstoppable, NOTHING can prevent him from TOTAL PCECD localization domination!!!! WHACHA GONNA DO BROTHER?!?!
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Messages - Bernie

Quote from: HuMan on 10/21/2017, 01:33 PMNot so much the button itself, having a dedicated pause and menu button is always good *looks shamefully at the Sega Master System*, but why a word like "Run"? Is it a weird translation? Just an English word that sounded good to the guys at Hudson Soft? Or did NEC use it because home computer people "Run" programs?

Because this is Turbo, so a WALK button would not be sufficient.  :)

Yeah, I am late to the game...as usual....   :lol:
This...  IMG
Quote from: Sarumaru on 12/22/2015, 08:19 PMGot my discs. Thanks Berns! I plan to make this the cover for my case in honor of Bernus.

I gotta admit....this is funny.
Been getting into Fami stuff lately.


Sent from my iPhone using your mama


Sent from my iPhone using your mama
Fighting Street / Re: It has happened...
12/06/2015, 02:54 PM
Quote from: Psycho Alt-Nintega on 12/06/2015, 02:52 PMI'm lost. So is $400 a lot for this or is this too cheap?
Well, I feel its a little high, considering what is included...  It appears that he has the price jacked up, with the repros as a selling point.  But, I dunno...maybe I should just not let it bother me.  If some dummy wants to spend 400 on that, let him do so.

I am going to do something that I have been wanting to do for a bit now.  I currently have the second batch of Turbob Xpress repros in hand....although they have not officially been offered up for grabs yet.  I would like to propose a special raffle... 

I am proposing, that ANYONE wishing to obtain a full set of these repros, and would like to join in this raffle to get them.... send 1 US dollar to me.  But wait a second....why is Bernie doing this?  I will tell you.  ANY and ALL monies sent to me for THIS raffle, will be donated to NightWolve.  Thats right, this is the time to show how thankful we are for our translators to continue to work on projects for our PCE.  1 dollar will get you one entry.  You can enter as much as you like, so 2 USD would be two entries, and so on. 

Remember, these arent up for grabs yet, so only PM me if you want in on this raffle.   :wink:


Please PM me for the PayPal ID for this, so I can keep better track of everything.  :)
Off-Topic / Re: Random Pictures Thread
10/28/2015, 10:38 AM
Got a freebie up for grabs.  Dracula X, with the 1st version of BL's dub.  The only differences are minor.  The final version had some slight text changes in the intro, some of the dubs were changed, some signs were translated, and I believe thats it...  Anyway, I am giving this away to anyone that wants it.  No manual, or inserts included..just the disc and a case.


Don't forget that some Duos, mainly the black ones, have issues playing these sometimes.  It plays fine in one of mine, but the other unit doesn't like it.  If you have a Duo R, then you should be problem free.  Just reply you would like a shot at this, and I will choose a winner sometime in the near future.....
Off-Topic / Re: Show us your face!
01/24/2015, 09:40 AM
Quote from: ccovell on 01/24/2015, 09:10 AMTotal goatee and/or moustache deficiency in comparison, but...
Finally, a face to put with all those cool toys you have released!
Off-Topic / Re: Show us your face!
01/24/2015, 08:22 AM
Ok.  :)

lost: /1094441_10200476205404025_1656222960_o.jpg
Off-Topic / Re: Random Pictures Thread
01/14/2015, 03:54 PM
Is this you Nulltard?    :lol:

Fighting Street / Re: Yo Mama!
07/30/2014, 09:24 PM
Quote from: Nulltard on 07/30/2014, 02:34 PMyo momma so fat IMG
oh god damnit that is just nasty...
Quote from: madboom0522 on 03/26/2014, 05:22 PMAhhh with all the poop comments.... So nasty....
Yeah, its kinda shitty....

The Shadowgate 64 game was actually quite enjoyable for me.  NOT what I expected, and would have loved to see the one in the works come out, but alas...it was not to be.



This.. aetherbyte.com/aetherbyte-reflectron_for_pc-engine_and_turbografx-16.html

Bernard, happens to be my real name..  THIS must be fully developed into a released full length game.  :) 

QuoteYou are a Biological Entity Remover Node And Repair Droid (or B.E.R.N.A.R.D. for short), working for the evil robot overlord on his deadly mobile space station. Charged with maintaining the primary laser cannon, B.E.R.N.A.R.D has, however, developed something of a conscience. Instead, he has chosen to defy his master and do his best to stop the cannon's DELTA CRYSTAL from charging up by destroying the MEGA PROTONS with his cranial gun. Will he be able to stop the cannon from decimating another innocent world?

