RIP to BT Garner of BT passed away early 2023 from health problems. He was one of the top PCE homebrew developers and founder of the OG Turbo List, then Condolences to family and friends.
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Messages - Bt Garner

Quote from: shubibiman on 09/10/2014, 01:03 PMDo I have time to order now if I want to get it shipped on friday (I'm in France) ?
Yes.    Any orders placed between now and Thursday evening will go out on Friday.
All the international orders (but one) will be shipped out today; the last international order will go out on Friday, provided that the post office will accept it.
Quote from: esteban on 08/27/2014, 07:29 PMTHE SOUNDTRACK!!!!!  Wooooooooohoooooooooooo!!!!!
Nate and I spent a lot of time on the soundtrack, and although there is not a consistent theme, the songs are varied enough that you should not get bored, and if you do, you can pause the game and change the track while you are playing.
Quote from: pcfxmonkey on 08/24/2013, 02:06 PMDo you have the demo cd-roms with those magazines like Pcengine fan special cd rom vol 2 or 3 or the others demos with the magazines for the pcfx. If so i would be interested in the magazines
I have them, but those magazines are not part of the sale.
While cleaning out the attic a few weeks ago I came across all my old PCE Magazines.  They have been just sitting up there (not even collecting dust), so it is time to part with them.

All of them are complete (nothing cut out), though if there were add on booklets, they are not included -- very few were purchased new, so this is how I received them.  Most are in very good condition (see the Marukatsu note), if you want specific info on a certain magazine, let me know and I will supply it

Going price seems to be about $20-$25/issue, so I will just say a flat $20/issue plus shipping for whatever you want.  Priority will go to those wanting more magazines.  Would also be willing to trade for PS3 games.

Shipping on these is going to be a pain, I realize that; if you live somewhere between DC and Atlanta, we can arrange for a meeting to exchange.  Who knows, you might even get to play around with Hypernova Blast... or Xymati.

Here is the list:

PCEngine Fan
   1991 / 01, 05-06, 08-11
   1992 / 01-12
   1993 / 01-12
   1994 / 01-12
   1995 / 01-02, 04-07, 09-12
   1996 / 01-09

Gekkan PCEngine
    1991 / 04-12
    1992 / 01-12
    1993 / 01-12
    1994 / 01-03

Dengeki PCEngine / Dengeki's G Engine
    1993 / 06
    1995 / 04, 10-11
    1996 / 03-12
    1997 / 02

Marukatsu PC Engine (not in the best shape, generally the cover sheet
is coming off, no internal damage)
    1992 / 12
    1993 / 07-08

Here are some pics:
(the whole lot)

(close up)
Quote from: akamichi on 08/12/2012, 01:16 AMHi everyone,
This might be a long shot, but here goes....

I'm looking for the following PC Engine Fan magazines:
-  10/1993
-  11/1993
-  01/1994
-  02/1994

If you're willing to sell or trade for other PCE stuff, let me know!
Are you still looking for these ?
Quote from: guest on 06/26/2013, 09:31 AMI'm pretty sure they've always been in NC.
Not always (started out in Seattle), but ever since we've been doing PCE games, NC has been home.
Quote-  "Made in Canada" was added to the case back
The original had this too because the original CD-Rs were actually made in Canada.  These were made in Indiana, which, as far as I know, has not been annexed by Canada.
Quote from: esteban on 06/08/2013, 10:26 AMIs the Implode mascot a distant relative of Monsieur Lemming, by any chance?
No idea -- he was completely the creation of the guy who did the packaging art.  Contrary to popular belief, he shares no resemblance to me.
Quote from: hoobs88 on 06/08/2013, 12:47 AMMine arrived today but the packaging is the same as the original. How will I be able to distinguish them apart?
clear cd tray versus white cd tray
The last of the pre-orders will go out tomorrow.  This includes 6 international orders, and 2 domestic orders that came in over the last few days.

With this last batch of orders, the re-release has also paid for itself (just barely).  I also now have 250 CD mailers too that were part of the COB, I'm sure if not used for MB2013, they will be needed for the next effort:
Quote from: T2KFreeker on 06/04/2013, 11:44 PMYou can count me as one of those California orders. Southern California, to be exact. Still hasn't arrived yet though. ;)
The last major batch of domestic CDs went out yesterday (although a few more have trickled in since then).

