12/06/2023: Localization News - Tengai Makyou/Far East of Eden: Ziria!!!

OMG! ZIRIA! ZIRIA!!! IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED!! 34 YEARS LATER!! The epic/legendary Tengai Makyou/Far East of Eden: Ziria JRPG has finally been localized! Supper the Subtitler struck again! Simply unstoppable, NOTHING can prevent him from TOTAL PCECD localization domination!!!! WHACHA GONNA DO BROTHER?!?!
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Topics - rag-time4

Buy/Sell/Trade / WTB bomberman 93 for PCE
01/03/2019, 01:06 AM
Looking for a complete copy with reg card. Anyone have one for sale?
Looking to take a bite out of my debt, and just checking to see if there might be any interest in my Famicom Disk System collection. Not looking to piece it out - want to sell it in one shot or not at all.

Included is an old-model Famicom Disk System complete in box, Kosodate Gokko disk copy utility, and a crapload of games including Castlevania I & II, super mario 1 & 2, kaitekkita mario bros, 2 copies of doki doki panic (1 cib and 1 new) and many others.

My games are all complete with all outer boxes having matching labels. Can post pics later if there is any interest.
I participated in the Street Fighter II Turbo: Hyper Fighting tournament at the CA Extreme 2014 arcade show. Was lucky enough to make the grand finals but I took the loss to Chris Tang. Very good player and better than I expected from last year's footage.

Here is our grand finals match:
I went with a friend to the tournament and my friend also played him but Tang was good enough to beat both of us.
Here are the official bracket results:

Buy/Sell/Trade / WTS PCE / Turbo games
03/21/2013, 01:20 AM
Got a stack of PCE and Turbo games I need to get rid of along with a few odds and ends. Please send offers if interested!


Nobunaga-no Yabou Bushoufuuunroku (Lord of Darkness) - dual jewel case only with front + back inserts
Dragon Ball Z - game, case w/insert, manual, broken spine card
Tengai Makyou Ziria (CD-ROM2) - game, dual jewel case with inserts, green foam, reg card
Deep Blue - game, generic US turbochip case, manual
Monster Maker - game, case w/insert, manual, spine card, reg card
Bullfight - game, case, manual, sleeve
Record of Lodoss War - game, dual case w/insert, manual, poster


Ys III - case w/back insert only
World Class Baseball - game, case w/label, manual
TV Sports Football - game, case w/label, manual, play tips sheet
Looking to part ways with my TurboExpress. It barely sees any use so it's in great shape. Chop has had his hands on it, so the audio and video both work great! The power adapters were purchased new and have been used only sparingly.

Asking $175 shipped within the US.

EDIT ~ Moved to ebay: http://www.ebay.com/itm/NEC-HUDSON-TURBOEXPRESS-hand-held-system-with-MIB-car-ac-adapters-/261188808934?pt=Video_Games&hash=item3cd010f0e6

Just wondering if anyone else is into online gaming via Supercade ... It's an emulator billed as 'lagless', and it allows multiplayer play for 180 games in the current build. It's mostly 1 on 1 fighting games but there are a fair number of beatemups available as well! Would love to play some of you guys at classic Street Fighter II champion edition or Hyper Fighting!

Feedback / Shout box?
04/09/2012, 02:32 AM
Does anyone have any news about the shout box? We still have the same note on the main page, that it was removed due to "abuse"... Are we going to be replacing it with anything or is it gone for good? Many of the guys who were regulars in the shout box have moved over to Paul's site at pcengine.freeforums.com and are still hanging out there, myself included from time to time.

Personally I would like to see it return, and I'm sure several others would as well.
Looking to pay 10 bucks each for 1 or 2 used ones, both with cable. Ive got adapters to let me use my ps2 arcade sticks on 360 but wired controllers are required.
I'm trying to figure out exactly where the PC-Engine Momotarou rpg's fit into the series, but I have a few questions...

As far as I know, there are three Momotarou Densetsu games for PCE:

Momotarou Densetsu Turbo
Momotarou Densetsu II
Momotarou Densetsu Gaiden

So, is Turbo a remake of the first game in the series, or is it a unique game? Is the first game only available for Famicom, with a remake for PS1?
So, ive had a hard time playing my US Duo for any length of time lately because of 2 problems - 1 with hucards and 1 with CDs. Basically my Duo is having diarrhea and vomiting at the same time.

With hucards, i have an intermittent problem with the system randomly cutting off, with a brief flicker of white and then a black screen of death. If i turn the system off and then on, i can play from the beinning just fine, until it cuts off again.

