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What happened to Nulltard?

Started by PukeSter, 03/19/2018, 10:17 PM

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Funny. I remember when Nulltard was working on his site. I liked the graphics he worked on for it. Gave some small suggestions and was glad to see another site coming around that was Duo related. People had no problem signing up when it went live. Some were excited for it. The scans section is great. It also had a chat section. Even better since we lost ours here and then finally went to paul's (now defunct :() chat. When shoutbox was here we mostly all hung out here, posted in the forums and kept the place going. Over time Nulltard was being silly, joking and constantly just saying d.u.o.p.h.i.l.e.c.o.m. I gave no shits, however after a year or so it was getting old and wasn't stopping. Then people were having beefs over other forum shit (mostly about moderation that we finally started having) among other things I don't remember.

I remember watching on of Josh's gamehuggers vids where esteban, arkhan, dan, and josh were talking. Arkhan brought up how much this site has been less active over the years, and the different chat places having much to do with it along with FB. He mentioned how much it sucks cause we're already a small enough niche community we don't need to be splitting off. Having a chat here really helped this place. He is totally right. Not long after NW decided to bring the shoutbox back. I was super excited. He's still trying to make it better for us. All the shit that happened while he was working on it was totally unnecessary.

I realize shoutbox isn't going to make it like the old days. Those are long gone. Most just do shit on their phones, so FB and certain chats are where people go now. However I am hopeful it can bring this place to be more active to a degree.


Funny how even after the posts made in this thread by "non-dildophilers" that NW still can't admit he holds at least partial blame for going overboard.  The only bully here NightWolve is you.  Now that you hold moderating "power" on this forum I liken it to a kid that got made fun of and bullied his whole life then became a police officer.

Perhaps I'll see you at MGC since it's only 1.5 hour drive from Chi town?  Then again, maybe not because then you'd actually have to interact with people in real life instead of being a digital warrior.
"You CAN'T prove Nulltard/DoxPhile caused ANY harm/damage/sabotage to PCEFX!! You have NO evidence he poached ANY members for his own failed PC Engine forum/site or was a conniving destructive saboteur! ZERO, ZIP, NADA!!! Nulltard did nothing wrong!"


I've been away for a bit, but it sounds like Nulltard had his 'when shitposting goes wrong' moment.
Quote from: VenomMacbeth on 10/25/2015, 02:35 PMGentle with games, rough with collectards.  Riders gon riiiiide.


Quote from: DildoKKKobold on 04/01/2018, 08:00 PMWhat I can't understand is how people are reading his posts, and saying "Oh yeah, huh. This guy totally seems to have his ducks in a row." It reads like the rantings of a lunatic. It's full of so many exaggerations and falsehoods, but it's just tiresome to even bother to point them out.

LACES OUT MARINO! Nightwolve is Einhorn!
Prove ANY falsehood with quoted text (my exact sentences!) or STFU rather than stating "so many" "exaggerations and falsehoods!" without backing it up in any persuasive way! "So many exaggerations" IS an exaggeration right in your own damn claim! Put a number on "so many" so the reader can decide, not you, a butthurt troll seeking retaliation! Knucklehead is desperate to defend The Head Dildo's malware/virus conspiracy smear, in a "No no no, YOU YOU LIAR, YOU YOU YOU!"

Review: Your main pathetic purpose on this forum has been hounding, heckling, trolling, etc. mostly an antagonistic presence starting with your obsession against CrackTiger, NecroPhile & VestCunt when it came to the reseller debate and not much else until this Catastrophy game of yours... You're still also butthurt about Professor/Mike I see, you made mention of that I recall, so same ole same ole when it comes to you...

These are some of his deliberate, manipulative retaliation troll texts (hoping I'll see 'em) below from the chatbox, he's obsessed with me again to defend his dumb DildoPhile .com spammer pal (The Head Dildo) who's hopelessly obsessed with his own failed PCE website to where he wears hats and shirts with DildoPhile on them on every YouTube appearance, and who was willing to burn bridges to engage in an ill-conceived, ~daily spam harassment campaign in a 14-day period (and would've kept going for another ~2 weeks or who knows had I not interfered)....

