12/06/2023: Localization News - Tengai Makyou/Far East of Eden: Ziria!!!

OMG! ZIRIA! ZIRIA!!! IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED!! 34 YEARS LATER!! The epic/legendary Tengai Makyou/Far East of Eden: Ziria JRPG has finally been localized! Supper the Subtitler struck again! Simply unstoppable, NOTHING can prevent him from TOTAL PCECD localization domination!!!! WHACHA GONNA DO BROTHER?!?!
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Messages - Alt-PyschoNintega

Quote from: nectarsis on 01/20/2009, 07:41 PMquoth hooked me up ;)


VERY cool box set (and even bigger than I thought).   The art book alone is worth the price of admission.
Quoth isn't too bright. I would have kept that FEoE III.
512 color palette? Who cares? I haven't seen anything on TG-16/PCE that really pushes the hardware to its limit WITHOUT ADD-ONS OR HUCARD UPGRADES. Look at Treasure's Genesis games (Gunstar Heroes, Dynamite Headdy, Alien Soldier) for example. They have brighter and more colorful graphics than most Turbo games even with the 32 color limit. Lots of action on screen WITHOUT ANY FLICKERING SPRITES and rendered sprites WITHOUT ADD-ONS. Hell even many of the later SNES games had rendered sprites without add-ons. This leaves me the conclusion that the TG-16/PCE is nothing more than a NES/Famicom 1.5

Quote from: Game and Watch Kirby on 01/20/2009, 01:34 AMI've had quite the nice Martin Luther King Jr. today myself. With my father, I went to Target, as I had a gift card there that he gave to me, and Best Buy, as a few Reward Zone program coupons came in the mail being vaild from 1/16/2009-1/22/2009 the day after I bought Kirby Super Star Ultra and WarioLand: Shake It! from one of the Best Buy stores around my area. At Target, I had purchased Super Smash Brothers Brawl, a game I highly anticipated getting for Christmas, and at Best Buy I bought Trauma Center: Under the Knife 2 along with Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood, two other games I wanted for the holidays but didn't get. Later, my father and I ate at the Feast Buffet at the Red Rock hotel and casino, which a lot of people were in the lines in the time we were waiting and left. I also had the chance to start Kirby Super Star Ultra today, as so far, it's been a pretty fun title for me (and with some decent challenge, too).
Loved the SNES KSS :D

The DS version added new stuff?
Quote from: torgo on 01/20/2009, 01:07 PMIt's definitely worth the price. The emulation is perfect and it plays incredibly well on the PSP. I wish it included Gunhead/Blazing Lazers, but really what's included on the disc is great. Having the Caravan version included as well is a great bonus, as I didn't realize they were on there until I got it.
It is not included because Hudson didn't make the game (Compile did) and it is based on a manga and movie.

That means the 2 of you who are hoping for another installment/remake of the Rushing Beat series are out of luck.
This is going to be a fun thread.  :D

Quote from: Tatsujin on 01/17/2009, 02:32 AMwhat you can see on a Rendering Ranger. Mani pushed the SFC to it's sheer max, even he wasn't such familiar with the hard than may be major developer as konami etc. and even more impressive, he did it all on his own!

but when it comes to classic 8-/16-bit shooter, in 99% of the cases the japanese always had the nose ahead!
Don't forget fighting games too. Western stuff like Mortal Kombat and Killer Instinct are IMO pretty bad.
Quote from: Ninja Spirit on 01/16/2009, 05:59 PM
Quote from: Nintega on 01/16/2009, 05:51 PM
Quote from: Ninja Spirit on 01/16/2009, 05:47 PM
Quote from: Joe Redifer on 01/16/2009, 03:05 AM$9.99 Legend of Kage 2
Already??? Damn....
I know what I am buying next.
Same here!

Another misfortune though......my Nintendo DS mysteriously grew legs and escaped my room with no trace...
Look around your room dude. Chances are you might have misplaced it. Unless you took it outdoors...
And while you are at it, find a way to make the ignore feature work on shout too.
Quote from: Ninja Spirit on 01/16/2009, 05:47 PM
Quote from: Joe Redifer on 01/16/2009, 03:05 AM$9.99 Legend of Kage 2
Already??? Damn....
I know what I am buying next.
Finally I can post here without looking at kindergarden comments in topics. I owe you one man. Thanks :D
All brand new.

