FOR SALE: Steaming Pile

Started by enix2093, 03/01/2011, 10:41 PM

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I guess the big question is, what are you looking to get for this game?  I used to have it  years ago, and been looking to get it again.  Just with the ebay prices..  ugh..  So, what are ya looking to get for it?  Cuz, I would be interested in it.  :)  PM me.


I looked around and those ebay prices aren't far away from the ones on racketboy (the only place I could find with solid pricing), so considering that article is from last year I'd say there's amazingly non-insane.

How about $255 shipped?



I sold my *near mint* game to a guy at the Midwest Gaming Classic for $100.  I purchased it as part of a 2 SCD's for $69.99 from TZD, so I felt like a shit just selling it and making that much profit.

If you want $255 you might as well pop the beast on freakin' eBay man.

With that said I'll take it off your hands for $100.
Jossshhhhh...Legendary TurboTrollX-16: He revenge-bans PCE Developers/Ys IV Localizers from PCE Facebook groups and destroyed 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Josh and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner (extortion/blackmail!), never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!


Eat shit and go to eBay.  You're an utter fool for thinking we'd want to pay you a premium over the already ridiculous eBay gouge jobs - at least there you'd have to pay their fees and the buyer would get some protection.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Yes that is way to high... i paid no more than $100 for mine as well and its in sweet shape...
Have you posted this game on any other forums you visit, any offers? i bet when you tell them the price they hit the road.

Sorry, but your getting hit over the head with the big reality stick... It f@cking hurts but its the truth as harsh as it comes out sometimes.



I got mine on ebay for just 65$ and that was 2 years ago. 255$ is just ridiculous.
Self proclamed Aldynes World Champion


Your references, pictures, and detailed description are all very nice, but you'd do well to rethink your pricing.  Most members here help each other out and are very quick to criticize any perceived price gouging (in fact, we have a perpetual thread about it).  A lot of new, often well-intended, sellers show up thinking the prices they've seen on ebay are an accurate guideline and they tend to get run out of town pretty damn fast.  

I bought a complete w/poster copy for $80 sometime around 2007 and that was on ebay.  You could probably get over a hundred now, even on these forums.  Accept reasonable offers and you'll find a warmer welcome and good deals returned in the future (like free Sapphire reprints).  Stick to the ebay mindset you might as well move along.
I'm a cunt, always was. Topic Adjourned.


I paid $60 for my copy recently, but it came without a poster.  I'd be willing to pay $20ish for that damn poster alone...


I bought mine for $70, but it also was without a poster. I don't think the poster makes it worth an additional $150, however.
Wayback - - Reviews of over 400 TurboGrafx-16/PC-Engine games


Wow, thanks to all of you for shitting on me and accusing me of gouging on a game that I openly admitted that I have no clue on the value.  I based my price off of the only two sources I had, but if you guys would rather be dicks than be civil, I won't bother lowering the price for any of you and I'll just take it elsewhere and sell it for less.  Maybe before shitting all over me, if you bothered to look my links (which I took down now) you'd see I've always sold rare items for the going price or less...but that's fine.  I'll take the rest of my collection elsewhere.

Way to welcome a new user.


QuoteBeyond Shadowgate
What you see is what you don't get...
MUAHAHAHAHA!!!!! - home of your individual PC Engine collection!!
PCE Games countdown: 690/737 (47 to go or 93.6% clear)
PCE Shmups countdown: 111/111 (all clear!!)
Sega does what Nintendon't, but only NEC does better than both together!^^
<Senshi> Tat's i'm going to contact the people of Hard Off and open a store stateside..


Quote from: enix2093 on 03/02/2011, 08:09 PMWow, thanks to all of you for shitting on me and accusing me of gouging on a game that I openly admitted that I have no clue on the value.  I based my price off of the only two sources I had, but if you guys would rather be dicks than be civil, I won't bother lowering the price for any of you and I'll just take it elsewhere and sell it for less.  Maybe before shitting all over me, if you bothered to look my links (which I took down now) you'd see I've always sold rare items for the going price or less...but that's fine.  I'll take the rest of my collection elsewhere.

