OMG! ZIRIA! ZIRIA!!! IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED!! 34 YEARS LATER!! The epic/legendary Tengai Makyou/Far East of Eden: Ziria JRPG has finally been localized! Supper the Subtitler struck again! Simply unstoppable, NOTHING can prevent him from TOTAL PCECD localization domination!!!! WHACHA GONNA DO BROTHER?!?!
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Messages - Freeway2

I feel like when the price of 1941 for SuperGrafx started going up 1943 started rising also.
How hard was it importing games for this system back in the day.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: WTB: A few games
04/20/2018, 02:57 PM
I have a Vasteel with manual, maybe you could score that front cover and piece it together.  I love it when a good piece comes together.  It just just feels so good but you have to have a little patience for it to work.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: WTB: A few games
04/18/2018, 11:07 AM
ok sent
While testing my CD systems I've been playing Gate Of Thunder. I've always been very poor at this one but I feel like I turned a corner today by showing more patience.  I'm also trying to beat the last car on Chase H.Q. I get so close to blowing that black car up but I always get screwed at the end :)
Thanks for all the pm's everyone.

That's a game I would love to learn more about. Is there a site that has translations for it anyone. I was going to nominate one but that one caught my interest.
What would cause garbled graphics. That seems to be the trouble with this one.
Your welcome to send me a trade list if you like Exodus or anyone else. I also sent you a pm Dark Kobold and added a few wants.  Sam
Me and a bud have been playing a lot of Hit The Ice. Has anyone beat this before. We make it to what I think is the final team the Blacks and come up short. Other than that double dragon II, Shinobi and Bonks Aventure/3.
    Along with the titles up above CIB I also have a extra Order Of The Griffin CIB, Sinistron CIB, Bloody Wolf CIB, Battle Royale CIB, PacLand(new & used), Victory Run CIB, Magical Dinosaur Tour, Sonic Spike CIB, Blazing Lazers CIB, new Hit The Ice/SideArms/Pac-Land all CIB, Devils Crush-CIC, games express CD card-green, New Adventure Island-loose The Addams Family, Sherlock Holmes, Vasteel with manual, Shape Shifter, Dungeon Master Theron's Quest, TurboGrafx 16 systems, refurbished Super CD Rom 2, Turbografx 16 CD Dock and CD unit refurbished, fully modded TurboExpress with screen, controller, T.V. Out, Complete U.S. 3.0 Super System Card, Official NEC TurboStick, TurboBooster-These are all complete in the box except for the CD games.  I also have a few NEC systems that I'm willing to trade. I will be updating my want list every so often.  The majority of my stuff is in great condition. I have references up here from selling, buying and trading.  If you are serious about trading for any of my stuff I will send you pictures and in the mean time hopefully post some up here.  I have a old sales thread in the miscellaneous section that hasn't been updated in a while so I have some other non NEC stuff for trade.  Thanks for ing. Sam

Looking for Last Alert(found)-Monster Lair(found) and Fighting Street boxes, Soldier Blade manual and or box, Veigues Tactical Gladiator box(found), Samurai Ghost box/manual, space harrier box/manual, The Legend of Hero Tonma box(found), Dungeon Explorer II case and manual, Valis II(found)and III boxes, Y's I-III boxes, complete Beyond ShadowGate(found) Might & Magic III Case Insert, complete J.B. Murder Club(found),  Complete Lords of the Rising Sun(found but still need outer ), shadow of the beast(found), Local Girls Of Hawaii and Bikini Girls.
I was able to get the cheat codes to work on the tg-16 version.  As far as prices go I don't see the pc engine version for sale as often so that may play a part.
With the number of great modders today IMO the TG-16 CD or PC Engine with super CD 2 attachment are great options provided you have them region modded/have someone who you trust that worked on it. Personally I love using all of them except the briefcase setup but mine has never been that reliable so.
     Which games wouldn't play on those setups(IFU and Duo)
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: WTB: TG16 + CD System
12/10/2017, 04:13 AM
     Hey there welcome to this forum-OBEY. I've sold a couple of tg-16 CD setups\TurboDuo's\turboexpress, basically US NEC systems on facebook tg-16\pc engine forums and have had great luck buying and selling. If you would like a good solid system shoot me a pm and I will do my best to pass along the lowest price\solid console I can.
There's a black and white Canadian Bonk 3 manual up for 200$. Makes me want to puke.
     Both BomberMan games are kicking my butt og and 93, Chase H.Q. and the remixed Download UK which is a treat(I had only played part one)
Count me in for at least 2, I'm sure a bud would love to have one also.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: FS: Bomberman Switch
09/30/2017, 02:34 AM
I've read a couple of reviews on this but would anyone that's played this version chime in please.
     I wonder if the water jets masons use would work well.
     It seems like it would be a worthwhile upgrade to me so please put me down for 1.
Quote from: MNKyDeth on 09/10/2017, 01:37 AMAltered beast cd you need to play with the 1.0 or 2.0 cdrom card I thought. Higher versions caused issues with the game. I could be wrong but I remember reading this some time ago I think.
I popped a U.S. 2.0 card in a region modded pc engine duo and it booted up just like a TG-16 set-up would with the same screen.  It definitely worked alot better. I did some research up here and my copy is the problem copy.
     Im putting a Super CD Rom 2 up that has been recapped by our own Keith Courage.  Im hoping to either use this to trade or sell I guess(I would let it go for what I paid plus the cap, so 130-50 + 55 I'm thinking. I'll go back and double check as im not trying to hustle it for $ mainly a fair trade)
     Today I got my first chance at the muscle man shooter game.  Im still adjusting to it as the controls seems diffrent.  Im digging the animation and music/sounds.  Im a bit disappointed at the CD version of Altered Beast as it keeps getting hung up.
Turboswimzs the new winner!
If I don't get a address I guess I'll do this over.
     Have no fear this cat is legit and actually cares about his customers!
     Like the title says I'm looking to trade a Air Zonk with manual for Jackie Chan/manual---This has been found with pretty crayon drawings in manual.
I'll be adding more trade bait and stuff I would like to have going the trade route.  All of my deals up here have gone smoothly and even more on Facebook where I'm Samual Smith( right now im selling Ghost Manor, Bonk's Revenge, Devil's Crush, Darkwing Duck, Sillent Debuggers and Blazing Lazers)  Some other available games are Super Adventure Island, Lords Of Thunder, Bonks Adventure, Dungeons And Dragons, Victory Run, TurboDuo 4 in 1 Disk, Bikini Girl's and Neutopia I & II.  I also have a couple of extra TG-16 Systems + CD Dock/CD Unit Setups and a modded turboexpress for sale/trade.  There's also a Nintendo Switch with Zelda and Ultra Street Fighter The New Challengers that I would part with-------The Switch is no more, big disapointment

