@GTV reviews the Cosmic Fantasy 1-2 Switch collection by Edia, provides examples of the poor English editing/localization work. It's much worse for CF1. Rated "D" for disappointment, finding that TurboGrafx CF2 is better & while CF1's the real draw, Edia screwed it up...
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JoshTurboTrollX Banned

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PCE Forum Killer/Bandit
Merrill, WI
_joshuaTurbo Sock Puppet/Dual/Lock Evasion Account
Josh TurboTrollX-16 is responsible for a Facebook proxy harassment/sabotage thread inciting trolls to vandalize PCEFX to get banned. It led to a dozen bans, Joe Tucci spam flooding 5 long crap posts troublesome to delete, and violent homophobe Ryley 'Gex' Reynolds yelling dehumanizing/bigoted slurs, 'f@ggot' in the registration system! Ryley joined KKKFarms .net, stalked me for years, crankcalled me for ~8 weeks!

His homophobic "associates":

#1 Don't ban me bro!

#2 Don't ban me bro!

#3 Don't ban me bro, I AM the "PCE Community!"

#4 Don't ban me bro!

He basically asked his gang of psycho friends that were members of this forum to harass me intentionally to force a ban, take a screenshot of my ban message, then go back to him and paste the screenshot on his Facebook thread for "lulz" and further damage to the forum ("Look, NW just banned people!!!")... AT THE SAME TIME, he sarcastically asked me to be added as moderator while causing more chaos/fires behind my back! You get the idea! Later, sure enough, other PC Engine groups started adding him as moderator NOT knowing the harassment he's capable of! But finally a log has been written here so the SOB doesn't escape scott-free in the court of public opinion!

❤ Interests:
BANNED! Multiple accounts for trolling, sabotage, general deception or ban/lock evasion are NOT permitted! His overall sabotage/revenge goal was destroy PCEFX, exodus to his pal's rebooted PCE forum (as he always wanted, he tried before!). He's experienced in PCE group damage given his tag-team troll actions with Arkhan on Aaron Lambert's FB TurboGrafX-16 group which destroyed/split it into another group... He wants to be moderator of Facebook PCE groups to protect his abusive troll pals from being banned.
❤ Games:
Discovery of his first account, TurboSage (then turbo_sage), displayed as 'turbostar' was also merged, so this is a historical union of 1) TurboSage [2003] 2) turbo_sage, 3) turbostar, 4) TheFather5, 5) _joshuaTurbo... Hard to keep up with all of his troll accounts! :(

We caught NightWolve / JoeQuaker, he's the editor! LOOK, LOOK!!!


Joshua is a boob so if the shoe fits! Now he's gonna like his new "profile" and keep visiting, hahahaha!!!


Hey NightWolve "Heh heh!" Hey JoeQuaker "Heh heh!" Hey Tony! Hey Mio!! Hey Filler (the actual translator/editor)! Pretty soon I will share ALL of these names if the White Supremacist gang of Joshua Jaeger, Ryley Reynolds, Kyle "DarKKKobold" Thomson have their way... We can joke, but their brand of defamation extortion is no laughing matter obviously, just ban ON SIGHT, don't subject your members to this madness!

So yeah, this lying nutjob - with no evidence - kept repeating that my friend of 20 years, JoeQuaker, from my 2001 PC Engine forum (where I met Dave Shadoff, DeuceBag, Neill Corlett, Aaron) was ME, an alt account as part of some 'grand scheme' to fake forum activity to counteract HIS sabotage, all because both of us occasionally used 'Heh-heh' to express a dry laugh AS IF this is the most UNIQUE thing in the world, proof I'd do something so absurd!

I thought this was Crazy Wily Ryley "Gex" Reynold's defamation lie (Psycho Dildo/DarkKobold jumped in later), but it was Joshua "TurboTrollX-16" Jaeger all along though they're ALL cray cray, paranoid, conspiracy theorists to the bone! So I caught Josssshhhhh sneaking back in PCEFX with his 'TheFather5' alt account, SAME IP, I ban it, tell him to screw off, then him/his friends (Gex/Kyle) run around fabricate a story that NightWolve/JoeQuaker are me, NOT _JoshTurbo/TheFather5 (YOU YOU DID IT, NOT ME!), so the psychos, when caught in the act, project back to you what they literally just did, then repeat their lies everywhere! Next thing you know you're guilty with NO evidence by defiant lying psychos who never apologize!