Wirh CDs, i have an intermittent problem with a set disc error. Sometimes it happens when i try to boot up a new game, but even worse it can happen any time the system needs to read / load from the disc.

Does anyone have any idea what could be going on?
These are all asking prices, including shipping within the U.S.:

Famicom Pro Baseball Satsujin Jiken (Pro Baseball Murder Case) loose cart (directed by Mega Man creator Keiji Inafune!) ~ 5

FDS Metroid - NEW/SEALED ~ 25
FDS Nazo-no Murasamejou - NEW/SEALED ~ 25

SNES Donkey Kong promo VHS ~ 10

PS1 Street Fighter Alpha 3 - Complete ~ $10

PS2 tekken 5 fight stick ~ 60
PS2 Breaker Pro (play JP/EUR PS1 games on a USA PS2) ~ 10

Gamecube Capcom vs SNK 2 - in case, no manual ~ 15
Gamecube Harry Potter chamber of secrets - complete ~ 5

PC Microprose Magic the Gathering (box and inserts only, no game) ~ 15

SMS R-type - loose cart ~ 5
SMS Space Harrier - loose cart ~ 5
SMS Rescue Mission - complete with case, manual, poster ~ 10 (light gun required)
SMS Rambo III - game and case (case damaged, light gun game) ~ 5
SMS Afterburner - complete with case, manual, poster (case and case artwork damaged) ~ 10
SMS Miracle Warriors - complete with case, manual, poster, and map insert ~ 20
SMS Outrun - complete with case, manual, and 1986 preview booklet ~ 15 (hangtab broken)
SMS Thunderblade - case and poster (case and case artwork damaged) ~ 5

Genny Ms Pac-Man - loose cart ~ 5
Genny Chakan- complete with case and manual ~ 5 (case, manual, and case artwork have wear, mint cart) ~ 5
Genny World of Illusion starring Mickey and Donale - complete with case and manual ~ 10
Genny Batman Returns - with case ~ 5
Genny Mortal Kombat complete with case and manual ~ 10
Genny official Sega Mega Fire 3-button turbo pad (looks like an OG genesis controller with PCE style turbo switches) ~ 10

I have here a few things for sale. These are asking prices, including shipping within the U.S.

Nobunaga's Ambition (Nobunaga no Yabou: Zenkokuban) - PCE SCD complete with case, manual, spine, furoku (poster map) ~ 15
Nobunaga's Ambition: Lord of Darkness (Bushoufuuunroku) - PCE SCD case only ~ 5
Deep Blue - PCE Hu game and manual only ~ 5
Monster maker - PCE SCD reg card only ~ 5

World Class Baseball - US Turbo chip with case and manual (no sleeve) ~ 5
TV Sports Football - US Turbo chip with case, manual, and playsheet (no sleeve) ~ 5
Ys III - US Turbo CD - case and back insert only (no game, front of case has a few cracks) ~ 5

Im interested in getting better at this game, would love to be able to play with you guys. Please pm me with your PSN id and ill send mine! I should be able to get some time in this weekend!
Here is what I'm looking for:

Sega Genesis model 1 with power supply and composite video cable
2 official sega 6 button controller
power base converter

Genesis software:
Flashback (complete w/manual)
Street Fighter II Special Champion (Complete w/manual)

Master System software:
Rocky (complete w/manual)
Double Dragon (complete w/manual)

Can buy some or all of this stuff! Contact me with any items for sale or any good leads!
I've got a sealed FDS Metroid and a sealed FDS Nazo-no Murasamejou for sale, along with a complete set for Suisho-no Ryuu by squaresoft, minus the disk (box, hard case w/artwork and sleeve, manual).

I can do $60 shipped in the U.S. or $70 overseas!
Hey all, I'm wondering if there is a second generation power base converter for the Genesis 2 for playing master system games. Anyone know?

Is the original power base converter compatible with the genesis 2??

What kind of video outputs do the various genesis and add on units offer?
Buy/Sell/Trade / Wtb: deep blue pce case
06/02/2011, 11:50 PM
Anybody have a spare deep blue case? If not, i have a loose deep blue in generic case with manual for sale.
Hey guys, there are a few games at the top of my wish list that I would like to track down:

Popful Mail - PCE SCD, complete with spine ~ $50
PC Denjin (Air Zonk) - PCE Hu, complete ~ $20
Soldier Blade - PCE Hu, complete ~ $25
Valis I - PCE SCD, complete with spine ~ $20
Shubibiman I - PCE Hu, complete ~ $15

If anyone has any of these available for sale, please send me a pm!
Up for sale is a Breaker Pro ver 1.1 for PS2, which allows you to play imported PS1 games on your US PS2. There are tools included for the fat version or the original slim version. I don't believe it works on the current model of slim PS2's, but I don't know too much about that as I've never owned a slim PS2...

