@GTV reviews the Cosmic Fantasy 1-2 Switch collection by Edia, provides examples of the poor English editing/localization work. It's much worse for CF1. Rated "D" for disappointment, finding that TurboGrafx CF2 is better & while CF1's the real draw, Edia screwed it up...
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Messages - Arjak

Quote from: PCEngineHell on 05/01/2015, 11:34 PMApologies aside, would you just shut the fuck up and go away already? The more you keep attaching yourself to his mess, attaching your name to it in any sort of way, it just makes me more annoyed and makes me feel like your being more of a douche, unintentional or not.
I don't know...Will you do the same? Maybe if you ask nicely... :roll:

I've already apologized. I already feel bad. You getting in my face about my mistake is not going to help in any way. The irony here is, if you hadn't decided to post your obnoxious little attempt at getting the last word in to something that doesn't concern you, I'd already be gone.

In the language of Fighting Street: Stop being such a little bitch. :P

And with that, I'm done here. I'm off to try to learn something from this whole mess...
OK, after calming down, thinking about this some more, getting some food in my system, taking my meds, etc., I realized something.

I may have overreacted a little. ](*,)

Yeah, I blew my top, and I'm pretty embarrassed. I kinda did go psycho there for a bit.

While I am often frustrated by the way NightWolve handles the dispute he is having with XSeed Games (and I do find his actions quite immature), that is no excuse for me to tell him how to live his life, much less criticize him for not doing things MY way. I mean, talk about being full of myself...

I may not be Christian, but it's hard for anyone to deny the applicability of advice like, "Before removing the splinter from your friend's eye, first remove the large beam from your own eye." And I certainly had at least a redwood or two in there the other day.

I've mentioned this in passing once or twice before, but NightWolve was closer to home than he probably thought with calling me a Schizo. The truth is that I do have a mental disability, albeit not quite THAT serious. I have a mild form of Autism known as Ausperger's. Because of this, I have some issues with things like social tact and separating my emotions from the facts. I also have a bad temper, which I'm sure is a real shock, since I've proven to be so level-headed and never once said things just to hurt people (i.e., Telling someone that they should just deal with getting totally screwed over.)

The truth is, if I was in your situation, I would be pissed. I would want to get even. Hell, I've had teachers in school that were so horrible that I often joke to friends and family that if I ever met them again, I would punch them in the face. In other words, I have no right to judge.

I won't ask you to forgive me, NightWolve. This is probably the biggest meltdown I've ever had on this forum, and I understand that you'll probably be angry with me for a while, especially since this isn't the first time something like this has happened between us.

All I'll say is this: I have a feeling that this isn't the first time someone has flipped out and said something they didn't truly mean on the Internet. I do think that very few of those people ever have the humility to actually apologize when they screw up, though.

P.S.: Keep an eye on the title of my flame thread. There's a possibility that it might change.
Ah, too cowardly to just reply to my topic, eh? :P

Quote from: NightWolve on 04/29/2015, 11:00 PMIt's not the first time he's erupted into a fiery flaming fireball of hate/rage either! Heh! Last time he directed his wrath at me at this level was because he thought I didn't send him early access to a Ys:Felghana software patch, but the file was attached in the email I sent all along! Rather than reply back, correct the issue with me on the spot (which is what a SANE person would do!), he instead developed a grudge and later took to the airways of the Ancient Land of Ys forums to publicly rage how I had gyped him, having joined in a 2 minute hate session with others that was started by, guess who, Thomas Lipschultz, the guy at XSEED who's responsible for this!
I have, and will do so again now, admit publicly that that was on me. I apologized to you, and I genuinely felt bad about that incident.