It's much worse than characterizing it as "projection," it's pure gaslighting by lying, scheming, raging psychos! A few seconds of Google would find "JoeQuaker" results! This is about the fact they were harassing MY friends to silence them AND their friends; I'm sure DragonMasterDan and Dave Shadoff were also harassed to "boycott" me/the forum/to silence it, then present a case to Aaron that the forum is "dead," will stay dead until you remove NightWolve, etc. So me counteracting their sabotage, turning on guest view to recruit new members, inviting people from my 2001 PC Engine forum (like JoeQuaker), all of that was throwing a monkey wrench in their bizarre plotting, made 'em furious so they answered it with conspiracy lies! Couldn't make up their minds either: are we stealing/poaching the membership to Paul's place, and/or take over/keep PCEFX, ban out NightWolve, keep both?? I couldn't keep up with their conflicted nonsense!

I remind the reader that Josh tried to destroy PCEFX YEARS AGO, saying we all needed to migrate to Paul's place because "Aaron didn't care/do much." That's on the record, he simply exploited the Nulltard situation to escalate to that result and couldn't stand it if PCEFX continued on for the rest of us! Suckering Aaron into needlessly closing it was so that everybody who logged in a year later after extended absence would have no other choice but head to Paul's and suffer again under the abuse of Andrew "Arkhan" Dildovich, N1ntega/DildoKobold/Gex roaming free or to Necromancer's "CD-R" pirated clone and deal with the abuse of the nastiest motherfucker in PCE fandom (but at least all is forgiven come Christmas time with Secret Santa bribes, eh?)... NOT great choices of the two and N1ntega/DildoKobold/Gex roam/troll free in both places!
❤ Films/TV:

Imagine wanting to be moderator of all PC Engine/TurboGrafx-16 groups on Facebook or WWW NOT to solve problems, much less maintain a safe/friendly/welcoming environment, no no no, BUT in order to protect your psychotic, stalking, abusive, harassing, defamatory turbo troll gang of 'friends' (John Moriconi AKA Nulltard, Andrew "AetherButt" Darovich, spenoza/Walker the Stalker, Psycho Vile Kyle "DarkKobold" Thomson, Necromancer, Ryley 'No-Sex Gex' Reynolds, Psycho Punch) from being banned... That's Joshhh! Because he met, had beers at conventions with his abusive doxxing buddies, they can never be banned!
❤ Books:

It appears Joshua requested his last account be deleted to cover up his troll history and play victim/martyr to Aaron as a fake disingenuous "protest" for a war of choice that he fought with the rest of his turbo troll gang, so his posts were all merged with the previous Alt-TheFather5 troll/sock puppet account to preserve IP info and some history of his actions... We can't let you rape'n'escape from the damage you did that easy, can we ??


❤ Random:


Major gathering of toxic, turbo trolls all in one place featuring Josh TurboTrollX-16 dressed as "Star Person," Dark DildoPhile DarKKKobold, and his BFF Psycho John "Nulltard" Moriconi himself in the fat, bald flesh! HORROR! GASP! Sarumaru sits uncomfortably on the far left pretending to like these guys, hoping he doesn't make a wrong move and wind up being targeted by them...
Quote from: JoshTurboTrollX on 10/09/2013, 10:38 AMIMG
Apparently Josh is in love with this fella who he frequently kept posting a photo of without his permission/consent:
03/28/2003, 01:00 AM
Local Time:
02/09/2025, 01:13 PM
Last YouTube:
Last Tweets:
Jossshhhhh...Legendary TurboTrollX-16: He revenge-bans PCE Developers/Ys IV Localizers from PCE Facebook groups and destroyed 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Josh and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner (extortion/blackmail!), never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!