$15 shipped to the US, $20 shipped to Canada or non continental US territory, $25 shipped to the rest of the world.

I've decided to part ways with my SuperGrafx + SCD combo. Both consoles are loose but in excellent mechanical and cosmetic condition. Both official AC adapters are included, as well as the SCD power link cable, 1 set of AV cables, and yes, the SuperGrafx also has all plastic covers, as well as a blue/black controller. I bought the set from Toshi some time ago while my Duo was under repair, and right now I would like to put the money toward my credit card debt.

Here are a list of everything for sale as well as prices:

SuperGrafx: $150 shipped
Super CDROMROM: $150 shipped
L-Dis (game, case, back insert, manual, no reg, no spine) - $15 shipped
Hyper Wars (game, case, back insert, manual, no reg, no spine) - $15 shipped
Battle Ace (game, jewel case, game sleeve, no cardboard sleeve) - $15 shipped

or take the full lot for $275 shipped

... all prices assume shipping to the U.S. Totally willing to ship overseas, but prices will increase accordingly.
If anyone has a spine card for L-Dis and/or Hyper Wars burning a hole in their collection please send me a pm with a price!

Would also love to get a cardboard sleeve for my Battle Ace!
My wife found a couple very cool looking mario plush toys at Toywiz.com. They are available for preorder and ship Februrary. Has anyone ever bought from these guys?
Very surprised to stumble across this on youtube today! The police department is saying that they believed that the building was being used as a cannabis factory and they had no idea the building was a Mosque! Despite the large bright red sign!
Does anyone know up-to-date info about playing a region locked Japanese 360 game on a US system?

My wife bought me a Japanese Hokuto Musou, and I've got a red ring USA xbox i'm going to work on soon, and would like to be able to play this game she got me.
If anyone has a spare, please send me a pm!
If anyone has a US Duo with laser issues and would like to sell it, please pm me.
I've finished replacing 90% of the caps on the board (doing total cap replacement) but one of the first ones I removed I am so far unable to replace. My problem cap is one of the 10uf caps near the sound amp. I have removed all the solder from the board and can't get new solder to attach to the board, and therefore can't get a replacement cap to stay in place. Here are a few pics:

If anyone has any ideas on how I can replace the solder please share!

Don't know if anyone has already seen this, but I found it for the first time tonight:

video link

One of the most intense of any old-school shooter stages without doubt!!
I need a Save Kun or MB 128 to clear my Koei games!
If anyone would like to be interviewed about their thoughts on Wii sports please send me a pm and let's make it happen!
OK... the last time I visited friends we decided to rent a couple games for his xbox 360.... they cost like 9 bucks each!!!! What's that all about???

It used to be 4-5 bucks to rent games!

If the price of games had gone up I would understand, but the price of new games has gone down, if anything!!!
I'm interested in finding a complete Druaga HuCard or Nobunaga's Amtition Zenkokuban, complete with spine and poster map.

Anyone who has either of these for sale or trade please let me know!
I haven't seen a poll from Turbo D in a while so I thought I would post one!!!

Limit 3 choices per member!! Oh and explain your answer!!
I've got a case and manual for the US Veigues but the chip doesn't work. Anybody have an extra? I have a few loosies to trade (Blazing Lazers) or I'll pay a few bucks for it.

Not looking to spend the $20 that's being charged on ebay.
Hey guys, I'm gonna have some ebay horror stories of my own, possibly to eclipse some of Mike and Quoth's stories!

Here's the item in question

As usual, I started all my auctions at a penny. Not having any idea there would be any major demand for this lot, I was expecting $20 at the most. I've received a series of harassing emails from one user, friendly ones from some others. It seems some of these guys know each other, which makes it even more interesting. As it winds down here I'll post more info about it.
Hey everyone, I'm planning on getting a DS Lite for my wife, but I have no idea what games to get pre loaded...

Any recommendations for any games related to PC-Engine titles, classic game series, or 2D shooters?
I know some PC-Engine konami games came with stickers... does anyone know which ones?
Well I decided to sell off my G.I. Joe collection to raise a little money here, and it turns out I have a sought after figure...

