12/06/2023: Localization News - Tengai Makyou/Far East of Eden: Ziria!!!

OMG! ZIRIA! ZIRIA!!! IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED!! 34 YEARS LATER!! The epic/legendary Tengai Makyou/Far East of Eden: Ziria JRPG has finally been localized! Supper the Subtitler struck again! Simply unstoppable, NOTHING can prevent him from TOTAL PCECD localization domination!!!! WHACHA GONNA DO BROTHER?!?!
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Cover Art PCE vs Turbo Grafx (Image Heavy)

Started by SuperPlay, 04/29/2011, 03:18 PM

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QuoteKing of Fighters 98 Neo Geo cart. It's litterally the cast of the game, many of them mortal enemies, hanging out at a party.
This is a spoof, that is done in many series, as you mentioned. In the DVD release of Project A-ko the director explains how they did all kinds of things in the background. Many prodigies and fan-artist also does this. You can find various images, inside legit comic books
creating many spoofs. People call this fan-service, for which there is no such thing. In order for this to be done, the series had to exsist for a very long time. This is just how the artist feels, or the entire audience feels about the series.

You are right it occurs alot in series. In Popful Mail, an image of what Blacky really thinks about Mail is shown. In a much more desperate and later series of Popful Mail, all the female characters are in a bathhouse with the reactions of the male characters. This occurs in Burn-up W, and of course Tenchi ( alot ). In "Nadia Secret Of Blue Water" an image of what everybody thinks about the climax/apex of the entire series. However such things occurs in prodigys mostly.

About KOF98. The 1990's was the golden age of 1970's crowd. They were around 25-35 during this time. Most 70's peoples like wearing suits. This was before Jeans, and Tee-shirts were popular. Most of these videogames were made by people who grew up, lived, and still consider B&W televisions, normal. Most 1970's folks considered being in a suit the apex of outer wear. It is like the Berlington coat factor commercial. "The suit is what makes the man", or "allways wear a suit to impress people". That is kinda true for 1970's people. Before Hollywood Hulk, Mr T., Jackie Chan, Rocky and all these other imagary characters came along.

Reunions, most people and their enemies and freinds would reunit.
Imagine being in a room with all your enemies and freinds from grades preK-12 in one spot? You could image how they would get along. Would they start fighting? No? Because they already did that. Again the 1970's people wented to Vietnam. I could imagine a fighter pilot laughing with an enemy pilot after years of war.

Then there was the price factor. Neo-Geo was the most expensive system. Only a drug dealer could afford the system. I could imagine some dinner parties with Neo-geos setup, while people in a one room
apartment is playing with a Famicom.

QuoteCosmic Fantasy 2
Cyber Core
Drop Rock Hora Hora / Drop Off
Cosmic Fantasy. The JAP version is using a type of presentation that is common. While the US version is showing off characters, and things in the game.

After viewing a close up of the US version, I have to go into more detail. I am going to assume that nobody on this board never took up American art. Their is a very important painting called "Apollo and the servant", which depicts the events of the story of the same name. The American version is very detailed in the story, while the French version was detailed in the events of the actual
story ( remember the begining of the film "Face off" where the son was shot, instead of the father? ).

In terms of the American version of AATS, that is exactly what the US cover art is doing. It is also considered very proffessional. It is giving a really good idea of the events of the videogame you will be playing.
An older person could see the events as a story, while a younger person would just admire the characters, and colors.

In fact many artist in the world ( including myself if I still had access to an air brush ) use airbrush, even today. Like Adventure island for example. Believe it or not most works can be very detailed, and small at the same time.

In terms of AATS, to the US cover art. It makes sense, the shading is great, along with the

Cyber Core. Well Cyber Core is about a cyborg who can
take advantage of enemies DNA, and thus transform.
Both covers looks like the gameplay feild itself, while the JAP cover looks more mysterous. You do not even notice the cover art on the PCE game. Cyber Core should look like something like Shape Shifter cover.

Drop Rock. The JAP cover is more story motivated, and looks more serious, like if the events are actually occuring. The US cover looks like hinting at tetris, which is common for a puzzle game. However most people
who are tired of puzzle games, would play the game just for the story. Like that racer, or golf game with actual cut-scenes. People want a reason to play another puzzle game as well.

YS III. People have to understand that Falcom pretty much founded JRPG types, asides for the horror known as Hydlide. The JAP game is basically a typical cover for a DAD game.

During this time in the USA, Conan was popular among the jock types ( the cowboys, and non-cowboys ),
and was cool. So all the way from the conan and non-conan days, into Ch11 Hercules ( the non-disney/Eddie Murphy one ), those kind of series was popular. It also merged into the DAD fandom.

