Sega Lord X reviews the Street Fighter II Champion Edition PC Engine port.
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Topics - NecroPhile

Off-Topic / 3.5" floppies and old ram
05/04/2018, 02:06 PM
Anybody have any use for this stuff?  I've got 30 floppies that appear to be new/unused and 2 x 256mb PC2-4200, 4 x 512mb PC2-4200, 2 x 512mb PC2-5300, and 1 x 4gb PC3-12800.
All credit to JAPJAC for mentioning this in the shewty list thread.  :mrgreen:

Link with screen shots:

QuoteHidden shoot ?em up game Dark Left found on the PC Engine Super CD-ROM game Tenshi no Uta II 天使の詩II 堕天使の選択 by Riot / Telenet

To access it, load the game using System Card 1 or 2 so that the warning screen appears (top photo).  Then on the joypad press up, up, down, down and buttons I+II simultaneously.  On the title screen, it says that the game is produced by Pandaemonium.
Anyone try it?  I don't have the game.
Off-Topic / Secret Santa 2017
10/02/2017, 03:32 PM
Secret Santa is here again!  Here's the rules:

1.  Don't sign up if you can't / won't follow through.
2.  Sign ups are open until the first(ish) of November, at which time everyone'll be matched up and wish lists will be sent out to their respective Santa.
3.  Due to an unfortunate issue last year, no noobs allowed.  Santas must have a minimum of 50 posts or have a long timer vouch for them.
4.  To make life easier for me, please fill in the form below when sending me your info.  Keep in mind that the more options your Santa has, the better the chances of him (or her) finding a good deal in the time allotted.  Please don't ask Santa for relatively rare games that sell once every 90 days on ebay for reasonable prices; he's on a schedule and can't wait months for a deal to come along.
5.  Value of your gift(s) should be in the $30-40 range - real value and not bloated, unsold BIN pricing.
6.  Gifts should be mailed by December 9th to give the PO two full weeks.  If for some reason you won't be able to meet that time frame, please let me know as early as possible so that alternate plans can be made and nobody ends up with nothing but tears and empty dreams under their festivus pole.
7.  Also related to last year's issue, make sure your gift is sent with tracking.  If at all possible, it's strongly suggested that you have Santa send your gift to a secure location (work, PO box, a neighbor that's home, or held at the PO); if tracking says it was delivered but your package was stolen off your porch, it's not Santa's problem.
8.  This is important and bears repeating: don't sign up if you won't follow through; you f*ck this up and I'll ban your ass.
9.  The most important rule is to have fun!

For extra holiday cheer, one random Santa will be selected to receive 'coal in their stocking and another will get a copy of the Turbo Legacy Poster.  If you don't want (or already have) either of these goodies, please note accordingly on the form below.

Also, let me know if you don't want to shop for me since it won't exactly be secret.

Sign up sheet format for when you PM me your list -

Forum Alias:
Shipping Name/Address:
Condition (i.e. - complete, boxed, mint, loose, etc.):
Wish List:
Entered in the poster drawing? (yes/no):
Entered in the Magicoal drawing? (yes/no):
These things don't have a proper back insert thingy, so I made my own.





You can also see my translated spines for the other games too.  When I figure out how to make a pdf of Yuna and not have the quality go to complete shit, I'll share with y'all.  :mrgreen:

Okay, I figured it out:
I don't remember this coming up before, but the derpy looking guy in the US artwork was given an official name in the iOS and Android versions of Bomberman (released by Konami in 2014).  I'm surprised they bothered acknowledging it.

As bad as the box/manual is, at least they kept the original sprites.  These are just godawful!  :lol:


I think these are PS1 games, but they don't look like the ones on ebay and the paperwork looks cheap (sorry, no cases).  They're pressed discs, but I don't know if they're from some other region, booties, or what.  Standard rules apply:

1. Don't enter if you already have 'em.... which seems unlikely.
2. No people that post almost entirely in buy/sell/trade threads.
3. You gotta play 'em, at least enough to figure out what the heck they are.
4. A random winner will be selected in a couple weeks.


ChuChu Flamingo
Anyone got a copy of this sucka and willing to scan the back insert thingy?  My bernie booteh is looking for a home.
I don't know how much demand there is for old PC games, but I found copies of Enemy Infestation and Cannon Fodder hiding in my desk.  Anyone want these things?

Standard rules apply:

1. Don't enter if you already have 'em.
2. No people that post almost entirely in buy/sell/trade threads.
3. You gotta play 'em.
4. A random winner will be selected around Thanksgiving.


