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Starfighter Venus Bonktrap

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Starfighter of Sweden lasted 2.5 years, but he quietly self-deleted and I found the reason why: his last post to the greatest PC Engine forum/community saboteur (2nd to Nulltard), none other than Andrew 'Arkhan' Darovich who got defensive over his shit Atari port of Insanity being called, well, shitty!

We have to count/link/gather evidence like this as to how many members exactly self-deleted across a 15 year period because of Andrew, Necromancer and SignOfZeta (Mad Chad!), so we have the receipts on hand when these assholes try to distance themselves and blame forum staff for their disgusting, abusive, destructive behavior!

I did not know he self-deleted at the time, today is 8/8/2021, and I've been undeleting accounts I feel are worth it; in his case it was random chance, found a thread, wanted to make it look better, see who he was, and maybe piece together what happened... Some times it's worth it, sometimes not. I prefer the account is there for easy access with Show Posts to clean out if need be, but if worth keeping, then for history's sake.

At any rate, I'm not surprised it was Psycho Arkhoe who cost us membership... The psychotic saboteur did this to the TurboGrafX-16 Facebook group as well, he has enough gang members to simultaneously target and harass the staff (Aaron Lambert and Chris Runyon at the time), then cause mass damage, exodus and the formation of another group... So he's helped do this twice AFAIK!

Bottomline, don't let a psycho into your PC Engine group just because he makes shitty Atari PCE ports, that goes for Kyle Thomson AKA DarkKobold and him completing his profiteering grift full circle with a Kickstarter...

Notice, we never got ANY abuse from btgarner who also develops Atari PCE ports, while conversely there's NOBODY left in the PC Engine community that hasn't been stalked, defamed, verbally-abused by Andrew, including one of the last women who was active in the forum, who he also referred to as a disphit, same as he did to Starfighter here!

He needs to be prosecuted for defamation, police reports filed for misdemeanor harassment like the New Jersey stalker, and abuse reports made to his ISP admin address, all of the above solutions will be needed to put a stop to this mad dog cyberbully!

These and many more incidents perpetrated by Andrew must be collected, recorded like this for all to see to combat the lies, excuses, he hits back with to evade accountability.

Remember, GameSack Joe tried to ban the little manlet, but a mod v. mod situation occurred, and the other mod unbanned him... Joe was neutralized, stopped caring about forum regulation of toxic behavior, and Andrew only got worse, grew more nasty, more emboldened because he knew there'd be little to no consequences for being a forum bully, especially with a mod on your side...
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Quote from: Starfighter on 10/05/2010, 06:12 PMThis is me:IMG
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Quote from: Tatsujin on 10/28/2010, 04:03 AM
Quote from: Starfighter on 10/28/2010, 03:19 AMOh, that's right. My bad! :D
Accepted. Now write 500 times "I will not post serious shit into fighting street anymore." on the black board!
Quote from: Starfighter on 10/28/2010, 11:30 AMIMG
It may seem like.. well, not 500. But the blackboard is almost 40 feet long.

The final quotes that led to Starfighter self-deleting himself from PCEFX due to Psycho Andrew "Arkhan" Darovich/Dildovich sperging out because someone just honestly felt his Atari port is shitty...

Quote from: Starfighter on 02/04/2013, 06:03 PM
Quote from: Psycho Andrew DarovichThere is a distinct difference between being rude, and being an ignorant dipshit who's making jackassed remarks like a wannabe tough-guy at a shopping mall foodcourt.
Are you... calling me names? I am _very_ surprised!

Quote from: Psycho Andrew Darovichand you need to find some kind of edge to help get your waste of a point across. Find proper fuel for your fail rocket next time.  Who's doing something childish now?
I'm really not trying to use this as anything, I don't like when people assume things about me and then acts like they have the upper hand. My feelings for you still stand, you are just a regular bully with a fierce attitude and I hate people like that.

So we got to keep Andrew and his shitty Atari port, but we lost another member...

Question is how many more members were lost, over time, and more importantly unnoticed so that this bastard would not face any accountability for the damage that he keeps doing to PC Engine fandom ??

10/02/2010, 04:18 PM
Local Time:
02/09/2025, 06:48 PM
Last active:
02/04/2013, 06:03 PM