RIP to BT Garner of BT passed away early 2023 from health problems. He was one of the top PCE homebrew developers and founder of the OG Turbo List, then Condolences to family and friends.
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Messages - rag-time4

Buy/Sell/Trade / WTB bomberman 93 for PCE
01/03/2019, 01:06 AM
Looking for a complete copy with reg card. Anyone have one for sale?
Looking to take a bite out of my debt, and just checking to see if there might be any interest in my Famicom Disk System collection. Not looking to piece it out - want to sell it in one shot or not at all.

Included is an old-model Famicom Disk System complete in box, Kosodate Gokko disk copy utility, and a crapload of games including Castlevania I & II, super mario 1 & 2, kaitekkita mario bros, 2 copies of doki doki panic (1 cib and 1 new) and many others.

My games are all complete with all outer boxes having matching labels. Can post pics later if there is any interest.
Quote from: fragmare on 02/16/2014, 06:51 PM
Quote from: seieienbu on 01/15/2014, 08:05 PM
Quote from: fragmare on 01/15/2014, 07:18 PMI think even that might just be a color swap of Dhalsim's fireball.
Just looked  into that.  Chun's fireball definitely looks like it  has a unique sprite in nthe game, however it may be made from stacking 'sim fireballs on top of each  other.  Otherwise, it  can always be removed from the say, CPS1 version or something. 
Just compared the two sprites.  The Chun Li fireball is 100% absolutely just 2 Dhalsim fireballs offset a few pixels apart.
The motion of Chun-Li throwing the fireball is the same as her standing fierce at close range. I agree that there is no new animation or original graphics in Hyper Fighting.

There were, however, a ton of balance tweaks to things like recovery time on ryu's fireballs that make it one of the best-balanced games in street fighter history. Gameplay wise, something missing from the pce port of SFII CE is the "cps1 chain" combo system, found only on the genesis port among the 16 bit versions.
I'm very curious to see how close to the arcade it's possible to get using arcade card and / or supergrafx hardware.
Quote from: Opethian on 07/15/2014, 05:25 PMdamn rag shoulda brought out OG sagat!
Yeah I should have gone with Sagat after the first game. Chris was good at landing crossups against Dhalsim and I didn't put any practice time into blocking them. I did beat him 2-0 in warmups with my Dhalsim which is why I went with him.
I cleared VII but thought it sucked. Didn't care for any of the characters in that game. Tried VIII and IX but never got into them. Too big a change from the snes to playstation. Walking around the map became more difficult because everything was less clear. In VII I had to turn on the red pointer arrows just to see where the are exits were.

FFIV: The After years, however, I was excited about and really enjoy. Similar sequels to the other classic games would get me similarly excited. Vi being the one I want to see most, but I would buy and play them all.
I participated in the Street Fighter II Turbo: Hyper Fighting tournament at the CA Extreme 2014 arcade show. Was lucky enough to make the grand finals but I took the loss to Chris Tang. Very good player and better than I expected from last year's footage.

Here is our grand finals match:
I went with a friend to the tournament and my friend also played him but Tang was good enough to beat both of us.
Here are the official bracket results:
Quote from: esteban on 06/15/2014, 06:19 AM
Quote from: rag-time4 on 06/15/2014, 03:13 AMHave not had a new challenger on this thread in almost 6 years!
Hahahahaha. You are World Champion.
My score is beatable! I only got a handful of perfects the whole playthrough.
Have not had a new challenger on this thread in almost 6 years!
I voted for Esteban's JJ and Jeff meets River City Ransom mashup! Great artwork and game idea all rolled into one!  :idea:

