PC Engine Homebrew News: The duo that brought you FX-Unit Yuki returns! A demo for "Nyanja!" is available, an action platformer akin to games like Bubble Bobble & Snow Bros in gameplay style.
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Topics - kazekirifx

So is anyone playing this great new 8-bit Castlevania-style game ?
It's really a great loveletter to Castlevania 3 and I highly recommend it.

My brothers and I made a Youtube review if anyone wants to know more of my thoughts.
I'd love to hear everyone's thoughts on the game.
Hey guys. For those who haven't checked out my PC-88 thread on the Chit Chat board, I want to show you an interesting PC which NEC released in 1989 and which I own. Interestingly enough, this machine can use the same CD drive that the PCE does as a CD rom drive.

I've made a youtube video about it in my ongoing series about games for NEC's old computers "PC-88 Paradise". Your feedback on my humble video would be much appreciated!

I did a review of the 3 Shubibinman games for PCE for our Youtube Channel "Basement Brothers". We'll have a second video up eventually covering Shubibinman Zero for Super Famicom.

If any of you would be kind enough to give it a view, I'd love to hear feedback from my fellow turbo addicts!

Hi everybody. My brothers and I have made a new Youtube channel called "Basement Brothers" and I am making a playlist for some in-depth reviews of games for the NEC PC-8801 under the name "PC-88 Paradise". Please come check us out since we are a new channel and we could use your support sharing, liking, subscribing and commenting.

The first video is a very long and detailed look at Ys 1 for PC-88.


(As you can see we currently have a number of arcade board footage videos up on our channel. Now that we've changed the channel name we are planning to do more in-depth videos with editing and narration like the Ys video.)

Thanks for your time and feedback!

Update 05/14/2017:

The second video in the series about the Falcom "shooter RPG" game Star Trader is up. Please check it out and give me your feedback!


Update 08/30/2017:

The third video is the first non-Falcom PC-88 game in the series. Please check it out and let me know what you think


Update 09/14/2017

The fourth video is an in-depth look at the particular model of PC-88 which I own. This one is especially interesting since it uses part of the PCE hardware as an add-on.


Update 12/20/2017

I've finally made a new video! This time I am covering an impressive shmup that was released late in the PC-88's life (1991). I'd be really interested to hear what my fellow turbo folks think of this game.

I have an RGB modded Core Grafx and it has worked great with my Framemeister and HDTV for years. However, recently I have decided to start capturing video for youtube and purchased this capture unit "GV-HDREC" available in Japan which does not require a PC.

I really like being able to capture HD video without a PC. The unit works amazingly well for capturing contemporary games in 1080p. I would prefer to keep this unit, but unfortunately it is giving me some issues when trying to capture PC Engine video with the Framemeister. It does not seem to support input from the Framemeister with sync mode set to "AUTO". It needs to be turned to "OFF". This causes the output framerate from the framemeister to "jerk" once every few seconds instead of running smoothly like it does when set to "AUTO". I don't find this framerate to be quite acceptable for making good looking youtube videos.

I've heard that there are some other USB capture devices available in the U.S. which have the same issue. Does anyone know a solution? I have the latest beta firmware installed on the Framemeister. Could it help to try some of the "Sync level" settings on the framemeister?
So, this is coming out later this week (Sep. 27). Should be arriving at my doorstep around then.

I've been reading Falcom's mail magazine, and they announced that the game has earned a "Platinum" rating from Famitsu's hall of fame. It's the first of Falcom's games to receive that honor.

Famitsu Rating: 35/40 (9/9/9/8)

Clear Time: 30hrs (up to 60 to complete all tasks) [EDIT: Actually, I think 60 hours is if you choose to play harder difficulty settings after completion, and obtain all the trophies. It took me less than 30hrs to complete doing almost all the optional quests.]

Famitsu also commented that "the gameplay has a very satisfying feeling of high speed." "Having many different ways to attack enemies, including using teammates abilities, is fun." "The story and scenarios are very enjoyable." "The user interface is very simple to use, and it is good as a beginner's action RPG." "Special attacks are very easy to execute." "The game's system and story are a good match." "It's fun to gradually uncover the map of the foliage ocean." "The game pulls you in and makes it hard to stop playing." However "the graphics can be a bit weak in some places."

I can hardly wait to get my hands on this one... I'm buying a Vita for this too.
I was always a gamer since the NES days, but after I got my first CD Rom-based consoles (the Duo and Sega CD at the same time) I wanted everything to be on a CD. I was so taken by real recorded music on redbook CD audio I detested chiptunes on all consoles. I all but stopped buying HuCards after I traded in my TG16 for a Duo. I couldn't even understand why folks on the Turbo list would bother even talking about 'good' hucard games anymore. (How can it be good? It's not a CD!) Consequentially, there were lots of excellent hucard games I never obtained until much later, after they had become "retro games". Only relatively recently have I bothered to obtain some of them like Magical Chase (Japan version) Coryoon, Devil's Crush, and Neutopia II. I've also bought quite a few auction lots of random hucards in recent years and am enjoying the not-so-excellent but still okay ones as well. (Lately, Psycho Chaser has been a fun mediocre but good challenging daily dose of gaming.)

Nowadays, I have shifted to almost the exact opposite opinion from the one I held back in the 90's. Pre-recorded music seems 'way too easy', and I am far more impressed when I hear the internal sound processor of a retro system being put to good use. I love the unique sound each retro system has, and even listen to mp3's of classic chiptunes on my Android phone sometimes when I travel. Great CD soundtracks like Lords of Thunder and Ys are still great in their own right, of course, but I am really into the retro electronic sound now. Consequentially, nowadays I can be a little bored when I play a PCE CD game that has mediocre music, or boring CD audio cutscenes, even though I used to love them back in the day... They can still be good in a nostalgic way I guess.

Anyway, can anyone else relate? I've always had the impression that I might be in the minority here. Others have always seemed to have a more balanced opinion of hucard vs. CD than I've had.
I can't believe I even bothered to play the demo of PixelJunk SideScroller on the PS3. This game is just wrong. It feels like developers who didn't know anything about shmups tried to make a shmup. I'm sure they're those types whose only shmup growing up was Life Force on the NES. Typical. And it's a shame that this game seems to be better known than the far superior Sóldner-X games.

Blegh.This PixelJunk series is a joke. The title itself claims it is about enjoyment of old school pixel art, and yet the games don't exhibit the kind of old school pixel art I would ever want to look at. Q-Games is on my shitlist.
This news is getting kind of old now, but it still bothers me a bit.

I would have liked to see more systems included, and I think the genre system they used is also too rigid.