PC Engine Homebrew News: The duo that brought you FX-Unit Yuki returns! A demo for "Nyanja!" is available, an action platformer akin to games like Bubble Bobble & Snow Bros in gameplay style.
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Messages - motdelbuort

Quote from: guest on 06/29/2012, 09:46 AM
Quote from: DragonmasterDan on 06/29/2012, 09:26 AMTheir actual use is that they came with the game/book/movie and that it's incomplete without it.
They also came with shrinkwrap, so is an item incomplete without that too?
Absolutely. They also shipped to retailers along with other copies of the game, so of you have only one copy, it's also incomplete.
Cool, it's always nice to have a new Turbo site. Don't let anyone ruin your fun!

I'd like to see more pics of accessories and other items, since I'm not as clear on what kind of random items are actually out there.
Hey guys, I came across this video on Youtube and just thought I'd share it
It's been up for a few years so maybe most people have seen it already, but it's kind of neat to see the Turbo games that were being shown. It looks like all the Turbo games are in the first three parts, but I haven't viewed much further than that. The Turbo would have actually had a pretty nice year if more of these games would have come out, although I don't know if they would have sold many more systems at that point.

What is that at :27 into part 2? Dangerous Journeys?
Thanks for the responses! I don't have access to my game cases right now, but I completely forgot the address was on those. I want to go check out that building when I get some free time, probably in December.

In my own search, I also came up with the address for the publisher of Duo World and Turbo Play:

 L.F.P. Inc. (owned of course by "turbo-hound" Larry Flynt, heehee. I've seen this building.)
                9171 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 300
                Beverly Hills, CA 90210

And the address of Turbo Zone Direct:

Turbo Zone Direct
                13348 Beach Ave
                Marina del Rey, CA  90292

Apparently Hudson Soft USA is in San Francisco, but I might be up that way for the holidays as part of my Turbo Grafx Reality Tour (TM):

Hudson Soft USA, Inc
400 Oyster Point Blvd., Suite 515.
San Francisco, CA 94080.
So supposedly TTi was based out of Los Angeles. But does anybody know the old address for their office? I live in LA, and I thought it would be fun to go check out the building, and the area, maybe take some pictures.

It would be cool if it became a kind of Mecca for gamers to pay their respects, leave something behind, etc. Kind of like Jim Morrison's grave, except for Turbo Grafx gamers  :)
Quote from: offsidewing on 04/19/2007, 04:50 PMI wanted that Super System Card so bad that I cut out the life-sized photo of the SSC3.0 and taped it over my existing system card.  I'd insert it into my TG-16, open up the Turbo Force Magazine, and pretend I was playing Dragon Slayer.  I was 15 when I did this (oh the shame).  The the super system card showed up in late August.  I don't remember the next 6 months of my life that followed, but I remember having to get a job sometime in early 1993 to pay for the habit or my folks were going to kick me out.  I bought a Turbo Express so I could play Street Fighter II with a diving board converter on the bus to hockey tournaments.
There is no emoticon to express the mixture of amusement, empathy, and horror I got from reading this.

Also, I thought Street Fighter wouldn't work on the Turbo Express for some reason?
I always pronounced it Vie-gyooz.

Is "ei" ever pronounced the same as "ie?"
They really need to replace the Rolling Thunder artwork with a horrible westernized painting to be convincing.
I can't believe you guys are still responding to this  =D>

I've lost my old handle, got a new one, and moved across the country leaving the SNES behind since making the OP.
General Gaming / Re: Wii friend codes?
11/26/2006, 03:45 PM
td741: my bad. Here is my real code: 8704 3489 1049 8917
General Gaming / Re: Wii friend codes?
11/26/2006, 03:38 AM
I'm adding everyone above.

Mine (FIXED):
8704 3489 1049 8917
Thanks for posting this! I kind of think it looks.... Good!  I like the pencilly art style of the cut scenes, and the game looks slow moving but fun.
I've never played the PCE version, but I don't think you'd feel like you were missing much. You can't talk to the people in the towns anyway. The only people you talk to are the ones behind doors, and all their speech is voiceover. But all they mostly do is load/save, sell you weapons, upgrade them, and do a lame reading of your fortune. Keep a walkthrough handy and you'll be fine.

The game is tons of fun at first, but gets kind of frustrating and difficult after about an hour. I hate the jumping part as the cat. I didn't get much farther than that, which isn't very far really.
I really hope this game shows up on PCEngineFX TV. I'm curious about it but there's no way I'll ever get it, so it's perfect for that.
Turbo Grafx/ PC Engine collecting is a good game collecting hobby. The games have good value, and they're never gonna go down much, so it's money in the bank.