Also: I found this poll in fighting street.
Quote from: SplatterTrigger on 05/17/2014, 09:15 AM
Quote from: rag-time4 on 04/08/2014, 12:11 AM
Quote from: SplatterTrigger on 04/03/2014, 07:12 AMI recently made an offer on a $24 piece for $19 and he denied me. A few days later he marked it down to $19.20. ?
So I made an offer for $15.55 since he denied me earlier. I figured what the hell.
Anyways he denied me again and sent me a message telling me that I had a bad manner.
Sounds like he may have changed the price on that one just for you. I think I'm gonna agree with him on this one.
You might be right. But he should have contacted me in my opinion. In all honesty it wasn't that important and I at first was a bit put off by it. I've dealt with him for years now and never had an issue. And no issues since this either.
Yeah I hear you. If he's gonna take the time to adjust the price for you, may as well send you a message. Maybe it's tough for a seller with so much inventory to do that. Would have been better though for sure. In the end, he annoyed a possible buyer and didn't sell the item.
Looks like I am currently ranked 47 with 202 total pce gets. I have a rather embarrassing 41 clears.
Quote from: PCEngineHell on 04/08/2014, 01:16 AM
Quote from: rag-time4 on 04/08/2014, 12:48 AM
Quote from: guest on 01/28/2014, 10:03 AM
Quote from: BigusSchmuck on 01/27/2014, 10:34 PMReally? You can't afford to get a new keyboard? Thats a lame excuse.
More likely it's a lie, like everything else that comes out of the attention whore's mouth.  The odds of both shift keys failing on a keyboard when everything else works are slim to none.
He didn't say both shift keys failed lol
I'm sorry, your time machine must be broken. This thread had passed away on January 29, 2014, at 4:20:20 AM. It was unable to be resuscitated.
I dunno I've been growing my tech skills lately. I think I may have been able to save the power supply! A new MOSFET and a few new caps and she's off and running!
I first started playing Magic when The Dark came out and have played ever since.

Sold my Arabian Serendib Efreet to Arkhan last year!

I'm only into older cards for the most part. Really wasn't a fan of the card redesign after scourge so I stopped buying new cards. Haven't bought a booster box since Weatherlight.

I've played in a few tourneys. One was quite memorable: a sealed deck tempest block tourney that took place when exodus had just came out. I had a strong enough deck to go all the way, but was eliminated by losing twice to the same player, who had a 1 casting cost, 1 damage poke spell with buyback. I had spell blast but we thought that you had to pay the full buyback cost as well as the casting cost. Was my first time playing with buyback so I had no clue. Later on I read the rules and found out I shouldn't have lost. Now I tend to be a bit of a rules lawyer lol

At my new job a few of the younger guys play with newer stuff, and sometimes we go head to head. Right now I'm dominating them with a black/white shadow deck that also has the land tax / cursed scroll combo and a fair bit of land kill like sinkhole, vindicate, and armageddon.
Quote from: Mathius on 04/08/2014, 12:25 AM
Quote from: rag-time4 on 04/08/2014, 12:19 AMWeaknesses, shmeaknesses!
Ragtime lives!
Been on a major ps2 KOEI kick lately with Nobunaga's Ambition Iron Triangle and Romance of the Three kingdoms X, but getting the itch to go for a few pce clears!
Quote from: guest on 03/26/2014, 05:12 PM
Quote from: EvilEvoIX on 03/26/2014, 02:30 PM
Quote from: pulstar on 03/26/2014, 06:56 AM
Quote from: EvilEvoIX on 03/25/2014, 11:35 PMSamurai Shodown 2 for all intents and purposes is a perfect game.  When you factor in it's cost, either AES or MVS, it's the best game on the system and my favorite as well.
This really sums it up. SamSho2 is to SNK what Street Fighter 2 is to Capcom. Fatal Fury was always looked at as a clone of SF (it's much more if you put in enough time) and SamSho2 was what set SNK apart from Capcom during the early days.

Although nostalgia will always say Real Bout Special is SNKs best :D
I Really REALLY like MOTW's but being released late in the life and being so expensive I have to hand it to SS2 which was SO much SO early.  The Capcom Team that made SF2 defected to SNK and made Fatal Fury so yeah there is that.  SF2 is great, but I also enjoy the FF series, mostly because of Terry Bogard and Mai's bounciny boobalinas!!!!
You mean Street Fighter 1 (Fighting Street)?

Also, I've never liked Mai as a character. Saying "Me bouncy!" doesn't make you interesting.

Then again, maybe she is a fun to play as, I have no idea.
Lukester is correct here. Capcom employees behind Street Fighter 1 were headhunted by SNK and made Fatal Fury and Art of Fighting and possibly others. Here is a nice history vid:
(note, some street fighter 1 footage with supers and air blocking is from a mugen Street Fighter One remake)

I have some fond memories of the Neo Geo Fighters, but must say that I stopped playing them after about 94/95 or so. I played world heroes 1-2, fatal fury 1-special, samurai shodown 1-3, and art of fighting 1-2.

Back in those days, one of my friends used to go visit his older brothers for a big video gaming fest, and they had all the latest and greatest back then. My first visit, we played fatal fury 2 and art of fighting 1 and 2. I totally dominated everybody in Fatal Fury 2 with Kim Kapwhan, so they switched over to art of fighting. I wasn't really any good at that game so I don't think I won a single game.

