10/31/2023: Localization News - Dead of the Brain 1!

No, NOT a trick, a Halloween treat! Presenting the Dead of the Brain 1 English patch by David Shadoff for the DEAD last official PC Engine CD game published by NEC before exiting the console biz in 1999! I helped edit/betatest and it's also a game I actually finished in 2023, yaaay! Shubibiman also did a French localization. github.com/dshadoff/DeadoftheBrain
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Messages - guyjin

To me the TurboStick has 2 issues:
1) it's too light. it's way too easy to tip the thing over during intense bomberman sessions or such like.
2) it's too big. I know they were trying to be bigger than the NES Advantage, but it doesn't make sense when it weighs that little. it might have been more acceptable if it were the same weight, but smaller (like the Atari joysticks.)

by the time it came around, though, I think most Americans preferred gamepads anyway. Europeans, though...
does it have numbers on the back? or maybe feet. I remember Monster in my Pocket... 'figures' having numbers on them somewhere. it was how many points they were worth.

edit:  #-o read, then post.
Quote from: SamIAm on 01/21/2016, 02:54 AM-The Jaguar is cast in a shockingly positive light. "Genius engineers", "Cool architecture" "Hardcore 'American' games." 2000 systems sold in Japan. There's a long article about 3D shooters, and much time is spent talking about Alien vs. Predator.
Frikkin' oobaeews.
I find it odd that the price of a thing that Koreans are selling to British is in USD. Otherwise awesome  =D>
 :lol: love the pictures!

 :evil: hate the forum layout.

On a related note:
Quote from: Duo_R on 04/16/2016, 10:22 AMLove it!
really? tapatalk tells me there are no forums about turbografx, pc engine or pc fx. How did you add it?
Quote from: guest on 04/15/2016, 12:53 PMQuadruple post!

Bruh, do you even enter key?
I have a lot of posting to catch up on :p
Quote from: guest on 04/12/2016, 04:35 PM
Quote from: guest on 04/10/2016, 11:18 PM
Quote from: exodus on 04/10/2016, 04:06 PM
Quote from: guest on 04/07/2016, 11:58 PMThere are lots of great Sega games and lots of great ports of them for PC Engine, like Cotton, Bikkuriman World, Monster Lair, Dragon's Curse, Dynastic Hero, Afterburner, Puyo Puyo, Fantasy Zone, Bonanza Bros, Columns and Outrun (popular opinion).
It's hard to say the wonderboy, cotton, and puyo puyo games are sega, since they're not originally sega developed! westone and compile had close relationships with sega, but they're not sega...
There's no such thing as real Sega or real Nintendo. Going into the 16-bit generation, publishers tried to keep dev team members from even using their real names in game credits. Publishers always contracted various dev teams to make their games. It wasn't until the 32-bit and the generation after that which major publishers like Sega let teams advertise who they are. Even then, many dev teams like Tose never received any credit at all for much of their work.

Ikegami to made Donkey Kong, Congo Bongo, Zaxxon and Popeye. Are they not real Nintendo and Sega games?
Ahh Ikegami, the company that the biased editors at wikipedia will never acknowledge. Up until a year or two it was listed on the donkey kong wikipedia page as a "fringe theory", and nowadays is "some sources claim", besides all Donkey Kong mask roms having this data:


fringe theory guys
Yup. Wikipedia has serious issues. Did you know it overstates Atari jaguar sales by almost twice? Their article used to link to a tax document that stated they sold something like 135,000 jags, and the rest were liquidated. that document went back behind a paywall, and jag fanboys started pretending the liquidated units were 'sold'.
Quote from: guest on 04/15/2016, 09:25 AMI don't have that specific turbo-less pad.

I have two other pads that lack turbo, though - the IllustBooster and the pachinko controller.  Do they count?  Both were bought from forum peeps.  :mrgreen:
sure. :p
Quote from: csgx1 on 04/14/2016, 10:39 PMI got two, but only one is actually a turbo-less controller.  One came with a boxed white PC Engine system I bought years ago.  The other one, I'm not sure where I got it from but I ended up turbo modding it recently.  It's now my go to controller since it was hardly used and not all worn out. 

Quote from: guest on 04/14/2016, 09:34 PMThe PC Engine didn't have an RF out jack, just molded plastic of the shell in its place. So the PCE itself couldn't be played on its own, even if you had a compatible power supply.
weird. IIRC, can't you supply it power through the expansion bus?
Quote from: BlueBMW on 04/14/2016, 11:43 PMI actively seek them out and convert them to MSX/X68000 pads
speaks for itself. If you do, how did you acquire it?
You have some Snerd or Genesissy friends over. They comment on your 'weird' TurboGrafx. Since everyone knows you never get a second chance to make a first impression, you only get one chance to impress them with Turbo Power.

What game do you pop in?
Off-Topic / dumb drama question.
04/08/2016, 05:46 PM
Is Sarumaru, AKA DJ Medina, THAT Dave Medina? from New Jersey, that had fights with Sini all the time? Was he trolling all that time?

or am I creating resemblances where they don't exist?
gave up the anamoo several years ago so I could afford my crack habit. What's good lately?
Off-Topic / Re: AWOL Members
04/07/2016, 08:59 PM
Yeah, I'm in the FB obey group. it's fun. I get why people don't like FB, and I would abandon it like hot shit on a summer day if only everyone else I know would do it at the same time. But they don't, the jerks. Google+ seemed like it might be the thing to do it for a minute, but that hope has faded.