Off-Topic / Secret Santa 2016
10/04/2016, 10:07 AM

Secret Santa is here again!  Here's the rules:

1.  Don't sign up if you can't or won't follow through.
2.  Signups are open now until the first(ish) of November, at which time everyone'll be matched up and wish lists will be sent out to their respective Santa.
3.  To make life easier for me, please fill in the form below when sending me your info.  Keep in mind that the more options your Santa has, the better the chances of him (or her) finding a good deal in the time allotted.
4.  Value of your gift(s) should be in the $30-40 range - real value and not bloated OMG R@R3 L@@K bin pricing.
5.  Gifts should be mailed by December 10th at the latest, but don't mail it too early either.  If for some reason you won't be able to meet that time frame, please let me know as early as possible so that alternate plans can be made and nobody ends up with nothing but tears and empty dreams under their festivus pole.
6.  This is important and bears repeating: don't sign up if you won't follow through; you fuck this up and I'll ban your ass.
7.  The most important rule is to have fun!

For extra holiday cheer, one random Santa will be selected to receive 'coal in their stocking and another will get a copy of the Turbo Legacy Poster.  If you don't want (or already have) either of these goodies, please note accordingly on the form below.

Also, let me know if you don't want to shop for me since it won't exactly be secret.

Sign up sheet format for when you PM me your list -

Forum Alias:
Shipping Name/Address:
Condition (i.e. - complete, boxed, mint, loose, etc.):
Wish List:
Entered in the poster drawing? (yes/no):
Entered in the Magicoal drawing? (yes/no):
Englishification is a word, right?  :mrgreen:

The literal translation doesn't make much sense and "motteke tamago" is just romanization of the moon runes, so what's a good 'real' title for it in English?  I'm looking for something that'd fit, something that could easily have been used back in the day had it been brought to the US.  I started off with Wild Goose Chase, but there's no geese involved (I think they're all supposed to be ducks), so Dan suggested Wild Duck Chase or Duck, Duck, Egg.  I kinda like the latter, but I'm open to suggestions.
Who's got the grapes to beat my score?  :twisted:

1.  800,530 - Necromancer

Up for grabs is a download code for Lego Movie Videogame for Vita / PSTV.  I can't be bothered to make an account for just this one game, so I'll pass it along to someone else; I figure there's gotta be someone on here that likes the Lego games and/or has kiddies that'll play it.  :mrgreen:

Standard rules apply:

1. Don't enter if you already have it.
2. Ya gotta have 100 posts by the time of the drawing, and they can't mostly be in buy/sell/raffle threads.
3. You (or your kid) has gotta play it.
4. A random winner will be selected soon, as the code expires at the end of the month.


Welcome to the catchall sticky for all your repair, mod, and upgrade needs.  :mrgreen:

Repair Guides: Capacitor Repairs and Replacement Charts

   REPAIR GUIDE - Laseractive NEC PAC-N1 / N10: Total capacitor replacement chart
   REPAIR GUIDE - PC Engine LT: Total capacitor replacement chart
   REPAIR GUIDE - Super CDROM2: Total capacitor replacement chart
   REPAIR GUIDE - TG-CD: Total capacitor replacement chart + useful info
   REPAIR GUIDE - TurboDuo: Sound Fix
   REPAIR GUIDE - TurboDuo/PC Engine Duo: Total capacitor replacement chart
   REPAIR GUIDE - TurboExpress/PC Engine GT: Video Fix
   REPAIR GUIDE - TurboExpress: Sound Fix
   REPAIR GUIDE - TurboExpress: Total capacitor replacement chart

Repair Guides:  Laser Swaps and Adjustments

   REPAIR GUIDE - TG16 CD/PCE CD laser swap guide (pictorial)
   REPAIR GUIDE - TurboDuo/PC Engine Duo/R/RX: Laser Swap & Adjustment Guide
   REPAIR GUIDE - Super CD-ROM? Pot Adjustment Guide
   REPAIR GUIDE - Repair of broken guide rail plastic thingy in CD-ROM add-ons
   Laundry List of Sources for Optical Unit used by TG-CD and PCE CD-ROM^2

Modification Guides:  Video Upgrades

   MOD GUIDE - Universal RGB-to-YPbPr/Component Circuit & Mod [8/24/2014]
   MOD GUIDE - PAL TurboGrafx to NTSC Mod
   MOD GUIDE - PC Engine 'Jail Bar' Video Noise Fix (by Tim W)
   MOD GUIDE - Original PC Engine (White) RGB Amp Installation & Overhaul Guide

Modification Guides:  Save RAM Upgrades

   BRAM upgrade hack
   FRAM Duo Mod


   REPAIR GUIDE - TurboExpress: A/C Adapter Fix
   REPAIR GUIDE - TurboExpress: Battery Tray/Connectors
   MOD GUIDE - Homemade converters
   MOD GUIDE - PSOne LCD mod for the turbografx/pce system
In interest of not filling the entire front page of the sub-forum with stickied topics, here's my stab at grouping common topics:

Repair Guides: Capacitor Repairs and Replacement Charts
   REPAIR GUIDE - Laseractive NEC PAC-N1 / N10: Total capacitor replacement chart
   REPAIR GUIDE - PC Engine LT: Total capacitor replacement chart
   REPAIR GUIDE - Super CDROM2: Total capacitor replacement chart
   REPAIR GUIDE - TG-CD: Total capacitor replacement chart + useful info
   REPAIR GUIDE - TurboDuo: Sound Fix
   REPAIR GUIDE - TurboDuo/PC Engine Duo: Total capacitor replacement chart
   REPAIR GUIDE - TurboExpress/PC Engine GT: Video Fix
   REPAIR GUIDE - TurboExpress: Sound Fix
   REPAIR GUIDE - TurboExpress: Total capacitor replacement chart

Repair Guides:  Laser Swaps and Adjustments
   REPAIR GUIDE - TG16 CD/PCE CD laser swap guide (pictorial)
   REPAIR GUIDE - TurboDuo/PC Engine Duo/R/RX: Laser Swap & Adjustment Guide

Modification Guides:  Video Upgrades
   MOD GUIDE - Universal RGB-to-YPbPr/Component Circuit & Mod [8/24/2014]
        PAL turbografx NTSC mod

Modification Guides:  Save RAM Upgrades
   BRAM upgrade hack
   FRAM Duo Mod

The remaining three are all unrelated and will be left separate until there's a need to bundle 'em together:
   REPAIR GUIDE - TurboExpress: A/C Adapter Fix
   REPAIR GUIDE - TurboExpress: Battery Tray/Connectors
   MOD GUIDE - Homemade converters

Any suggestions or better ideas?
Buy/Sell/Trade / Cosmic Fantasy Raffle
12/16/2015, 03:21 PM
In honor of Festivus, here's your chance to score a free copy of Cosmic Fantasy to place under your aluminum pole (airing of grievances optional).  Standard rules apply:

1. Don't enter if you already have it.
2. Ya gotta have 150 posts by the time of the drawing, and they can't mostly be in buy/sell/raffle threads.
3. You promise to re-raffle it if you ever want rid of it.
4. It must be at least attempted; it's pretty linear, so it's beatable without moonrune skills.
5. I reserve the right to not include whiners, maroons, and anyone else that pisses me off.
6. A random winner will be selected sometime before the end of the year.


Off-Topic / Raffle: GOG download codes
11/11/2015, 01:43 PM
I got these download codes as rewards for buying those Ys games off GOG; they're for Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena and System Shock 2.  Anyone want 'em?
Off-Topic / Secret Santa 2015
10/05/2015, 07:40 PM

Secret Santa is here again!  Here's the rules:

1.  Don't sign up if you can't or won't follow through.
2.  Signups are open now until the first(ish) of November, at which time everyone'll be matched up and wish lists will be sent out to their respective Santa.
3.  To make life easier for me, please fill in the form below when sending me your info.  Keep in mind that the more options your Santa has, the better the chances of him (or her) finding a good deal in the time allotted.
4.  Value of your gift(s) should be in the $20-30 range - real value and not bloated OMG R@R3 L@@K bin pricing.
5.  Gifts should be mailed by December 10th at the latest, but don't mail it too early either.  If for some reason you won't be able to meet that time frame, please let me know as early as possible so that alternate plans can be made and nobody ends up with nothing but tears and empty dreams under their festivus pole.
6.  This is important and bears repeating: don't sign up if you won't follow through; you fuck this up and I'll ban your ass.
7.  The most important rule is to have fun!

For extra holiday cheer, one random Santa will be selected to receive 'coal in their stocking and another will get a copy of the Turbo Legacy Poster.  If you don't want (or already have) either of these goodies, please note accordingly on the form below.

Also, let me know if you don't want to shop for me since it won't exactly be secret.

Sign up sheet format for when you PM me your list -

Forum Alias:
Last Year's Recipient (if applicable):
Shipping Name/Address:
Condition (i.e. - complete, boxed, mint, loose, etc.):
Wish List:
Entered in the poster drawing? (yes/no):
Entered in the Magicoal drawing? (yes/no):
Any LD collectors want one or both of these things?  The standard rules:

1. Don't enter if you already have 'em.
2. 150 post minimum by the time of the drawing, and they can't mostly be in buy/sell/raffle threads.
3. If you no longer want them, you promise to re-raffle or otherwise give 'em away.
4. You have to watch them at least once.
5. I reserve the right to not include whiners, maroons, and anyone else that pisses me off.
6. A random winner will be selected sometime later when I feel like it.



