Sega Lord X reviews the Street Fighter II Champion Edition PC Engine port.
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Topics - incrediblehark

I was going through my games the other day and noticed my Forgotten Worlds case was missing the disc, was wondering if anyone had a copy they would want to sell? US or Japanese version is fine with me. I also apparently lost my disc of Might and Magic III as well, but I don't think I'll ever be able to replace that...
Buy/Sell/Trade / FT - PC-FX Games
01/25/2016, 11:34 PM
I have 3 games available for trade:


Battle Heat
Sotsugyou 2 / Graduation 2 - Neo Generation
Doukyusei 2

All appear to be complete and in good condition. I can take more pics or give further details on request. Just looking to trade for any titles I don't have. let me know what you have and maybe we can work something out.
I have a Turbo Duo that's been region and rgb modded, and everything seems to work well except I am getting wavy diagonal lines of interference on the screen. Need some advice on what the cause of the issue may be and any suggestions for how to resolve it. Here's what I have tried:

viletim's Jailbar fix - Cleared up jailbars but did nothing for this.
Replacement AC Adapter - Using an Enercell universal adapter that I have for my IFU-30, but with a proper tip for Turbo Duo. Unfortunately it did not fix the issue either. There was no improvement from what I saw compared to the stock AC Adapter.

Here are pics of the interference I am referring to:


As a comparison here are screenshots of my RGB Modded IFU-30, using same amp (same circuit and parts) and the exact same RGB cable and AC adapter:


Any help is definitely appreciated, I've been looking for a solution to this for a few years now...
I told a member of these boards I would post my notes on a Famicom to NES controller cable. If anyone would like to add or make corrections feel free.

I made this cable a few years back when I was using an original Famicom, and didn't have the system 3 feet in front of me while I played. I used a neo geo extension cable (which was just an old M/F 15 pin rubberized extension cable i shaved to fit the neo) and 2 controller ports from an old broken NES. I was able to determine the pinouts using continuity and get down to what color wire corresponded on the nes 7 pin cable.

One of the issues I came across was that i could do 1P from the 15 pin port no problem, but issues would arise when I tried wiring up for P2 as well. In the end I disconnected the hardwired P1 Famicom controller from the main board, stripped a cat5e cable and used the wires to route the pins from their internal connector to the internal points on the 15pin. This could have probably been better done with a switch or IC of some kind but I didn't have the knowledge at the time or attempted to bother because I was fine with just disconnecting the hardwired controller. What I'm getting at is even with an adapter cable, an internal modification will be necessary to get full functionality out of the cable.

PIN # | Famicom DB-15 Connector

01 | GND
02 | Sound Output
03 | IRQ
04 | Port 1 - D4 (Zapper)
05 | Port 1 - D3 (Zapper)
06 | Port 1 - D2
07 | Port 1 - D1
08 | Port 1 - D0
09 | Port 1 - CLK
10 | Out 2
11 | Out 1
12 | Out 0
13 | Port 0 - D1
14 | Port 0 - CLK
15 | +5V

8                       1
  o o o o o o o o
    o o o o o o o
15                    9

PIN # | NES 7 Pin Connector | Wire color

01 | GND | Brown
02 | CLK | Red
03 | Out 0 |Orange
04 | D1 | Yellow
05 | D4 (Zapper - P2) | Purple
06 | D3 (Zapper - P2) | Blue
07 | +5V | White

7   o
 o  o
 o  o
 o  o
5     4

Internal Famicom connections (underside of board - disconnect P1 controller)


8                       1
  o o o o o o o o
    o o o o o o o
 15                   9

P1 pins and pin # as it corresponds to the NES 1P connection

  o  o  o  o  o
  1  4  3  2  7
Curious of whether or not this can be done in a similar way as the nes rgb board? I know this system isnt nearly as popular but i would love to get rgb from it. I haven't been around in a while so I may have missed out on a recent discovery.
Not really, just wanted to say hi to everyone I've missed, and to post off topic in the wrong section apparently. Its been over a year since I've been on the forums, the new look is interesting. Good to see there are still familiar faces around!
Here is a list of all US Sega Saturn games left I need to finish my collection. If you have any please pm me with a price or I have a bunch of stuff for trade (working on getting it all together). Thanks!