After the visit my friend was able to borrow his brother's Neo Geo AES, and we put in some practice on Art of Fighting 2. I got good with Takuma, so the next couple times I went with my friend to the game fest I dominated every fighting game. Funny thing is the fighting game I played by far the most was Street Fighter II, but we never played that at those game fests. Guess it was already old news by then. Or maybe it was because we never played the 16-bitters, and Street Fighter II didn't get a high end port until the playstation came out. They did have Super Turbo for 3D0 but I don't think my friend's bro had the correct controller to make it playable.
Quote from: guest on 01/28/2014, 10:03 AM
Quote from: BigusSchmuck on 01/27/2014, 10:34 PMReally? You can't afford to get a new keyboard? Thats a lame excuse.
More likely it's a lie, like everything else that comes out of the attention whore's mouth.  The odds of both shift keys failing on a keyboard when everything else works are slim to none.
He didn't say both shift keys failed lol
Quote from: esteban on 04/06/2014, 07:36 AMI think I still have some boxes of GI JOE toys from when I was a kid. No. I bet I tossed them years ago. Dammit. I'd sell them now. I loved putting the stickers on the vehicles...following directions was never so much fun.
I always had fun following directions of lego sets
Weaknesses, shmeaknesses!
Quote from: SplatterTrigger on 04/03/2014, 07:12 AMI recently made an offer on a $24 piece for $19 and he denied me. A few days later he marked it down to $19.20. ?
So I made an offer for $15.55 since he denied me earlier. I figured what the hell.
Anyways he denied me again and sent me a message telling me that I had a bad manner.
Sounds like he may have changed the price on that one just for you. I think I'm gonna agree with him on this one.

I agree with everyone who mentions buying in bulk. A couple years back I bought a dozen or so games and each one was a best offer he accepted.

I did have an issue with a console I bought from him, but he accepted a return on it.

Making best offers on single items probably won't yield very good results. Much better to make offers on several at once.
Off-Topic / Re: Wind Chill Sucks
01/09/2014, 04:16 PM
We are really suffering out here in California  :-"

Arctic Chill in LA
Off-Topic / Re: Wind Chill Sucks
01/07/2014, 07:01 PM
A mild 65 degrees here in California, with no wind.
If I had to pick one track that really made me fall in love with teh Turbo, it's the opening "premonition" theme from Ys III. Somehow the sound of it transports me back in time even though I never played the game as a kid. First time playing it was 06 or so. Maybe the instruments used are distinctive to the period.

Ys III Wanderers from Ys PCE - A Premonition = Styx =
Along with Fighting Street, SideArms was one of the main reasons I bought my Turbo Duo and was one of my first four turbo games.
General Gaming / Re: Never Played NES
01/07/2014, 02:10 AM
I would love to see Ikari Warriors II: Victoly Road. I'd also like to second Gun-Nac, and offer Crystalis as a great game. Crystalis features many of the same enemies and sprites from Athena!
Quote from: guest on 01/06/2014, 07:57 PM
Quote from: Joe Redifer on 01/03/2014, 06:29 PMI own SF 4 for the PS3 and that's it. No special editions (I generally don't like those). The game is not good enough to buy multiple times even if they let me play as the bosses, added a few characters, added a speed adjustment, maybe adjusted the color of the backgrounds and maybe maybe changed the announcer to a much more flamboyant guy (all of these things they did for Super SF2).
Same as you, just SF IV for PS3. I do have several versions of SF II (1 on Genesis, though I think I'm selling that) and 3 for SNES.

It's really no comparison, though. SF II > SF IV.
Agreed. SF II still the best, Hyper Fighting in particular.
Quote from: 98pacecar on 01/07/2014, 12:04 AM
Quote from: rag-time4 on 01/06/2014, 05:37 PMGood thread!

The US version of Syd Mead's Terraforming seems legitimately hard to find.

Image fight isn't hard to find, but it's hard to beat.

The only thing that could improve this thread is a link to 98pacecar's PCE collection on
I've been a user of RFGeneration for a while, so my collection is listed there.

Hu Cards


I've also got the full run of Supergrafx, but that doesn't really need a link to a list.
Here is a link to my profile on PCEDAISAKUSEN... it allows you to check games off as you clear them. It will give us another way to judge you.

I'm at about 20% clear, which is nowhere near where I want to be.