I feel like I'm kinda stuck right now, because it seems like I have most of the games I want that are affordable.
Quote from: stevek666
Quote from: motdelbourtIs there a Super Famicom game that plays like China Warrior? I seem to remember reading somewhere that there was.
I'd love to find out :). Kaminari?
Actually I thought you mentioned something about a spiritual successor to China Warrior, Steve, but I couldn't find any posts about it.
Quote from: "grahf"Im looking for a decent case for my hucards. In the back of the PC Denjin (air zonk) booklet there is a picture of a case, it looks to be only a tiny bigger than a hucard. Its kind of what im looking for. Any ideas?

No, but I'd like to see the picture if you'd be so kind.
Quote from: "Tron"
Quote from: guestI am still patiently waiting for Macross: Do You Remember Love to come out on DvD. THAT was awesome.
You can get that on a R2 DVD if ya want.

Macross DYRL will never be release on R1 DVD. Becuse those fucking assholes at, Harmory Gold won't let it happen since.. they think it will  mess up the, Robotech timeline :evil:

I thought DYRL was just a few episodes of Robotech spliced together? Is it original material?
Quote from: "CrackTiger"It reminds me of the Hasbro/Mars Super Hour on the Simpsons.

Buy/Sell/Trade / Magical Chase on ebay
05/21/2006, 12:52 PM
Quote from: "rolins"Wow, bidding ended at $215. Was that even a good price?

Maybe, considering there's no box. If I was going to spend $215 on a Turbo game though, I'd go ahead and pay more for a complete copy.
Quote from: "rolins"Registered today. I want some t-shirts, mine has holes in them.

Hudson needs to make a Bonk shirt. I look kind of like him and I'd totally wear it.
I signed up. Mainly for the Fatal Fury hat.
Oh yeah, the dongle/adaptor thing will totally happen. I'd say they will hit Lik Sang in no more than 6 months after the Wii comes out.

If I can afford it, I'll buy the Wii the day it comes out and stay up all night playing Dungeon Explorer and Super Mario Galaxy :o

I'm still trying to figure out how much of a tech advantage the PS3 has over the 360. XBOX so far does not offer the kind of games I like to play for the most part, except maybe the SNK and Sega titles on the first one. The PS2 got off to a slow start in terms of software and if the PS3 does the same, it might not be worth gettting one for a while at any price.  I mean, if the PS3 was $300 I'd just go with that, but that's pretty much my cutoff line. Of course, that will get you a 360, sort of...
Quote from: "merriman_bk"I think Macross 2036 has enhanced graphics when used with Arcade Card if I remember correctly.

I think it's actually a CD/SCD hybrid, but I'm not sure what the enhancements are supposed to be. Definitely far too old to have taken advantage of the Arcade Card.
Quote from: "cavein2000"I saw this game on play-asia on sale for 20 bucks brand new!  It is made by Taito and looks similar to Cadash.  Anyone ever play it?

It's playable, but really, really stiff. That's not a complete ripoff considering it's brand new, but I probably wouldn't pay more than $10. Maybe if you're combining shipping on a few things. If you don't expect Cadash or the Legendary Axes, you might not mind it.
I guess I'll get a Wii first, then decide between the other two later. I doubt they are expecting to be number one, but I see no reason why everybody won't want the Wii as their second system. They might even get a head start riding high off the initial interest.
Amazing collection, bt. What is the rarest released PCE/TG game, anyway? Dead of the Brain maybe? Dynastic Hero US?
Cadash is tons of fun. I beat it with the Ninja. It's not comparable to Ys, that would be apples and oranges. Except maybe Ys III, I've never played that one. It's rather short, and also rather difficult, at least for this player.
I just started playing Vasteel again. I'm playinga as Falail and I'm on the 4th or 5th map. For me it's the second space map. The graphics do get noticeably better in the space levels for some reason. Too bad they didn't make them a bit more complicated on the planets. I still hold that this combo strategy/arcade battle is a great formula. If it was a straight up strategy game like Military Madness I would probably not do as well. I like being able to get good at holding cities and things with weak mechs, and then pummeling the enemy with a bunch of heavies.
Quote from: "stevek666"There's no reason to be paranoid. Bonk swang both ways, for sure. So did most mascots back in the day. It's part of their allure and charm.

We, the gaming community, have warmly embraced this.

TTi tried to disguise the truth about Bonk, but it didn't work.

Also, the link above is dead.
It's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. It's going to go over even worse in places where wee is most commonly understood as pee. The most I can say is I don't see it having the same connotations for Japanese gamers.
I'll give you $30 for the lot.

Quote from: "CrackTiger"
Quote from: "motdelbuort"
Quote from: "CrackTiger"I forgot to mention that its also got some of the best effects in a PCE/Turbo game.

Like 20 layers of parallax, multiple scrolling backgrounds, transparent layers of backgrounds, some of which peel off of one another and smoothly warp around super Mode-7'y.


Try playing the game for yourself. :idea:

The pile of paralax is in some of the ship on ship battles.

There are multi background bases and space fights.

Some of the space fights have transparent layers of bg, one or two of which peel off of the first and then warp all over.

