The Analogue Turbo Duo clone shipped in time for Christmas 2023. Are you happy with yours ?? Find firmware updates here.
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Messages - YoshiFtJ

I would like to buy a set myself, but I would also need a Neutopia II manual as I don't have one...
I like these shoes, hahaha.
What is the best source online for finding these games?
Quote from: Opethian on 04/06/2010, 11:22 PMHey Yoshi, glad you liked it.  :dance:
Oh hey dude, hahaha. Thanks for the console.

When I am looking for a Duo-R, what would be a good price for one? I am seeing some on ebay but the lowest is $200.
Guess it is time to hit up Yahoo auctions. This is always fun...

So I tried to find a copy of Bonk 3 online, but I couldn't even find the USA one. I found a Japanese copy for $100 or so.
I will definitely look into the Duo's. I do want to play a bunch of Japanese games (I am also a Japanese Saturn game collector so I've seen a lot what they have to offer) so buying one sounds like a good idea.
Sorry for the noob question, but how does one region mod their console?
Quote from: guest on 04/05/2010, 02:06 PMCongratulations and welcome aboard.  Those two titles are a good place from which to start building a collection.
Why thank you, glad to be here.

Quote from: guest on 04/05/2010, 02:06 PMIt depends; what type of games do you prefer?
Hm. I like almost all games. I am mostly fond of RPGs and a good side-scroller. Also action games like Blazing Lazers and Contra. But yeah, almost all games.

Quote from: guest on 04/05/2010, 02:06 PMOutside of Neutopia and its sequel, I don't think that term is used, but it saves your progress to the internal memory found in the TurboBooster+, CD interface unit, and Duos.  Without one of these upgrades, you'll have to instead contend with the password system.
Oh, so I am stuck with the password system? I do want to pick up the CD attachment, gotta find one.
I just got my console today. I got two copies of Neutopia and a copy of Neutopia II, an RF switch and a controller.

What do you suggest I get? Games, accessories, etc.

What is this I hear about a File Cabinet? Is that an memory card type of expansion?