Here's my collection:
Quote from: esteban on 01/06/2014, 05:51 PMJust to clarify, we're talking a full-on NEC vs Nintendo vs. Sega match-up...

Quote from: rag-time4 on 01/06/2014, 05:43 PMBefore I answer, I feel it appropriate to make a twatty comment about this being posted in the wrong forum section. None of the games in the list are us turbo games.
You're just pissed that Image Fight hasn't been included in any of the battles thus far.

ALSO: Dude, where have you been!?

Stay!  :pcgs:
They fear teh Image Fight!

Got a new baby here and a new job, so have been spending lots of time on the arcade-museum forums. Also hooked on Uncharted Waters Online mmo :)
I have vanilla SF IV on 360, and i have super SF IV: AE on ps3 and 360. Very rarely play them though. The only Street Fighter game I really enjoy is Hyper Fighting. Super moves, introduced in Super Turbo, are incredibly lame in my opinion.

For a few months I would go with some friends of mine to Dave and Busters in Milpitas, where they have a street fighter anniversary ultracade in a showcase cabinet. I started learning alpha just so I could clear noobs off the machine and change the game to hyper fighting :)
Before I answer, I feel it appropriate to make a twatty comment about this being posted in the wrong forum section. None of the games in the list are us turbo games.
Good thread!

The US version of Syd Mead's Terraforming seems legitimately hard to find.

Image fight isn't hard to find, but it's hard to beat.

The only thing that could improve this thread is a link to 98pacecar's PCE collection on

Quote from: Tatsujin on 12/01/2013, 10:00 PMstill the same object. simply buying a game for the collection is still no hoarding imho. even it isn't a game intended for much play time.

I have severals games I just fired up once for pure checking reasons. stuff like uberboring ancient japanese civil war simulations or a karaoke box "games" etc. that I bought it for only one reason of completing my pce collection. maybe i will take a closer look at those once in the future, but sure not now that i have still plenty of top tier titles to fiddle around with.
This uberboring comment pissed me off! Until you have pulled an all nighter playing Nobunaga's Ambition or Romance of the Three Kingdoms, you haven't really lived!
I have a friend who is interested in getting into PCE! He's watching your auction and may bid on it.
Off-Topic / Re: Sini passed away
12/02/2013, 01:14 AM
Really sorry to hear this news. He was someone I came to really like and respect. We definitely have to keep the 'race is on' thread going in his honor

He'll definitely be missed
Quote from: guest on 08/19/2013, 01:16 PMLooks like a street in Lakewood.

anyone who lives in the Cleveland area would laugh.
Almost spit up my burrito!

Has anyone tried Dragon's Crown on PS3? It's a great new beat-em-up directed by one of the key designers of the Capcom D&D games! Gratuitous amounts of boobs, butts, baddies, and beat-em-up bad-assery!
Nightwolve... nice links. That really was a pathetic display by the leftist media. Aggressively biased from the beginning. Allegations of the Boston Bombers being tied to Saudi Arabia were based on reported 'official statements from law enforement sources' that were coming out early on.

A friend of mine and I have started following these incidents closely since Sandy Hook, spending a lot of time looking at this one as well as the Chris Dorner manhunt in Los Angeles a few months ago. It's apparent that 'official law enforcement sources' put out misinformation every time. Even after the surveillance video was released by government officials with the two brothers carrying backpacks, they were intially unidentified. After being identified, government officials initially lied about having any contact with them. After pressure was applied, government officials decided to admit that there was a meeting a few years ago with the older brother but as of now are denying any further involvement or contact with the brothers, while the mother says that FBI has been in constant contact and surveillance.
Quote from: rag-time4 on 04/21/2013, 03:09 AMSadler, please check out these pics of explosion 2. Top pic is pre-blast, bottom is post-blast. Bottom pic appears to be heavily doctored (blurred) but I'm confident we can see the white/grey backpack in your pic still intact behind the tree. There is a piece of a shredded black backpack near the man's foot in the middle of the street on the right side of the pic.

EDIT ~ Looks like the latest news is that official suspect 2 has a throat injury and may not be able to talk. Surprise, surprise
Just to add something to the post-blast shot of explosion 2... the light-colored object behind the tree, on the ride side and partly obscured by the tree, may be the pants of a person wearing a black shirt/sweater. At first I thought it was the backpack of suspect 2, but the more I look at it, it looks like pants of a person.
Sadler, please check out these pics of explosion 2. Top pic is pre-blast, bottom is post-blast. Bottom pic appears to be heavily doctored (blurred) but I'm confident we can see the white/grey backpack in your pic still intact behind the tree. There is a piece of a shredded black backpack near the man's foot in the middle of the street on the right side of the pic.

