12/06/2023: Localization News - Tengai Makyou/Far East of Eden: Ziria!!!

OMG! ZIRIA! ZIRIA!!! IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED!! 34 YEARS LATER!! The epic/legendary Tengai Makyou/Far East of Eden: Ziria JRPG has finally been localized! Supper the Subtitler struck again! Simply unstoppable, NOTHING can prevent him from TOTAL PCECD localization domination!!!! WHACHA GONNA DO BROTHER?!?!
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Messages - Bernie

I will grab this once I am sure they have worked all the kinks out. Been excited about it since I heard about its release.
Good to see some action on this project still.
If there is still a need for this, I can upload all the manuals in one archive for folks.
Quote from: HuMan on 10/21/2017, 01:33 PMNot so much the button itself, having a dedicated pause and menu button is always good *looks shamefully at the Sega Master System*, but why a word like "Run"? Is it a weird translation? Just an English word that sounded good to the guys at Hudson Soft? Or did NEC use it because home computer people "Run" programs?

Because this is Turbo, so a WALK button would not be sufficient.  :)

Yeah, I am late to the game...as usual....   :lol:
No, I no longer offer that.
Quote from: dallaspattern on 11/12/2016, 12:10 AMYour electoral collage is like out first past the post system. They're both outdated and don't perform in modern day politics the way they were designed to over a hundred years ago. There's a movement up here to bring in proportional representation, which would give the other parties a chance as well as making sure people are voted in according to the number of actual ballots cast. Modern day democracies have caught on to this long ago, it's a shame it's taken so long in the west.

As an aside, I wonder if all those angry alt-right turds have figured out that electing a bigot still won't get them laid.
Gotta love how some think he is a bigot.
Which one did you need?  I have them in my DropBox.  Just send me a PM with a list, and I will get the links to you.
I will pm you.
Thanks for the heads up.  Grabbing the patch now.
In other news.  This thread is depressing.  :)  Got a lot of old timers at each other.  Calm it down and get back to OBEY!  Bitches....  :)
Off-Topic / Re: DildoPhile members..
09/03/2016, 06:21 PM
Quote from: Sparky on 09/03/2016, 06:10 PMLook at your self buddy, i got lots to share as well psyho that I can post over on Facebook if you like. I am a drunk angry fuck right now with my situation, if you guys want to over react which you do all the time,so be it, go back to you Facebook group where you think your something. That's why I left and blocked you, I vented to a so called buddy of mine that turns around and tells you and you come after me. That's not cool so I told him and he over reacted. I am done with the facial book seen.
Mark this in your fucking calendar sir.  As this will be the LAST time I EVER speak with you.
1. I didn't do a damn thing.

2. Maybe if you actually took a step back, and looked at things, you would actually see the forest for the trees.  You constantly get drunk and aimlessly message people on FB, trying to start fights, but when the shit hits the fan you cant handle it.  I don't have time for it, and THAT is why I got tired of it.  Stop playing the victim, its insane.  Blaming someone else for being attacked, when you brought it on yourself?   ](*,) ](*,) ](*,)  So, yeah, you got yourself blocked cause I don't wanna deal with drunk messages all hours of the fucking night.  Sick of it.  It's damn sad too, cause you are really a good guy Sparks.  It doesn't make me feel good to have had to make this move.  I do not expect you to understand, nor do I expect you to accept anything I have said here. But in reality, you can only blame yourself.  I tried getting through to you.
Off-Topic / Re: DildoPhile members..
09/03/2016, 05:55 PM
Quote from: DildoKKKobold on 07/14/2016, 08:30 AMDamn, we won't win the rigged raffles!

Bernie will win, despite not even being a member of the forums!

I win?!
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: RAFFLE BONK 3 REPRO
09/03/2016, 09:09 AM
Good deal man.  Excellent!  Dont enter me.  :)
Only thing I've got left is a handful of Dracula X.  Japan version
I really enjoyed this one.  Watched it via Ouya with the Kodi App. 
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: MVS games for sale
07/12/2016, 04:37 PM
Congrats on the wedding B!!
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: WTB PCE Duo-R
07/12/2016, 04:35 PM
I kinda like the Turbo Duo, but alas, they do need some work to get em right.  :(  Out of the box, the Duo R is more reliable....for now...
I was never into that game, but congrats on the sale.  :)
What is the going price for a boxed TG-16 now?  I paid like 130 for mine a few years back.
These manuals need updating....
Yeah he was caught off guard, as would anyone in that position had it happened to them.
Quote from: OldRover on 03/13/2016, 09:39 PMNothing else brings out the fangs quite like politics, religion, and video games.
My thoughts exactly.  In my group convo on FB, we have several opinions, but nothing ever resorts to trashing each other.  Me being a Trump and Bernie supporter, a few others leaning one way or another.  But whatever, call each other retarded and morons and whatever else.
Im undecided between Trump and Bernie.  I like em both, and feel like they would both be good presidents.  A lot of people stand behind Trump becuz they tired of the BS. 

