Super SD system 3 choppy scrolling

Started by copados33, 03/14/2022, 03:35 PM

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Have anyone noticed parallax scrolling on some HU-card games being choppier when running from the SSDS3 rather than the actual Hu-card????, I was getting crazy about this since it is not easy to see, so I asked a few of my friends if they could see it too and some of them definitely did so I can confirm it is not just my deteriorated vision playing tricks on me, so far I know this happens in Air Zonk but also in Coryoon where you can see it right from the start at the tittle screen barckgrounds.

I have tried different consoles, all running on composite video or RGB connected to a CRT display, so it is not a per-display issue, it also seems to get worst when running SGX games using the SSDSpro with some games that used to run fine on the vanilla SSDS3, like Daimakaimura.

Theres nothing about this issue on the Terronion channels, only info I have found about this is this Youtube video from a spanish user explaing this same problem:


Howdy copados33, welcome! I see you go way back to 2009, 13 years, but not many posts. Regardless, happy to have ya stop by as we hopefully rebuild this forum to a more friendlier place that lives up to retro ideals!

So, it's VERY interesting you brought up Terra Onion, whoo boy, there is a lot to say/unpack now, quite the coincidence!

1) I was first going to suggest contacting Todd Gill on Twitter to forward your video to the TO team, they may some day work on the bug and release a patched firmware (but someone must make an effort to report it). However, Todd left Terra Onion last year, he no longer works with Alex'n'crew and, ugh, recent events may explain why...
2) Next I was gonna mention I only know 2 people that own it and direct you to them, but, something happened in between that time... It's no longer a company I can excuse/support/help, it's a much more significant matter than all the bugs in their products...

You see, Alex, the owner of Terra Onion, has had a real problem with competitors over the years... He's cutthroat, bitter, jealous, I've seen it for myself and he's a toxic turbo troll; he fits that angry mold and operated on that horrible doxxing forum for a while when xRotx (and Psycho Wasabi) was running it who was later chased off himself by his own fellow psycho gang members (his account was shutdown in a special way, IDK exact details but: 1 crazy person, Sylvie, got 2 crazy mods/admins, xRotx/Evil Wasabi, to break into accounts to spy for dox data on the target for extortion... I don't understand how this verbally-abusive Sylvie nutjob isn't permabanned, but Wasabi & xRotx fled for the exits... At any rate, is imploding, Shawn should finally do the right thing by pulling the plug, it's a vile stain on the Internet with dual KKKFarms . net membership e.g. Psycho Dox Shroom, FilthyRear, and XSEEDGames' very own Deuce/Jeff Nussbaum marking other NeoGeo fans/members for death (Shroom too!) and pulling his pants down for them, etc.)!

Unfortunately (or, fortunately, if you already knew he was an a$$hole) this callous mindset got Alex into Y-YYUGE public-relations trouble by going after krikzz/Igor [again], the best of the best in the flashcart business with what I coin "The Everdrive Empire," which was put at serious risk with the invasion of Ukraine by Russian war criminals/imperialists/etc... Imagine if we actually lost all of that due to war, really makes you think!

I've collected a series of tweets you can examine yourself and see how this mess blew up. Alex eventually deleted his horrible, petty tweets, but the damage was already done. Todd even distanced himself further from the company as he was receiving DMs about the matter.
So to wrap this up, I will never touch Terra Onion products either... Alex had an opportunity to be magnanimous, and instead revealed he kinda hoped krikzz was KIA in Ukraine so he could take his business/sales...

I was mildly thinking about buying the PCE Super SD System 3 PRO add-on, even got a real Coregrafx II model off eBay:
But I'll just stick to my original plan of the Analogue Duo which might be my last console purchase after the MiSTer. I don't game much, not getting any younger, and anything else I can emulate on the ole PC.
Anyway, that's the recent story/drama with Alex/Terra Onion. People destroying/self-sabotaging themselves for free with Twitter or Discord by opening their mouths too much when they should've kept their real thoughts private... :loldog:


yeah, I'm well aware about alex's douchebagging against Darksoft on the NG forums, didn't know about Krikks, but it makes sense since he's one of his biggest competitors, if not the biggest one.