EDIT ~ Looks like the latest news is that official suspect 2 has a throat injury and may not be able to talk. Surprise, surprise
Quote from: Sadler on 04/21/2013, 12:07 AM
Quote from: rag-time4 on 04/21/2013, 12:00 AM
Quote from: Sadler on 04/20/2013, 11:48 PMWell, I swore to myself I wouldn't respond to this, and here I am. :(

I don't know the motivations of these two. I don't know if this was their attempt to lash out as pissed off kids, or their personal support for jihad. Hell it could be both. The reality is it doesn't matter. Whatever someone's motivations are for targeting innocents - they are evil.

To be completely honest, one of the things that pisses me off most about this is the desire to pin this on some group. Seriously, it doesn't fucking matter. Christian? Muslim? Hindu? Atheist? White? Black? Brown? It doesn't fucking matter. Trying to use this to prop up your own belief structure isn't ok. Look at what happened for what it is: a couple of fucks decided to kill innocent people.

You can scream all day that the CST guys missed it. You are right, and I'm sure those guys couldn't feel worse about it. That doesn't mean they were in on it. You can cry that these two are part of the Chechen cell in the US. I don't think that stands to reason either.

Please guys, stop trying to make this something it wasn't.
But what if it wasn't a lone wolf attack? What if pinning it on the two official suspects props up your own belief structure?
They could have had support. I'm happy the younger brother survived and I think there's a good chance he'll talk. I'd love to know what the motivation for this attack is. I have serious doubts it's a US government conspiracy, but who can tell? Fast and furious was pretty alarming. If there are more in on this attack, I really hope this guy gives us as much as possible and we can prove without a doubt those responsible are responsible. At this point in the game though, I'm not ready to go Alex Jones on this.
That seems totally fair. Jones definitely has a small government lean. To his credit though, Infowars has presented a lot of good evidence and asked some very interesting questions.
Quote from: Sadler on 04/20/2013, 11:48 PMWell, I swore to myself I wouldn't respond to this, and here I am. :(

I don't know the motivations of these two. I don't know if this was their attempt to lash out as pissed off kids, or their personal support for jihad. Hell it could be both. The reality is it doesn't matter. Whatever someone's motivations are for targeting innocents - they are evil.

To be completely honest, one of the things that pisses me off most about this is the desire to pin this on some group. Seriously, it doesn't fucking matter. Christian? Muslim? Hindu? Atheist? White? Black? Brown? It doesn't fucking matter. Trying to use this to prop up your own belief structure isn't ok. Look at what happened for what it is: a couple of fucks decided to kill innocent people.

You can scream all day that the CST guys missed it. You are right, and I'm sure those guys couldn't feel worse about it. That doesn't mean they were in on it. You can cry that these two are part of the Chechen cell in the US. I don't think that stands to reason either.

Please guys, stop trying to make this something it wasn't.
But what if it wasn't a lone wolf attack? What if pinning it on the two official suspects props up your own belief structure?
Quote from: SMF on 04/20/2013, 06:29 PMI'm the one that thinks its a conspiracy, Tell me how these 2 kids can get access to the finish line and place suspicious packages and no one sees them until they explode?
The official suspects had one backpack each. So where did the bomb that was detonated by police come from?

An eyewitness reported being told that there was a training exercise taking place. Combined with all the government guys with obscenely large black backpacks all over the place, it's a very bad look.
As far as the ID of the official suspects, one of them was reportedly seen by Jeffrey Bauman Jr, who is reported to have lost his legs in explosion 1. News reports say he was seated at the site of explosion 1 and one of the official suspects placed something at his feet.

The day of the attack, a video was released by Fox that shows a man believed to be Bauman Jr being pushed on a wheelchair by a cowboy hat wearing man named Carlos Arredondo and 2 official workers. 2:28 of this vid:
Snapshots from the vid were shared all over the place. A theory came out that the victim in the video was in fact a US veteran named Nick Vogt, who made several media appearances in 2012 after losing both of his legs overseas. Here is a forum thread on the subject, which includes some gory pics from explosion 1. I notice in the upper gory picture of the person in question, there is a weird object on his left buttock that appears to be some kind of drain or connector. It looks like the engine side of an oil filter.