Anyone buy this yet?  It looks good (direct port of the PSP version?), but I don't know about using the touchscreen controls.
In honor of Festivus and Santatlantean, here's your chance to win the soundtrack thingy advertised on the back of the Camp California manual.  It's really not very good music, but it's free and if you have kiddos they might like it.

To enter this one, you must post a high score with screenshot from Santatlantean.  The top three scores will get extra entries: three extra for first, two for second, and one for third.

1. Don't enter if you already have it.
2. Ya gotta have 150 posts by the time of the drawing, and they can't mostly be in buy/sell/raffle threads.
3. You promise to re-raffle it if you ever want to get rid of it.
4. It must be listened to at least once, and I mean really listened to while paying attention; no playing it for the kids in the back seat while you zone out or playing it softly in the background while you vacuum.
5. I reserve the right to not include whiners, maroons, and anyone else that pisses me off.
6. A random winner will be selected sometime after the first of the year.


1st   -  135,680  -  jtucci31
2nd  -  12,085  -  DragonmasterDan

How's the waterfall and seeing part of your character behind it work?  Whatever it is, it looks nice.... in person anyway (the video looks pretty bleh).
Off-Topic / Secret Santa 2014
10/01/2014, 02:00 PM

It's Secret Santa time again!  Here's the rules:

1.  Don't sign up if you can't or won't follow through.
2.  Signups are open now until the first(ish) of November, at which time everyone'll be matched up and wish lists will get sent out to your respective Santa.
3.  To make life easier for me, please fill in the form below when sending me your info.  Keep in mind that the more options your Santa has, the better the chances of him (or her) finding a good deal in the time allotted.
4.  Value of your gift(s) should be in the $20-30 range - real value and not bloated OMG R@R3 L@@K bin pricing.
5.  Gifts should be mailed by December 10th at the latest, but don't mail it too early either.  If for some reason you won't be able to meet that time frame, please let me know as early as possible so that alternate plans can be made and nobody ends up with nothing under their tree but an old fruitcake.
6.  This is important and bears repeating: don't sign up if you won't follow through; you fuck this up and I'll ban your ass.
7.  The most important rule is to have fun!

For extra holiday cheer, one random participant will be selected to receive coal in their stocking and another participant will get a copy of the Turbo Legacy Poster.  If you don't want (or already have) either of these goodies, please note accordingly on the form below.

Also, let me know if you don't want to shop for me since it won't exactly be secret.

Thanks to xcrement5x, one lucky Santa will be getting a loose copy of Hudson Vol. 5 - Necromancer.

Sign up sheet format for when you PM me your list -

Forum Alias:
Last Year's Recipient (if applicable):
Shipping Name/Address:
Condition (i.e. - complete, boxed, mint, loose, etc.):
Wish List:
Entered in the poster drawing? (yes/no):
Entered in the Magicoal drawing? (yes/no):
Entered in the Necromancer drawing? (yes/no):
Off-Topic / Falcom
09/24/2014, 01:28 PM
To go with the Working Designs fap thread, here's one for Falcom games and goodies.  Does anyone else buy stuff just because it's Falcom?  :mrgreen:

Here's me Falcom booty:

Dragon Slayer: The Legend Of Heroes
The Legend of Xanadu
The Legend of Xanadu II
Ys Book I & II
Ys III - Wanderers from Ys
Ys IV - The Dawn Of Ys (close enough)

The Legend of Heroes: A Tear of Vermillion
The Legend of Heroes II: Prophecy of the Moonlight Witch
The Legend of Heroes III: Song of the Ocean
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky
Ys I & II Chronicles
Ys: The Oath in Felghana
Ys: The Ark of Napishtim
Ys Seven

Ys: Memories of Celceta


Y'all reminded me that I've got the Ys Legacy DVDs as well as the soundtracks and various other swag included with the fancy editions of the PSP games.
I accidentally deleted this post instead of moving it here, but luckily I could still cute and paste the content:

Quote from: wmacmonagle@Nightwolves.

I will try to be civil with you.  You mentioned that I came to PCFX to try and profit from them.  I think if I am trying and it ll be always just few dollars profit compared doing the house marketing.  There is so many houses that people are doing to profit thousand and thousand dollars.  Ohhhh maybe it s your level of profit.  Im happy send you a dollar if you really need profit from me!. It s on me!!

Again I am not here to make profit.  I am not like others who looks for the Turbos and re sell over n over and making sure my stock is still in stock.  Dont you get it buddy!.  Go after people who buys here and sell on ebay and buys here then sell again.  has duplicate titles..