The most bizarre issue to me is he's been trying to badger/bully me into going to some gamer event that's a ~170 mile roundtrip as if I owe it to someone...

QuoteDarkKobold [01:10pm]:    It's kinda funny that NW is 1.5h from MGC, but never goes
DarkKobold [01:10pm]:    Probably mad social anxiety.
DarkKobold [01:11pm]:    I'm sure with some therapy, maybe some meds, he'd actually be a really great positive person.
DarkKobold [01:22pm]:    Yeah, I don't think it's deragatory to suggest someone could use therapy.
DarkKobold [01:22pm]:    When I had a hard time in grad school, I had a therapist.
The rest of his retaliation trolling continues on with my XSEED boycott, trying to equate it to a 14-day ~daily spam campaign (which he took part in), therefore I should've left poor little Nulltard alone to continue in his obsession in our chatbox...

So just glancing at the log, I appear to be the ONLY thing he comes to the chatbox to talk about. The logs don't go far back enough to where both of us were there and he was questioning/badgering my thinking as to why I don't go to this MGC event. I gave some tongue'n'cheek answers, but mostly, I haven't been interested, nonetheless my answers weren't good enough for Detective DildoKobold, the creepster REALLY needs to get to the bottom of why I won't go to this event...

I can also tell that he's been reading my XSEED posts or EVERY POST back on my website (to look for something to troll with), obsessing about little mannerisms in detail such as writing "lying liar" which he then tried to fabricate into an absurd equivalency, implying it's similar to writing "criminal criminality," etc. I answered in detail for the hell of it, but there was no real conversation there because the toxic troll is just looking for material to use in the future.  I mean, why bitch about uppercase screaming for emphasis. Like Vile Kyle the DildoPhile is a PSYCHO LYING LIAR! The OCD nutjob, so obsessed with me, will obsess about sudden shifts in writing for emphasis like that. Sure, I could just say LIAR, in uppercase, that'd be a typical emphasis tactic but this psycho wanted a whole "debate-me bro" session on "lying liar..." He's weird, nasty, hatred-filled! Realize, 100% of his content in the chatbox launch was JUST about me after Nulltard *sent* him here to sabotage it!!! EVERY post was about me, EVERY TIME! Some kind of an attack, some kind of lie, and I had done NOTHING to the bastard hatemonger! NOTHING! And STILL, he comes around to yell "YOU CRAZY, NOT ME! YOU YOU YOU INSANE, NOT ME!!!"

And yeah, the crazy psycho apparently wanted (or wants) to meet me at some gamer nerd event since I believe he attended in the past with Nulltard?

We now know the psycho hired a therapist once upon a time or so he claims ?? He said his parents hired one for him from what I recall.

Nobody wants to meet you, freak! PLENTY of reasons NOT to!!! That clear enough to you ??

You and your DildoPhile gang may have gotten temporary satisfaction from harassing me, trying like hell to get on my nerves given your petty grudges/issues, but we'll see if you find the permanent consequences worth it in time!

I'm not trying to make peace with you again, you're a piece of shit, always were! NecroPhile was correct to maintain this opinion! Take your dildos back to DildoPhile .com, stick 'em in your favorite orifice, whatever it is you do over there to "recharge your JO crystals," but f*ck the hell off from here!

Quote from: Desh on 04/01/2018, 09:03 AMPerhaps I'll see you at MGC since it's only 1.5 hour drive from Chi town?  Then again, maybe not because then you'd actually have to interact with people in real life instead of being a digital warrior.
Ha, sounds like the butthurt bully is trying to "tough guy" me! That's a roundabout implied threat by another DildoPhile freak! And it could be in context to Creepy Joe "Plugs" Biden recently reminiscing on his anti-Trump High School beat-him-up bully fantasy!

If you say something similar to me or somebody else outside of Fighting Street again, DildoPhile .com will be your ONLY PCE forum option to issue/send veiled/masked physical threats like that!


That's not remotely close to a threat.  It's nothing more (or less) than him mocking you.

'Tis a stupid comment, of course, but nothing I wouldn't expect from the hypocritical assholes that hang out on DildoPhile.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


I disagree, that looks like a "tough guy" card to me. WHY all of a sudden imply we should meet face-to-face physically at some gamer nerd event ?

