10/31/2023: Localization News - Dead of the Brain 1!

No, NOT a trick, a Halloween treat! Presenting the Dead of the Brain 1 English patch by David Shadoff for the DEAD last official PC Engine CD game published by NEC before exiting the console biz in 1999! I helped edit/betatest and it's also a game I actually finished in 2023, yaaay! Shubibiman also did a French localization. github.com/dshadoff/DeadoftheBrain
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Messages - radiantgun

No,it's not ! It's ME !  :mrgreen:
I picked these sticks up a while back,never used them yet any good ?

I've got a cd with over 90 hucard games on it ! If that helps ! Runs straight on my briefcase, though once you pick one game theres no return to main menu and pick another ! You have to switch off and pick again ! Boo
Opps it's been that long since I've posted, heard the news about M/Song got to excited and posted it in the wrong post ! Opps (thats an englishman for you !).Glad to hear it's nearly done - well done chaps and any chance of signing any of the releases ? ie mine ! Thought I'd ask !
Phew,glad I changed my mind and didn't sell my collection ! And any chance of you signing the commercial release  please  [-o<
General Gaming / Lik Sang
10/24/2006, 01:38 PM
SONY !!!! Feck them now !!!! It better not be Play Asia next !!!!
Well you've saved me spending £175 on that game ! Cheers fellas !  :D
PCE/TG-16|CD/SGX Discussion / DELETED
10/08/2006, 09:31 AM
Ban please
I haven't done any sprite work for the game in a long time, but I have made over 50 monster designs and have the basic designs for the main characters

Well yer better hurry up then !  :P

Heres some $$$$ to get yer going a bit faster  !  :D
Wii s and 360s for all at xmas then !  :D
Feedback / Trader Ratings
08/16/2006, 10:27 AM
How about using Trader Ratings like on other forums such as neo-geo.com you have to post x amount of posts before you can sell ?! Stop anyone from ripping members off especially as I've noticed recently that quite a few new guys come in make a thread and never to be seen again !
I've watched the film now I can play THE game, Die Hard arrived this morning !   :D
Heard about this shooter never tried it or seen it for sale very often


Its a lotta £$ for a cd is it really worth it to own?

Cheers in advance  :D
A broke one !!!!!!!  :D
Think I'll buy a couple of PS3 s and stick um on the bay for some Sony Fan Boy to give me double the price lol ( to fund my engine habit of course ! ). :P
Photo Boy !!!  :D What a great little game !!! Can be quite expensive to get hold off a copy but boy does it make you  :D when you play it.

With reagards to Nexzr I thought that game was a little to easy to !!

Varying off the subject of what game to get next - Can anyone tell me WHAT THE H@LL did they do to the R-Type music on the cd version (mine just arrived today ).Instead of a beat bass drumming get yer fingers pressing faster tune you get what I can only call plinky plonky music - it spoils the whole R-type feel .......arrrrrrr !
MMMmmm all them cases of cdr's ! ! ! ! :P   :dance:
General Gaming / Console mods anyone?
04/23/2006, 08:42 AM
I'd have that peach Gamecube !! Saxy !! :D
Now your buddies can you ask the guys to empty there vast stocks of mint pc engine gear out of there warehouse please !!!!!!!
And release all the proto-type gear to !!!!  :P I WISH !!!  :D
Woot LMS is in the UK I'll take a hundred Bootleg CDRs !  :P  hehe

 I say do what you want to do mate if people want to buy them let them to those that wouldn't touch a CDR dont buy one ! Choice - it's an amazing word !

Me personally,I have a few but I do own the originals - Kaze Kiri Drac X comes to mind, I would buy CDRs before I would contemplate spending £100 + of my hard earned money on the *rare* titles.