Way to welcome a new user.
Well another whiney douche gone..don 't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.  Crybaby bitches, even after mostly positive comments. \
My Blogger profile with all my blogs of wonderment:


Quote from: enix2093 on 03/02/2011, 08:09 PMWow, thanks to all of you for shitting on me and accusing me of gouging on a game that I openly admitted that I have no clue on the value.  I based my price off of the only two sources I had, but if you guys would rather be dicks than be civil, I won't bother lowering the price for any of you and I'll just take it elsewhere and sell it for less.  Maybe before shitting all over me, if you bothered to look my links (which I took down now) you'd see I've always sold rare items for the going price or less...but that's fine.  I'll take the rest of my collection elsewhere.

Way to welcome a new user.
Listen bud, everyone with one exception was perfectly nice in pointing out your high asking price. No one shit on your thread, but with that kind of attitude we're better off without you. See ya!
Wayback - - Reviews of over 400 TurboGrafx-16/PC-Engine games


 :shock:  Well, this guy has reveled his true colors.  I was civil but it looks like he didn't even read my post. 

I try to give people the benefit of the doubt, acting as if they're not really trying to rip us off and that they don't just know any better.  Maybe immediately jumping down their throat really is the right thing to do.  And then he crosses everything out as if we missed out on a good deal.   :roll:
I'm a cunt, always was. Topic Adjourned.


No, I crossed everything out because you guys acted like total fuckfaces about it...and I left my references behind on pricing because it's fucking true, dickwad.  I only have two sources I found for pricing.  Show me somewhere else that it's listed with a price and I'd have considered adjusting.

Am I supposed to take your word when you offer me $100 for a game I clearly see listed and selling for $200+?  I mean, really?

Values on shit change.  Panzer Dragoon Saga was $40 when I bought it, but then skyrocketed to over $250...not my fault.  Should I turn it for $40 because that's what I bought PDS for a couple years ago?

If you guys must know, I bought this for $160 a couple years back, so I could only assume it went up in value as it got older and more obscure.


The guy selling the Dynastic Hero a couple of months ago also referred to the Racketboy "omg rare $$$" thread on Racketboy as one of his price guides.
 :roll: :roll: :roll:


I didn't make racketboy prices, and I don't usually go by pricing on ebay either.  I have nowhere else to get pricing on this game...and I'm not about to take the word of people who are making offers for it.  "Oh yeah, this game totally goes for like #25.  I'll offer $20..hurrrr."  Usually my pricing comes from the lowest prices I can find...being that ebay and racketboy were the only references I could find on the net, I priced accordingly.

Its too bad there isn't a free price guide somewhere out there other than VGPC and they just use amazon and ebay for pricing averages.


Quote from: elabit on 03/02/2011, 09:26 PMThe guy selling the Dynastic Hero a couple of months ago also referred to the Racketboy "omg rare $$$" thread on Racketboy as one of his price guides.
lol, and the first reply was exactly the same from Necromancer and JoshTurboTrollX-16 gave the same sob story like he did here.  I'm beginning to think you guys are all on fucking repeat mode.


What you see is what you don't get...

I'm not gonna lie I laughed at that, now the picture of what will never be ours just sits there to taunt us.
Gypsies did it.

 Got no luv for the krackers only slugs for the krackers!


I was just getting at how that page probably causes more problems than anything.


Well, maybe you guys should make a public page here that has a price listing...that may solve your problems with assholes like me showing up with only ebay and racketboy, and it would save Necromancer the trouble of having to pull his e-penis out and JoshTurboTrollX-16 from slitting his wrists over the guilt of selling games at higher prices than he paid.


I can't speak for everyone, but I do all my thinking with my E-Penis, thats why the government won't let me have a facebook page.
Gypsies did it.

 Got no luv for the krackers only slugs for the krackers!