DarkKobold did this in the chat, I saw the same attack ('Why won't NW meet us at the MGC? Must be shy, he NEVER goes outside/to places, etc.' he posed in manipulative fashion... WHY would I want to meet these unstable, homicidal assholes NOW at the height of them burning bridges, sabotaging the chatroom/the forum ?? Most people at PCEFX NEVER went to those events, yet NOW, all of sudden they're "better" than the rest of us, me specifically, because they & Nulltard go to "hang out..."), they're exchanging talking points at their own chatroom! Why would I want to meet this bully physically now at the height of heated feuding/trolling which HE started in order to defend/back-up his bully spammer friend given his manchild antics in the chatbox ?

"See you outside at the MGC, or not as then you'd actually have to deal with me face-to-face... hint hint"

He's implying I wouldn't have the guts to say what I said to him here and possibly face real consequences that one doesn't face behind a computer... Yeah, I'm gonna take that as a veiled/masked threat, it's subjective I realize that, but enough is there to fairly make that interpretation...

There was no context whatsoever to divert this to the MGC event which has been DildoKobold's narrative from weeks ago that he started in the chatbox and looks like as a copycat/parroting troll, Desh the Dildo brought it up again in another way.

Bringing up the "You were bullied in school!" cliche (and maybe deserved it), pushing a dishonest mod-abuse narrative to defend a dumb friend when Nulltard IS guilty of breaking several forum rules on spam/advertisement/harassment/libel/etc. in that ~14-day period, throwing his weight around as a "forum nobody" (Who the f*ck is Desh anyway? I don't really know.), I see enough there to deduce the guy is a bully, and possibly offline too!

Bottomline: Nulltard has his DP gang ALL think they're "unbannable" veterans (and thus abusers who should be able to get away with ANYTHING!) who tried to immediately blackmail/bully/browbeat/extort/harass me into expiring a temp-ban (14-days) at the time! From the first day I installed the chatroom, the harassment has NEVER stopped from these psycho motherfuckers!!!


Quote from: Desh on 04/10/2018, 05:04 PMCan this be the end yet?
Good question, but the answer is most likely no.  NW is not going to give up and go away, and you DP peeps will keep pushing it and pushing it as well.

Quote from: Desh on 04/10/2018, 05:04 PMThe only silver lining is now you'll have something else to bitch about besides xseed.
Case in point.  You can't claim the high road while simultaneously taking jabs at the other guy.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Quote from: Desh on 04/10/2018, 05:04 PMCome on down off the paranoia trip. 
There's no paranoia on my part, bully, and at NO point have you EVER had ANYTHING persuasive to say since you started throwing your weight around here!

Quote from: Desh on 04/10/2018, 05:04 PMIn case you were wondering why you got trolled, called out whatever you want to call it...
... Bunch of excuses, minimization, victim card, and YOU YOU conspiracy theorist, not Nulltard!! ...
Nulltard is the dick as are YOU! You're a very confused individual! I didn't start ANYTHING except worked hard to set up the chatbox which he started spam-firebombing on the FIRST DAY to "christen it," but I sure as hell will finish this though!!

Doing something "annoying" (minimization attempt on your part) for a continued, sustained ~14 day-period is not merely "annoying" so HE got called out!

You troll me, you're gonna get trolled, and it looks like you DildoPhiles didn't like it one bit, maybe you'll think twice about that in the future!

QuoteIf someone was on the attack against a friend of yours how would you react?  Can this be the end yet?
You proved my point, your "friend" is abusive and thinks he can get away with acting like this is his living room, throw his feet up on the table, pull his pants down in front of everybody, take a shit there, and so forth! It's exactly why you should've recused yourself since you've shown time and time again you're incapable of honestly assessing this because he's your pal, that is an emotional defense!

This is not his property, this is not DildoPhile .com, this is Aaron's property and he is a guest as is everyone else!

Every time he spams that shithole site, the inherent marketing message is "Hi PCEFX, I too have my own PCE forum, DildoPhile .com, stop by, stay as long as you like!"

