@GTV reviews the Cosmic Fantasy 1-2 Switch collection by Edia, provides examples of the poor English editing/localization work. It's much worse for CF1. Rated "D" for disappointment, finding that TurboGrafx CF2 is better & while CF1's the real draw, Edia screwed it up...
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jlued686 Banned

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Custom title:
Bitter Saboteur
Personal text:
DildoPhile Titan
Psycho DildoPhile John Luedtke
IMG :lol:

John Luedtke AKA The Lude Rude Dude! F this guy! JohnPhile the DildoPhile, he fought for the 'honor' of a little dildophile dicktator [Head Dildo] and his failed PCE Engine forum who spam-harassed us with it for years in desperation to poach/steal our membership... The other John [Moriconi] meant so much to Luedtke that he had to help sabotage the future of our forum right here! Good job you psycho SOB! You live with it, you disgusting, abusive prick!

All this lunacy revealed/exposed just for launching the PCEFX chatroom which the deranged DildoPhile gang feared would ruin their delusional scheme of poaching membership, it'd take the one thing they had going (active chatroom) so I had to be targeted with daily harassment for the crime of launching it!

Yes, it's a true story, unreal as it may sound! And the nutjobs still lie about where the blame lies, trying to play innocent victims to this day!
❤ Interests:
Sabotage, defamation, harassment, incitement, stalking, helped hound Aaron Nanto into retirement in mad desperation to capture PCEFX, unban his psychotic friend who was mainly here to poach membership to his own PCE forum...

It was weird/surreal watching the dynamic of this vicious, self-destructive clown gang unfold... I'll have more to say to document how this abusive, bitter, vindictive cyber-bully sabotaged the forum he called home for almost 15 years...

The one and only "unsolicited chatroom stalker!" He deceptively harassed/stalked Aaron on Twitter to complain I was "dangerous" because I clicked the Reply-To-Email button to tell him to cease and desist from writing false/defamatory conspiracies about me, claiming the registered email he used here was "private" and replying to him was a great privacy violation!!!

Of course he later laughed about causing alarm to Aaron and getting him to delete his profile while sabotaging trust/friendship between me and Aaron... That's the kind of psychotic, deceptive dirtbag that this loser is, all the while stalking me, UNSOLICITED to Sarumaru's chatroom when he learned I was visiting there to directly do the SAME THING, bark at me like an angry dog as if THIS would be the time I kowtow/surrender to his brand of online extortion/blackmail/intimidation to unban Psycho John "Nulltard" Moriconi...

Him and his deranged gang destroyed a whole forum, jumping up and down like manchildren to extort/blackmail me into unbanning ONE turbo troll, who had his OWN PC Engine forum, all this conflict, war of choice, for ONE F*CKING A$$HOLE who came from/had his own PC Engine forum!!!! GOOD JOB NUTJOB!!! WINNER IS YOU!!! CONGRATULATIONS, YOU SURE SHOWED ME!!!!
❤ Games:
Sabotage, and embarrassing stunts like these:

Ya know the worst of it? Aaron was my friend, this turd sabotaged my friendship with someone I knew/respected for 20 years... Prior to the DildoPhile Catastrophy sabotage led by the other John [Moriconi] and this prick piling on, Aaron and I used to talk movies on Facebook Messenger... By the end, the doxxing troll gang was harassing him DAILY by all means of social media, hoping to pit him against me, they even sent him legal threats as part of an overall intimidation/blackmail/extortion "Get-rid-of-NW!" effort!

They wanted to extort the unbanning of John Moriconi and force me to caucus in the same forum with my abusers again which was unacceptable! They REALLY thought if they kept up the deranged harassment, be it daily, weekly, monthly, jumping up and down, spewing hatred via even the PC Engine Facebook groups, I or Aaron would kowtow to this lunacy and surrender to the inmates of the asylum! NO! DO NOT ever negotiate with extortionists! NOTHING good will come from it and John Moriconi and his DildoKobolds would've only become even more emboldened/abusive if they "won" their psycho nerd war of choice...

You better believe I want this SOB slapped down with misdemeanor harassment and defamation charges! Burn in hell, John! I'd NEVER let you in a PCE forum again! :boom:
❤ Films/TV:
The Big Lebowski, Seinfeld
❤ Music:
Pearl Jam, Radiohead, Sonic Youth, The Beatles, The Flaming Lips
❤ Books:
John's a washed up musician ... When relieved of his daycare duties and not playing video games, John can be found screaming about the inability of the Timberwolves to make it out of the first round of the playoffs or the pathetic state of the music industry. John hates boybands or any Mouseketeer posing as a musician. John is also our resident Turbografx/Duo fanatic so you'll often catch him spouting off on that subject as well.
❤ Quotes:
"Where are we going? What are we doing?" - John Cage

Quote from: jlued686 on 09/30/2012, 04:02 PMSeriously, there's a lot of bullshit going on here lately and it would be nice if some of the moderators were a bit more loose with the "Ban Hammer." There are at least a few people who only come here to stir up shit and act like assholes, in some sort of pathetic internet dick-wagging. Give them a temporary ban, or get 'em out for good.

Hell, if nothing else, make me a mod and let me clean house. I've been here for a good decade. Let's get nuts. I'll go Judge Dredd on these douchebags.
:lol: :lol: :lol: Wait, did JohnPhile actually write this in 2012 titled "I Wish Mods Here Were More Militant" ?? Do my eyes deceive me ??

That's epic in the grand tale that is PCEFX legends, he probably doesn't even remember writing this hypocritical rant having completely flipped on the subject because I was the one wielding the Ban Hammer and not him!

So for all the abuse he gave me and Aaron, because it was his douchebag friends stirring up shit, acting like assholes in a pathetic internet dick-wagging contest of choice, playing doxxing/extorting/blackmailing games rather than ceasing/desisting after a 2-week TEMP vacation ban, I was an 'evil' Judge Dredd and I had to be gotten rid of, huh ?

PATHETIC DUDE! You're pathetic! I knew I remembered you writing this, it was only a matter of time before I ran into the quote again! Burn in hell!

Quote from: jlued686 on 09/30/2012, 04:34 PMI normally don't get involved in this sort of thing, honestly. I feel like a bit of a putz for letting it bother me at all. But like I said, I've been involved in these forums for a long-ass time and can't remember it ever being this bad. Fucking nerd/troll/jerkoffs pissing on other people's good time.
AKA DildoPhile...
❤ Random:
Quote from: jlued686 on 10/02/2012, 03:44 PMI'm not asking for drastic action. Just...some action. Ignore button or no, there's no debate that RegalSin makes coming here a less-enjoyable experience for just about everyone; at least for those who don't find some strange amusement in his idiocy. And I would guess he probably scares off newcomers as well.

I've been a moderator on a few forums in the past. Honestly, I enjoyed it. Sure, there's the lame internet drama you have to deal with, but I took pride in keeping the place clean and making it a nice place for people to visit. I've been a member here for nearly a decade, and would be happy to give moderating this place a shot, but it seems like the one or two mods who actually spend any time here don't even have the ability to assign moderator privileges.
His whole thread is now public like others, moved out of Fighting Street for guest-view, so if you click the quote tag you can see it.

07/26/2004, 01:00 AM
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