Localization Legend "Supper the Subtitler" has "joined the club" in being targeted for CD-pressings by bootleg master Tobias/PCEWorks! His projects like Private Eyedol, Galaxy Fräulein Yuna 1 & 2, etc. are now being sold on Chinese factory-pressed CDROMs...
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Messages - incrediblehark

I really appreciate this addition! While I am a fairly quick reader, I prefer the text to scroll as i'm reading it as opposed to quickly appearing on screen. I find the dialogue sounds better in my head as I read it and the pauses in speech are a nice touch.
I don't know going rates for these, but the Hori Fighting Commanders seem like an ok deal, especially considering how well they feel compared to the other 6 button controllers out there.
Thanks for the advice! Yeah they're gone... I lost a few things in the past due to moving repeatedly and there may be a slim chance its in another box but I doubt it at this point.
Just ordered one, thanks! I still have my preordered copy I need to play through
I'd like to enter the raffle, never played this version of Ducktales before. Interested to hear how the music translates to the GB cart.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: FS: Atlantean
06/26/2017, 10:50 AM
Quote from: guest on 06/13/2017, 06:42 PM
Quote from: guest on 06/13/2017, 05:04 PMDescription says Turbob.


Who's man enough to beat the shark?  :mrgreen:
There still hasn't been too many people who have said here that they beat the game. I'm sure they're out there, but among those that even bothered to post in the high score thread, there may be less than 10
Might have to dig out my copy and try
I was going through my games the other day and noticed my Forgotten Worlds case was missing the disc, was wondering if anyone had a copy they would want to sell? US or Japanese version is fine with me. I also apparently lost my disc of Might and Magic III as well, but I don't think I'll ever be able to replace that...
interesting, I wonder if there is any connection to the fact the LT has built in controls? I have an HFC but no LT.
I would definitely be interested in a chatbox returning here. I don't bother going to the other sites anyway
don't know if he moved his site but i found the cached version from waybackmachine:


Looks like the covers are available.
The IFU-30 had a serial number on the manual that matched the unit and box, the one I had was the original that said "IFU-30" on it and not the cd-rom logo. Although I'm guessing that also did as well.

Pretty sure my Duo-R also had matching serial on its manual but I can't remember for sure and don't have the system anymore.
This reminds me of a mod you had to do to get one of those hucard adapters to work on your PC Engine. (The "purple barney" type) but IIRC the wire mod wasn't needed on US systems.

Honestly I'm not sure if this is it, just throwing it out there.

EDIT: After looking at the pic closer, its definitely not what I was referring to, disregard above comment  :P
Was thinking about these today, great magazines. good luck with your search!
Quote from: guest on 02/21/2016, 02:32 AMIt's not worth the idiotic amount of trouble it'd take.

I use PC-FX + SVIDEO through an upscaler and it looks fuckin' good.

There's literally no reason to bother unless you just want to be one of those gimps with a PVM with bad geometry that posts pics on Facebook going OMFG



and then proceeds to not even play the stuff because it's all digital comics.  lol


PC-FX outputs S-Video, and it looks good.   

I don't see any reason to bother with anything else.  Just buy a 10$ SVideo/Stereo Audio combo cable from gaydio shack, and never look back.
Your S-Video looks a lot better than mine, I probably need to adjust some settings on my monitor to get it closer to what the rgb input looks like.
Same situation as roflmao, prepaid for both games. Willing to wait (obviously) but also curious of the status.
Quote from: guest on 06/03/2017, 10:42 PMWell he bought his flash card for a reason. Probably because he doesn't have a full library of desirable physical games. So yeah, it is sad to be missing out. Especially if he's resorting to individually buying $40 repros.
I was fortunate enough to build my collection years ago before prices skyrocketed, getting most of my games as loose HuCards on Yahoo Japan. But there are a few games I would like to play still that are too hard to find / too expensive / translated.
technozombie have you made any further progress? This thread is very interesting to me. I have wanted to learn myself since I was younger. A friend of mine started teaching himself python and gave me the book to learn as well but its more of a how to do something as opposed to why its done. After reading through this I think I may try starting with BASIC as well to get a better grasp on more fundamental concepts.
I always thought bootleg Legos were called Mega Bloks?

I get the newsletter from PCE Works and when I saw the Magical Chase I was interested to see if it was on CD or not. When I realized it was Hucard repro and then who actually made them, I went to the source instead and ordered just the card.