I think I'm just gonna go post in other areas and give up on selling to you elitist [sic] fucks, lol.


Quote from: enix2093 on 03/02/2011, 09:53 PMWell, maybe you guys should make a public page here that has a price listing...that may solve your problems with assholes like me showing up with only ebay and racketboy, and it would save Necromancer the trouble of having to pull his e-penis out and JoshTurboTrollX-16 from slitting his wrists over the guilt of selling games at higher prices than he paid.
I am sorry for the harsh welcome you received.  Its just that high prices are kind of a sore spot here.  If you have any interest in Turbo / PC engine gaming, there is a wealth of information and lots of passion to be found here.

Honestly, we have been actively discussing a solution to this problem concerning new users and sale threads.  I'm not sure the exact solution yet, but we are working on it.

I guess I can boil it down to this... the active members on this site are unusually passionate about these systems (the PCE and TG etc)  The recent artificial inflation of PCE/TG pricing as a result of ebay gougery (high BIN prices feeding even higher BIN prices) is very frustrating to us.  These are games we love, and we'd like others to be able to enjoy them.  When we see people buying just to scalp them for more money, it hurts.  We'd like to see this stuff stay affordable to those who want to buy and play them.  Too many times we've had new people come in here, post a for sale thread with high prices and leave.  None of us mind paying reasonable prices on this stuff (and honestly, a lot of people here have the funds to do it!) but we're all pretty anti ebay / high prices.

Best of luck to you in selling your game.  Hopefully you will get a fair price (maybe a bit more than you paid a few years ago) and hopefully whoever buys it does not turn right around a put it on ebay for a rediculous BIN price :cry:

BlueBMW :D
[Sun 23:29] <Tatsujin> we have hard off, book off, house off, sports off, baby off, clothes off, jerk off, piss off etc


I thought you were gone already. What are you still doing here?
Wayback - - Reviews of over 400 TurboGrafx-16/PC-Engine games


I don't know...tell me.  I wouldn't want to say the wrong thing and set off the TG-bomb.  Derp.

Anyways, I used to be huge into TG/PCE/FX shit back when I lived in Japan.  I've kind of been out of the NEC loop for the past 3 years, so since I had no other pricing points to go off of, I figured what I used would have been semi-acceptable since there's really nothing else to reference.

I like how you guys shit all over ebay but then don't have any other resources available on any of the big NEC sites like this...just seems kind of counter-productive to me if you hate noobs and you hate new sellers and hate ebay prices, etc.   You would think someone would make a pricing list and make it a sticky in the selling forums...that was new users/sellers would have SOMETHING to reference before setting you up the bomb.


Damn, he really can insult. Give him his due. - home of your individual PC Engine collection!!
PCE Games countdown: 690/737 (47 to go or 93.6% clear)
PCE Shmups countdown: 111/111 (all clear!!)
Sega does what Nintendon't, but only NEC does better than both together!^^
<Senshi> Tat's i'm going to contact the people of Hard Off and open a store stateside..


You guys may have percieved me as a hit-n-run, or one-post-hero, or fucking noob, or someone who was about to just pussy out from the site over one post....that's not the case.  But I stick to my guns and I'm not selling it here even if I do turn it for $100 elsewhere.  The shitty attitude I recieved doesn't warrant a reward, so that's over and done.

That doesn't mean I'm gonna just disappear from a perfectly good forum for NEC discussion.  I just think I'll take my overpriced wares elsewhere and make maximum profit.


Why did you come over here to sell anyway? when it sounds like you have other forums you go to and have great feedback on, so go sell it there for the price you want or go to ebay if you want top dollar.

We are a community of Tg16/Pce gamers and collectors, we are not out to rip you off either, all we have done is told you what we have paid for the game...(with a few extra words here and there :P)  you paid to much for your game.. dont get all bitter.

PS: you could have asked man what we thought was a fair price.