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Quote from: guest on 01/26/2016, 02:08 PMIt will be for sale again soon guys.. Good luck getting it for a cheap price though!
No it wont........

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Quote from: ginoscope on 03/06/2016, 07:29 PMThanks Bernie that is what I needed.
No problem!  :)

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Quote from: Joe Redifer on 03/06/2016, 08:11 PMWhy would you ever want to do this?
Ive often wondered the same thing...
Quote from: ginoscope on 03/06/2016, 06:21 PMVery nice is there a demo or recomandation on how to print these out?

I'm going to get a printer soon so would love some advice on what to get.
Use this from my Dropbox.  https://www.dropbox.com/s/2xsxn61xe5txjll/undercoverxp.zip?dl=0

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interest in Wizardry.  PM incoming

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Im guessing this train finally derailed? 

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Time for my morning poo

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Quote from: guest on 03/03/2016, 07:42 PM
Quote from: ginoscope on 03/03/2016, 06:15 PMDon't get me wrong I appreciate what Bernie and Co. did with the first two rounds.

Does everyone really have issues reading CD-Rs?  I had issues on my PC Engine DUO and TG16 cd and after changing both lasers they read everything perfectly.  Not trying to be an ass just wondering.
Yep, my Duo can't read CD-Rs. I don't really want to bother with changing the laser, and besides, Bernie's prices are essentially covering costs, there's no point in doing so. Having almost original art on the CD is an added bonus—who doesn't like admiring all parts of a game, gameplay + media + manual + artwork?
I believe his comment was geared more towards fan translated games.
KW, you got one now man.  :)  Unless you dont want that trade?
We have had a couple devs say they were not against having Tobias press their stuff, but I will let them speak here if they want.  Those projects are not anything ready right now anyway. 

But yeah, I feel shying away from fan translations would be the best bet, UNLESS said translator has said they gives no shits.  I am fine with getting the more expensive releases, and anything else is just a surprise. 

On another note....we do have some inside info on getting fan made projects pressed here in NA.  I won't say too much about it at this moment, but the idea has taken form.  Do not expect anything soon, as everything related to that is still ways off.  Thee guys making games, and converting from NES to PCE, they have lives, and this is a time consuming hobby.  But, yes...there are a couple things on the back burner right now.  I will let them chime in if they so choose.  :)
NONE of this makes sense to me....  I am just glad someone is making more HB for the PCE.  :)
One thing we may not have been clear on, is future titles.  Tobias is totally in charge of what games go to press, not us.  Now, I have sent him info on titles lots of folks have asked about, and I am sure he takes that into consideration.  However, in the end, Turbob Xpress has no final say in which games come our way.  I hope that clears that up a little.  :)
I dont even know what this thing is supposed to  be... but from all the crap that has been blowing up around it, I am willing to bet it is never released.

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Stuff like this makes me just wanna stick with the OE composite out.  I have had a couple that were component modded from turbokon, and they looked fantastic however.

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PM sent

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Fuck it, hang me.

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We made exceptions in certain cases.

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Guys, I encouraged him to come here and see if anyone had an extra repro.  Several folks here got multiples, and I thought maybe someone would have an extra as I am out of that title. 

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Quote from: grolt on 02/22/2016, 11:56 AMCongrats on the eBay win?
Holy smokes!!  123 bucks for that? 

Oh, and here is a scan of my manual.  Some wrinkles on front cover, but it will do I guess.  :)

Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: PC Engine Duo
02/16/2016, 07:00 PM
Quote from: Otaking on 02/16/2016, 06:54 PM
Quote from: mackcalloway00 on 02/16/2016, 06:31 PMJust as a starting place below ebay. I'm tired of people on Facebook wanting ebay prices, if I was willing to pay eBay I would have went to eBay. I'm not out to screw people over however I would like some kind of discount.
I would say it was better to say you want buy at lower end eBay price minus the fees saved by the seller not selling to you on eBay.

Why would someone on here sell to someone new to the forum for less than what they could sell a Duo for on eBay?
Cuz....thats what we do?  :) 

Seriously tho, hit up Keith Courage, Turbokon, or braap.
Quote from: BigusSchmuck on 02/15/2016, 07:12 PMAny different than Galaga 90?
Same game

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Thank you!!!!
Quote from: guest on 02/14/2016, 07:17 PM
Quote from: Xray on 02/14/2016, 12:40 AMMaybe some free watermelon seeds for you.

So why did prof "leave" ... Wouldn't have anything to do with AIDS complications would it ??
So much for being reformed and unfairly judged for past behaviour which was supposedly all in the long past. :/
Could this possibly be one of those wonderful people ProProf ran off after digging up his skeletons?  hmmmmm

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