"Hi PCEFX, I too have my own PCE forum, DildoPhile .com, stop by, stay as long as you like!"
"Hi PCEFX, I too have my own PCE forum, DildoPhile .com, stop by, stay as long as you like!"
"Hi PCEFX, I too have my own PCE forum, DildoPhile .com, stop by, stay as long as you like!"
"Hi PCEFX, I too have my own PCE forum, DildoPhile .com, stop by, stay as long as you like!"
"Hi PCEFX, I too have my own PCE forum, DildoPhile .com, stop by, stay as long as you like!"

We tolerated it in his signature on every post, his thread, etc. but he's NOT EVER gonna get away with another 14-day spamfest in the chatbox and co-bullies like you thinking you can insult, hold hands in solidarity, provide him defense/cover in the aftermath!

QuoteThe only silver lining is now you'll have something else to bitch about besides xseed.
"RAWR, see what a great troll I am, ALL you do is bitch about XSEED!!! Blah blah blah"

I dunno if it's just that you're a copycat troll with the XSEED card, or like lukester, you have a pro-XSEED agenda, but m0therf*cker, I put ~5 years of my life down (2002-2007) on Falcom Ys fan translation projects, thousands of work hours, sacrifice, dedication (I stupidly leaned on rental income, drained my savings, sacrificed $$$,$$$ via a normal/external day job in that 5 year period) to make those projects a REALITY, that does NOT compare to a petty, spammer troll getting butthurt because I interfered with his 14-day spam harassment campaign for that Alt-PCE forum shithole of his!

The hack comparison to a REAL injustice of that magnitude like mine to Nulltard DildoPhile-spamming is offensive as hell, and it tells me how desperate, hateful, and angry you are to inflict/incite further anger in me, this from a worthless "forum nobody!" You ain't done shit here for NOBODY! "Durrr, but Nulltard is my pal, we got drunk together!!!!" F*CK YOU!

It was not then, nor now, an effective means of neutralizing me as a critic of his spam campaign! He violated several forum rules in that 14-day period, that is fact!

PCEFX is my forum home, the only gamer forum I hang out at, you come after my home, I'm gonna come after YOU! Believe that!

Nulltard and his co-bullies think us co-mods/admins shouldn't care as much about this forum since we didn't build it, Aaron did, and that since Aaron ain't around, we should all be buddy-buddy even though we have an aggressive PCE forum divider that won't STFU about his own Alt-PCE forum! No, it's not gonna work that way!

That actually happened, he actually said that! Something along the lines, "No offenses were committed to NightWolve's Ys Utopia, if any were they were to Aaron's PCEFX." Stupidly implying that the hack hate-monger with this gang have free reign here to do as they see fit, and ONLY Aaron himself must come on down to put a stop to him if need be, no mod/co-admin can do ANYTHING about this "plans" for PCEFX... In order to ban the unbannable Nulltard, I have to have meetings with Aaron, I have to take it to the top, nobody gets rid of the SOB that easily! Psycho John Moriconi sure had a REALLY strange idea on what it is to be a guest in someone else's forum and how to treat the staff, much like he did to Chris Runyon & Aaron Lambert of the TG-16 FB group!

QuoteIt looks like you're looking for any excuse to ban me at this point... well done.  Who's the bully here?
Did you get banned, Mr. Bully ? Because it looks like you can still run that bully mouth of yours just fine! I mean, what's the problem anyway, you got DildoPhile, right ? You pricks won't STFU about that forum, so maybe we should all go over there ??

No, you were warned because you're starting to cross more lines after Nulltard/bullity! I will NEVER kowtow to you, and banning decisions are NOT gonna be subjected to popularity contests which had to be made clear, ESPECIALLY in this embarrassing, disgraceful case! I will NOT be Lost Monkey's moderator, or yours, or anybody else's!