Quote from: enix2093 on 03/02/2011, 10:31 PMI like how you guys shit all over ebay but then don't have any other resources available on any of the big NEC sites like this...just seems kind of counter-productive to me if you hate noobs and you hate new sellers and hate ebay prices, etc.   You would think someone would make a pricing list and make it a sticky in the selling forums...that was new users/sellers would have SOMETHING to reference before setting you up the bomb.
I agree, it would be better to have some better guidelines for new sellers, if nothing else to give warning about the anti-ebay attitude here.  As far as a price guide, I'm not sure the best way to go about such a thing.  Maybe a wiki style chart where anyone who's purchased a particular game could add what they paid so we can get a more real world non-ebay price for things.

I'm just one guy here, and I too was a noob (just last summer infact) so I hate to see someone step into a pile of shit with their first foot through the door.  I am sorry you got bombed on right away.  Hopefully if you do decide to get back into Turbo / PCE stuff you'll come back.  There really are a lot of good folks here.  And if you ever need a system repaired, there's a whole team of very talented techie people here too!

[Sun 23:29] <Tatsujin> we have hard off, book off, house off, sports off, baby off, clothes off, jerk off, piss off etc


Just make a loose guide... like "Beyond Shadowgate - $60 - $120"
It doesn't have to be exact, just some kind of ranges so people have an idea what NOT to ask for shit...


Quote from: enix2093 on 03/02/2011, 09:53 PMassholes like me
Quoted for truth

Quote from: enix2093 on 03/02/2011, 10:31 PMI like how you guys shit all over ebay but then don't have any other resources available on any of the big NEC sites like this...just seems kind of counter-productive to me if you hate noobs and you hate new sellers and hate ebay prices, etc.   You would think someone would make a pricing list and make it a sticky in the selling forums...that was new users/sellers would have SOMETHING to reference before setting you up the bomb.
There are PLENTY of other sources.  Plus I for one use Ebay quite regularly.  I have common sense/patience not to wet myself over someone who has the OMGZ rare game.
My Blogger profile with all my blogs of wonderment:


Quote from: guest on 03/02/2011, 10:40 PMWhy did you come over here to sell anyway? when it sounds like you have other forums you go to and have great feedback on, so go sell it there for the price you want or go to ebay if you want top dollar.
I do have other places to go, and I am selling at that so hard to believe?  I came here to expand my selling base.  More prospective buyers = more chances of selling...hurrrr.  Did I really need to explain that?  I did put it on ebay, and I matched the retarded pricing there too, lol.  I'm not gonna hide it.  I jacked the price up to $275 and slapped it on ebay for a $0.05 listing fee.  Maybe some sucker will bite.  If not, I'll sell it elsewhere at a more reasonable price since I have recently been schooled (see posts #1-10).

I'm pretty much done selling here.  I don't need a fucking internet shitstorm in every sale thread - it's not worth the effort.  I just want the money when I sell...not the heartache and pcenginefx veterans' drama.  The last time I was at a forum with this many angry women, it was the rock band forums over at harmonix.   Talk about PMS.


Quote from: enix2093 on 03/02/2011, 10:49 PM
Quote from: guest on 03/02/2011, 10:40 PMWhy did you come over here to sell anyway? when it sounds like you have other forums you go to and have great feedback on, so go sell it there for the price you want or go to ebay if you want top dollar.
I do have other places to go, and I am selling at that so hard to believe?  I came here to expand my selling base.  More prospective buyers = more chances of selling...hurrrr.  Did I really need to explain that?  I did put it on ebay, and I matched the retarded pricing there too, lol.  I'm not gonna hide it.  I jacked the price up to $275 and slapped it on ebay for a $0.05 listing fee.  Maybe some sucker will bite.  If not, I'll sell it elsewhere at a more reasonable price since I have recently been schooled (see posts #1-10).