1. Do i have duplication to sell - NO
2. Do i tend to look for cheap turbos to re stock to sell - No
3. Why did I complete twice and re sell them all twice - None of your fucking business - Funds went to a real good reason.  If i had chance i wouldnt want to sell my sealed magical chase for 8500.  Im sure it can sell for 15,000 in a year or two.  I dont give a fuck.  I need money at the moment to invest where my family can sleep in.

Now.  Why badger on willis stuffs.  Just let them be and keep your running mouth to yourself.  I totally agreed with someone saying if there were two games.  $500 each.  keith courage and magical chase complete in box/jewel.  I bet you. You will just buy $500 on magical chase and low ball keithcourage to $1 dollar instead of just say wow thank you for a great and buy $1000 for both  even magical chase worth 6,000 +

If you dont agree then please kindly use this..


Normal Mode

123,260 - DeshDildo
120,110 - NecroPhile
91,685 - jtucci31
54,430 - Nulltard
48,955 - Opethian
31,525 - Seieienbu

Endurance Mode

1,036,650 - DeshDildo
224,260 - NecroPhile
37,965 - Opethian
Buy/Sell/Trade / Power Golf Raffle
07/22/2014, 11:09 AM
I'm sure y'all are pissing your pants for the chance to "win" a loosey goose copy of Power Golf, but hey, at least the price is right.  Standard rules apply:

1. Don't enter if you already have it.
2. Ya gotta have 50 posts by the time of the drawing, and they can't mostly be in buy/sell/raffle threads.
3. You promise to re-raffle it if you ever want to get rid of it.
4. It must be played..... at least one hole.  << insert that's what she said joke here >>
5. I reserve the right to not include whiners, maroons, and anyone else that pisses me off.
6. A random winner will be selected whenever.


There's not much info. about these things here, so I figured I'd share what little I've learned about 'em since picking 'em up.  If I ever snag a Photo Reader, I'll amend my findings.

First up is the Illust Booster.  At first I'd feared it was broken, as it wouldn't work with Artist Tool on the flash cart.  The rom loader utility thing can't use the I.B as a controller, so I tried starting with a regular pad and switching to the I.B., but no go.  Apparently Artist Tool has to recognize the I.B. on boot (if it does, it changes "push run button" to "push III button" - there is no run button), and only then will it work properly; I thought I'd have to find a real Artist Tool (or a chucard), but luckily it can find the pad on port two of a tap.  Success!  It works okay but it's not great: the window is smallish, so you have to pick up the pen and reset a lot, and you have to press rather hard for it to register, making me fear that I'd break it.

Now that I could draw some shit, let's see how it prints!  The Print Booster is more of a Plot Booster, using regular pens to draw your art.  Unless there's a way to get it to plot each color separately, letting you change pens after each color is completed, you'll get just the one color; there may be such an option, but the only options I could figure out were one where you directly control the pen (like an etch-a-sketch) and printing the whole shebang at once.  Here's what my meager abilities could produce (don't laugh!):


The random straight lines crossing over areas are from having the pen pushed too far into its carrier, so try to ignore those.  In the first pic, the top left is from etch-a-sketch mode using a normal controller's d-pad, the upper obey was drawn using a d-pad, the moon rune is from the built in text/stamp tool, and the bottom obey and smiley were drawn with the Illust Booster; and the second pic is all I.B.  The flat bottom of the smiley was caused by the paper being hastily cut a smidge too wide at the bottom, making the page curl up as it hit the printer's side when it neared the bottom of the page.

Here's the manuals if anyone cares to read 'em: Illust Booster and Print Booster
Up for grabs is a copy of Red Dead Revolver for PS2; it's pretty entertaining (kinda like GTA on horseback), but I don't have a PS2.  Standard rules apply:

1. Don't enter if you already have it.
2. Ya gotta have 50 posts by the time of the drawing, and they can't mostly be in buy/sell/raffle threads.
3. You promise to re-raffle it if you ever want to get rid of it.
4. It must be played.  No dust collectors!
5. I reserve the right to not include whiners, maroons, and anyone else that pisses me off.
6. A random winner will be selected on the Fourth of July (or more likely the following Monday).


Buy/Sell/Trade / Sidearms Special Raffle
04/18/2014, 11:27 AM
In honor of zombie jeebus day, here's your chance to get a disc only copy of Sidearms Special with the lovely 'before christ' mode.  My standard rules:

1. Don't enter if you already have a copy.
2. 150 post minimum by the time of the drawing, and they can't mostly be in buy/sell/raffle threads.
3. You promise to never sell it for profit, and that you'll re-raffle it if you ever want to get rid of it.
4. It must be played.  No dust collectors!
5. I reserve the right to not include whiners, maroons, and anyone else that pisses me off.
6. A random winner will be selected somewhere around May Day.