Anyway, have a good time at MGC, bully! Enjoy yourself, have a drink in my honor with Nulltard/bullity!


an agreement or a settlement of a dispute that is reached by each side making concessions.
"an ability to listen to two sides in a dispute, and devise a compromise acceptable to both"
synonyms:   agreement, understanding, settlement, terms, deal, trade-off, bargain; More
settle a dispute by mutual concession.
"in the end we compromised and deferred the issue"
synonyms:   meet each other halfway, come to an understanding, make a deal, make concessions, find a happy medium, strike a balance; give and take
"we compromised"
accept standards that are lower than is desirable.
"we were not prepared to compromise on safety"

the fact or condition of being accountable; responsibility.
"their lack of accountability has corroded public respect"
synonyms:   responsibility, liability, answerability
"there must be accountability for the expenditure of every public cent"

the action or process of forgiving or being forgiven.
"she is quick to ask forgiveness when she has overstepped the line"
synonyms:   pardon, absolution, exoneration, remission, dispensation, indulgence, clemency, mercy; More

the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.
synonyms:   kindliness, kindheartedness, warmheartedness, affection, warmth, gentleness, concern, care; More
a kind act.
plural noun: kindnesses
"it is a kindness I shall never forget"
synonyms:   kindliness, kindheartedness, warmheartedness, affection, warmth, gentleness, concern, care; More


Quote from: Gredler on 04/10/2018, 07:03 PMcom·pro·mise
an agreement or a settlement of a dispute that is reached by each side making concessions.
"an ability to listen to two sides in a dispute, and devise a compromise acceptable to both"
synonyms:   agreement, understanding, settlement, terms, deal, trade-off, bargain; More
settle a dispute by mutual concession.
"in the end we compromised and deferred the issue"
synonyms:   meet each other halfway, come to an understanding, make a deal, make concessions, find a happy medium, strike a balance; give and take
"we compromised"
accept standards that are lower than is desirable.
"we were not prepared to compromise on safety"

the fact or condition of being accountable; responsibility.
"their lack of accountability has corroded public respect"
synonyms:   responsibility, liability, answerability
"there must be accountability for the expenditure of every public cent"

the action or process of forgiving or being forgiven.
"she is quick to ask forgiveness when she has overstepped the line"
synonyms:   pardon, absolution, exoneration, remission, dispensation, indulgence, clemency, mercy; More

the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.
synonyms:   kindliness, kindheartedness, warmheartedness, affection, warmth, gentleness, concern, care; More
a kind act.
plural noun: kindnesses
"it is a kindness I shall never forget"
synonyms:   kindliness, kindheartedness, warmheartedness, affection, warmth, gentleness, concern, care; More
This. Holy shit. :D


Now you're just trolling Greddles


edit: actually, pretty good version of that song :D

In all honesty, not trying to troll just trying to get some cooler heads to bury some hatchets, lets shrink the tension around here somehow PLEASE!



NW, in one of my first posts I sympathized with your history with the Xseed fiasco as well as thanked you for your software contributions.  You promptly told me to f*ck off.  It is at that point I no longer had sympathy for you.  There are two sides to every story and if this is how you react to circumstances in real life then maybe others were trying to distance themselves from you. 

Keep name calling, keep writing long winded posts spewing the same thing over and over, I don't care but I am done arguing with you.  I made my point, you've written novels with your point of view, I'm over it.  This is a video game forum for a platform that hasn't been on the market in 25 years you are treating it like it's your first born.

"You CAN'T prove Nulltard/DoxPhile caused ANY harm/damage/sabotage to PCEFX!! You have NO evidence he poached ANY members for his own failed PC Engine forum/site or was a conniving destructive saboteur! ZERO, ZIP, NADA!!! Nulltard did nothing wrong!"


Quote from: DildoKKKobold on 03/27/2018, 05:36 PM
Quote from: NecroPhile on 03/27/2018, 03:29 PM* - There was more than the single comment about filtering xseed, and you're an idiot if you didn't know that xseed is a sore subject. 
And you're doubly an idiot if you think it should be a taboo subject. (See, I can throw out high school insults too!)  It'd be entirely hypocritical of a certain *incredibly sane individual* to expect to mention XSeed every 5th post, but then have everyone else be under the pretense that it shall not named, under penalty of ban.
You COMPLETELY fabricated a narrative that has NOTHING to do with ANYTHING!

Nulltard was temp-banned before I ever learned he was revenge-buying domains to redirect to XSEED! Or worse... Where are these ban threats that you speak of ?? You hijacked NecroPhile's irrelevant tangent to play victim, the crybully that you are. It's weird, manipulative, transparent, and ultimately pathetic.