This isn't "Sapphire features super realtime 3D graphics that put the PSX to shame", this is just a matter of fact.

I've been meaning to play it again, but I seriously don't remember any of that. I remember a map grid and crude single plane overhead mech battles.

About the music, it doesn't fit the game to me at all. But I still like it, because intense music on the map screen would wear you down in a mostly slow paced game like this. But there's always the PSG (?) soundtrack as an alternative.
Quote from: "CrackTiger"I forgot to mention that its also got some of the best effects in a PCE/Turbo game.

Like 20 layers of parallax, multiple scrolling backgrounds, transparent layers of backgrounds, some of which peel off of one another and smoothly warp around super Mode-7'y.

PCE/TG-16|CD/SGX Discussion / Populous
04/23/2006, 02:00 PM
Could the game be auto-saving, like maybe when you complete a level? Is there a continue option when you start the game?
Quote from: guestAnd here is level 1 and 2 from Chiki Chiki Boys (aka Mega Twins)

This looks like a cool game. The main character seems to have the Valis sword!
Quote from: "Ninja Spirit"Tight MC vids! No wonder the US version is so damn expensive!

Thanx y'all. This is getting pretty fun.

Oh yeah the Valis 4 video

The only Turbo Valis game I don't have and it has some pretty parallax scrolling.

I thought Valis 1 was the last one they made. That one doesn't have it.
Everything looks terrific. Keep up the good work! I look forward to seeing what will come of this partnership.
Looks like it would have been a very average and unremarkable platformer. Maybe I'm biased, because I love the Batman PC Engine game we got.

I wouldn't have minded a port of the NES Batman, like the Genesis got though. That was awesome.
That site also has a video of Bonk's Return. The trailer is cute, but the game looks closer to NES graphics than TG 16. The way Hudson USA has been talking about the Bonk's Adventure Gamecube remake and using footage from it, you'd think they had actually released it  :roll:

I'd love to see a compilation of the Hudson remake series for international release the way Sega did with their budget remakes.
I've only played one of the current gen Gauntlets, and while it was okay, it was nothing to write home about. I'm hoping this will be more like Phantasy Star Online in a mostly "dark fantasy" setting. I'm looking forward to some nice fresh versions of the Dungeon Explorer music. The chip music in the first one is awesome. I can't remember the music in the second one, guess I'll have to play it again.
I guess this belongs on the new console development board.  :oops:
All the news available here:


So Dungeon Explorer is coming to the 360 and PSP!

Bonk Returns is unfortunately is only a cell phone game, but at least it's new, and maybe a sign of things to come.

In other news, I'm getting a new cell phone.
I've never seen one on Ebay either. With the relatively small amount of people they are targeted at (Turbo Grafx 16 owners who bought a Duo) there probably weren't many made. Your only chance is if there is a piece of computer hardware that was the exact same thing. I believe there was. I wonder if something like this would do the trick? Someone with technical prowess will be along soon to tell you what you need to do though, I'm sure.
Awesome, I remember that flyer. I pretty much dropped the Turbo for a long time after it died, but I wish I would have/could have picked some of those games up first. But heck, I had no source of income and some of those games were just as out of reach for me then as they are now.

I also remember the 800-Duo-This number. I was calling some other TTi number for some reason and they were trying to get me to call that one. The guy kept saying "you need to call 1-800-Duo-This" and I would be like, "Duo what???" and he would say it again, "Duo THIS." That went on for a good five minutes before I realized what he was trying to tell me. I thought he was trying to tell me to call "this" number and then kept failing to give it to me.  :?
Quote from: "Paladin"That one took me a little while to figure out. Use the blue magic on those flying enemies as they try to cross (or any enemy in the middle for that matter) and it will freeze them. Then you jump on them and use them to get to the next pillar. It gets old real fast as they like to throw out extra enemies later on to snipe you, but its a Valis game so you can't expect it to be easy.

Success! It didn't take me long to get stuck again though, at the part where you have to repeatedly hit the bell while avoiding constant attacks. It will be a while before I get past this.
I've tried both and can't seem to make it.


Here's the jump I'm talking about. Looks a little far.


Here I am trying to slide. Obviously not going to make it.


Here I am about to take a dip in the drink after trying to jump.

What gives? It seems like I'm jumping and sliding as close to the edge as I can get.
How about a Renny Blaster video? This game is a big  :?:  for me.

It's funny that the guy who put up the Ghouls n' Ghosts Supergrafx video felt the need to write a page long rant about its inferiority to the arcade. :lol:
I'm playing through Valis III for the first time and I'm mostly into it. There are some nice improvements over Valis II here. The graphics got a boost, and there's a lot more variety in the stages. But I'm stuck at this one part in the stage that looks like a Roman aquaduct. There are two pillars and you have to get over to the other one, but it seems like just a little too far to slide or jump. Does anyone know the part I'm talking about? Should I be trying to jump, or slide? Or am I missing something?