Quote from: NightWolve on 04/29/2015, 11:00 PMHonestly, have YOU lost it ? You're sounding pretty psycho about it! It's weird how you took a snapshot of my FB post like that and brought it over here to fight... You hardly post here, then all of a sudden this...? Very dramatica of you! We're friends, we're not friends, we're cool, we're not cool... Which is it? Just finding it weird, creepy, a little schizo even!
Ah, yes, because you have been acting completely rational and mature about this situation as well. :P

Quote from: NightWolve on 04/29/2015, 11:00 PMHonestly, I'm afraid I am finding it a little hard to process your level of butthurt at my, well, what you would also dismiss/discredit as mere, "butthurt..." But anyhow, so be it, let's play the little flame game, shall we?
Very well! LETS DO IT. :twisted:

Quote from: NightWolve on 04/29/2015, 11:00 PMI'm gonna start with my "Basic Facts" 8 bullet list, the short version, to explain my situation with XSEED Games. It's a good primer I think, and I tried to limit emotional responses to try to keep it objective/easy to understand so that there's no ambiguity as people like poor little Arjak suggest, dismissing XSEED's cheating actions as a mere "he said/she said" issue, etc. He just can't decide what the meaning of "cheating" is, so let's help him out!

Quote** "The XSEED XCISE": Basic Facts of how NightWolve was cheated **

1. XSEED Games acquired 4 fan-translated scripts & used them as the basis for their official translations for Ys I & II Chronicles, Ys: The Oath in Felghana and Ys Origin.
2. The fan-translations used by XSEED were the product of a joint venture between, at the very least, Deuce AND NightWolve! The work hours of BOTH (for script extraction/software/translation) were EVERY BIT as necessary to produce them!!
3. Deuce was secretly contacted to obtain the first "Ys: The Oath in Felghana" script, while NightWolve was deliberately avoided, was the last to know anything.
4. Deuce received 100% credit & 100% payment for said translated scripts (starting with Felghana)...
5. NightWolve received NO credit, compensation, or thanks... 0%! Just silence (read: playing stupid)!
6. Thomas Lipschultz, who XSEED just hired & pitched the idea to take the fan-translations, *HATED* NightWolve & was feuding with him privately & publicly since 2008!
7. After working with NightWolve across 5 years on such projects, knowing him for ~8, Deuce ceased any direct communication to him for 3 years after the 1st Felghana deal (May 15, 2010). No "explanation" nor apology for the handling of these "deals" was provided! Nothing! Ever! Total direct silence...
8. After NightWolve a) went fully public with how XSEED conducted "business," b) called everybody out that was involved & for a boycott, Deuce suddenly came out of his 3 years of "hiding" to e-mail NW a legal threat, indicating he'd hired lawyer & would file a libel lawsuit if NW didn't delete any and all references to him on his website (ysutopia.net).

Source By: Xalphenos
Deuce = Jeff Nussbaum
WyrdWad= Thomas Lipschultz
NightWolve=Nicolas Livaditis

While there is much, much more to this story, people have asked for a quick summary to give them an idea of what exactly is the dispute here, what's going on, etc. I think these 8 points do a quick enough job to give any reader an idea of what happened without having to dig through the many article-length posts I've written throughout my website to fight back against these criminals! There will be a lot to read thereafter if you care to know more, and hopefully I'll one day organize the whole story in one place to make it easier to ease into, but this is a good starting point to the issue I suppose. Thank you to anyone that has offered me moral support thus far. It means a lot to me!!

Long version begins about here:
For a lot of this, I have only seen YOUR WORD to back up these claims, and your attitude makes it hard for me to accept it as a level-headed portrayal of events. Please show me some hard evidence to back up your claims, and I will be much more willing to accept your version of events.

Quote from: NightWolve on 04/29/2015, 11:00 PMI gave Ken a free and easy option in the summer of 2012 to end this peacefully AND privately! I only asked for crediting in the Steam releases related to the translated scripts DeuceBag was in possession of due to my work hours in script extraction and custom software which entitles me to IP protection since that software was 100% legal! I did NOT ask for a % cut ($$$/money), as that would've made them more resistant, though I should've been apart of these deals from the start ON LEGAL/MORAL/ETHICAL PRINCIPLE!