I NEVER once said you can't talk about XSEED in any way you filthy psycho liar (WHAT does it have to do with anything?), NEVER, nor did I say you can't talk about TurboRip (or the virus LIES that Nulltard spread IN revenge, per usual!), NEVER, NecroPhile was simply expressing the obvious revenge exploitation of situations involving those subjects by your psycho dox job cyber-bully... Oh I'm sorry, he's an "incredibly sane dox job cyber-bully." That's NOT why he was temp-banned you unhinged psycho lunatic, you're just needling me with a personal situation AGAIN which is NOT AT ALL relevant to the matter!

His disgusting, abusive "FUCK YOU" attitude is what offends me the most, the never-back-down bullyism, constant/daily escalation, YEARS of feeble attempts at forum-poaching for his failed DildoPhile project which was now becoming about harassing another PCE Forum/group, and finally trying to blackmail/extort me into immediately ending a 14-day ban (instead of sitting the fuck down to cool off!) by reminding me he remembers I got doxxed, that he has my address/phone# to throw in my face from 2 years ago, is spreading it to all his psycho gang of DP friends to help group harass/bully me with it, and thinking that I'll kowtow into letting him come right back in here like it never happened...

I DO NOT negotiate with doxxing extortionists, so take your shit and ALL your mental problems back to DildoPhile, TASVideos or wherever the fuck you came from, you vicious psycho lying asshole! Imagine if your asshole buddy STOPPED, and just apologized, and left me/the chatbox launch alone! How about that ??? Why couldn't the psycho do that ?? Gee, it must be he had some kind of plan for PCEFX all along, and decided he could exacerbate this situation as a means to the end he always wanted, eh Kyle ?? You know what I'm talking about, right Kyle since you're BFFs and trade every little gossip/thought on a daily basis ?? Hmmmmm....

FUCK OFF, AND FUCK YOU! Get outside more you vile, unhinged, sexless incel, hire a hooker if you have to, lose your virginity finally so maybe you'll stop caring about your nerd/forum wars like Nintega and endless revenge for being banned/criticized! If you had a sex life and a family by now, you would've moved on instead of stalking me like a hawk!

Regarding your insane straw man inference to yell your favorite sin "hypocrisy:"
Quotea certain individual...to mention XSeed every 5th post
Let's analyze the truthiness/accuracy of your above incredible generalization, shall we ?

My Account: https://www.pcengine-fx.com/forums/index.php?action=profile&u=631
Account Age: 12 years
Posts: 4974 (1.111 per day)

1) We go here: https://www.pcengine-fx.com/forums/index.php?action=search
2) In 'user' type: NightWolve
3) Search "xseed", and to help puff up your numbers, also do "DeuceBag", & "Lipschultz"

What results do we get ? I mean, "every 5th post" according to you, would mean I have at least ~1000 posts dedicated to XSEED, right ?

1) Search for "xseed" yields: 61
2) Search for "DeuceBag" yields: 30
3) Search for "Lipschultz" yields: 30

So for "xseed" 61 / 4974 = 1.22%, meaning only 1.22% of my ~5000 post count is dedicated to "XSEED..."

Now if we add all XSEED/DeuceBag/Lipschultz as a courtesy to your claims, that works out to 121 / 4974 = 2.43%...

2.43%... It seems to me you, Nulltard/bullity and any other copycat monkey-see/do troll pal of his (since he likes to weaponize his friends to his defense and to spam his Alt-PCE Forum shithole) have an obsession with clocking any negative posts I've written about XSEED.

Not even 10% or 5% you psycho motherfucker! You're only off by 97.5% eh ??

You've never clocked/counted any positive posts I've written about Falcom, Ys, or whatever other subject I may speak of frequently enough... But those thoughts are boring, aren't they? And aren't useful for some lame braindead attempt to disqualify me from criticizing his spam campaign to destroy/sabotage/poach forum membership, huh ??? One might get the impression you want negative posts against XSEED to cease, at least by me, but you're not making ANY sense because you're not serious to begin with this lame argument...

So, your claim that "NightWolve mentions XSEED every 5th post here" is an obvious LIE! That is textbook generalization propaganda! When do you NOT lie about people from PCEFX that you hate you disgusting cry bully ???? WHEN ??? You've lied about CrackTiger, PP/Mike, VestCunt, NecroPhile, Bigus, JoeQuaker, the list goes on!