Emulation is fine but it still doesnt feel *right* to holding an engine pad and flicking the switch and hearing it stir into life ! Stick a CDR in and youve got the engine *feel*.
Buy/Sell/Trade / UK Trades/Buying/Selling
04/05/2006, 01:06 PM
While ur friend is looking for ur AHEM strange taste in games can you get him to pick up the good ones for me please ?! Tar muchly  :P hehe
Got any good ones ?  :P  hehe I've eaten way tooooo much chocky its affecting my mind lol ! Seriously good look with your sale :)
Buy/Sell/Trade / UK Trades/Buying/Selling
03/30/2006, 08:15 AM
Too go with your megadrive spare parts lol  :P

Sell m your engine gear ! I have MINT yes MINT pound coins to buy them with ! ! !
Nexzr   :D

Splash Lake  :D

Who needs a mortgage anyway ! ! !
Buy/Sell/Trade / UK Trades/Buying/Selling
03/23/2006, 04:22 PM
WOOT there are other UK ers in here lol !! I'm interested in anything engine wise !! Blame Tron for that (hehe)!! When you work out yer photos and prices drop us a line in here so we can ALL hopefully grab something we need  :D

Oh and welcome  :D
U just need an engine to put it in now  hey Fami  :mrgreen:
Buy/Sell/Trade / UK Trades/Buying/Selling
03/16/2006, 09:07 AM
Come on folks if theres anyone in the good old UK up for any buying/selling/trading on the good old engine SHOUT up !! Or am I the only UK er in here lol :D
Opps !

Legend of the Valkyrie now !  :D

For my minty Kaze ? $86 or £50 ish GBP :) it was the right deal for m at the time !
Opps been spending again !!! Now on the way -

Kaze Kiri

Afterburner II


Rastan Saga II

Opps !  :D
Waiting for me postie to deliver me -

Son son II
Final Soldier
Star Parodia cd
Super Raiden cd
Image Fight
Photo Boy
Adventure Island
Gotzendiener cd

I've spent to much AGAIN m thinks  :D
Theres already a Pong Demo out there - I was playing it on me xbox today ! Opps ! How about trying a PACMAN clone ?! Waka Waka Waka ! :D
Terra Cresta II also came out on the Sega Saturn many moons ago it interlaced 2d levels with 3d boss stages ! It sort of worked ! I've found two copies one used one NEW in shrinkwrap at a site here in the UK BUT for the NEW copy there asking 109 GBP !!!! Tried to find it on some emulators but to no avail.

I am a shooter man - you cannot beat a good old blast after a crappy day at work - relieves the built up tension !!
20 quid EXPENSIVE !! Thats cheap over here !! Yes for that price they are minty fresh and most include warrenty card to !

While I'm here anyone got/played Terra Cresta II loved the first in the arcades many many moons ago but I carnt seem to locate any reviews anywhere (IN ENGLISH !).Knew I shud of took more notice of languages when I was in school !

Cheers for any info Ninty  :D
Answer to some of your questions - Why did I sell my neo ? Used the funds from my aes to buy myself a Bally Adams Family pinball machine that I always wanted ! :)

Compulsive buying? - truth be told yes though my reason for this is I have been bagging myself some right bargains while prices are low unlike the US UK importers can be really expensive,so when Ive seen games like Bloody Wolf,Ninja Spirit for £20 I've been snapping them up as importers here are normally charging double for both !

Use an emulater - thats why I'm buying them all lol  :D

 But yes I do play them alot - video machines either old or new are made to be played not to be put in a glass cabinet while you sit there and go oooooooooo I've got that rare cart and that rare cart which you find is quite common with a neo owners.

Anyway,I've gone on long enough thanks for your advise and I'll try ! Maybe 10 games a month ? hehe

Hve fun guys play them engines ..................................... :D
Just recieved another two hu cards in the post this morning - Bloody Wolf and Outrun - by heck this pc engine collecting has me bitten ! I seem to be recieving a game a day at the moment ! I sold my neo stuff to save me money - I seem to be buying more now ! Will this pass is it just a phase I'm going through ...................HELP ! ! !

You cannot go wrong with a bit of DonDokoDon !   :lol: ps Hello everyone it's me first post lol  :D