He can also be seen in this gif image in the upper left corner.

I've spent some time trying to check crowd shots of the site of explosion 1 to place Bauman Jr on the scene with legs but can't pick him out. He was reportedly sitting, in the crowd, not standing (which itself is a bit odd) which will make him difficult to spot in crowd shots. In the above linked gory pics, there is a hat under his head with a bright colored bill that he may have been wearing. I can't spot that hat in crowd pics either. This article reports him sitting, and has links to a few family facebook pages and photos:

Vogt has a facebook at 'Nick Vogt Family' with a farewell message dated April 3, which has lots of pics. At first I thought it was plausible as Vogt's hairline and facial shape appear a match but looking closer it's less likely as Vogt's ears do not appear to match up.

I've spent some time this week really looking into this particular person due to all the talk about crisis actors surrounding Sandy Hook and the possibility of false flag events being tied to government drills using crisis actors.

The Cowboy hat guy, Carlos Arredondo, can be searched on youtube and interestingly he has appeared in news media several times. He reportedly lit a government vehicle on fire and attempted to self-immolate when he was told that he lost his son in Iraq. He also was interviewed during the Occupy Wall Street protests at Occupy Boston.
I collect arcade tokens and play cards. Haven't given much thought as to 9-pocket pages for the arcade playcards but now I'm inspired.
Off-Topic / Re: Baseball Thread
04/06/2013, 09:01 PM
Quote from: nectarsis on 04/04/2013, 11:34 AM
Quote from: JoshTurboTrollX-16 on 04/04/2013, 10:16 AM
Quote from: TheClash603 on 04/04/2013, 07:18 AMI like the Indians going for the all washed up team.  You get to sign these guys really cheap and for short term contracts.  These washed up guys have reason to play, to try to prove they still have it and maybe get another contract out of it.  If it doesn't work out, what was the risk?
Kind of sounds like the plot for a movie... ;)
Juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuust a bit outside ;)
... He tried to paint the corner :D
Quote from: Obfuscate on 02/09/2013, 05:26 AMWoke up early and was able to 1CC Recruit Class - Auto Fire - Score: 472,000

High score table updated! Sorry for the delay! Very impressive! Have you tried playing without auto fire?
Item sold for 256.50. I was afraid I had been asking too much. Guess it was just the right place at the wrong time.  :-({|=
Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 03/28/2013, 02:34 PM
Quote from: rag-time4 on 03/28/2013, 02:21 PM
Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 03/28/2013, 02:19 PMYup but im going strictly Arabian style, so I passed.

Only non arab cards are the lands (lotus vales and undiscovered paradise and shit)
Many Arabs believe in heaven too Ark
That's racist.
Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 03/28/2013, 02:34 PM
Quote from: rag-time4 on 03/28/2013, 02:21 PM
Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 03/28/2013, 02:19 PMYup but im going strictly Arabian style, so I passed.

Only non arab cards are the lands (lotus vales and undiscovered paradise and shit)
Arabs believe in heaven too Ark
That's racist.
Alright, now i'm mad
Of any of the card games that came out in he mid 90s, are any still around beside Magic?
Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 03/28/2013, 02:19 PMYup but im going strictly Arabian style, so I passed.

Only non arab cards are the lands (lotus vales and undiscovered paradise and shit)
Arabs believe in heaven too Ark
Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 03/28/2013, 01:58 PMI have a signed one.  It was like 18 money.

It totally blows in the deck though because the only white card is Abu Jafar. 
Ever consider playing Heaven's Gate from legends to beef up your Jihad?
Giving married couples legal recognition should be done by recognizing the private contracts people enter into freely on their own. If two people call themselves married it should be no business whatsoever of any third party. No third party has any business telling free people what kinds of contracts people can enter into and have recognized in court.

Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 03/28/2013, 11:31 AM
Quote from: rag-time4 on 03/28/2013, 01:58 AMArkhan, are you playing "Army of Allah" in your Arab deck?
Aw yeah, and Jihad.  
Jihad has always been a bit too pricey for me to grab... Maybe one day lol
Arkhan, are you playing "Army of Allah" in your Arab deck?

Interesting conversation going on. This gay marriage issue is certainly buzzing right now. I agree with Arjak's point that we should let people pursue happiness. However, I think the best way to do that is to abolish the phony marriage license scam and get government out of marriage completely. Did Thomas Jefferson need a government license to get married?