"Liar Liar Pants on Fire" award for you! Yes, I know you don't like "lying liar" or "liar liar" given your bizarre interrogation some time back in the chatbox which may have been after you read the dox job or my website in whatever Google searches your gang started doing to help settle your vendettas...

QuoteIt wasn't a personal attack, it was simply a surprise, given that sane individual's fixation, that Dildophile would be filtered before XSeed.
I have ZERO idea what hack "point" you're trying to make here because it ISN'T serious. He spammed DildoPhile daily for ~14 days, brought his gang to spam it numerous ways, YOU spammed it as well, it only increased! This daily spamming created a legitimate need for a filter you filthy lying nutcase! That's LITERALLY what created the need! Not XSEED or TurboRip or any other of the "info-gathering" your gang has being doing on me to harass/blackmail/extort me with! Desperately trying to blackmail me into unbanning him before the time is up was NEVER the right approach you rotten, deranged stalking bully! You should've been banned YEARS ago for textbook hound harassment and this wouldn't have been any of your business anyway, but you exploited our lack of moderators!!!

QuoteSarumaru [10:33pm]: he "spammed" the site twice a day, once in the morning, once at night
Sarumaru [10:33pm]: he wrote the site name, and left
Sarumaru [10:33pm]: who the fcck cares??
More times if accurate. And Opethian corroborates he would just sit there, and if you said hi to him, he'd say hi and then spam it again...

I caught the 7:30 am spam towards the 2 week end, that one stuck with me the longest, seeing that he was hell bent to just keep doing it on and on and on... He's a high-energy spammer and now exposed himself as a malicious, libelous, vindictive, extortionist dox job loon! I felt sabotage was appropriate a word, and he proved me right!

Anyway, he presented a problem with spamming the VERY FIRST DAY of the PCEFX chatbox, so how the hell is claiming the subject of XSEED should've been artificially forced in with a filter for it first a valid basis for your fake "hypocrisy" charges ?? It is NOT persuasive in the slightest bit! It's retarded! You're a hack debater!

He ENTIRELY created the conditions/motivation to code up a filter given his abusiveness, stubbornness, aggressiveness, "F U attitude, I'll do what I want!" problem, and obsession with his own site to play these kinds of games! He then finished it off by playing with a defamatory, criminal dox job, no going back from that!


The most lively threads yes threads have been involving the psycho drama of Nulltard and NW.

And yet little to no attention despite threads on things like

King of kong no more

Or other newly released games like god of war or far cry 5. Yes this is geared more towards retro but still.

This has even eclipsed trump. Which is saying something. 

Psycho Punch

Quote from: Medic_wheat on 04/12/2018, 09:52 PMKing of kong no more

Or other newly released games like god of war or far cry 5. Yes this is geared more towards retro but still.
Douchebag guy turns out to be a douchebag cheater, no surprise there :P I'm just not too much into the high score arcade scene.
Far Cry 5 is a nice game but out of the forums domain which might not capture the imagination of the forum.

I get what you're saying and I agree, however these aren't good examples imo :P
This Toxic Turbo Turd/Troll & Clone Warrior calls himself "Burning Fight!!" on Neo-Geo.com
For a good time, reach out to: aleffrenan94@gmail.com or punchballmariobros@gmail.com
Like DildoKobold, dildos are provided free of charge, no need to bring your own! :lol:
He also ran scripts to steal/clone this forum which blew up the error logs! I had to delete THOUSANDS of errors cause of this nutcase!


Quote from: Psycho Punch on 04/12/2018, 09:56 PM
Quote from: Medic_wheat on 04/12/2018, 09:52 PMKing of kong no more

Or other newly released games like god of war or far cry 5. Yes this is geared more towards retro but still.
Douchebag guy turns out to be a douchebag cheater, no surprise there :P I'm just not too much into the high score arcade scene.
Far Cry 5 is a nice game but out of the forums domain which might not capture the imagination of the forum.

I get what you're saying and I agree, however these aren't good examples imo :P
I honestly couldn't think of any good examples. Lol.

I was all. Durrrr.