I'm pretty much done selling here.  I don't need a fucking internet shitstorm in every sale thread - it's not worth the effort.  I just want the money when I sell...not the heartache and pcenginefx veterans' drama.  The last time I was at a forum with this many angry women, it was the rock band forums over at harmonix.   Talk about PMS.
If all you're going to do is whine like an angry woman (see above)...and bitch about this site fucking leave, no ones stopping you.  FUnny you complaining about how you are treated by throwing temper tantrum like a 8 year old.  :roll:
My Blogger profile with all my blogs of wonderment:


Quote from: enix2093 on 03/02/2011, 09:53 PMWell, maybe you guys should make a public page here that has a price listing...that may solve your problems with assholes like me showing up with only ebay and racketboy
PCengineFX Forums Price List
1 title needed for a complete US Turbo Grafx collection: Magical Chase
Parasol Stars High Score = 119,783,770
League of Legends Summoner Name = DeviousSideburns


Like i said before you could have just asked.
Enjoy your pissed off little world.... Yawn....


He first as
Quote from: guest on 03/02/2011, 11:09 PMLike i said before you could have just asked.
Enjoy your pissed off little world.... Yawn....
That's just what he did  :arrow: "MAKE OFFERS!"

Then cru did what he asked for (see posts page 1).

Then he put it in for double+ the price he got recommended from the cru.

Then cru got upset.

Then he got upset.

Then everything got mad. - home of your individual PC Engine collection!!
PCE Games countdown: 690/737 (47 to go or 93.6% clear)
PCE Shmups countdown: 111/111 (all clear!!)
Sega does what Nintendon't, but only NEC does better than both together!^^
<Senshi> Tat's i'm going to contact the people of Hard Off and open a store stateside..



Quote from: guest on 03/02/2011, 11:09 PMLike i said before you could have just asked.
Enjoy your pissed off little world.... Yawn....
We can play pot vs kettle all day, but the fact is that this forum has a very highly toxic environment for new users.  You guys can sit around sucking each others' cocks all day and scare off all the fresh pussy if you want - that's fine.  Doesn't bother me much.  but if you want a growing "community" (as the image at the top of every page states), then you can't run off everyone who makes a pricing mistake or stupid post.

Oh, I know "it's the internet" is an easy out for all of you, but not everyone is internet hardened...and you're gonna end up just having your little click here, where cockwranglers like Necromancer pop into a new sale thread instantly and pull out their mangled e-cocks for everyone to see.  Yay you.  But good luck on anyone else coming here if you're gonna jump down their shit as soon as they show up and call them little bitches when they leave because they don't want to deal with your mental home bullshit.


Quote from: enix2093 on 03/02/2011, 11:51 PM
Quote from: hoobs88 on 03/02/2011, 11:05 PMPCengineFX Forums Price List
Well fuck me in the ass...why doesn't that shit show up on Google?
To be honest, I hadn't found that myself!  And I've been crawling these forums for quite a while now.  (mostly looking for repair advice)
[Sun 23:29] <Tatsujin> we have hard off, book off, house off, sports off, baby off, clothes off, jerk off, piss off etc


Quote from: enix2093 on 03/03/2011, 12:12 AM
Quote from: guest on 03/02/2011, 11:09 PMLike i said before you could have just asked.
Enjoy your pissed off little world.... Yawn....
We can play pot vs kettle all day, but the fact is that this forum has a very highly toxic environment for new users.  You guys can sit around sucking each others' cocks all day and scare off all the fresh pussy if you want - that's fine.  Doesn't bother me much.  but if you want a growing "community" (as the image at the top of every page states), then you can't run off everyone who makes a pricing mistake or stupid post.

