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Topics - Keith Courage

I have a PC engine CD rom interface that I want to sell for parts or repair. This is for the interface only. It does power on but CD games just do not work or will work half way and then glitch out when using it. Trust me the problem is not the CD drive. Send me some offers. Here are some pics
I have a Turbo express that just doesn't power on. I've tried both an AC adapter and batteries and I get nothing. No screen or sound. Screen stays completely black and does not turn green or white. Any ideas of what part of the board would make it have no power all together?
I am just curious what system people think looks better out of a Turbo grafx CD system and a PC engine DUO-R. I currently own both and am deciding which one to keep cause I want to sell one.
I am looking for Raiden for either the pc engine or turbografx. Doesn't matter if it has a case or manual. I am hoping to trade some other pc engine hu cards for it. I have quite a few duplicates right now.
I have a Turbografx CD drive that usually works just fine. The gears move freely and it reads very well. However, every now and again when I hit play I will hear the lens jump up and down over and over again trying to read the disc. What is weird is if I simply just turn off the power to my system and turn it back on again then the CD drive reads just fine again. Anyone else ever had this problem?
Anyone know which capacitors are for the ADPCM sound on a Turbo duo? Everything else works just fine. No other audio issues. The voices in the CD games are just way more quiet that they should be. Also, those games that have adpcm drums are barely audible as well.
Anyone have a spare Turboexpress Battery cover that they would like to sell me?
Anyone have an entire laser and motor assembly for this system that they would like to sell? I really just need the assembly and spin motor. Doesn't need a good lens.
I am selling a Turbo grafx system for parts since I have no way to test it out. I recently got this Turbo grafx system from a local garage sale. The RF Port for the AV seems to be damaged(missing the center portion of the hole). Also there are two small slots on one side of the system where there are switches(not sure what those are for). If anyone is interested please send me a message.

I have some PC Engine and Turbo Duo parts that I don't need and I wanted to see if anyone here would want to offer me something to take these off my hands.

PC Engine duo Case - in pretty good condition
Turbo Duo Motherboard for parts - Previous owner messed up all kinds of pins on the HU6280 chip
CD lens assembly and lens for a Turbo Duo or PC Engine duo - works well.
Just thought I'd share this. I got lucky. Went to Goodwill today and found an old Sony D-3 CD player. The lens is a Kss-160A not sure if that is compatible with a Turbo CD. However, the lens motor is the FF-050SH and it also has the special middle gear for Turbo CDs that always break.

...I found one supplier but they require at least $100 minimum order. Motor is FF-050SH

Okay I know some people have been having problems with these gears...

I'm done here.
I have a PC engine CD (original white) drive that works great but in the first 5 minutes of use loads very slowly. After this time period I can restart the same game and it reads very fast like new. I have tried adjusting the CD lens gain and the other various potentiometers on the board with no luck solving this warm up issue. Has anyone had any experience with this? Is this maybe some of the caps on the board going bad? I do have experience soldering but I have no idea which capacitors to change. Just trying to avoid changing all of them. Any ideas anyone?
I was wondering if anyone new what the +5V out on the pc engine duo Av cable was for?
I have tapped video and audio here before without any issues not using the 5V and wanted to know if adding the +5V would improve things in any way.
Does anyone know how to extract a text script from a PC Engine CD game? I want to work on translating games but cannot find anything on how to extract the text script from a PC engine ISO.
I have a turbografx for sale that Plays both US and Japanese games. Also has RCA video and audio outs. It works great and comes with 1 controller, power cable, and RCA video cable. I'll also throw 2 or 3 random pc engine hu card games. I am thinking $65 plus $10 shipping in the US. Probably $18 to Canada.

Well, I am not really into this to just make money. I have been a fan and collector of the turbografx and PC engine for a long time now. Ever since I got my first turbografx Cd player when I was 12. Every now and again I buy a big lot of games from someone to beef up my collection and sometimes in this lot I end up with extra games that I do not need. This is when they end up on ebay.
