Localization Legend "Supper the Subtitler" has "joined the club" in being targeted for CD-pressings by bootleg master Tobias/PCEWorks! His projects like Private Eyedol, Galaxy Fräulein Yuna 1 & 2, etc. are now being sold on Chinese factory-pressed CDROMs...
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Messages - fsa

Would this be a good trade; a loose copy of Chase H.Q. for Jackie Chan Action Kung Fu loose also for the turbografx-16?
I picked up 2 WiiU game last night;
Mario Kart 8 and Super Mario 3D World, $20 for both.
Off-Topic / Newer Super Mario DS
01/11/2018, 11:11 AM
Just wondering if anyone have tried the Super Mario Hack for DS (Newer Super Mario Bros). I have tried the DS and it's really good compared to the original game. This is a refreshing take on an old games and hopefully we can see something similar done for certain turbo games.

Newer Team Website


Newer DS
I have played this game long time ago and couldn't figure it but will like to give it another go around if you would include me in your raffle. thanks
Please include me in this generous raffle.
Quote from: guest on 12/15/2016, 05:23 PM
Quote from: gynt on 12/15/2016, 05:13 PM"acceptable"


(i typically dont post items that have a best offer, but i am assuming at the price, the seller probably wont take the $5 this is truly worth like this)
It kills me how many people post shit for sale without taking time to even clean it.

60% Like New!!!
Scumbag re-sellers don't have time to clean their stuff as they are too busy scouting out their next big score.
Please include me. thanks.
Quote from: crazydean on 09/27/2016, 01:09 PM
Quote from: fsa on 09/27/2016, 12:30 PMI went to a Video Game swap recently and anything to do with the TurboGrafx-16 is way overpriced, one person was selling a complete copy of KC for $20.00. Those re-sellers are driving up the prices for all retro games.
Blaming re-sellers for high prices is like blaming McDonald's for fat people or drug dealers for drugs. People need to learn how to take some fucking personal responsibility.
Another example of one guy selling a used copy of Minecraft Xbox edition for $25.00, when the game is selling new in store for $19.99.

I was just making a statement based on what I saw, not sure what you mean by "People need to learn how to take some fucking personal responsibility", I don't go around buying games and turn around and try to sell at double  or triple what its worth. Most of the assholes are making up the prices and putting games out of reach of people that want to play them (ebay, kijiji, retro gaming stores, value village, and even the salvation army store).

PS. crazydean, that a very defensive statement..... but you are free to say whatever you want.
Quote from: Damon Plus on 09/10/2016, 06:49 AMI haven't bought a TG game since like, 2014. I took a look yesterday in Ebay and there were almost no games being sold, and even the most common games start now at 15$, loose. I would've wanted to get some more games, but I guess I'll have to settle with the 30 or so I have already.
I went to a Video Game swap recently and anything to do with the TurboGrafx-16 is way overpriced, one person was selling a complete copy of KC for $20.00. Those re-sellers are driving up the prices for all retro games.
I picked up Turbo Stick recently which is missing the 2 slider button at the top, for $10 bucks you can't go wrong.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: Free Game: Vigilante
08/15/2016, 08:55 AM
Please include me in.
And 144 people watching this one.
I picked up a copy of "Project Sylpheed" for the 360. I am hoping its good as I haven't played any SHMUP on a new generation system as they are far and few in between (PS2 and older).
Just a thought I had, Which turbo hucard game would looked really good if it was to be redone in Today's HD graphics? I don't know but one game I am thinking would be "The Legendary Axe".
I really enjoyed playing this game in the arcade and loved it even more on the turbo. This game flows well and if you the proper firepower its really easy. An early classic in the Turbo library.
Off-Topic / Re: Paris
11/14/2015, 10:19 PM
Quote from: guest on 11/14/2015, 01:30 PMIslam is once again the issue but no one has the balls to admit it nowadays.
This is a very ignorant comment/statement as it seem that you are pointing fingers at a religion. Its not so much religion or guns/bombs that kills people, its people that kill people.

Well I guess you must have Big Ball since you are so clever to figure this out. Stop painting everyone with the same brush.
Quote from: RNSpeed on 11/03/2015, 05:48 PM$300 for this game? WTF!
And on top of that $12.57 shipping charges and $45.54 import charges.
Mad props to this game, aside from R-type, this is one game I have spend countless hour playing and enjoy every minute of it. If you have a any NEC system and don't have this game, boy are you missing out on one of the best SHMUP of all time (I know there are others that will say different but to me this game has all  the formula but doesn't turn you off like some of the other bullet hell).
Quote from: Gentlegamer on 10/06/2015, 01:27 AMMy New Year's Resolution was to beat the first stage of R-Type.