P.S. - In a roundabout way, thanks go to Windy for providing this one.  'Twas a bonus item included with some other games bought from him, and I've since gotten a complete copy.


Buy/Sell/Trade / Urusei Yatsura Raffle
02/14/2014, 10:05 AM
In honor of Valentines Day, here's your chance for a free Lummy!  Ze rules:

1. Don't enter if you've already got one.
2. Ya gotta have 150 posts by the time of the drawing, and they can't mostly be in buy/sell/raffle threads.
3. You promise to never sell it for profit, and that you'll re-raffle it if you ever want to get rid of it.
4. It must be played at least once.  No dust collectors!
5. I reserve the right to not include whiners, maroons, and anyone else that pisses me off.
6. A random winner will be selected on the 21st.


Buy/Sell/Trade / Legend of Xanadu Raffle
12/03/2013, 03:39 PM
It's a Festivus Day miracle!  Gather around the aluminum pole and enter for a chance at a complete-ish copy of Legend Of Xanadu (at least disc, case, and manual).  Feats of strength are optional, but here's the rest o' the rules:

1. Don't enter if you've already got one.
2. Ya gotta have 150 posts by the time of the drawing, and they can't mostly be in buy/sell/raffle threads.
3. You promise to never sell it for profit, and that you'll re-raffle it if you ever want to get rid of it.
4. It must be played - no dust collectors!  If I completed it anybody can if they try.
5. I reserve the right to not include whiners, maroons, and anyone else that pisses me off.
6. A random winner will be selected whenever I log in after Festivus.

Entrants (speak up if I missed you):

ceti alpha
Since this douche has decided to PM me and proclaim his innocence and ask why he's being prosecuted, I'll publicly state why I have no use for him:

He's earned the vitriol.  This is at least his fifth user name, and he's been previously banned for lying and stealing other PCEFXers work, including plagiarizing a game walkthrough(s) from runin (maybe CrackTiger..... it's been a while), claiming to be part of the translation teams working on Xanadu (which is SamIAm's work) amongst other jobs, and for posting ignorant, off topic bullshit.  He's useless, irredeemably stupid, and not to be trusted.
Off-Topic / Secret Santa 2013
10/01/2013, 05:39 PM

It's that time again - welcome to another year of Secret Santa!  The rules:

1.  Don't sign up if you can't/won't follow through.
2.  Signups are open now until the first of November, at which time everyone'll be matched up and wish lists will get sent to their Santas.
3.  To make life easier for me, please follow the format below when sending me your info.  Keep in mind that the more options your Santa has, the better the chances of him (or her) finding a good deal in the time allotted.
4.  Value of your gift(s) should be in the $20-30 range - real value and not bloated OMG R@R3!! eBay value.
5.  Gifts should be mailed by December 10th at the latest, but it's not Secret Thanksgiving Gobbler so not too early either.  If for some reason you won't be able to meet that time frame, please let me know as early as you can so that alternate plans can be made and nobody ends up with nothing under their tree but new socks and tears of regret.
6.  This is important and bears repeating: don't sign up if you won't follow through.  Failure to hold up your end of the bargain will result in severe beatings and/or flaming poo bags on your front porch.
7.  Most importantly - have fun!

For extra holiday cheer, one random participant will be selected to receive coal in their stocking and another participant will get a copy of the Turbo Legacy Poster.  If you don't want (or already have) either of these goodies, please note accordingly on the form below.

Also, let me know if you don't want to shop for me since it won't exactly be secret.

Sign up sheet format for when you PM me your list -

Forum Alias:
Last Year's Recipient (if applicable):
Shipping Name/Address:
Condition (i.e. - complete, boxed, mint, loose, etc.):
Wish List:
Entered in the poster drawing? (yes/no):
Entered in the game drawing? (yes/no):
I've since snagged a complete copy, so up for grabs is a loosey of Champions Forever Boxing courtesy of Black Tiger from a previous raffle.  Standard rules apply:

1. Don't enter if you already have one.
2. Ya gotta have 150 posts by the time of the drawing, and they can't mostly be in buy/sell/raffle threads.
3. You promise to never sell it for profit, and that you'll re-raffle it if you ever want to get rid of it.
4. It must be played - no dust collectors!  If anything, it's at least worth checking out the tunes every now and again.
5. I reserve the right to not include whiners, maroons, and anyone else that pisses me off.
6. A random winner will be selected on or around July 9th - first day of ramen noodles.