From the first 2 phone calls, it sounded like he was gonna cooperate and do the right thing! He told me to give him a week, but when he got back to me, his whole toned changed and he fed me bullshit arguments to dismiss me. Both Thomas and DeuceBag pushed back and denied any wrongdoing and he chose that side, so they preserved their acts of cheating me for a 2nd time!
First I've heard of this, but again, it's only your word that I'm seeing.

Quote from: NightWolve on 04/29/2015, 11:00 PMInstead of writing this up and directing your rage at me, you could've emailed Ken Berry here:


And asked HIM to do the right thing, end this situation, but you didn't and you won't, will you ??

Or Thomas Lipschultz here ?

You know what? That's a good idea! I should get their side of the story as well, and not just listen endlessly to yours. Thanks for the email addresses; I'll try to make good use of them.

Quote from: NightWolve on 04/29/2015, 11:00 PMYou look pretty certifiably insane to me your own damn self! As far as I was concerned, I was giving XSEED a good ole poke in the eye and with a smile. Frankly, I'm only doing what Thomas Lipschultz actually approved of doing before he was hired by XSEED and lectured about, free games/patches, easy to pirate, and no DRM, etc... He wanted people to easily pirate and get to play Falcom games before working for XSEED - he told me as much, privately! What I did is a very thought-out appropriate dose of medicine tailored for him! So yes, it's perfectly rational - just giving the fans what they want, and what fans like Lipschultz wanted in the past! ;)
I'm sure that if you get in trouble for copyright infringement that the courts will totally understand. :P

Again, two wrongs don't make a right. You're making yourself look bad as well.

Quote from: NightWolve on 04/29/2015, 11:00 PMWas the developer of Donkey Kong that Nintendo cheated supposed to give up after 2 years and not continue the fight up to the 10th year in which they finally did get justice in an out-of-court settlement ???? YES OR NO, MOTHERF--KER ?? YES OR NO ??
Haven't heard about this. I'll look it up later.

Quote from: NightWolve on 04/29/2015, 11:00 PMHe who defends a criminal, IS a criminal! You wanna shill for criminal cheats, then you're as good as one in my book, so f--k you!
Only Sith speak in absolutes.

XSeed hasn't been proven guilty of anything to me. I have seen no hard evidence of their crimes. You, on the other hand, have freely and proudly admitted to pirating their games on your Facebook. Am I supposed to just accept your word that they're evil, and also look the other way when you are clearly wrongdoing yourself?

Quote from: NightWolve on 04/29/2015, 11:00 PMIt's called payback! Criminal cheats should get cheated on! They cheated me out of my IP Rights on my translation software and benefited from my work hours in script extraction, so the public should simply cheat cheaters! Simple enough logic for you!

The leaker was an arrogant, bigoted, fanatical, anti-capitalist malcontent. I never cheated him or anyone, nor somehow harmed him in any way! But, he wanted to impose his worldview on me through his actions. He had no moral high ground to leak my software. If I had cheated him somehow, then I would've more understood his actions, but I did NOTHING to deserve what he did, it was just an unlucky situation of the software falling into the hands of a hateful bigot. There's a big difference between the situations, morally!

I don't care about criminal cheats "working hard" (I sacrificed thousands of work hours myself, motherf--ker, and they don't care about that either!) for "the first official release of the PC Version of Ys VI" as if they're just "heroes" with no record of past criminality and that they should just be judged on that and that alone! What kind of ridiculous, out of context argument is that ? The company is guilty of something, and they refuse to correct it, so since I never pursued legal action for multiple reasons, this is something I can do for free as some type of punitive action against them.
Again, I'm totally sure a court would be very understanding of such action. :roll:

And again, two wrongs don't make a right. Just because someone hurt you doesn't mean you get to hurt them back.