Oh, I know "it's the internet" is an easy out for all of you, but not everyone is internet hardened...and you're gonna end up just having your little click here, where cockwranglers like Necromancer pop into a new sale thread instantly and pull out their mangled e-cocks for everyone to see.  Yay you.  But good luck on anyone else coming here if you're gonna jump down their shit as soon as they show up and call them little bitches when they leave because they don't want to deal with your mental home bullshit.
Funny I've been here for some time and don't have problems with pron 95%+ of new members...only asshats that carry on like some wounded little kid that got his precious ego bruised.  You keep carrying on..for what?  If this place sucks so bad, it's REAL simple, leave.  You have nothing better to do than try and reignite this shitstorm with more whinging?
My Blogger profile with all my blogs of wonderment:


I think one of the other items you're selling is VERY fitting for you:

My Blogger profile with all my blogs of wonderment:


Quote from: enix2093 on 03/02/2011, 09:22 PMAm I supposed to take your word when you offer me $100 for a game I clearly see listed and selling for $200+?  I mean, really?
On the first page you had seven members quote prices they bought or sold for at $100 or less via sources at diverse as conventions, TZD, forum sales, and ebay.  One of those members offered you $100, no one else offered you anything.

QuoteValues on shit change.  Panzer Dragoon Saga was $40 when I bought it, but then skyrocketed to over $250...not my fault.  Should I turn it for $40 because that's what I bought PDS for a couple years ago?

If you guys must know, I bought this for $160 a couple years back, so I could only assume it went up in value as it got older and more obscure.
Collectibles are more volatile than stocks.  I hate to break it to you, but the price doesn't always go up.  You got ripped off at $160 two years ago and it's not worth $250 today.

Quote from: BlueBMW on 03/02/2011, 10:10 PMBest of luck to you in selling your game. 
BlueBMW - it's really not worth being nice to this guy.  I took the nice guy, explanatory, "he-doesn't-know-our-ways" approach and he called me a dickwad.  In his already 19 posts he's said ass, shit, dick, pussy, penis, cock, and dropped a dozen f-bombs.  He hasn't acknowledged any supportive comments or showed any sign of slowing down and being reasonable.  This isn't the kind of guy we need to appeal to.
I'm a cunt, always was. Topic Adjourned.


Whoa!!!  What in the heck is going on here guys?  :(  enix, I actually PMd you an offer, but I never heard back from ya.  How did this thread turn in to something so hateful?


Quote from: bernielindell on 03/03/2011, 04:15 AMWhoa!!!  What in the heck is going on here guys?  :(  enix, I actually PMd you an offer, but I never heard back from ya.  How did this thread turn in to something so hateful? 
Bernie this happens so often it's not even funny in fact I think I was one of the first person to have read the original post and I instantly knew it will end up like this.


Quote from: RR1980 on 03/03/2011, 04:21 AM
Quote from: bernielindell on 03/03/2011, 04:15 AMWhoa!!!  What in the heck is going on here guys?  :(  enix, I actually PMd you an offer, but I never heard back from ya.  How did this thread turn in to something so hateful?
Bernie this happens so often it's not even funny in fact I think I was one of the first person to have read the original post and I instantly knew it will end up like this.
Look when "it ends up like this."  Besides 1 post, the first what almost 10 posts were fairly cordial, after that he went on some ultra insulting tirade (which is the usual for gougers/fast buck/"1 and dones" around here, what do you expect, people to kiss his ass after that?  :lol: :twisted:  It seems the people that usually get shredded/get all douchey are the ones here just to make Ebay $ and jet.
My Blogger profile with all my blogs of wonderment:


No nectarsis, I meant the thread in general.  Not just us at him.  I dont understand why he went on the cursing tyrant at all.  Anyway, I guess he just got pissed.  I dunno.  Seems maybe all he wanted was to throw curses and name call.  I actually sent him a message offering him 150.00, which I felt was reasonable.  And, my PM was very cordial.  According to the link he referenced us to, I am in the range.  I see he has posted it on ebay, for a huge mark-up tho.  If it doesnt sell, maybe he will consider my offer.

Tatsujin - home of your individual PC Engine collection!!
PCE Games countdown: 690/737 (47 to go or 93.6% clear)
PCE Shmups countdown: 111/111 (all clear!!)
Sega does what Nintendon't, but only NEC does better than both together!^^
<Senshi> Tat's i'm going to contact the people of Hard Off and open a store stateside..