Front Insert          Rear Insert

Here's a front insert scan and a rear liner thingy for y'all to print and stuff in your cases.  :mrgreen:
Up for grabs is a complete copy of Peachboy Legend II - The Devil Strikes Back.  Here's the rules:

1. Unless you're looking to trade up to a complete copy and will pass your loosey goose off to another lucky member, don't enter if you already have a copy.
2. Game must be kept complete; please don't enter with plans of harvesting the case for something else.
3. Ya gotta have 100 posts by the time of the drawing, and they can't mostly be in buy/sell/raffle threads.
4. You promise to never sell it for profit, and that you'll re-raffle it if you ever want to get rid of it.
5. It must be played (at least try it) - no dust collectors!
6. I reserve the right to not include whiners, maroons, and anyone else that pisses me off.
7. A random winner will be selected on 4/26 - Arbor Day.


Aggie Tsubi
Black Tiger
whisper2053 (provisionally)
Buy/Sell/Trade / Wonder Momo Raffle
02/22/2013, 10:27 AM
In honor of Purim, here's your chance at a complete copy of Wonder Momo.  Even though I'm not Hebrewonic, I'll join in their fun by giving gifts of food and drink (blue crabs and drinking in the sexy sightings of Momo's panties) and alms to some poor bastard that lacks a Momo of his very own.  Da rules:

1. Unless you're looking to trade up to a complete copy and will pass your loosey goose off to another lucky guy, don't enter if you already have a copy,
2. Game must be kept complete; please don't enter just to harvest the case for something else.
3. Ya gotta have 100 posts by the time of the drawing, and they can't mostly be in buy/sell/raffle threads.
4. You promise to never sell it for profit, and that you'll re-raffle it if you ever want to get rid of it.
5. It must be played - no dust collectors!
6. I reserve the right to not include whiners, maroons, and anyone else that pisses me off.
7. A random winner will be selected on 3/14, a.k.a. pi(e) day.

Entrants (let me know if I missed you):


I'm working my way through this one and could use a little help figuring out what does what.  [-o&lt;

P.S. - I probably just need the names, assuming they're generic stuff like fire, heal, etc.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Tennokoe Bank Card Raffle
01/02/2013, 04:00 PM
A New Years resolution suggestion: back up your precious save files more often!  To help out with that goal, sign up here for a chance at a Tennokoe Bank Card with case, manual, etc.

1. Unless you're looking to trade up to a complete copy and will pass your loosey goose off to another lucky guy, don't enter if you already have one.
2. It must be kept complete; please don't enter just to harvest the case for something else.
3. Ya gotta have 150 posts by the time of the drawing, and they can't mostly be in buy/sell/raffle threads.
4. You promise to never sell it for profit, and that you'll re-raffle it if you ever want to get rid of it.
5. It must be used (however seldom) - no dust collectors!
6. I reserve the right to not include whiners, maroons, and anyone else that pisses me off.
7. A random winner will be selected on or around Jan. 27th - Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Entrants -

General Gaming / THQ filing for bankruptcy
12/21/2012, 10:55 AM

Another one biting the dust.  I blame SNES Pit Fighter.
Courtesy of Rover, here's another raffle for a complete copy of Mysterious Song.  The only rules are that you don't already have a copy and that you are a participant in this year's Secret Santa.  Good luck!


Buy/Sell/Trade / Yokai Dochuki Raffle
11/29/2012, 10:55 AM
A raffle for Festivus!  Gather 'round the aluminum pole and sign up here for a chance at a complete copy of Yokai Dochuki, a.k.a. Tales from the Monster Path.  Here's the rules (feats of strength may or may not be required):

1. Unless you're looking to trade up to a complete copy and will pass your loosey goose off to another lucky guy, don't enter if you already have a copy,
2. Game must be kept complete; please don't enter just to harvest the case for some other title.
3. Ya gotta have 150 posts by the time of the drawing, and they can't mostly be in buy/sell/raffle threads.
4. You promise to never sell it for profit, and that you'll re-raffle it if you ever want to get rid of it.
5. It must be played - no dust collectors!
6. I reserve the right to not include whiners, maroons, and anyone else that pisses me off.
7. A random winner will be selected whenever I log in after Festivus.