Games (Complete Preferred):

All-Star Baseball '97 Featuring Frank Thomas
Batman Forever The Arcade Game
Battle Stations
Black Dawn
Break Point Tennis
Bug! Playable Preview
Casper (only need disc)
College Slam
CONGO The Movie - The Lost City of Zinj
Courier Crisis
Creature Shock Special Edition
Darklight Conflict
Daytona USA C.C.E. Net Link Edition (disc only is fine)
Die Hard Trilogy
Double Switch
FIFA Soccer 96
Frank Thomas Big Hurt Baseball
Galaxy Fight (only need disc)
Grand Slam
Impact Racing
The Incredible Hulk
Mansion of Hidden Souls
NBA Jam Tournament Edition
NBA Live 97
Need For Speed
Netlink Custom Web Browser Version 3.0
Olympic Soccer
Primal Rage
Rayman Playable Game Preview
Sega Screams Volume 2
Space Hulk
Space Jam
Spot Goes to Hollywood
Steep Slope Sliders
Striker '96
Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo
Three Dirty Dwarves
Thunderstrike 2
Virtua Fighter Remix (Purple Disc / Longbox version - 81023)
Virtual Casino
Virtual Open Tennis
VR Golf '97
Worldwide Soccer '98
WWF In Your House
WWF Wrestlemania The Arcade Game (disc only needed)

Up next are Saturn Game Manuals and Inserts I need to complete my games. I know most likely I will have to buy
complete copies of these games, either way if you have these send me a pm! Also looking for any empty cases in good condition.

Need Manual Only:

Arcade's Greatest Hits
Arcade's Greatest Hits - The Atari Collection 1
Baku Baku
Clockwork Knight 2
Contra: Legacy Of War (3d glasses also)
Crypt Killer
Iron Man XO Manowar In Heavy Metal
Machine Head
Mega Man X4
Norse By Norsewest: Return Of The Lost Vikings
Shining Force III
Sim City 2000
Theme Park
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3

Need Back Insert Only:

Albert Odyssey
Battle Arena Toshinen URA
Guardian Heroes
Night Warriors: Darkstalkers Revenge
Panzer Dragoon Zwei
Sega Saturn Bootleg II (Cardboard Sleeve)
Shinobi Legions
Solar Eclipse
Virtua Fighter 2

Need Both Manual And Insert:

Alien Trilogy
The Crow: City Of Angels
Earthworm Jim 2
Enemy Zero
Golden Axe: The Duel
The Horde
Mortal Kombat II
Mortal Kombat Trilogy
Nascar 98
NHL All Star Hockey 98
Street Fighter: The Movie
Tetris Plus
True Pinball

Here is a list of PAL releases I am looking to get (complete preferred)

Atlantis: The Lost Tales
Chaos Control
Darius II
Deep Fear
Destruction Derby
Discworld II
Dragon Ball Z: The Legend
Formula Karts
Frankenstein: Through The Eyes Of A Monster
Hebereke's Popoitto
The King Of Fighters 95
Keio Flying Squadron 2
Krazy Ivan
Lemmings 3D
Mega Man X3
Mighty Hits
Riven: The Sequel To Myst
Sea Bass Fishing
Street Racer
UEFA Euro 96 England
World League Soccer 98

Also interested in getting Lost And Found, Volumes 1 and 2.
A friend of mine is a big fan/collector of basically anything Jack White, and Third Man Records is releasing a limited edition single of "Sixteen Saltines" on a special liquid filled vinyl. The catch is it will "ONLY be available from Third Man Records physical location in Nashville (623 7th Ave S) on Record Store Day, April 21st, 2012." (site and info