The US background cover was a redub of the Ys3 cover. I think at one point when it was explaining the story about a legendary hero who sealed the demon,
a simular person was displayed on screen. That is why the artist probably choose that image. They saw that in game image and decided that would set-peoples hearts a fire. To me, the image looks grand, in terms of the in game story.

As a Ys fan, it looks like the artist did not like Adol, and felt he looked wimpy like a green footclan gang member starting a fight in a Cobra Commando bar. Because againw ith AATS, you see that American culture way of thinking.

Looking at the JAP cover you could do a zoom and get lost in the image, the same for Xanandu II cover. Imagine the intro the Never Ending Story II where you get lost in the child like empresses crown.


One thing the US Bomberman cover has going for it is possibly a cooler font.

Quote from: SignOfZeta on 01/31/2012, 08:01 PMYou bring up an interesting point: the tendency for Japanese cover art designers to show a different aspect of the game. My favorite example of this is the King of Fighters 98 Neo Geo cart. It's litterally the cast of the game, many of them mortal enemies, hanging out at a party. The entire game is nothing but fighting. The cover is the only chance they had to show some other side to these people, and it goes a long way. KOF has always been as much about character design and story as fighting, and the cover really pulls in SNK fans. They see that and think, "Heh, what would Mary say to Iori by the poolside? That shit is crazy."
Great observation, I agree! I also love '97s cover with Iori standing in the alley.
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


You know I'm not a purist. Nor am I an obsesive japanophile, but I just can't stomach alot of the us TG16 covers with their weird, dead eyed, contorted protagonists made out of wax. This applies to that infamous cover of the first Megaman game too.

I know marketing and crap like that, but realy, did they figure using a generic cutesy anime-ish cover which people didn't even realy know much about in the US at the time would sell the game to less kids (and their parents) then this


I wouldn't buy that.


RegalSin, I don't think I am fully convinced by your "1970's generation" argument, but it certainly was interesting and I do think there is some validity to the idea (that we should look at cultural/generational context(s) to better understand things).



Dungeon Explorer II
Dynastic Hero
Godzilla Bakutou Retsu Den

Thanks to  henrycsc for the TG16 Pics.   

More yet to come!!!!


The Japanese cover for Godzilla is kind of lame in the way that they just copied it from the newest Godzilla movie at that time instead of making something new, but the art they copied is AWESOME so I will forgive them:


Seriously, the Godzilla art from that period was so great.

Some more:






Godzilla was auwsome. I remember the live action television series? Was their a live action series? Still Godzilla was beautiful. Speaking of being alive in 1985, that Godzilla, the one film where America was strongly involved was fantastic, especially the Indiana Jones Joke.

Quote from: SuperPlay on 03/18/2012, 11:35 AMAdded:

Dungeon Explorer II
Dynastic Hero
Godzilla Bakutou Retsu Den
The page is starting to do that grey loading thing again.

Dungeon Explorer II - is stupid, they defeated the purpose of the font with it's new positioning, just for the crappy Duo sign. It just goes to show you how dumb westerners are when it comes to game selection.
Of course they still feel that videogames is a kiddie market. Notice how the edges of the II type is slightly shaved, and rounded. It completely
defeats the purpose of the art, which was to make people aware an old enemy ( I assume ). It is like "the Labriyth" where the goblin king ( devil,
maze master ), is right in the cover of the video.

Dynastic Hero- They kept the type-face, colored it up ( goofed it up for children, Mario World style ), and they were probably trying to emphasized the importance of the CD-rom, with the CD-pattern in the background. Asides for that, they probably felt white was too boring a color. You can also see how they slightly moved the title and matched Hudsons Typelogo with it. Then of course the bright pink duo logo assured that this was directed towards children, before pink became associated with homosexuals. Or maybe they did feel that.

The original character art looks cell shaded, and touched up a bit with an air-brush. Of course with the Chinese nature, and Forest ideal of this game, the white would work, best. Of course a logo must work with all backdrops.

Exile - The American version obviously being anti-oriental ( anti-islam )
shows a desert. The exile is obviously using a arabic type. However everybody will think it relates to the sword. It is play on an arabic type.

The original is the standard extra bad-arse character. With an hint of desert kingdom adventure in it. The title snaped in two could indicate the seal at the end of the game, or the sword breaking the seal? Or the ten commandments kinda effect? Eitherway it is god like in its origin. This game while fiction also plays on historical events of the Orient, and world. If this game was made by Koei it would make sense.