Those and the international orders will go out on either Thu or Fri.
Quote from: Mishran on 06/02/2013, 10:59 AM
Quote from: bt on 06/02/2013, 09:01 AM
Quote from: Mishran on 05/31/2013, 06:46 PMGot mine in the mail yesterday too, but didnt check the mail till early this morning.

This isn't a complaint, but something on the package and/or CD stating that this is a reprint would have helped differentiate this from the original CD-R version a little better. Aside from the clear case and Ximati ad on the inside insert, there doesn't appear to be a difference between the two. Although I haven't compared them side by side yet and merely going by memory.
There is not a difference, other than the tray and insert.

Basically, the art format that the CD pressing house needed was one of the higher quality ones (Quark), and the original files were in that format.  Not having access to Quark, nor wanting to shell out cash (or a further delay in the project) to update the files, I just let them go as is.
As I said, it wasn't a complaint and your reasoning is valid. I did notice the "Dev/Sig Edition" and the 2013 mark on the title screen which is great. I'm assuming you used the Signature Edition insert too since it does differ from my original release insert.

Overall, everything is great and the inclusion of the 5th ship is cool too. Thanks for rereleasing it for us. Out of simple curiosity, was there any changes made to loop and implode on the disc?
The Loop included with the initial MB was V1, this has V2 (basically Loop with powerups).  Implode Caravan version is the same as the original MB release (not the same as the version on the Implode CD, however).

I made my son (pushing 11 years old) play Loop v2 the other night, and after one game his reply was "I don't like you."
Here are the numbers so far ....

I received about 50 pre-orders. (and the pre-order page will be open for a few more days).  70% have been shipped at this point -- I have tracking numbers, but felt it was more important to get more orders out than enter the numbers in paypal.  Those numbers will be entered later, but you'll probably already have your CDs by then.

The last batch of domestic pre-orders (10) will go out on Monday or Tuesday, then the final batch of pre-orders (the international ones) will go out later in the week.  The latter ones need to go to a real post office, and not a satellite branch like I have been using.

US orders have been from all over: CA and NC have the most (with 3 each).  International orders have come from Canada, Spain and France.  Once the pre0orders are taken care of, I will download all the orders and make a google map to show where the orders were shipped to.  I will only use zip codes and not addresses.

I actually ran out of shipping envelopes, so 2 orders still have to be packaged up.  When your order is packaged up you get the "In Process" notice.

I also had to up the shipping costs via paypal since they were basically at a break even point for some, and a losing point for others.  Why it costs $2.75 for 2 CDs to ship, but $5.85 for 4 is beyond me.  Oh well, just another discount that folks who ordered early got to take advantage of.

I also found a case of old MB cases (no CDs), so if anyone really wants a white tray to replace the clear one, they will be available soon.
Quote from: Mishran on 05/31/2013, 06:46 PMGot mine in the mail yesterday too, but didnt check the mail till early this morning.

This isn't a complaint, but something on the package and/or CD stating that this is a reprint would have helped differentiate this from the original CD-R version a little better. Aside from the clear case and Ximati ad on the inside insert, there doesn't appear to be a difference between the two. Although I haven't compared them side by side yet and merely going by memory.
There is not a difference, other than the tray and insert.

Basically, the art format that the CD pressing house needed was one of the higher quality ones (Quark), and the original files were in that format.  Not having access to Quark, nor wanting to shell out cash (or a further delay in the project) to update the files, I just let them go as is.
Here is the posting to the list.  Same pre-order discount applies to folks here too.

Hello List!

After going through several different CD manufacturing places for CDs, I have finally found one that not only can press Turbo Duo CDs, but the owner is also a Duo owner!

With all the logistics taken care of, the 2013 re-release of Meteor Blaster is all set to go, and I am expecting to have the CDs in my hands within a couple of weeks.

As promised, I am giving list members a chance to pre-order at a discounted price.  The following link will allow you to pre-order MB, or the MB+Implode pack   There is also a special collectors' item listed there -- you can buy one of the test CDs that the CD replication house sent out to verify that they could actually make Turbo Duo CDs:

That link will be valid through June 5, after that, you will need to go through the regular MindRec store link for ordering.  Also, that is for Paypal processing, if you want to do payment via another way, let me know and I'll help get you sorted out.

The 2013 Re-release of MB contains the signature edition of MB (5 ships versus the normal 4), some different hidden features and a few other improvements.