Entrants (let me know if I missed you):

vxbinaca (provisionally)
Off-Topic / Secret Santa 2012
10/02/2012, 01:43 PM

It's that time again - welcome to another year of Secret Santa!  Here's da rules:

1.  If you have a history of failing to follow through in a timely manner, please don't waste everyone's time; do us all a big favor and refrain from signing up.
2.  Signups will run from now 'til November 1st, at which time I'll match y'all up and send everyone their intended recipient's wish list.
3.  To make life easier for me, follow the format below when sending me your name, shipping address, wish list, etc.  Keep in mind that the more options your Santa has, the better the chances of him (or her) finding a good deal in the time allotted.
4.  Value of your gift(s) should be in the $20-30 range - real value and not bloated OMG R@R3!! eBay value.
5.  Gifts shall be mailed by December 10th at the latest, but not too early either (this ain't Secret Thanksgiving Pilgrim).  If for some reason you won't be able to meet that time frame, please let me know so that alternate plans can be made and nobody ends up with nothing under their tree but moldy old fruitcakes.
6.  This is important and bears repeating: don't sign up if you won't follow through.  Failure to hold up your end of the bargain will result in shunning, mockery, and a sound beating from Rimmer's holowhip.
7.  Most importantly - this is supposed to be fun, dammit!

For extra holiday cheer, one random participant will be selected to receive coal in their stocking and another participant will get a copy of the Turbo Legacy Poster.  If you don't want (or already have) either of these goodies, please note accordingly on the form below.

Also, let me know if you don't want to shop for me since it won't exactly be secret.

Sign up sheet format for when you PM me your list -

Forum Alias:
Last Year's Recipient (if applicable):
Shipping Name/Address:
Condition (i.e. - complete, boxed, mint, loose, etc.):
Wish List:
Entered in the poster drawing? (yes/no):
Entered in the game drawing? (yes/no):
Buy/Sell/Trade / China Warrior Raffle
09/10/2012, 01:39 PM
Time for another one - enter to win a free copy (shipping included) with manual and case.  Da rules:

1. Don't enter if you already have a copy.
2. Game must be kept complete; please don't enter just to steal the case for some other game.
3. Ya gotta have 150 posts by the time of the drawing, and they can't mostly be in buy/sell/raffle threads.
4. You promise to never sell it for profit, and that you'll re-raffle it if you ever want to get rid of it.
5. It must be played - no dust collectors!  If you don't like it, you must argue with Ark about its flaws.
6. I reserve the right to not include whiners, maroons, and anyone else that pisses me off.
7. The random winner will be selected at the end of the month.

Entrants (let me know if I missed you):

Keranu Reeves
The Old Rover
Fighting Street / Sikh Temple Shooting
08/10/2012, 01:40 PM
Why has this shooting been relatively ignored compared to the Batman shooter douche?  Is it because the asshole is dead, because he was a known racist scumbag, because he killed a bunch of Sikhs instead of 'real' Americans, or what?  All I know is I'm glad the cocksucker is dead and won't be wasting any tax dollars for trial and incarceration.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Emerald Dragon Raffle
08/06/2012, 03:30 PM
I'm having fun with this one, so it's time to share the joy - enter to win a free copy (shipping included) with manual and case (no spine or map).  Da rules:

1. Don't enter if you already have a copy.
2. Ya gotta have 100 posts by the time of the drawing, and they can't mostly be in buy/sell/raffle threads.
3. You promise to never sell it for profit, and that you'll re-raffle it if you ever want to get rid of it.
4. It must be played - no dust collectors!
5. I reserve the right to not include whiners, maroons, and anyone else that pisses me off.
6. The random winner will be selected at the end of the month.

Entrants (let me know if I missed you):


This is the only time I've seen 'em outside of the Turbob Gear promos.  I missed 'em (even at $33 shipped I probably would've pulled the trigger), but did someone here snag one or both pairs?
Here's a thread for some personal navel gazing and braggadocio of my leet gaming skillz, along with my worthless thoughts about each game (unlike runin, my thoughts really are worthless).  The goal is to clear a game every two weeks or so, but we'll see how that goes when I run out of the easy stuff.

Clear #1 - The Legend of Xanadu


To belatedly start the ball rolling ('twas finished just before the end of the June), it's teh LoX!  This is a fantastic adventurey rpg that any fan of the Ys games should take a look at; it's cutscenes are amongst the best you'll find on the PCE, the music is pretty good (though mostly chip tunes and not red book), the puzzles are plentiful and tricky but not frustratingly so, and the side scrolling bits and boss fights are absolutely beautiful.  Just one word of warning for those that find moon runes incomprehensible (like me): it's a bit hard to get started out, but the pace picks up considerably once you learn the ropes; I suggest starting with blueraven's walkthrough to get you started with minimal fuss and consulting it (whenever it's finished) or the one at mindrec when you get stuck (it will happen).
Similar to Sadlers LA/LT poll: assuming you already have a Duo or whatever to OBEY with, would you rather add a SuperGrafx or a PC-FX to the collection?  My vote is (and was) for the PC-FX and its larger library of games.