Godzilla Bakutou Retsu Den - at this point godzilla has reached his high point. Godzilla for a very long time was in a commercial ( franchise ( extra fake ) ) state. Godzilla 1985 cool but everything after that was a big slip down, until the comic relief usage of Godzilla in Austin Powers.
These are just images from the film. Nothing wrong with that, but hey it is a blasted game, where Japan wented from Giant Monsters, human shaped monsters, Power Rangers, and then pure police drama. What could I say.

It is obvious they felt the signifigance of the artwork from Japan would
not be appreiciated. So they just wented with the extra fake costume instead. I think at that time Godzilla was also starting to wain on the American public.


There was never a Godzilla live action TV series.

As for quality, Godzilla 1954 is simply amazing. After that...it was kind of lame. In 1984 though things got very good. All of the movies between 1984 and Destroyah are worth watching with Gidorah, Mechagodzilla II and Mothra being particularly awesome.


Well I remember a Godzilla series where a scientist and his son would have adventures with Godzuki. It was almost like Astroboy the animation but real. Every episode Godzilla or some other monster would be in some sorta trouble, or some other human villian.


That was the American Godzilla cartoon. It was not live action. It was also not good at all.


SignOfZeta I see what you mean with the movie Poster.  Here is the flyer for the game:


Flyers taken from:



Quote from: SignOfZeta on 03/19/2012, 12:28 PMThat was the American Godzilla cartoon. It was not live action. It was also not good at all.
It was not the early animations or the 20XX animations. It was an all Japanese cast, and some episodes would have the traditional laughing ending, while others were cliff-hangers. Nevermind. Next your going tell me, their was no official Robocop 4 on HBO, where the ending a girl Robo-cop was created.



Kato and Ken Chan / J.J & Jeff
Magical Chase
Neutopia II

Thanks to henrycsc for the TG16 Pics



Ankoku Densetsu / Legendary Axe 2
Kaizou Choujin Shubibinman 2 / Shockman
Super Star Soldier
Violent Soldier / Sinistron

Thanks to henrycsc for the TG16 Pics



Legend Of Hero Tonma
Takahashi Meijin No Shinboukenjima / New Adventure Island

Thanks again to henrycsc for the TG16 Pics



Fighting Street
Hit the Ice
Jackie Chan's action KungFu
J. B. Harold Murder Club

Again thanks to henrycsc for the TG16 Pics



Blodia / TimeBall (TG16 Pic henrycsc)

Genpei Toumaden Kannoni / Samurai Ghost (TG16 Pic henrycsc)

Parasol Stars (TG16 Pic henrycsc)

Vasteel (TG16 Pic henrycsc)


SuperPlay, have you determined if you are missing any US scans?  If so, shoot me a PM and I will get them for you.  I know you're still working on what you have, and I can't remember what I sent you.  LOL
Bootleg Hucards (Hong Kong, China)
Third Party Hardware (US, Japan, China, Europe, Korea)
Canadian Boxes and Manuals (French text)
Ton's of Trades available - just PM me.


Thanks henrycsc

Once I have uploaded the remainder that I have left I will drop you a PM with the ones that I am short of.



Mesopotamia / Somer Assault

Red Alert / Last Alert

Side Arms

Soldier Blade


Double Dungeons



Neutopia 2

Thanks to henrycsc for the TG16 Pics


Anyone else think that whatever it is on the US cover of Valis III, it kinda looks like a man ?


Quote from: apachacha on 04/28/2012, 03:25 PMAnyone else think that whatever it is on the US cover of Valis III, it kinda looks like a man ?
Believe me, you are not alone. Far, faaaaaar from it!
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


Quote from: Keranu on 04/28/2012, 07:11 PM
Quote from: apachacha on 04/28/2012, 03:25 PMIMG
Anyone else think that whatever it is on the US cover of Valis III, it kinda looks like a man ?
Believe me, you are not alone. Far, faaaaaar from it!
Heh-heh! I pulled out my copy to refresh my memory and yeah, at first glance, up close, it does kinda look like a dude with a wig... I think as a teen, when I bought it, my impression was just an ugly, tough chick, but I didn't look too carefully or ever give it a second thought after that.


She makes Xena Warrior Princess look like Barbie. Upon examining the cover with a magnify glass, there appear to be whiskers growing off her chin.

<<insert Photoshop'd image here, preferably using the magnify glass graphic from Darkwing Duck>>
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


Quote from: Keranu on 04/28/2012, 07:11 PM
Quote from: apachacha on 04/28/2012, 03:25 PMAnyone else think that whatever it is on the US cover of Valis III, it kinda looks like a man ?
Believe me, you are not alone. Far, faaaaaar from it!
I don't understand why they feel the need to do this when A) It looks nothing like the character, B) the game has extensive cutscenes where the character appears exactly like she does on the original box art, thusly making their whole re-design seem futile and utterly pointless and C) they have stills of the game on front of the box anyway !