Looking for a Dragons Curse manual/box, Jackie Chan game + manual----found, Samurai Ghost manual/box, Jack Nicklaus Turbo Golf manual/box for hi-card and CD----Both found, Devil's Crush Box, 
Bomberman 93 manual/box----Found among others.

I will update this every once in a while if we're able to make any dreams come true :)
     Sold a couple of games so the past day 1/2 I've been trying to beat them.  Also Lords Of Thunder.
I like I like but I'm a tad too skinny to pull it off.
     It's your to take care of now Wiseau.   Make us proud!  Send me a pm so we can touch bases on getting it out your way.
I've never done a raffle before so could anyone lead me in the right direction about how I should do this?  Thanks!
Quote from: wiseau on 08/02/2017, 06:08 PMI'll join if you let me.
Your in the snake pit, don't worry there aren't any cobras yet I don't think :)
     Just to be clear this is the TG-16 version.
    Your in as long as someone can vouch for you being a decent human/alien being.  There's got to be somebody out there either up here, on a Facebook group or maybe your mom. Send me a pm and let me know or at least tell me something.
     Although I got this idea from the raffle that brought a Pac-Land back to be enjoyed by some strange creature. When I was a kid one of the games that came with my hand me down TG-16 was Bloody Wolf.  This game would play every once in a while the first month or so.  Well fast forward 25 years and I bought a nice looking copy off of Ebay that was advertised as non-working last week.  It looks like any other game as far as the pins etc.  So starting this morning drop a line here and this Friday night I will raffle it off.  Anyone can enter that has as many posts as me and is not going to flip it working or not.

Come and Get It!!!      Should I cap this at a certain number?  I haven't entered a raffle up here but if I did it would definitely be more exciting if there aren't 3 men and 13 babies.  What do the humanoids want?  Let me know or forever hold your soft-boneless-useless-member.  I want to run it this Sat/Sunday night so.  Discuss
     Pm sent but I don't have many duplicates.
Buy/Sell/Trade / FS/FT No Mas
07/31/2017, 07:13 AM
     Ain't nothing but a bump thing baby. 2 locked out babies being lazy.  The psychiatry was the company that paid me. Pumping hoes all night will make you crazy. Now I'm unemployable and feeling sleazy.  If you buy some stuff I might not Hafta put my main-girl out to sling her crazy.
     Just like the thread states looking to do a trade or sell to buy a pc engine duo.  I have acquired and paid to have fixed 4 US CD units and 2 Japanese CD units(I have a 3rd Japanese cd unit on the way back from keith courage) of these and now I would like to trade one of the US Docs/hookups + repaired CD unit + CD system card(if you need a tg-16 I'll include one) for a pc engine duo that has been capped to go with my turboduo/pc engine duo-r.  The CD units have been worked on by our own Keith Courage so they should last you quite a while.  I have some references up here and I've done a fair amount of selling on facebook lately. If you would like any pictures let me know. If you would just like to buy a nice set we could probably work something out that way also.  Thanks for looking! 

Ahh Rat's missed out on this. I didn't realize this was a homebrew project as it looked like a older official release from the outside.  What genre is this, rpg?
Dude I feel your pain as I had around 50 tg-16/pc-engine loosies taken from me not long ago.  What kept me going gaming wise was a few peeps that have been good to me up here/a fear of going back to current generation games and still having nice systems to play OBEY on/EverDrive.  I don't post alot but hearing this makes me proud to be on these forums!  Samual
Just  beat Blazing Lazers tonight after picking it up a few days ago.  It felt really easy on regular difficulty and was a nice change of pace to the shooters that make you roid out.  I haven't given T.V. Sports Hockey much play time yet but will definitely do so after enjoying Hit The Ice.  I've had one of that guys modded Duo-R's for a year and haven't had any problems though I've seen pictures of his work(im a little scared to open it up and look :)
I would love a couple for 3.5 screen mods.
I've been whooping Hit The Ice lately along with Soilder Blade--level 5 so far
You would still need to test it from my understanding.