Killer 7 (GC) - $5
Viewtiful Joe 2 (GC)- $5
PS2 Dragon Quest Slime Pad - $5

At my town's Game Crazy of all places.  You think I should keep my slime pad sealed?
Off-Topic / Re: Happy Birthday!
01/16/2009, 01:33 PM
Hope you had fun on b-day Kirby :D

Personally I haven't done anything exciting on my b-day in years. I don't have any good friends that I would have drunken Bomberman parties with.
An Ys MMO? Ew. I thought Falcom of all companies knew better not to tarnish their most known series with a MMORPG.....

1. I personally love the older games much more than the stuff that is being released now.
2. As years pass, vintage stuff become more valuable and harder to obtain.
3. One day when I have a kid, I would like to show him/her the types of video games I grew up with.
01/13/2009, 05:53 PM
Steve Jobs' latest monstrosity defeats Cattank.


+2,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 ATTACK

You got awesome reviews. Subbed to your channel days ago. I am SAGAIA2 on YT.
01/13/2009, 02:05 PM
Jokamel >>>>>>>>>>>> this Cattank  [-X

Quote from: Paisa49 on 01/13/2009, 10:42 AMIs this the same Nintega that got everyone's panties in a bunch last time?
Hello Paisa49. Who you speak of was my evil twin, Higharolla Cigarillo Cockamamie. I had to talk some sense into him after his diabolical terror attacks on this awesome forum. Sorry for the inconvenience.

On topic, anyone else beat BL on God?
Quote from: nectarsis on 01/12/2009, 10:11 AMMAn $300-600..you REALLY need to look around man.  Seller on DigitalPress has a mint/complete copy with spine for $160. Even on Ebay theres only one above $260 (and ended auctions are from $130-180).  WHERE do you constantly see these ridiculous prices?
Ebay. Where else?

Quote from: Joe Redifer on 01/12/2009, 09:14 AMI never really cared too much for Ikaruga.  I liked it at first, but the switching gimmick wore off on me really fast.  However I really enjoy Radiant Silvergun, probably more than most people.
Quote from: geise on 01/12/2009, 09:36 AMBesides Panzer Dragoon Saga, Radiant Silvergun is my favorite game on the Saturn.  Close behind those games is Soukyugurentai.  I do like Radian Silvergun a lot better than Ikaruga, but Ikaruga added a nice change in gameplay to a shooter.  It's definitely not a game for everyone. As for Blazing Lazers on God of Game it's hard as hell but not impossible.  I haven't beaten it on that level but I can get to Stage 4 after dying a couple dozen times of course.
Yeah but I am being forced to use bombs constantly due to the cannons that take forever to kill and by the time I get to the boss, it is all over for me.

BTW if RSG wasn't like $300-$600, I would have got the game by now.  ](*,)
Wow that looks really good! Thanks for showing me this Tats  :D
Quote from: WoodyXP on 01/11/2009, 03:40 PM
Quote from: Nintega on 01/11/2009, 03:30 PMI can't even beat Area 1 on that mode. Any tips?
Avoid getting hit by bullets.  8)
That will be tough since the hitbox on the ship's sprite is pretty big.

Quote from: oldskool on 01/11/2009, 11:34 PMBlazing Lazers in God mode?   :-s  I don't even want to try.

Ikaruga is legendary.
Even on normal, I think Ikaruga is sadistic.
I can't even beat Area 1 on that mode. Any tips?
Quote from: geise on 01/11/2009, 03:14 PMNice pics Ninja.  Hibatchi is always good tasty fun.  BTW is that a Hori controller you're using?  Also what version of SFA3 are you playing?  DC? Arcade?...Saturn?  Haha PSX?
That looks like a Sega brand DC joystick.
Quote from: nat on 01/11/2009, 02:23 PMMy grandpa beat me at Wii boxing, true story.
You just found out about the game now?  :shock:

This is medieval news.
Off-Topic / Re: RIP, EGM.
01/10/2009, 01:16 PM
I won't miss that mag. I always perfered Gamefan and Gamers Republic back in the day. EGM has always been biased toward the most successful console.
I wish I can play the Turbo version of Ys III. I have the Genesis one instead. The prices of used copies are over the top. Last time I saw one go for $80.
Quote from: Tatsujin on 01/09/2009, 08:01 PMi'm still n-joying the old Punch Out, which i believe is still superior to the wee-ones.
You never know. It may or may not live up to the originals.
Genesis dude. Loose carts cost next to nothing.
First day purchase! Finally Wii gets a GAME.
Off-Topic / Re: Hey kids....
01/09/2009, 06:31 PM
I see 3DO systems as ginormous paperweights. Same goes for Jaguar systems and CD-i systems.