Quote from: Keranu on 04/28/2012, 10:04 PMShe makes Xena Warrior Princess look like Barbie. Upon examining the cover with a magnify glass, there appear to be whiskers growing off her chin.

<<insert Photoshop'd image here, preferably using the magnify glass graphic from Darkwing Duck>>
That would indeed be awesome :P

Also Lucy Lawless was pretty hot back in the day.

Honestly, I still don't get it. Were there licensing issues with the original covert art, or were the people in charge just horribly anti-Japanese ? I mean there's one thing if you have say an 8 bit title on the NES, (and even that was capable of some form of cutscenes but whatever), then you can redesign the character on the boss if you like but if the game itself has lengthy cutscenes portraying the character exactly like they were on the cover originaly, then I ask you WHAT IS THE POINT ?


Quote from: apachacha on 04/29/2012, 02:13 PM
Quote from: Keranu on 04/28/2012, 07:11 PM
Quote from: apachacha on 04/28/2012, 03:25 PMAnyone else think that whatever it is on the US cover of Valis III, it kinda looks like a man ?
Believe me, you are not alone. Far, faaaaaar from it!
I don't understand why they feel the need to do this when A) It looks nothing like the character, B) the game has extensive cutscenes where the character appears exactly like she does on the original box art, thusly making their whole re-design seem futile and utterly pointless and C) they have stills of the game on front of the box anyway !
Yeah, I know what you mean. Your observations are not new. We've been wondering this for 25+ years, probably since Megaman 1, come to think of it "Why make something horrible that has nothing to do with the game when something great and topical already exists?" There are many answers and excuses and explanations, but honestly I think its just ad men getting out of control. I call this overbearing influence on cover designs by marketing and advertising people the "Mobile Light Force".


I like Victor Ireland's explanation in that recent interview posted in another thread: the marketing people were not gamers!
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


...And nothing moved games into teenage boys hands like drag queens with Sandra Bullock hair and armor.

Bootleg Hucards (Hong Kong, China)
Third Party Hardware (US, Japan, China, Europe, Korea)
Canadian Boxes and Manuals (French text)
Ton's of Trades available - just PM me.



Jack Nicklaus Greatest 18 / Jack Nicklaus Turbo Golf
Power Sports / World Sports Competition
Super Volley Ball
World Beach Volley Ball / Sonic Spikes



Thanks to henrycsc for the TG16 Pics


This thread is awesome.  I'm posting in it not only to bump it, but so that I can find it later.
I'm busy playing pinball, but I still drop by to visit.


I have not updated this thread for a while so I have Fixed the dead links and added a few US only titles.

More yet to come!


STATUS: This thread should be required reference material for all members. STICKY THIS THREAD, ephemeral moderators! :pcgs:

Aggie Tsubi

I'm surprised at how many US covers I prefer over the Japanese covers. Of course, they're in the minority, but still. It seems like many of the most well-known games got laughably bad covers, but some of the less common stuff isn't bad at all. And when both are based on the same art, I usually prefer the US, if only because they look less cluttered and use the whole cover for the art rather than put it in a smaller frame in many cases. That said, sometimes the US covers put the logos in dumb places, blocking important parts of the art.

And then there are some games where both covers, even though entirely different, suck, haha.



Tail Spin


Quote from: Aggie Tsubi on 04/13/2013, 06:06 PMI'm surprised at how many US covers I prefer over the Japanese covers. Of course, they're in the minority, but still. It seems like many of the most well-known games got laughably bad covers, but some of the less common stuff isn't bad at all. And when both are based on the same art, I usually prefer the US, if only because they look less cluttered and use the whole cover for the art rather than put it in a smaller frame in many cases. That said, sometimes the US covers put the logos in dumb places, blocking important parts of the art.

And then there are some games where both covers, even though entirely different, suck, haha.
Glad I'm not the only one who thinks this and went through just about every bit of art box.  I found I liked about a 1/3 of the English covers better. and yes some art just needs to go away.
NW: Hey, I made it on this psycho's Enemies' List, how about that ?? ;)
BT: Look at how the fake SFII' carts instantly sold out and were immediately listed on eBay before the flippers even took possession. Look at Nintendo's overpriced bricks. Look at the typical forum discussions elsewhere. You can't tell most retro gamers anything!


Interesting to hear that some of you like the US covers over the Japanese counterparts.