Reflectron is a simple, addictive arcade style high-score action game which is free to download and play on a PC Engine emulator of your choice (such as Magic Engine, Mednafen or Ootake) or flash card.
Getting the 404 error my way... :(

Quote from: esteban on 02/16/2014, 06:24 AMTHANK YOU!!!

SuperPlay is more reliable than reliable. Truly.  :pcgs: IMG:pcgs:


Here you go, folks: http://www.archives.tg-16.com/music_database.htm?col=jp&val=might

PCE Red Book is gorgeous...a nice dose of atmospheric synth to keep me quite happy. Corny/formulaic at times, perhaps (even though this was 1993 release, it has stylings from 80's, see track 7), but very nicely executed. I dig it. Sure, I wish the overall atmosphere was darker/bleaker, but the tracks are quite catchy and I can't help but like them.

Might & Magic III: Isles of Terra
Off-Topic / Re: Got Tattoos? Show'em
01/21/2014, 09:14 AM
Here are some showing a few of mine.  My wife has em as well, but they aren't all out there. She works at a bank and needs to have em covered, so they are in places like her ankle, back of neck, thigh, ect.


My dad and I, his chest is totally done.

My niece and I.


And my sis and I.  :)
Got some Gamecube stuffs coming.  Had these all before, but gave them to my daughters.

Shoot me your email, I have it scanned for ya.

Here it is uploaded.

Here is the Gradius II sticker scan.

Hi-Res scan: IMG

love this one!!
Quote from: Duo_R on 05/22/2013, 01:01 AMThis is pretty nice....somehow I missed this 3D print project
If we ever get enough interest for a Turbo ED order I wouldnt mind making a custom label for that.
Whoa!  Where can I get one those slip thingies?  That looks great!
Just bought one of these [Turbo Everdrive].


Easy way to let my HuCARDS go, and still be able to play em. :)
Does this one operate the same way?


It appears to be slightly cheaper than this one.

If they both operate in the same manner, I may go ahead and get it.
Esteban..  you silly goose!!  IMG
Got a couple goodies lately.  From the man that posts the biggest pics ever.....



And, an IFU from BlueBMW.  :)  Thanks B!
Here it is.  :)

Legendary Blades Back Paxe II
Picked this up yesterday.  After buying a second Turbo Duo controller, figured I would pick this up to go with it.


New in box, although the box has a few dings.  No biggie since I dont save boxes anyway.  :mrgreen:
Looking for this.


Figured I would try here before I hit the eBay.  :)
This straight from his torrent.

I exclusive share with you my in progress PCE-CD Might & Magic Book One translation.
I hope help found someone, who good japanese to english translator. I use the original script when I found in original PC release, but this release has lots of additional texts. I use google translator and babylon9 site, but is not enough good, (because my english worst what you ever seen).  

This areas translated: B1, C1-3, D1, E1, Cave North Barrier, Dusk, Erliquin and Cave, Sorigal and Cave, in progress Portsmith.

All translated text is in the torrent in .jce file format, can use with JWPce (JWPce is a freeware japanese word processor). I use these format because easy to rip texts from the game to the ShiftJIS coded file.

I don't have enough time to translate and edit the rom at the same time. If i found any help the translation easy completed in 2-3 months, but only myself it easy to take a years.

The game start with run.bat, but if you familiar with the use mednafen, you can config yourself, just be sure use the SYSCARD3hacked.PCE with the 8x12 hacked system fonts.

I grabbed this earlier.  http://www.ebay.com/itm/251080877067

This one here.  http://hyperkin.com/retro-gaming/retro-system-retron3.html

I have had a couple, raffled one off here in the forums.  It was a very nice clone, and I never had issues with it.  Plus, it allows for original controllers. 

Quote from: chany60126 on 10/22/2012, 06:59 PMHere is some PCE goodness that I got from BlueBMW. Thank you so much!!
I recognize the Far East of Eden, but what are the others?
Here is the winner for MSR!


Congrats Lost Monkey!!  PM me with your mailing info!
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: RAFFLE: Splash Lake
10/20/2012, 10:42 AM
HA!  Yeah, I slept in.  I will post in both threads a little later.  :)

Surprised me on this one, but I am glad one of the new guys has won this one!!


Congrats dude.  I already have your mailing info, so this will go out Monday!
Quote from: RoyVegas on 10/19/2012, 04:57 PM
Quote from: tpivette on 10/18/2012, 09:58 PMLots of rare Turbo games popping up recently... heres another gouged "VGA" example

Damn, I missed out on $800...  And mine was in better condition.  :-#

Huh?  Are you saying you would charge 800 for this game?  :(
Quote from: FiftyQuid on 10/09/2012, 12:04 PM
Quote from: Bernie on 10/07/2012, 01:29 PMI picked up a few packs of these, http://www.ebay.com/itm/130487318755?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 and they are sooo nice.  I have to buy more, cause I only picked up 200 of the single CD wraps, but the double CD ones look great as well. 