Quote from: NightWolve on 04/29/2015, 11:00 PM2) My criticisms were more precise than what you portray them as. It was the total 99% freeloading of pirates that was the real issue precisely because they got the game for free! Since you escaped paying $60 to $100 bucks on the game itself, why was $1 in donation so hard for 99% of you freeloading buttholes ??? THAT WAS THE POINT! To date: ~100,000 patch consumers, only 400 ever donated, you being one of them... You bet your sorry shill ass that was worth criticizing and exposing!

3) There were, admittedly, times that I decided to publicly distance myself from the mass pirating as a PR move in case I ever got in trouble with Falcom. They would know I only ever publicly trashed piracy with a militant fervor, etc. The thought was that would make me look good in their eyes... That was part of the rationale behind it. Is that hypocrisy ? I guess, but I felt it necessary propaganda at the time. I don't give a flying f--k now, so there's your f--king answer to it!
Ah, I see. So it's only OK to pirate something when you don't give a flying fuck. You got hurt first, so it's totally OK for you to screw over someone's business, but how DARE someone do that to you without provocation! I'm sorry, but your double standards are showing.

Quote from: NightWolve on 04/29/2015, 11:00 PMSpeak for yourself, nutjob!
Ah, so I'm crazy for not putting up with your immature handling of this? If you weren't responding to this whole thing with the tact and maturity of a spoiled teenager, maybe I wouldn't NEED to be "crazy" when responding to you!

If XSeed really did wrong you, then I fully support taking action. But the way you handle it is so ridiculous that it makes it impossible for me to take your word fully seriously. If you were handling this like an adult, maybe I wouldn't feel the need to make posts and dismiss what you have to say.
EDIT: Please pay no serious attention to the author flipping his shit over something that is none of his goddamn business. Simply point your finger at him, laugh hysterically at his folly, and walk away.

The following is my original, embarrassing post:

So I was just on Facebook a moment ago, when I came across this cheerful sight:


Well, shit. NightWolve has finally resorted to Scorched Earth tactics. He has become so hellbent on destroying XSeed, that he now doesn't care if he hurts Falcom in the process.

I have never known where to stand on the whole NightWolve Vs. XSeed drama. I enjoy XSeed's releases, and am extremely happy that Falcom's work is finally starting to get some recognition in the West, but I was concerned about whether NW had indeed been screwed over. It's a real "he said/they said" issue. Still, my desire to stay on good terms with NW has until now allowed me to overlook his strange behavior.

However, after this...I'm sorry, NightWolve, but you are certifiably insane. You have lost all rationality on this issue. You are so obsessed with winning this battle that you don't care about anyone else who happens to get hurt in the process. I am TRULY sorry that you feel you got screwed over in this whole affair, but a wrong isn't fixed by committing fifty wrongs of your own.

Yeah, you didn't get the credit you wanted. You got screwed over.

Welcome to real fucking life.

I've been screwed over so many times in my life that I shudder at the very thought of trying to count. Yeah, I still bitch from time to time about some of the worst examples, but then I go on with my day. You, on the other hand, have gone into full Count of Monte Cristo mode, desiring revenge at all costs and refusing to move on.

I see it in every post or comment you make. The obsession with wallowing in this bad experience you had, and an insatiable need to get even. Where is it going to end, NW? Will you not stop until you have Deuce and Wyrdwad's heads on a pike in each hand?

I'm sorry, but I've had enough of your rotten temper tantrum routine. I'm done with accepting your ramblings to be polite.

You're also a hypocrite, because you are doing the exact same thing that you flipped out about when your Felghana patch got leaked. You did all that work on that patch, and hoped to get compensation out of it, and then a troublemaker got mad about it, and leaked it to the outside for free.

Now what are you doing? You hate XSeed, so when they are working hard to create the first official release of the PC Version of Ys VI, you quickly put together a translation patch, and threaten to release the entire game for free.

So, who is the warez pirate now, NW? I can't wait to hear your excuse about how these two events are TOTALLY different.

Seriously. You are sick, and you need help.