EDIT: Just read through the entire thread, been out of the loop for a while. I knew there was some issues with what Tobias was doing, didn't realize it had gone this far. I missed out on the Magical Chase repros that were sold on here way back and thought ordering one from turbokon was acceptable because of the history here. But it sounds like that was a mistake. BTW I have had a flash cart in the past from the group buy here but it never worked for me so I got rid of it. Figured repro was my best option.
I only have the NEOCD version of this but loved the game, and convinced my younger brother to get into it last summer. I signed up for the beta recently hoping to try it out on PS4 but Switch would be a better fit IMO
Sorry to bump this old post but did you ever get a serial? I have one if needed.
I thought it had a password feature? Haven't played the game in almost 20 years but one of my favorite Hudson NES games! Kind of same deal I loved the game, all of my friends didn't. But they also made fun of me for liking the Turbo Duo... The Nintendo/Sega alliances were pretty strong back when I was a kid.

I read the HG101 article about the original PC version but never tried it. Would have loved to see a PCE port of this game.
Quote from: Johnpv on 03/07/2017, 08:45 AMUGH I'd rather it come from anyone BUT LRG.  I'd like the chance to actually OWN a physical copy of the game.  I just don't have the time to try and get a game from LRG's method of release and their basically encouraging of collectards. 
I completely agree! I have had similar feelings about LRG from the start, I don't like the idea of artificially making a physical game so scarce, and I wouldn't be surprised if in 10-15 years when the guy running it is finally done with LRG we see a small fortune made on ebay with his own hoard of sealed limited editions.

As far as a Switch version, I'd love to see it and the rest of Falcom's games ported to it, but I don't think it will be happening unfortunately.
Wow, this is amazing news! When I was last on here the Xanadu translations were still WIP and now you guys are doing the dub?! The number of submissions for audition really surprised me, its good to see that many people passionate about the PCE. I can't imagine the turnout would have been as many 10 years ago.

Really exciting news and looking forward to finally being able to play these games in English!
Glad to hear it sounds like an easy fix  :wink:
Don't think I heard of Sydney Hunter yet, will have to check it out.
I entered that once when I was a kid, luckily I didn't have enough money to keep playing each round. It wasn't until years later when I read about it being a scam.
Pretty sure this is my 1st post in Fighting Street in the near 10 years I've been a member here, (sorry not going to contribute anything worth quoting) and I only did to find out what the hell happened in the past week while I was afk. Yes this place can be boring in comparison to NG,com, but I come here for the boring. Got a family and 60+ hr a week job so this is where I can spend what little free time I have. I'm here to talk games, not for the drama. There's enough in real life for me.

All I really wanted to say is I agree with blueraven's post 100%
Very nice! Wish I could get out to one of these... maybe one day I will organize an event for Maine, and both of us will show up! (assuming there's at least one other out here)
I have a netlink and all of the games that use it, and would love to play head to head someday, but don't have an active phone line.
I really like the look of this! Seems like a good deal especially with the flash cart
I've only ever had 1 hucard that was actually broken. Most of the time if there is an issue with a white screen/ game not booting, i'll pull the card out slightly (basically as far out as it will go but still have the power switch lock work), and it works fine.
Nice idea for a contest! I will give it a shot, cant remember if I have this game already but the challenge sounds like fun.
You could always take one of THESE and wire up one (or two) spare nes pads to it.
thats awesome! my wife surprised me back before we were married with an AvP cab for Christmas one year. its a lot of fun, but nobody plays with me...

Just wanted to say thanks for having the raffle! I am all set but glad to see love for the Saturn, one of my favorite systems
congrats and thanks sarumaru for having the raffle!
BlueBMW had a great laser adjustment guide on here if you look around a little bit. My word of advice on laser adjustments:  Less is more. Only adjust a little at a time and mark your starting point.
Quote from: TheOldMan on 02/01/2016, 07:49 PM
Quote...somebody design a tray that could slide into a standard jewel case that would hold a HU card in place. That way we can put an insert in the back and they should be fairly cheap...
Like atlantean?
Fwiw, it's ~ 5Hrs printing time. And things that big (~6"x6") tend to lift near the end.
Yeah, It's only $1 in plastic....but $35 at minimum wage to have someone monitor the printer.... :(

(And if someone isn't watching the printer, that's when it will curl at the corners, catch the print head, and you end up with a mess....and 4+ hours wasted, usually)
Makes me appreciate the AbCard release even more, that's a lot of time invested in just a case, let alone the rest of the game.
Quote from: obey my ego on 01/31/2016, 10:55 PMI'm a bit of a noob still. I have a TurboGrafx with the CD addon. But no system card. Can I use the everdrive to play cd games? Or just to test if the CD ROM works?