Let me know if you have any questions, thanks!
Quote from: TheClash603 on 05/08/2013, 10:31 PMWhere do I get to order now?  :)  Mailing list didn't seem to work for me, so please make sure to let everyone know here too!

BTW - Turbograpx!?  I thought you said the guy that worked there was a fan!?
I never included that info -- I suspect it was dictated to someone else.  Typos be damned, the bloody things works, which is more than I can say for the original MB test disc I received in 2004.

I will talk to them tomorrow about the pressing schedule, and once I get an estimated arrival date, I can start looking at orders.
Check Discs have arrived, and they all run on Duo hardware.

Quote from: guest on 05/07/2013, 02:09 PMYeah but, they supplied JPGs?  Or did you? 

JPGs seems like a bad idea.
JPG for print media is a bad idea.
Quote from: guest on 05/06/2013, 10:50 PMHuhmmm.    I sent NWD a bunch of high-res PSD files.   
Again, it seems to depend upon which rep you get.  I was told to submit either JPG or PNG images, no other choices were given.
Quote from: guest on 05/06/2013, 10:50 PMSo how many hundreds of dollars did they charge you for each test disc?
It was part of the package deal, knowing that Eclipse would fail.
Quote from: guest on 05/06/2013, 04:34 PMI am convinced you guys all went to a different Nationwide Disc.
I think it depends on the rep you get.  I dealt with 2.  The first guy was very tech oriented, and understood (or at least seemed to) that this was going to be "non standard."  But once they got all the assets, I had to deal with a different person.  A very nice person, but completely out of her  league on the technical side.

For OMMDVD, I am getting a similar price per unit that I was getting with NWCD, though I am getting more units (400, versus 300).  The artwork will be of a higher quality, since they were able to use the original Quark files (and not JPGs).
Quote from: guest on 05/06/2013, 03:25 PMAwesome! No more fucking around with Nationwide, or whatever they're called? Sounds good to me!
I am hoping so -- don't get me wrong, they (Nationwide) were very nice people, but technically, they seemed to have  a hard time fighting their way out of a wet paper bag.
Update on things.

I just heard back form the CD House.  The owner took 2 of the 3 press samples they made and tried them on his Duo, and he says they worked flawlessly -- he apparently had a good time playing MB all weekend.  So all 3 samples are en route to me, and I will have them on Wednesday.

The name of the company is OMM DVD (, they are in Indianapolis.
Quote from: Duo_R on 05/03/2013, 02:11 PMBT are you taking pre-orders?
I will not take orders untiL I know that the CDs are going to be pressed, and not until I have a delivery date.

This is a great example as to why I do that.  Had I taken pre-orders and things do not work out (or take another 6+ weeks to work out), it is just a headache to refund orders, and try to re-gain that goodwill once the time that *real* pre-orders can take place.

I am truly hoping this works out ...
something else is already in the works.
Quote from: Bardoly on 05/01/2013, 06:03 PMAny update on how this new CD pressing house deal is going?
I sent off a second set of Masters on Wednesday.  Awaiting word on how they look.
Well, all is not lost ... not yet anyway.  I have found another CD pressing house.. .yes they use Eclipse.  However this one has one big difference,  The owner is a 20+ year TurboDuo fan.  I will be sending him a master tomorrow and working with him to figure out how to proceed.
Quote from: guest on 04/17/2013, 02:50 PMWTF? Really? Did you respond, "What happened to $195?"
There response to this question : "I quoted you the wrong price."
Quote from: guest on 04/16/2013, 11:42 PMThe game won't be produced correctly unless it has errors. But you have to confirm that it's only the expected ones. Even if you're up for a test disc, there's no point having one made until it sounds like they got it down to the correct format first. With Mysterious Song they said that a test disc must be purchased first, due to the unique format, or else they would not proceed. The salesman did drop the price though and a PCEFX forum raffle for the test disc (and a couple bonus prizes) covered the cost of it.
Yeah, they upped the price for me . ...went from $195 to $350.  Lovely people.
They basically wrote back and said I had  three choices.

1.  Fix the errors so that eclipse did not give errors, or
2.  Pay the one off fee (which went up to $350) or
3. Have the order canceled

Considering that I cannot fix the Eclipse errors (since I do not even know what they are), they really did not give me any choice at all.