It really sets off the way your games look on display.  These things are well worth it! 
@Bernie, mind posting a pic?  I wouldn't mind seeing what these baggies look like in action.
Sure, I can post a few.

I picked up a few packs of these, http://www.ebay.com/itm/130487318755?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 and they are sooo nice.  I have to buy more, cause I only picked up 200 of the single CD wraps, but the double CD ones look great as well. 


It really sets off the way your games look on display.  These things are well worth it!
Off-Topic / Re: Secret Santa 2012
10/06/2012, 03:45 PM
Quote from: esteban on 10/06/2012, 01:43 PMAs a practicing Levianthanite, I am not allowed to participate in anything like this. Sorry IMG
Whats that?
Off-Topic / Re: Caption Contest
09/26/2012, 09:14 PM
Buy/Sell/Trade / FS: XBOX system and games
09/26/2012, 12:23 AM
Original XBOX, with a handful of games.  The system comes with the box and manual/paperwork, but no styro insert or whatever it was that held this beast in place in the box..  The system works great, and also comes with the component cable along with the original A/V cable.  All the games are in great condition, and complete.  

Capcom Classics Collection V.1
Doom 3 Collectors edition with metal case
The Bards Tale
Star Wars the Clone Wars/Tetris Worlds
Beyond Good and Evil
Halo- GOY
Lord of the Rings, Two Towers
Prince of Persia Two Thrones
Prince of Persia Warrior Within


I am looking to get $ 100.00 obo, plus shipping.  I am also willing to trade for PC Engine or Turbo Grafx 16 games, or accept trade and funds.   :lol:
Off-Topic / Re: Random Pictures Thread
09/15/2012, 03:51 PM
Quote from: csgx1 on 09/14/2012, 07:03 PMMy SFII' came in a single CD jewel case.  I didn't realize that SFII' actually came in a double case until recently.  Not sure why someone changed mine.  The manual fits and the case closes fine. 

Probably the same reason I did.  I used the second tray for another card, and used the double case for a CD game, plus the english translation of it burned to disc.
Quote from: canada on 08/15/2012, 11:56 PM
Quote from: Bernie on 08/15/2012, 06:28 PMThanks everyone.  My stepson will like this one for sure!  He played my copy a few times and fell in love with it.  Been picking up quite a few for him as Christmas gifts.  This will be one of them.  :)
what a cheap skate.. just give it to him today.. why do you need to wasit for xmas... cheap.
You know what canada?  You really are a sorry excuse for a human being.  I wasn't going to even respond to you, but felt the need to at least say kiss my ass bitch.  The child is 9..  Nine years old.  So, for him to have a bunch of Turbob on Christmas day will be exciting to HIM.  Do you understand that you moron?  He has enough to keep him busy until then, although none of this is really any of your business.  Why don't you just go the hell away?  Nobody here will ever deal with you, unless they do not know any better.  But, then of course, one of us will take care of that.  

On another note.  I deal with people from Canada every single day at work.  I have to say, I have NEVER met a big of an asshole as you from there.

And in closing...
Alright guys.  Here is your winner!


Get with me 8bit.
I bought a set of cordless controllers with receiver from a forum member, and it came with 3 controllers.  I do not need 3 of them, so I would like to offer it up for trade only.  My wishlist is in my signature, so if you are interested, check out the wishlist and PM me.  The controller appears to be in new condition and unused.  I removed it from the box for clear pics.  Pics below.   :D  The games I want from my wishlist do not have to be with box, as I do not collect boxes.  I just want complete games, meaning game/manual/jewel case if the game came with one. 


Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: Bernie's giveaways
08/04/2012, 06:48 PM
Alright peeps.  This month it is Jackie Chan for PCE. 
Just sign up below if ya want in.
Ok guys.  Im going to start giving away random turbo goodies from time to time.  Could be monthly or whenever I choose.  All one has to do is sign below and they are in.  I will edit the topic each time I add something new.  If you want something after I have added it to the raffle, just sign up.  Each time someone wins the present item, I will list another very soon afterwards, so you will have to sign up again if you want in. 

There really is not a set of rules for this.  You do not have to have a minimum post count or anything like that.  However, these things are meant to be enjoyed by the participants... :-"


This month's raffle item will be Princess Maker for the PC Engine Duo.  http://www.pcengine.co.uk/HTML_Games/Princess_Maker_1.htm
      winner was turbokon

For August, 2012 it is going to be Jackie Chan for the PCE.  If ya want in, sign up.  :)