Here he is

I wasn't expecting anything more than 20 bucks for any single one of my figures so this is a nice surprise!

Next time, i'll probably list fewer lots but I thought that listing them as smaller lots would allow collectors to pick and choose the ones they want rather than losing out on a big lot to a ebay store reseller, which has happened to me about 10 times...

Took a few hours though.

I also listed a SNES multitap 2 (the bomberman head)
I'll have some pics to post soon, just wanted to check in real quick!

My gf and I decided to get married while I was there! I found my dream girl.... I brought my Duo with me, and she says she's going to miss playing Image Fight! I beat it for the first time over my vacation... I got a new high score too but because of the glare of her tv I couldn't get a decent pic with my cellphone...

It seems that my Duo isn't happy though... I was using a voltage converter over there, because the Philippines standard wall outlet voltage is 220 Volts, while the USA is 120V. The converter, however, only output as high as 110V.... not sure if that was the cause of my problem but it seems that the redbook audio volume output of my Duo is much lower now than it was before.

Now that I'm back I'm in the process of looking for work for the next few months before school starts up again.

Hope everyone is doing well.

Mike H, thanks for updating the Street Fighter thread. Looks like you got to it just after I left. Hopefully we get some competition there... I know I could do better because I only got a handful of perfects...
I have a non-working copy of this game. I have the manual and case, I need only the chip / HuCard, but I need the US version.

I've got a Blazing Lazers and 2 Keith Courage chips to trade, Lazers has a sleeve. Both of the Keith Courages have manuals.

I might be willing to trade something else in my collection to, so if anyone has a Veigues chip for trade, please contact me!
Off-Topic / PC performance question...
02/27/2008, 01:36 AM
Hey everyone.. just having problems with a couple games... Diablo II and Mame...

When I hit tab in Diablo II to open the automap or to open the menu in MAME, both games get super choppy....

Anyone have ideas as to what could be causing this?
Just thought I would share this with you all in case anyone else was interested.. I've been fooling around with this lately instead of doing my readings for school as much as I should be hehe

If anyone knows of any games not on the list please add!

Just wondering... do any of the bomberman games for PC Engine feature multiplayer (even 2 player) co-op play or is multiplayer always a vs game?
Some Konami games released on Famicom included custom chips that allowed for improved graphics and sound to games like Conta and Castlevania III, which had graphics and sound not found in the US versions, which were restricted to Nintendo-only chips.

I'm just curious, would it be possible to include custom chips in HuCard games, increasing the capability of the system?

wiki article here
I finally played the first level of Image Fight II yesterday!!  :dance:

I've had it for a couple weeks but I'm moving and my Duo has been in a bag  :oops:

Anyway, I only played the first level because I got smoked by the level 1 boss (and I only spent about 20 minutes playing)

The thing that struck me about Image Fight II was that the sound effects were much different than they were in the original. Players who prefer the graphics and sound presentation of games like the Soldier series would probably be much more comfortable with Image Fight II.

The pacing of the first level of Image Fight II feels quite different than in the original as well. In the original, there are quite a few dead spots in the first level and there really aren't that many enemies to deal with. Image Fight II throws more enemies at you right off the bat, though they didn't present too much of a challenge. (I've only played level 1 though) It definitely feels like a more traditional shooter in terms of pacing but with the same interesting gameplay dynamic:

The red/blue pods return, making it a true sequel!!

In a lot of ways, Image Fight II seems a bit like what Ys II is to Ys I... it's more of the same, with new tunes (and improved sound effects) and a new set of challenges to deal with. It's interesting that it seems to have answered some of the criticisms against the first one (though I'll admit I had runinruder, nat, and keranu's comments on the original in mind when I tried Image Fight II yesterday).

The biggest problem with the game, of course, is the price tag. If you really enjoyed the first one, it's probably worth it, but if the first one really wasn't that fun then the second one isn't going to be much fun either, though it might be more colorful and have richer, fuller sound FX.
What are your three?

I'm bringing Image Fight, Image Fight 2, and Street Fighter 2 CE
Hey everyone, I'm going to use part of my Thanksgiving break from school to finally start clearing off my ebay table.

In addition to the videogame stuff, I would also like to sell my Heroclix collection, but I'm going to be listing those sometime in the future. Anyone who is into Heroclix and is looking for any particular pieces feel free to message me either here or on ebay and we'll see what we can do.

My ebay id is Lioncub10

I'm going to be listing stuff over the next few days but I'm going to post a list here of everything that's going to be going up that's videogame related. I'm planning on just doing straight auctions starting at a penny + shipping, except for my new/sealed USA copy of Ys III, which is going to be higher priced.