Last I heard, my masters were going to be returned to me.
Quote from: guest on 04/16/2013, 12:47 PMHave you asked specifically?  It's really strange, given the MSR pressing issues.

They gave specific errors out when that occurred.
Yup.  Here is the message I just sent them where I quote the April 8 email asking about the errors:

This is not acceptable.

The agreement we have is that you would be able to replicate this type of CD at the agreed upon price, I do not appreciate the nickel and diming that is going on this point (although a 31% increase in price may push this beyond nickel and diming).

I provided you with a master CD which is compliant for the CD specification. Your software not being capable of supporting the full CD specification should not be the reason for you to keep me liable for a master failure, especially after assuring me that replicating this format of CD would not be a problem.  David knew ahead of time that this format was not within the realm of what Eclipse deems "Standard," and failed to mention that there would be any additional fees for replicating this format of CD.

I asked for the Eclipse error that you encountered (Apr 8: "Can you provide specific error information?") and I never did receive a reply to that question.  I was asking in an effort to help sort things or, or find an alternative layout that would be acceptable to both Eclipse and the systems for which these CDs are intended.

I went through a lot of effort to get the CD and artwork ready (ahead of my expected schedule) in order to meet the guidelines you have set out for replication.  Changing those guidelines and prices at this point is not appreciated.

Please advice on what we can do to resolve this issue as quickly as possible with a minimal amount of risk to both of our interests.  I have made every effort possible to show goodwill and work with you through this order, and would appreciate the same in return.

Fingers crossed.
Quote from: guest on 04/16/2013, 11:31 AMyeah.  Did they ever give specific errors from Eclipse?

They are pretty bad at communicating.  I still don't know what the case pack is.
Quote from: guest on 04/16/2013, 10:39 AMThat's what MSR went through also.

Tell them hell no on that option.  The disc should be able to pass eclipse.
I have a well thought out response that I am waiting a few more minutes before sending that basically says "No, we agreed to this, changing the terms now is not acceptable."
Wow, Nationwide are just a pain the ass to work with.

After not hearing anything from them for a week, I wrote to as about their case pack and schedule for MB.

This was their response:

Since your gaming disc did not pass Eclipse, they will cut metal, but they are wanting to provide a one-off replicated sample for review prior to pressing the batch.

One-off (triple digit price deleted)

Please let me know if this is acceptable to proceed.

Classic redirection.  But seriously?  You guys said you could do this, you *have* done it ... and you still want to charge me an additional 30% over the agreed upon price?
Seemed very "Endless Ocean" ish ....

Thanks guys, I will keep you informed as I learn more ....though a part of me just expects a large shipment to arrive at my door without too much announcement ....
Quote from: ParanoiaDragon on 04/09/2013, 07:15 PMI think we need more coders as well, but at the same time, I'm guessing that multiple coders's on 1 project can sometimes slow things down.  I'm only guessing, but I would think that every coder has their own style & expertise, similar to how musician's & tile & sprite artists have their own styles, & don't always mesh together.  But we DO need more coder's in general, no doubt!  Maybe pull some from the C64 scene or something.
From my perspective, the coding is not difficult (I know, matter of perspective).  Finding persons who can truly take advantage of the PCE GFX and Palettes, that's where the resource deficiency is.
Quote from: guest on 04/09/2013, 12:32 PMWe need more programmers!
Not saying we don't need more devs, but I think time is more what we need .... win the lottery, quit day job, spent days doing PCE Dev.  Why does this sound familiar .. . ?
Quote from: guest on 04/08/2013, 04:55 PMTell those fuckers to lay off of the Lone Stars and speak plain English.  :lol:
Some folks just do NOT know when to quit Spring Break.
Just received this cryptic response:

"Sending the physical masters straight to shop to cut metal. (no uploading)"

Um, okay, so we're back on?
Quote from: guest on 04/08/2013, 01:36 PM
Quote from: mac on 04/08/2013, 01:12 PMGuess PC-Gunjin is dead ?
It was never really alive to begin with.
That's not entirely true: (go to 3:24).
Quote from: guest on 04/08/2013, 03:05 PMWho's your duder. 
Dave was the original guy, but lately all contact has come from Shelly.  Or in context, lack of contact has not come from Shelly.
Still awaiting that info from them.  Apparently the person I have been dealing with takes a late lunch.
Quote from: guest on 04/08/2013, 02:16 PMThat's interesting that they're actually using the word Eclipse when reporting the error, as they didn't seem to do that with Keranu when MSR had issues.   But then again, the error reporting seems to be pretty hit/miss.