FMV games is just...ewwww
Quote from: NecroPhile on 01/09/2009, 05:50 PM
Quote from: Psycho Alt-Nintega on 01/09/2009, 05:20 PMBecause Aaron doesn't hold grudges like a little brat.
Can a leopard change its spots?  Not if it keeps calling people brats and douchebags.
Well denying that leopard's can change their spots is indeed an art of douchebagery.
Quote from: Joe Redifer on 01/09/2009, 03:08 AM
Quote from: quoth09 on 01/08/2009, 09:23 PM
Quote from: Psycho Alt-Nintega on 01/08/2009, 09:29 AMI don't think Turbo would have handled a game like Gunstar Heroes or Alien Soldier even with that Arcade Card Duo.
Likely not, but who cares NINTEGA.

The 68000 is gonna set your ass on fire.

Be nice.
Thank you Redifer.
Quote from: guyjin on 01/09/2009, 12:30 PM
Quote from: Psycho Alt-Nintega on 01/09/2009, 12:06 PMWho said I was crapping on his purchase?
I say it. because you've turned a thread about the awesome LT into a thread about you.

I don't know why Aaron has decided to tolerate you - you clearly broke the forum rules, and his allowing your exception will only encourage trouble - But I will not anymore. This will be my last communication with you.

Because Aaron doesn't hold grudges like a little brat.

Quote from: NecroPhile on 01/09/2009, 11:09 AM
Quote from: Psycho Alt-Nintega on 01/09/2009, 09:30 AMI don't know about anyone else here but I'd rather play games on a big TV than a tiny screen. I realize some of you here are diehard game and system collectors but I am not really a collector. I only buy games that suit my taste.
Quote from: Psycho Alt-Nintega on 01/09/2009, 09:36 AMWell I don't have a GT yet but if I do get a chance to get one yeah I'd take it with me. Especially if I had to take long trips or wait for hours at some waiting room. People might snicker and stare but I won't care.
Who're you kidding, nintega?  You're far too insecure to not care what others think.  Now learn to use the enter key to avoid double posting and quit crapping on wilson's LT buy.
Who said I was crapping on his purchase? Actually I am happy the topic creator got his hands on a very rare PC Engine system. I first thought the LT was a sleeker GT. Therefore I said I rather buy a GT when I learned it wasn't a portable. As a matter of fact if I had loads of money to spend I'd probably would buy one just to show it off to every gamer online.

As for me being insecure, I am now over that phase. I really don't care what others think of me. I am much happier that way. Life is long.
Quote from: Tatsujin on 01/09/2009, 10:33 AM
Quote from: Psycho Alt-Nintega on 01/09/2009, 09:36 AMPeople might snicker and stare but I won't care.
i would say they are going to make fun of you.
People like that obviously need to make fun of others just to get some happiness out of their sad lives ,and or they are mentally still in their grammar school years.

I occassionally see older people playing PSP, DS, and such so why is it so wrong to carry a GT around?   
Quote from: wilsonw111 on 01/08/2009, 10:59 PM
Quote from: Psycho Alt-Nintega on 01/08/2009, 09:58 AMWhat is the point of playing an LT if they are not portable? Makes no sense. I'd rather have a PCE GT.
Do you bring your GT out to play still ?   well my point of getting the LT was not just to play it,, I bought it cus I wanted to "have it".
Well I don't have a GT yet but if I do get a chance to get one yeah I'd take it with me. Especially if I had to take long trips or wait for hours at some waiting room. People might snicker and stare but I won't care.
Quote from: turbo D on 01/08/2009, 11:49 PMThe LT is pure awesomeness. How could anyone not want one? :-k
I don't know about anyone else here but I'd rather play games on a big TV than a tiny screen. I realize some of you here are diehard game and system collectors but I am not really a collector. I only buy games that suit my taste.
Found a copy of Gotcha Force for Gamecube for $10 at a store near me. Plays kind of like Virtual On.  There are over 200 characters to collect. Don't let the kiddy graphics fool you. Awesome game this is  :)
Off-Topic / Re: Hey kids....
01/08/2009, 01:37 PM
Wow did a tiger trash your room or something?
What is the point of playing an LT if they are not portable? Makes no sense. I'd rather have a PCE GT.