Is there a list of turbob homebrew somewhere for me to check out? I vaguely remember something about a pyramid.
Off-Topic / Re: AWOL Members
04/07/2016, 08:40 PM
why are people leaving? I never thought Tats would leave!

anywho, what's been happening in the 4+ years I've been gone?
Off-Topic / Re: AWOL Members
04/07/2016, 07:06 PM
Woot, I'm back!
Off-Topic / Re: Sini passed away
01/13/2014, 09:45 PM
Wow. That sucks.
I kind of like the new design. I could do without the narrowness, though.
Quote from: guest on 08/23/2012, 02:56 PMwho cares, really.
I shouldn't, but I do. It's like hearing a former friend you got into a fight with died. Any chance of reconciliation is gone now.

QuoteNintendo Power went downhill around N64, and never really recovered.
IMHO, it went downhill well before that, during the SNES era. At least, that's when I stopped subscribing.
Feedback / Re: Shout box?
08/24/2012, 03:11 PM
Okay, so another forum I belong to recently set up a shoutbox. Can anyone clue me in on how the shoutbox was used to breach security, so I can warn them?
I don't understand the love for the SNES version. Sure, I played the fuck out of it back in the day, but compared to the other 16 bit versions it's clunky and slow. It even sounds bad compared to other Capcom SNES games.

Funny this topic came up, because today Street Fighter 2 is 25 years old. Get out your walkers.
Quote from: HardcoreOtaku on 07/30/2012, 10:16 AMGamesmaster Dave Perry Super Mario 64 Incident.
I don't blame him. Anyone in their right mind would be pissed, after using the controller for 3 armed people for the first time. ;)
Off-Topic / Re: Game Sack
07/31/2012, 06:37 PM
Quote from: Samurai Ghost on 07/31/2012, 03:49 PMI also bought Night Trap at full retail price when it came out. I remember playing through it with my dad.
First of all, I'm sorry. ;)
Second, how did your dad react to the controversy about it later, given that he played this game with his kid?
Quote from: esteban on 07/31/2012, 11:23 AM
Quote from: guyjin on 07/31/2012, 06:32 AMKURATAS.

And the "SMILE SHOT" feature is hilarious (and, dare I say, a scathing social commentary). Bravo.

he's trying to kill us all! RUN!
07/29/2012, 02:48 AM
Almost always. If the waitstaff has really wronged me or someone in my party, however, I'm not above not leaving one.

I also don't tip in situations where I think it's baloney to do so (fast food or coffeshop that just sticks a tip jar on the counter but gives the same service as any other fast food or coffeshop.)
Surely, the brain that brought us 'where the peppler grows', 'thierry stinkt', and 'I DO NOT KNOW HUMAN', can come up with something better than 'faggot'. Try harder Tats :)
I have both games for my 360. However, I've never managed to get into an online game on Battlefest; everyone plays the older game instead. Anyone know what's up with that?
Quote from: guest on 07/23/2012, 10:32 AMTime to install alarms at all emergency exits so when jackasses open them, alarms go off. 
This is the case in almost every place I've ever seen with fire exits. Is it typical for movie theaters not to do this? or did they just get left off (which sometimes happens)?
General Gaming / Re: Majesco Game Gear
07/21/2012, 03:18 PM
I remember seeing gamegears being sold in TRU after 2000 - but assumed that they were leftovers from back in the day.

I'm sure they were very successfull, since the Gameboy had just caught up to it technology wise :)
Off-Topic / Re: shit Gaijin never say
07/20/2012, 06:24 PM
3 tales of the toilet!

First time I encountered a bidet was in Spain. I had to pee REAL bad and entered the bathroom; the lid was down so I started peeing in the convenient urinal next to it. I then saw the sink-like handles on the bidet and panicked. I did not pee everywhere, but I did leave that bathroom looking rather sheepish.

Second tale of the toilet was in Japan. Was staying with my host family and used the bathroom. I saw a bunch of buttons on the wall next to me, and being a compulsive button pusher, I threw caution to the wind and pushed the big red one. SURPRISE ASS-SPRAY! I figure it's on a timer and wait for it to finish. and wait. and wait... I start pushing other buttons, labeled in moon language, to no avail. Eventually, I get the darn thing to stop. My ass was so clean it squeaked.

Finally, my only encounter with squat toilets in Japan went surprisingly well, though fortunately all I had to do was #1. However, I tried to do it like a urinal and stood full upright. There was splashing. to avoid dirtying myself I moved my legs apart until I looked like an inverted Y. Seemed to work.
Off-Topic / Re: Ouya game console?
07/20/2012, 06:05 PM
Tegra3 promo video. Nothing mind blowing, but a little more involved than Angry Birds.
I got as far as 'leprechauns' before I had to shut it off.
awesome find!
Off-Topic / Re: Random Pictures Thread
06/14/2012, 07:17 PM
dude, that's a secret of mana cart. grab that sucker!
General Gaming / Re: The Guardian Legend
06/07/2012, 12:55 PM
One of my favorites back in the day. I don't remember ever reading about it (even though I read every issue of Nintendo Power religiously) but got it from a neighbor's garage sale in the very early 90s. Best 5 bucks ever spent on a videogame.

it was butt-kickingly hard, though. Never did beat it fairly (but did manage with a game genie.)
:lol: it's the Urkel car!
I should be able to go this year. If my car doesn't break down again.  [-o<
As others have said, this is less than completely accurate - the figures on Dynastic Hero were particularly strange - but this could be cool with some more work :)
Quote from: guest on 05/28/2012, 11:26 AMPaizo is simply siphoning off the disaffected players, those who aren't staying with 3.x, anyway.
Both 3.0 and 3.5 had significant issues that Pathfinder nicely addressed. Grappling, ferinstance, was seriously broken in 3.5; CMB and CMD solved that problem nicely.
General Gaming / Re: sega game gear help
05/28/2012, 10:51 AM
did you mess with the contrast dial at all? I've seen people mistake it for the volume control and declare it non-working.