We could probably help straighten it out if you need. 
Any help you can offer would be appreciated.

A sample Cue sheet that you used (that worked?

Any additional info that I can provide them to get what I sent them to work.. .

It's 2004 all over again!

thank you.
I have received word back from the CD Pressing plant, and apparently the CD Mastering software did nto like the CD masters I sent.  When I asked for clarification, they replied that "They failed Eclipse."

Yeah, I could have told them that Eclipse would have failed  back when I first contacted them.   Awaiting word on next steps..
Quote from: SMF on 04/07/2013, 01:48 AMFor the people that own it how do you store yours? I keep mine on the shelf mixed in with the other TG16/Duo games.
I purchased a bunch of spare Card Cases, and when games like this came out, I made a custom side label for them, so they are right on the shelf (or in storage) with the rest of the "normal" jeweled case releases.
I (wisely) decided to hold off on buying a console until after I was done with college and happily employed (well, getting paid, maybe not happy about having to work).

So in 1990, after moving from Seattle to Alabama (yeah) I was scoping the current systems: SNES, Genny, TG-16.  I really like the TG-16 and the stuff that they were doing with the PCE in Japan, so I jumped on board at that point.
Quote from: esteban on 04/07/2013, 08:50 AMMOST IMPORTANT QUESTION IN THE WORLD: Do the names of the music tracks have any formal/informal titles? Or have they always been referred to by their respective string of numbers (a legacy from development/coding)? I have grown fond of the numbers-as-titles (machines-creating-art-vibe), but, sadly, I can't always differentiate between the titles of the tracks until I listen to a bit of them. Ha! My poor brain.
They have titles:(that covers most of them, there may be a few left over tracks on
Somewhere I have a Super System card that is wonky.  It works find for CD games, and not so fine for SCD games.  I figured that the SCD RAM chips had been fried, or bent, or something.
Quote from: guest on 04/05/2013, 05:23 AMAre you dead set on a clear tray? I understand white is expensive, but black would be nice and it would at least match U.S. games.
MindRec has always used White Trays and tried to match the style of the Japanese releases (for artwork).  The backing art for the clear try is tasteful (in my opinion), it is a dense star field (this will show through to the front), and Coming Soon text, along with a few screen shots of Xymati.  The Xymati web address is also included (I need to get that site updated).

Quote from: guest on 04/05/2013, 05:23 AMI'm confused about the Xymati/Mindrec/Eponasoft relationship. It's great that you're considering work on Xymati again, but last I heard Fragmare and Eponasoft had already revived the project. I'm not even clear who Eponasoft is (a Rover side project?). Can anyone explain?
Here is the abbreviated history of Xymati.

2005: The concept of the game was started.  FraG and I bounced a lot of ideas back and forth, the basic game scenario was my idea, FraG came up with the multiple weapons and GFX to match.
2006: initial tests of Xy on the PCE were proving to be challenging, and times was short on my end.
2009: My life fell apart (literally): I was downsized, there were medical issues (started in 2008), and MAJOR family problems.  Only one of these issues has been resolved to date.
2009/2010: I released a few iPhone apps, and started thinking about Xymati again
2011: started doing so proof of concept work with XNA that proved promising
2012: started porting MSL3 to XNA, and working on the game itself.

Somewhere in the 2011-2012 timeframe I told FraG that the PCE version was not working out, and was going to focus on the PC/Xbox version.  He reluctantly agreed and started (without my knowledge) working with Rover on the PCE version.  I am not against this, but I have also not had any conversations with anyone about it, so I do not know what the status of it is, what their goals are, or how closely it is going to resemble the PC version.

At no time have I ever said that the PCE version was not going to happen.  As I have maintained all along, my goal is to make "PCE Like Games" for modern hardware.  The reason for this is simple: I doubt that there are that many PCE/Duo owners out there who do not own some sort of modern console, and the life expectancy of that hardware is much longer than the ever increasing number of Duos out there.  I want people to be able to play this game, and enjoy it.  For the limited PCE market, that number is 300-400.  For the PC/Xbox, that number is in the millions.

There was also the CDR issue for a long time too, I was not going to publish another PCE CDR title, it sounds like that may no longer be an issue.  Yeah for that, at least.