US TurboGrafx (no cardboard boxes, all cases original with sticker unless noted)
tv sports football (case/manual/sleeve)
Sidearms (case/manual/sleeve)
Dragon Spirit (case/manual/sleeve)
Galaga '90 (case/manual/sleeve)
Legendary Axe II (case/manual/sleeve)
R-Type (case/manual/sleeve)
Super Star Soldier (case/manual/sleeve)
Splatterhouse (case/manual/sleeve)
Ninja Spirit (case/sleeve) - no manual
Falcon (sleeve/manual) -no case
Dead Moon (sleeve/manual) -no case
Space Harrier (sleeve/manual) -no case
Keith Courage in Alpha Zones (manual) -no case, no sleeve
Blazing Laers (sleeve) - no manual, no case

TurboGrafx-16 console (inclues official RFU adapter, official AC adapter, Turbo Booster-Plus add-on unit with composite A/V cables included, 1 official TurboStick controller, 1 official TurboPad controller, 1 official TurboTap, 1 TurboGrafx controller extension (not compatible with duo without adapter), 1 quickshot joystick for TurboGrafx (not official but a pretty neat aftermarket controller)

Aftermarket TurboExpress / Game Gear carrying case. Has a TurboGrafx sticker on it but I believe this is probably a game gear case.

US Turbo CD

JP PC-Engine CD-ROM2
Sidearms Special (case, manual) - no spine card, slightly sunburned

Kunio CD Soccer (case, manual, reg card) - no spine card

USA Nintendo 64 loose carts (all are nice condition, no major markings or label damage)
Goldeneye 007
WCW/NWO revenge
Mario Kart 64
Starfox 64

USA Playstation 1
Mega Man X 4 (MINT, complete)
Mega Man X 5 (NEW/SEALED)
Armored Core Project Phantasma (manual) Appears to be in a generic clear PS1 case with no back insert)

USA Gameboy Advance
Rive City Ransom EX (complete in box)
Zelda: The Minish Cap (complete in box)
Dynasty Warriors Advance (complete in box)
Super Dodge Ball Advance (complete in box) -box slightly crushed
Super Mario Advance (complete in box) -box slightly crushed
World Championship Poker (complete in box) -black ink line through barcode on box
Zelda II Classic NES series (complete in box) -box still in shrinkwrap, but cut neatly to open box
F-Zero GP Legend (complete in box) -black ink line through barcode on box
Mario Kart Super Circuit (complete in box)
Metroid Zero Mission (complete in box)
Gameboy Advance SP unit (graphite color, complete in box) includes AC adapter, Car charger, link cable, headphones adapter, 3 empty blue plastic cartridge cases, 3 empty red plastic cartridge cases, soft carrying case and matching cooler for safe and inconspicuous travel storage.

USA Gameboy original
Final Fantasy Adventure (plastic case, box, manual) -no cardboard/plastic insert
Motocross Maniacs (complete in box)
Nobunaga's Ambition (complete in box) -box front has some damage
Pokemon Red (complete in box)
Pokemon Blue (complete in box)
Super Mario Land (complete in box) -Player's Choice version

JP Gameboy Original
Super Chinese Fighter (complete in box)

USA Gameboy Color
Dragon Warrior III (complete in box)

JP Famicom/NES cartridge
Wataru Gaiden/ Keith Courage RPG (loose) - has a sticker for Family Computer Recycle Shop on back)

JP Famicom Disk - all official disks with official labels
Famicom Tantei / Detective Club Part 1 Disc 2 (FMC-TC2)(outer case with matching label, manual, sleeve, hard case)
Famicom Tantei / Detective Club Part 2 Disc 2 (FMC-TC4)(sleeve, hard case)
Big Challenge! Judo (JFD-CJS)(manual, sleeve, hard case) - outer case has label for FMC-TC1
Exciting Baseball (KDS-EBS)(outer case with matching label, manual, sleeve, hard case) -no konami trading card
Nazo-no Kabe (sleeve, hard case)
Kieta Princess (sleeve, hard case)
Ice Hockey / Volleyball (sleeve, hard case) -Side A Volleyball w/label, Side B Ice Hockey w/label
Hey everyone, I'm going to use part of my Thanksgiving break from school to finally start clearing off my ebay table.

In addition to the videogame stuff, I would also like to sell my Heroclix collection, but I'm going to be listing those sometime in the future. Anyone who is into Heroclix and is looking for any particular pieces feel free to message me either here or on ebay and we'll see what we can do.