End of line.
I could make some scans of the back inserts of my games. I'll try to do some work on that soon. :)
I got my copy of Atlantean in the mail yesterday, and I am very pleased! The game is engaging and exciting, but balls-out hard. I typically last less than five minutes. On Easy. With lives and bombs maxed. On my best game, I only managed to make it to the first boss. I'm too scared to see what the harder difficulties are like.

Despite the game making me its bitch repeatedly, I keep wanting to come back for more. You've created an outstanding product, Arkhan. Kudos is deserved and given. =D>
Quote from: elmer on 03/02/2015, 10:22 PM
Quote from: Arjak on 03/02/2015, 08:28 PMI really enjoyed your Turbo Duo box set, as I do not wish to have to take out a bank loan to own and enjoy even just ONE of these four games, and seeing how the only alternative was to burn some CD-Rs and hope for the best, I was very willing to buy your product.
To paraphrase that argument ...
QuoteDear Tobias, I'm more than happy to buy the TV that you stole from the guy 2 streets over, it was such a good price and I don't know him. But damn you to hell for stealing my neighbor's TV, I would never, ever buy that from you, you dirty thief!



I cannot argue with the logic of your accusation, because you are absolutely 100% correct to call me out on this...


I suppose this is the part where I'm supposed to make excuses and/or try to tear you down by pointing out your own failings in order to draw attention away from myself and how you made me look like a complete hypocritical jackass...


I plead Temporary Insanity! The eBay resellers! They MADE me do it! :lol:

In all seriousness, though, you are absolutely right to call me out on the carpet here. Stealing from NEC/Hudson Soft should be no different from stealing from someone like Nightwolve or SamIAm. For some illogical reason, it just felt different. More personal.

I humbly apologize for my folly. :oops:
Dammit! My search for Neutopia continues! :lol:

Sent ya a PM.
I really love this idea, but I have questions. I own a Duo, which doesn't have that expansion port, so would this include a cable that would allow me to use this?

Also, will this box cause any input delay while playing? I had a bad experience where I tried a SCART-to-HDMI box that caused input delay depending on the system.

And by the way, the Genesis 2 and 32X have a different video connector from the Genesis 1 and Master System. Have you considered that?

If this box will work without any issues on my Duo-RX, Sega Master System, Sega Genesis (with Sega CD and 32X), and SNES, without lag, I would most likely buy one.
I don't know what good it will do (probably none), but I have just sent the following e-mail to Tobias:


I am writing this email as a result of a controversy that has arisen regarding your latest releases through PCEWorks. There has been a lot of bad blood going around about your recent releases of fan translations of Xak III and Startling Odyssey II because, from what I've heard from the translators and hackers themselves, you had no permission from or previous discussion with them before you created a product based on their work.

I really enjoyed your Turbo Duo box set, as I do not wish to have to take out a bank loan to own and enjoy even just ONE of these four games, and seeing how the only alternative was to burn some CD-Rs and hope for the best, I was very willing to buy your product.

However, the fact that you apparently made no attempt to contact the people responsible for these translation patches before attempting to profit from their work (Let's be honest here; the fact that your individual releases have different prices, seemingly based on the desirability of the game, is a pretty clear indicator that you hope to profit from this. I'm pretty sure that CDs don't cost more to create depending on the data put on them.) is something that I find disgustingly dishonest.

I know that this is not the first time something like this has occurred with you. I understand that you also attempted in the past to sell a port of the original Mega Man to PCE-CD that was made by a friend of mine without permission as well. Before that, I heard that you initially tried to pass off your first reproduction, Sapphire, as legit unsold stock.

These actions have caused you to have a very bad reputation with parts of the PCE community, especially those whose work you have attempted to profit from, including friends of mine whom I have great respect for. I was willing to look the other way for your Turbo Duo repro set, but after this, I wish to inform you that I will NOT be purchasing your reproductions of the Xak III and SO2 fan translations, and unless you make a serious attempt to make amends and change your strategies for dealing with the PCE fan and hobbyist programming communities, and attempt to work with them, and not just profit from them, I will not be purchasing ANY of your future products.