Thanks in advance and sorry for the off topic question
You can use a Turbo Everdrive 2 as a Super System Card with a modified 3.0 rom. There is a thread about it HERE

Yes, you can use it to play games.
Looks like he ended the auction, I'm curious what they sold for privately, I assume that's what happened.
I noticed some light jailbars on my white pc engine so I did the repair last night. It was a lot easier for me to swap out the caps on the PC Engine compared to the Duo, and the picture on the PCE is perfect now :mrgreen:
RX Pad received yesterday. Overall smooth transaction. Thanks! :)
Faxanadu would be great! Milon's Secret castle would be a lot of fun too. Would be nice to have save support.
You can also get a copy of Bomberman 93 for PC Engine that plays exactly the same as the US Version. Don't remember there being a story and its an equal amount of fun for I'm sure a lot cheaper.
I had 3 of them up until recently. From looking the ones I had over, they were identical to the US releases, except for one I had which was identical to the Japanese retail. From my understanding they were copies handed out to media for review or press releases (1 or 2 of mine said PR Master Disk) I did find them to be interesting and wish I had never let my copies go.
Thanks for the advice. Honestly wish I had it done back when I got the system, but was wary after my last experience... Have any recommendations for someone who can do quality work in a reasonable timeframe? I would need the cap replacement, the rgb repair if necessary, clean up the jailbar fix I did with better soldering, and overall tuneup/check over the system.
Got the board free from the CD Interface, but maybe its related to the position of the board because I am still getting interference. It is only when accessing CDs, as the super system menu and hucards are fine.

Quote from: PCEngineHell on 01/27/2016, 05:37 PMThe fact that your system has not been recapped at all is an issue all of its own. Why in the world would anyone mod a Duo without recapping it first?
I had intended to have it done. A few years ago I had a duo before this one with sound issues, and attempted to do a cap replacement myself. I couldn't get the hang of doing the surface mount capacitors so I sent it out to someone from these forums for a repair. He ended up breaking the system completely. So I got a 2nd duo, which was working fine. I went with someone else to do the region/rgb mod, from another forum who I had trusted with his prior work. At the time he didn't offer a cap replacement service so I didn't have it done.

Based on what I have been working out, if I need to relocate the board its going to go way out of my comfort level for dealing with my duo. I'll likely have to send it out to someone to be fixed, and may as well get a full cap replacement at that time.
Thanks! :) I'll give it a shot and report soon
So I was able to free the rgb wires from the region mod wires, they were bundled together with a little bit of shrink tubing. lifted the wires as far away from them as possible. Tested out dragon spirit, and the picture was clear!

However, I booted up my 3-in-1 CD again with Bonk's adventure, and the interference is still there. So that would mean the board mounted on the cd chips is responsible right? I can try to lift it off the chips but am worried about damaging the duo. What would be the best way to go about this?

Thank you both again for all your help!
Thanks for the input. I don't have a Turbo Everdrive, but when i owned one of those other PCE flash carts a couple of years ago, it worked on this system. Not sure about memory cards, I don't think there was any issue.

Based on what you and thesteve said needs to be done, this looks like something I'm most likely going to have to send out to someone else to repair. I could try rerouting the wires or maybe even lifting the board off the CD chips myself but honestly I haven't worked with these enough to be comfortable to do this on my Turbo Duo.
I can't begin to express how excited I am to be able to one day play this in English! Back when we were doing playthroughs here, I had a lot of fun even though I didn't know what to do. Did a ton of backtracking, picking out bits of kana in the text and finding other matching words in dialogue to stumble my way through, and I only got through the 1st Chapter. Someone on here finished the game (was it you esteban?) but as good as it was, its going to be infinitely more enjoyable for me translated.

The work you've put in looks amazing, and the final product will definitely show the dedication given to this title. Its painful to think that certain text in the game I would have viewed in Japanese because I had no idea what was going on, but because I will be playing in English will inadvertently skip entire sections of text that was translated just because I won't have to backtrack as much.