So what I'm asking is for someone who lives near the area to pick up one for me to give my friend for his birthday. Of course I can cover the cost of everything, including shipping, gas (if you need it) and even pay a little extra for your time. If anyone on these boards can help me out, I would truly appreciate it, and let me know as soon as possible. Thanks!  :mrgreen:
Just as the titles states, got my AbCard in the mail today and couldn't wait to tear the box open and get some pics:


Sorry about the not so great quality pics, I took these in the car with my wife's phone (while she drove and made fun of me).The card itself looks really good considering they were made by hand IIRC. I haven't had a chance to play it yet, but I'm pretty excited already! Thanks Arkhan and TheOldMan for putting these together!  :mrgreen:
Here's the article I have, per request of SuperGrafx16. Article courtesy of VideoGames & Computer Entertainment, October 1992:


I have wanted this game for a while, and while I have no problem with Hucard only, this seems high. If not, let me know. Then again if it was a good price it probably would have sold by now  :-k
Thanks for checking out my sale thread. Still working on prices. Any reasonable offers and trades will be considered, so if you're interested in anything feel free to send me a pm! Payment by Paypal (gift or +fees preferred) or Money Order, US /Canada only please.  As far as trades, I'm looking for games for Sega Dreamcast, Sega Saturn, Turbografx/PC Engine, Famicom cart/disk, and Repros specifically, but if you have anything for any other system let me know!


FM Towns Marty - Bare system only. This is a spare system I received that needs work. The system powers on and boots up fine. It was reading discs the last time I tested it out back in July but haven't tried it since. Needs a new disk drive belt. Offers?


Famicom Disk System Games - I know one of these gave me a read error, and one of the zeldas might not really be zelda. Have to double check. Offers?
I just recently got a turbo duo, and had it region and rgb modded. everything works great, but for the rgb I'm getting the noticeable jailbars and some faint interference on the screen. I know there are some rgb amps that have been made that will essentially eliminate any of this for a near perfect picture. If anyone can provide this service or can build the amp please let me know! :)
Went through my pce stuff looking for dupes and I found this, and seeing as how tis the season for rafflin' I thought I'd do my part as well. I don't have many requirements for the raffle other than you don't own the game and while I'm not big on post counts, I would prefer if you have been a member on these boards for at least 3 months - not too unreasonable I hope. Just reply here if you want in, Drawing will be held on December 22.

List of entrants:

...I wonder if there's a copy of Magical Chase in there?

I do.
General Gaming / FM Towns marty drive belt
05/17/2011, 01:18 PM
Anybody know the dimensions of the Marty floppy drive belt? I'm looking to source a cheap alternative to an official replacement belt.
Just as the title states. would like there to be little to no yellowing on the pad.
Title says it all. doesn't need to be in any cosmetic condition - yellow is fine, as long as it is fully working, and the expansion port is fine. no controllers or cables needed, just system only. pm me with offers. Thanks!
Buy/Sell/Trade / Wanted - US Turbo Duo
03/31/2011, 10:06 PM
bare Console is fine, looking for the US version to replace one. pm me! :)
I used to have one of these but sold it a few years ago, and its bothered be ever since. It doesn't need to be boxed / instructions, but i would like to have the cover to the briefcase included. and i would like it to include a model 1 (white) pc engine if possible, but im ok with just the IFU-30 and cdrom2, would need to pick up a spare pc engine though. I can pay cash or i may have items for trade if interested. If anyone has one and wants to get rid of it let me know! :D
looking for one of these: (referencing the repair guide)


Read that its common to get a "set disc" error without one. if you have one of these from a broken/parts duo and want to let it go, let me know! or if there's a suitable replacement.
Looking for a US Turbo Duo Controller only in good working condition. like the ones that came with the duo, with the Turbo Duo logo. If you have a spare that youre willing to part with pm me with a price that you want for it. I can also put a pc engine controller to go towards a trade or partial trade. Thanks for looking!