You make great repros, Tobias, but I cannot purchase them in good conscience, and I won't, until you stop hurting my friends and the PCE community at large, whether intentionally or not.


This is one of the greatest ideas I've heard in recent memory. I will definitely try my best to make a kickass Turbo commercial! Or two...maybe more. They won't be remakes of the old ones though; I'm too classy to do that. These will be totally original, with my own spin on how the system should've been marketed.

By the way, this contest...will there be prizes? :wink:
OK, I have not received any emails or notifications, but I want to make ABSOLUTELY SURE that I am not one of the people you're waiting for payment from. If I don't get my copy because Paypal forgot to tell me the payment was due, there will be blood. :evil:
Quote from: cjameslv on 02/13/2015, 12:12 AMOk you busted me, Well i tried to copy everything from the manual word for word but..


As you can see i added two words "up to" grrr, well if you really need it fixed i'll upload a new one.
Ah, that's why the text seemed familiar! I didn't realize it came from the manual. That would explain why the text is so messed up. I remember reading that manual for the first time, and by the time they called the town of Minea "Esteria", which is supposed to be the name of the island nation after Ys vanished, (another thing to fix in the insert text, by the way :wink: ), I was like, "What the fuck is this shit!?"

Quote from: cjameslv on 02/13/2015, 12:12 AMThis bitch...
Don't blame just me, Brutha. Blame those drugged-out crackas at NEC, as well! :P
Just found these. I like, but there are a few problems with the "Custom" insert that really drive my inner Grammar Nazi up a wall.

Quote"For a short time, the peace and prosperity that had existed for 800 years before was returned to the land."
Remove the two words I've made bold. The "for" implies that Ys had been peaceful for the 800 years leading up to the present day, which is definitely not the case. The "was" creates some really awkward phrasing.

Quote"But it is up to you, great adventurer, that must guide him!"
It seems like you changed this sentence halfway through writing it. I would suggest either this:

"But it is up to you, great adventurer, to guide him!"

Or this:

"But it is you, great adventurer, that must guide him!"

Also, while I'm at it, might I suggest changing the word "great" to "brave"? It seems a better fit, not just because it works better with the adventurer idiom, but also because it seems a bit presumptuous to call the player "great" when he hasn't proven himself by beating the game yet. :wink:
Quote from: SamIAm on 02/11/2015, 04:39 AMThe original poem by Kobayashi Issa from the 18th century, translated straight and without forcing the 5-7-5 structure, is like this:

やせがえる 負けるな一茶 これにあり
Weak frogs
You must not give up. Issa
is here for you

So it's kind of subtle, and that's something I'd like to be reflected in the translation. A lot of Japanese people have no idea what the original poem is really talking about until they research it. I might put the original in as-is and credit the actual poet, and leave it to the curious to google it.

Alternatively, this is something I came up with:

Despair not, weak frogs
for courage is rewarded
with springtime peaches

I like this because peaches are a very common metaphor in Japanese poetry for...well, I'm sure you can guess. Also, it doubles as a kind of encouragement for Ziria, which I think is ultimately the point of the dialogue.
I really like your localization of the haiku, Sam. It gets the point across while still being a bit subtle and also maintaining a Japanese flavor with the peach metaphor. I think keeping the general feeling of the original script is important, so I wouldn't want it to be too on-the-nose and crass, or to have the whole mood changed for the sake of a cheap joke.