My ebay id is Lioncub10

I'm going to be listing stuff over the next few days but I'm going to post a list here of everything that's going to be going up that's videogame related. I'm planning on just doing straight auctions starting at a penny + shipping, except for my new/sealed USA copy of Ys III, which is going to be higher priced.

US TurboGrafx (no cardboard boxes, all cases original with sticker unless noted)
tv sports football (case/manual/sleeve)
Sidearms (case/manual/sleeve)
Dragon Spirit (case/manual/sleeve)
Galaga '90 (case/manual/sleeve)
Legendary Axe II (case/manual/sleeve)
R-Type (case/manual/sleeve)
Super Star Soldier (case/manual/sleeve)
Splatterhouse (case/manual/sleeve)
Ninja Spirit (case/sleeve) - no manual
Falcon (sleeve/manual) -no case
Dead Moon (sleeve/manual) -no case
Space Harrier (sleeve/manual) -no case
Keith Courage in Alpha Zones (manual) -no case, no sleeve
Blazing Laers (sleeve) - no manual, no case

TurboGrafx-16 console (inclues official RFU adapter, official AC adapter, Turbo Booster-Plus add-on unit with composite A/V cables included, 1 official TurboStick controller, 1 official TurboPad controller, 1 official TurboTap, 1 TurboGrafx controller extension (not compatible with duo without adapter), 1 quickshot joystick for TurboGrafx (not official but a pretty neat aftermarket controller)

Aftermarket TurboExpress / Game Gear carrying case. Has a TurboGrafx sticker on it but I believe this is probably a game gear case.

US Turbo CD

JP PC-Engine CD-ROM2
Sidearms Special (case, manual) - no spine card, slightly sunburned

Kunio CD Soccer (case, manual, reg card) - no spine card

USA Nintendo 64 loose carts (all are nice condition, no major markings or label damage)
Goldeneye 007
WCW/NWO revenge
Mario Kart 64
Starfox 64

USA Playstation 1
Mega Man X 4 (MINT, complete)
Mega Man X 5 (NEW/SEALED)
Armored Core Project Phantasma (manual) Appears to be in a generic clear PS1 case with no back insert)

USA Gameboy Advance
Rive City Ransom EX (complete in box)
Zelda: The Minish Cap (complete in box)
Dynasty Warriors Advance (complete in box)
Super Dodge Ball Advance (complete in box) -box slightly crushed
Super Mario Advance (complete in box) -box slightly crushed
World Championship Poker (complete in box) -black ink line through barcode on box
Zelda II Classic NES series (complete in box) -box still in shrinkwrap, but cut neatly to open box
F-Zero GP Legend (complete in box) -black ink line through barcode on box
Mario Kart Super Circuit (complete in box)
Metroid Zero Mission (complete in box)
Gameboy Advance SP unit (graphite color, complete in box) includes AC adapter, Car charger, link cable, headphones adapter, 3 empty blue plastic cartridge cases, 3 empty red plastic cartridge cases, soft carrying case and matching cooler for safe and inconspicuous travel storage.

USA GAmeboy original
Final Fantasy Adventure (plastic case, box, manual) -no cardboard/plastic insert
Motocross Maniacs (complete in box)
Nobunaga's Ambition (complete in box) -box front has some damage
Pokemon Red (complete in box)
Pokemon Blue (complete in box)
Super Mario Land (complete in box) -Player's Choice version

JP Gameboy Original
Super Chinese Fighter (complete in box)

USA Gameboy Color
Dragon Warrior III (complete in box)

JP Famicom/NES cartridge
Wataru Gaiden/ Keith Courage RPG (loose) - has a sticker for Family Computer Recycle Shop on back)

JP Famicom Disk - all official disks with official labels
Famicom Tantei / Detective Club Part 1 Disc 2 (FMC-TC2)(outer case with matching label, manual, sleeve, hard case)
Famicom Tantei / Detective Club Part 2 Disc 2 (FMC-TC4)(sleeve, hard case)
Big Challenge! Judo (JFD-CJS)(manual, sleeve, hard case) - outer case has label for FMC-TC1
Exciting Baseball (KDS-EBS)(outer case with matching label, manual, sleeve, hard case) -no konami trading card
Nazo-no Kabe (sleeve, hard case)
Kieta Princess (sleeve, hard case)
Ice Hockey / Volleyball (sleeve, hard case) -Side A Volleyball w/label, Side B Ice Hockey w/label