RIP to BT Garner of BT passed away early 2023 from health problems. He was one of the top PCE homebrew developers and founder of the OG Turbo List, then Condolences to family and friends.
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Messages - Bt Garner

While cleaning out the attic a few weeks ago I came across all my old PCE Magazines.  They have been just sitting up there (not even collecting dust), so it is time to part with them.

All of them are complete (nothing cut out), though if there were add on booklets, they are not included -- very few were purchased new, so this is how I received them.  Most are in very good condition (see the Marukatsu note), if you want specific info on a certain magazine, let me know and I will supply it

Going price seems to be about $20-$25/issue, so I will just say a flat $20/issue plus shipping for whatever you want.  Priority will go to those wanting more magazines.  Would also be willing to trade for PS3 games.

Shipping on these is going to be a pain, I realize that; if you live somewhere between DC and Atlanta, we can arrange for a meeting to exchange.  Who knows, you might even get to play around with Hypernova Blast... or Xymati.

Here is the list:

PCEngine Fan
   1991 / 01, 05-06, 08-11
   1992 / 01-12
   1993 / 01-12
   1994 / 01-12
   1995 / 01-02, 04-07, 09-12
   1996 / 01-09

Gekkan PCEngine
    1991 / 04-12
    1992 / 01-12
    1993 / 01-12
    1994 / 01-03

Dengeki PCEngine / Dengeki's G Engine
    1993 / 06
    1995 / 04, 10-11
    1996 / 03-12
    1997 / 02

Marukatsu PC Engine (not in the best shape, generally the cover sheet
is coming off, no internal damage)
    1992 / 12
    1993 / 07-08

Here are some pics:
(the whole lot)

(close up)
Check Discs have arrived, and they all run on Duo hardware.

As many of you know, back in 1993, TTI revealed the TurboDuo Intelligent Link -- this was a device that plugged into your Turbo Duo card slot, and allowed the CD drive to be used as a SCSI CD drive on a PC or Mac.  5 prototypes were developed before the project was scrapped.  Here are a few images of one of those prototypes.


As far as I know, no PC driver was ever developed, the included red disk was for a Mac (System 7) driver.
your other  color image PCE-ified:

Quote from: pcefreak884 unique games!!!
Can you show us pictures of your "collection"?
The best picture is here:

that also has the 75 (or so) unique PC-FX titles that I have.  For
reference, the top of the PC-FX clamshell cases is about five and a half
feet high.  The rack is just a touch under 4 feet wide, if I recall.

From a couple of different angles:

More detailed pics can be provided is those are insufficient (but that is
all I have at the moment).  I can also provide a text list of the PCE
collection, if you are really interested... and keep in mind that 884
number does not include HuCard or CD Prototypes that I also own.

Quote from: akamichi on 04/18/2006, 10:55 AMHey bt, where did you get the shelf that you have your PCE/Duo games in?  I've been looking for a CD sized "bookshelf" for my games, but just haven't ever found one.

Please don't say it's custom made! :)
I won't say that one is custom made, the one in *this* picture is
custom made:


I honestly do not remember where I ordered that rack from -- I bought
it at least 6 years ago, so it may not even be available anymore.

Here is one that if not the same though, looks remarkably similar:

pixeljunkie asks:
whats in the frames on the wall to the left above your PCFX games?

Those are presentation copies of the 2 PCE games I released through MindRec.

You can get a (marginally) better look at them via this image:

The top one is for Implode, the bottom one is Meteor Blaster DX.


The PCE Games in the upper left are all the weird stuff, things like:
Prototype of Tatsujin, All the Caravan HuCards that I have, In-Store
Demo CDs for both system, a few developer prototypes [Mad
Stalker, Gulliver Boy] an original copy of Space Fantasy Zone,
a few of the Mook-CDs (unsorted) and my HuVideo sampler SCD,
among other oddities