Quote from: SamIAm on 02/11/2015, 04:39 AMI do like the limerick idea. Granted, they're so long that it would have to be literally one line per text box. Anyway, there are several poems, so I might keep that idea in mind for another one.
While suddenly throwing in a limerick would be funny, I think it would alter the mood too much.  I assume most people nowadays know what a haiku is, so that's not exactly a localization issue, but more importantly, it would disturb the Japanese flavor of the story and setting, which from what I understand, is a key element of the series' identity. I don't know...Unless you can think of some clever way to do it that fits in with the original script, I'm against the limerick idea. It just feels a little too...Working Designs to me.
Off-Topic / Re: Ten years ago today I.....
01/12/2015, 10:11 PM
Been here about seven and a half years. My God, has it been that long...?
I would love to be an NPC in an RPG! Just make sure I get something really clever to say. :)
NightWolve, I've sent you an email. :twisted:
Quote from: EvilEvoIX on 12/14/2014, 05:01 PMHow'd these people get the ban hammer?  I thought this place was the Wild West in terms of posting?
THAT'S how annoying they were.  :P
I would love for this to happen AS LONG AS no one steps on anyone's toes. If BL doesn't want his dub put into bootleg form, then we should respect his wishes. I am intrigued by the idea of doing a new dub for the purpose, though.

I would also love to see other games get a community pressing/translation. Random thought: Why not try Double Dragon 2? IIRC, most of, if not all of the in-game text is already in English, so mostly, we would just have to create and insert an English dub. (Correct me if my memory is wrong.)
Off-Topic / Re: Facts That Make People Cry
12/10/2014, 07:06 PM
Qapla! Thread has been derailed! :P
I'm very excited about this project as well. I plan on pledging $40 to order two right off the bat; one for my own NES, and one to fix one of my old broken ones to give to my little sister. :)
Off-Topic / Re: Facts That Make People Cry
12/08/2014, 02:35 PM
I love point-and-click adventures! I grew up playing Sierra games, later discovered and fell in love with LucasArts, and I even dabble in text adventures a bit. I actually wrote an article on Zork for Hardcore Gaming 101, but so far, it has only been printed in their book on Graphic Adventures.

I'm very pleased that the genre has made a bit of a comeback. I love solving those pseudo-logic puzzles. I remember playing AGD Interactive's full remake of King's Quest II and feeling so OG when I figured out how to kill the werewolf pack leader without help.

...But I digress and derail this thread. Point-and-click adventure games should have their own thread. :)
Ugh...Just...two...more... ](*,)
Off-Topic / Re: Ralph Baer passed
12/07/2014, 10:28 PM
I was just about to create a thread on this if no one else had. This is indeed a great loss for gaming. Ralph Baer's work changed my life for the better, and he will definitely be missed. Without him, I would be a very different person today.

Good luck, Mr. Baer, and Godspeed.
Off-Topic / Re: Facts That Make People Cry
12/07/2014, 10:14 PM
This one's for you, NightWolve!

I'm not at all a graphics whore, but if I ever met a person who bought a ZX Spectrum for gaming back in the day, I would definitely point at them and laugh. Loudly. :lol:
Don't have this game. Please enter me. Into the raffle. Please enter me into the RAFFLE. ](*,) :lol:
In before the flame war starts. :twisted:

In all seriousness, though, I like the concept, but I'm a little skeptical about the execution. I have questions:

Did you get ANY sort of permission from the creators of the translations?

Why are you doing this through a Facebook page, and not a website?

Why do your manuals and inserts cost so much? Is that the price for a complete game, or just the paper goods? If it's just for the paper goods, I really doubt that you're doing this non-profit. :-k
I would LOVE a homebrew English digital comic for PCE! Let me know if you need any voice actors for cutscenes. :)
Quote from: clackattack on 11/15/2014, 06:54 PMBut yea, in all seriousness, i told my wife this was the ONLY thing i want for Christmas... now we wait to see how good of a listener she is
Heh, I told my mom something similar; that the main things I want for Christmas are this, and the Amazon exclusive version of the Cowboy Bebop Blu-Ray box set.