Personally I an in the camp that prefers the Japanese covers. 


Some are OK for example


Sorry could not resist ;-)

I wonder if preference relates to the covers that you are familiar with / had access to back in the day. As I had used to work at a console importers (based in the UK) I had access to Japanese releases way before the US versions.

Aggie Tsubi

No arguing that the US Valis covers suck something major. :P

Tonma is a good example of where the differences are slight but I'll like the US cover more because there's less text cluttering up the image. Granted, the Tonma art is pretty stupid no matter what's placed over it, haha.

Now I'm curious how many there are where I actually prefer the US cover. Maybe I'll list 'em:

Aero Blasters
Bomberman (super cheesy and a terrible representation of the game, but still more visually interesting than the extremely simple JP cover)
Chase HQ
Davis Cup Tennis
Dragon Slayer: The Legend Of Heroes
Dynastic Hero
Forgotten Worlds
Samurai Ghost
King of Casino
Legend Of Hero Tonma
Magical Chase
Legendary Axe
Somer Assault
Parasol Stars
Air Zonk
Buster Bros.
World Class Baseball
World Sports Competition
Prince of Persia
Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective Vol 1
Shadow of the Beast
Space Harrier
New Adventure Island
Time Cruise
TV Sports Basketball
TV Sports Football
TV Sports Hockey
Ys 1&2

Wow, that's a really long list for someone who usually swears by Japanese covers. There were even some more where I really wanted to go with the US cover, but one badly placed logo prevented me. There are probably some more I could go with, but with both options being so lame, it's hard to decide which has the edge. :P That said, my list is dominated by covers where they used the same art on both, just in slightly different ways or with different logos, so I'd say I still overall dislike most of the original, American-made Turbo covers.


hmmm dare I dream of a world where the less clustered style of the American box, was combined with the professional art work on the Japanese Cover art???????? 

Has there ever been worse cover art than that Valis he/she/it strange arm thing?
NW: Hey, I made it on this psycho's Enemies' List, how about that ?? ;)
BT: Look at how the fake SFII' carts instantly sold out and were immediately listed on eBay before the flippers even took possession. Look at Nintendo's overpriced bricks. Look at the typical forum discussions elsewhere. You can't tell most retro gamers anything!


Quote from: SuperPlay on 04/13/2013, 06:38 PMInteresting to hear that some of you like the US covers over the Japanese counterparts.

Personally I an in the camp that prefers the Japanese covers. 


Some are OK for example


Sorry could not resist ;-)

I wonder if preference relates to the covers that you are familiar with / had access to back in the day. As I had used to work at a console importers (based in the UK) I had access to Japanese releases way before the US versions.
Some body needs to make a reproduction of the PCE Valis III manual but in english  :wink:
Wii U:Progearspec


CATEGORY: A-most-badass-cover-on-a-most-shite-game...(logo placement better on US)

CATEGORY: Whitewash (let's get the "Asian" out of "Caucasian")...

Quote from: Aggie Tsubi on 04/13/2013, 06:06 PM...
That said, sometimes the US covers put the logos in dumb places, blocking important parts of the art.

And then there are some games where both covers, even though entirely different, suck, haha.
I agreed with everything you said, and probably most of the list you posted in a follow-up (gotta read this later)...but, for now...

EXHIBIT 1: STUPID PLACE FOR LOGO, TTi! Design rule #A: Never obscure ominious eyes!

EXHIBIT 2: Both covers suck. They are uninspired, boring and simply using an IN-GAME SCREENSHOT would have been infinitely better...

US IS CORNY BUT SUPERIOR: Devil Crash vs. Devil's Crush


As there is some interest in this again ...


I have re-scaled the oversize images to fit, fixed bad links and added US covers for Camp California and It came from the desert. More due soon!

Thanks again to:

esteban for hosting some of the images.
henrycsc for most of the TG16 images


Quote from: SuperPlay on 04/03/2014, 02:31 PMAs there is some interest in this again ...


I have re-scaled the oversize images to fit, fixed bad links and added US covers for Camp California and It came from the desert. More due soon!

Thanks again to:

esteban for hosting some of the images.
henrycsc for most of the TG16 images
Well there goes my evening... :D

Thanks for all your efforts, SuperPlay (and all those involved)! This is such a fascinating thread.


most of the turbo grafx art are simply cringing as bad as ' aphex twin ' windowlicker cover art
some are so bad, that it's better to have simple plain had written  box


Rise from the grave!

All images fixed :-)  Special thanks goes to esteban for hosting the images.



We got so boned overall in the art dept, do we know who did the US cover conversions, so i can personally write an angry letter....