Still working on it.
This made me laugh. It's all about memorizing and a little bit of skill (lol).
Saw the movie recently and thought it was fairly decent. It seem that all the movies about retro gaming is in relation to Nintendo, I hope someone someday will make one that will include all the retro system from the late 80's and early 90's.
why, are you protecting the system from you playing it!
This is one of my favorite game of all time, I have gotten the different version for different retro systems, Turbo of course, SMS - R-Type, SNES - Super R-Type, PS1 - R-Type Delta (Can't seem to find R-Types for a good deal) and PS2 - R-Type final. The one I keep going back to is the TG-16 port.
This is f**king crazy as there is one more system someone will never get to play because of some stupid a$$. This VGA/re-sellers bullshit is seriously turning people off.

You might as well buy a PS4/Xbox1 and have it VGA for 20 yrs for now. 
I don't see too much talk about this game but I notices that it's not readily out there and there are 2 sale listing for it going for over $100.00. on ebay. What up with this game and why would it be so much?
Quote from: guest on 09/09/2015, 12:42 AM
Quote from: BigusSchmuck on 09/08/2015, 11:30 PM
Quote from: fsa on 09/08/2015, 04:48 PMHas anyone seen this one, I love Shmups but this is f**king off the charts. Let me know your thoughts.

If I were a millionaire who had cash to blow, I would buy up all the sealed copies and open and play them. This is about the most retarded thing ever.
You know, I've had daydreams like that too. Winning the lottery and buying as many games as I want and quitting school/job to just play all day long. The problem is, the dumbass seller would then get the money they're asking for. There's no winning in any situation!
It's becoming harder for someone to get into retro gaming as those dumb ass re-sellers are buying everything and selling them at a premium. The only kids that will be privileged to play these systems are the ones connected to someone in a community like this (a lot of good and generous people here). I can't imagine 20 years from now what the prices will be like.
Wow, nice looking pics.
R-type for me, the other are not the same quality even delta and final.
Has anyone seen this one, I love Shmups but this is f**king off the charts. Let me know your thoughts.

It would look pretty cool if those buttons were Orange similar to the logo.
You should get it graded before asking!
Please include me if you may as I only kept a few of the boxes over the years and they do look nice.
You can try a little emulator called "NitroGrafx" using an R4 card.
Please include me in if you may. Thanks
Please include me. Thanks
Very generous raffle for this legendary TG title, I keep going back to this game from time to time, it starts off easy and keeps getting harder but if you continue to play it you will eventually finish it.
Please don't include me as I already own it, bought it as soon as it came out in the stores back in the 90's.
Its been a long time since I played me some Keith, I might plug it in over the holidays. I might check out this supposed sequel to it also (Madou Granzort).

Overall a decent game to pass time as the over world tends to get long as the game progress.
wow, no R-Type or Legendary Axe on the list!
I am not only thankful for this great website (pcenginefx) but all the great individuals who takes the time out of their busy days to visit and contribute their knowledge, insight and extra games to help others appreciate this great video game machine we all have come to love and treasure.
I am more of a SHMUP fan but you gotta love Legendary Axe, it one of my favourite game on the system.
Thanks Everyone for the Price check. I kind of knew that the dude was overpricing his games because they are Turbo Related (most re-sellers are killing the Retro scene with their over prices and rare game prices).

Here is what his prices are for the games;

$10 - Deep Blue, loose with manual
$60 - Devils Crush CIC
$55 - Dragons Curse, loose with manual
$10 - Vigilante, loose
$25 - Cratermaze, loose
Buy/Sell/Trade / Turbo Game price check
11/05/2014, 11:41 AM
Everyone, someone is selling the following games and I wanted to get a price check on them before I make any purchase.

Deep Blue, loose with manual
Devils Crush CIC
Dragons Curse, loose with manual
Vigilante, loose
Cratermaze, loose

Thanks for you help in advance.
Please include me, and thanks for the generous raffle.
Wow Nice Raffle, another good game sealed. Please don't include me as I already have this game. For anyone playing this game for the first time try resetting it 57 time to play it in the arcade mode.
Two games, Blazing Lazers and Legendary Axe and who can forget that cover of VGCE with the Turbo on it.
BL is one of my favorite SHMUP of all time, its one of the reason I bought the TG-16 system. Man I gotta 
play me so Blazing Lazers.
Wow, that's one nice looking box!
Hello Everyone,

I will be on vacation in Myrtle Beach and was wondering if there are any decent places that sells Turbo games or video games in general?

It was just like yesterday I remember opening my copy and playing it. This a fun game to play, very easy in the beginning and progressively getting harder in the later stages. Don't include me. thanks
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: Raffle: Deep Blue
05/30/2014, 02:23 PM
Please include me. Thanks