If I get both of those, I'll have a Merry Christmas. :)
Quote from: guest on 11/13/2014, 11:52 AMGreat news! Former TTi employees have opened an official store for Turbo goods:

Holy shit! That's AWESOME, Black Tiger! Do you think they'll have some of the games I'm missing in stock soon? I've been having a hard time finding a copy of Magical Chase, and I'm afraid that it might one day be considered a "super rare" game and the price will skyrocket to ludicrous levels.

Meh, I'm probably overreacting.
If they're making repros of rare and expensive American titles, I will gladly buy a set. I don't care what anyone might say; I am not spending hundreds of dollars on a single game when I could get several repros of the same games for a fraction of the price.

I await the news with feverish anticipation! =P~
Cool! I've been wanting to get this game. Sign me up!
Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 10/14/2014, 05:22 PMHEY.



I am going to get these packed/shipped/etc. and start sifting through the rest.

It's kind of an uphill battle right now.   
Oh dear! Am I one of those people? I haven't seen any emails, but it's possible they got thrown out with the spam. I checked my Paypal account earlier, but didn't see anything... :-k
Sam, how is the audio quality of my voice acting? The reason I ask is because I just got a new higher quality microphone, and I know that the recording quality on my old one was crap, so I'm a little concerned about how good my old recordings sound.

If it's not too much of a hassle, I could probably re-record my dialogue with the new mic if you want. Please let me know if you would want me to do this. :-k

EDIT: Yowza! I just listened to my old recordings of my performance of Nuse and the audio quality is horrible! Sam, could I please re-record my dialogue? I don't want it to sound like it's raining whenever Nuse speaks, especially after all of the hard work you've put into this project! [-o<
Cool! I don't have this one, so sign me up! :dance:
Sweet! I would definitely give this a try. Thanks for telling us about this! :D
Implode, Insanity, and Meteor Blaster DX are official licensed games? I think you need to do a little more research... :wink:
I finally sent my order e-mail to Arkhan. This has been WAY overdue. Sorry it took so long... ](*,)
Quote from: Medic_wheat on 09/30/2014, 06:52 PM
Quote from: Arjak on 09/30/2014, 06:12 PMAh. Well then, consider those pictures evidence to support our case!
Condom and poop jokes not your thing?    :-#
Not if they're as badly told and out of place as those were. :lol:
Ah. Well then, consider those pictures evidence to support our case!
Quote from: Medic_wheat on 09/30/2014, 12:49 PM
Quote from: guest on 09/30/2014, 11:50 AM
Quote from: Medic_wheat on 09/29/2014, 11:53 AMHow dare you say WD can do wrong.
Vic did lots of things wrong.
NOT sarcasm!




Poor Magic Knight Rayearth... :shock:
Welcome to the party! The Turbo is home to a lot of great exclusives, so I'm sure you'll have a good time with it. :)

This online shop sells brand-new aftermarket TurboGrafx and PC Engine power supplies:


I've bought from them before, and their products seem to work well.

Happy Obeying!
Quote from: HailingTheThings on 09/22/2014, 11:54 PMCan't wait until there's US repro CD games. hahahahahahahahahahaaaahhhhaahahahahaha eff
I would totally buy pressed reproductions of rare USA Turbo CD titles. With prices the way they are, I would feel no guilt whatsoever owning a "fake" copy. I would feel much more guilt paying hundreds of dollars for a "real" copy.

That's kinda sad, in a way.
Toy Story was one of my favorite games as a kid, and not just because I loved the movie. It's actually a really decent action-platformer, with some really technically impressive levels (which were taken out of the SNES version, I believe). I'll always have a soft spot for the first-person level where you have to find the squeeze toy aliens in the maze. I thought it was so cool at the time, and now I can also appreciate how impressive it is from a programming standpoint.

Something I ordered that I'm really excited about should be coming today. It's not gaming related, but I'll try to post a picture anyway.
Anadda PM sent.
I don't have Power Golf, so I guess I might as well enter. I already know what I'm going to do for my video if I ever win one of these sealed game auctions.

Not that it matters, seeing how I never win these raffles... :|