12/06/2023: Localization News - Tengai Makyou/Far East of Eden: Ziria!!!

OMG! ZIRIA! ZIRIA!!! IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED!! 34 YEARS LATER!! The epic/legendary Tengai Makyou/Far East of Eden: Ziria JRPG has finally been localized! Supper the Subtitler struck again! Simply unstoppable, NOTHING can prevent him from TOTAL PCECD localization domination!!!! WHACHA GONNA DO BROTHER?!?!
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Messages - jlued686

Hey now, I've got a soft spot for Impossimole. I mean...he's a mole. Named Monty! He kicks stuff! And the game came with stickers!


(yeah, it sucks.)
Next up from Johnny Turbo: Sly Spy.

QuoteSecret Agent: Use your jetpack and the golden gun and save the world from Evil.

It is the year 199X, Secret Agent Sly must protect the U.S. from a nuclear missile attack from the terrorist organization CWD (Council for World Domination). Play an arcade classic! Secret Agent: Use your jetpack and the golden gun and save the world from Evil.

Platform Nintendo Switch
Release Date May 03, 2018
No. of Players 1 player
It's a shame, I'm not seeing any jacked up photoshop fuckery on this page.
That looks like the outline of a table-top arcade machine to me.
The rest of "us". Is that, like, the royal we?
Got mine today! Thanks to everybody involved!

EDIT: Just gave it a quick play. Fuck those bees!
New thread incoming: FREE THE FISH!
PC/Console/Mobile Ports / NES Maker
04/13/2018, 01:14 PM
EDIT: Ah shit. Just saw this thread. Merge them, if you'd like.

Have you guys seen this? Here's a link to their recently successful Kickstarter campaign, and here's a link to their website.

QuoteNESmaker is a software tool for creating brand new, hardware playable, cartridge based games for the Nintendo Entertainment System...without having to write a single line of code.

A few years ago, while developing our NES game engine in the archaic 6502 Assembly language, our team (made up of mostly non-programmers) realized that we needed a much more efficient method for rapid prototyping and testing.  Instead of digging into the assembly every time we needed to make changes, we conceptualized wysiwyg tools for common tasks that would output, reorganize, and manipulate the underlying code; developing screens, building animations, altering AI...things like that.  We recruited Josh Fallon, tool developer extraordinaire, to help realize these tools.

Before we knew it, we had inadvertently created NESmaker.

Currently, what can you do with NESmaker?
  • Design sprite graphics and color palettes that are automatically constrained to the NES limitations.
  • Create assets with properties and behaviors to give developing for the NES an object-oriented feel, similar to modern tools such as GameMaker and Unity.
  • Use a text editor to create text strings for NPCs or other narrative devices your game might have.
  • Create *special screens* like start screens, end screens, menus, maps, and more.
  • Customize AI
  • Set initialization parameters (items obtained, player strength/defense,  starting screen, etc) for easy testing.
  • Use the base engine to create adventure games, basic RPGs, basic platformers, basic brawlers, and several other types of games.
  • Assemble with one click for testing in an emulator.
  • Flash to cartridge in one click for play on actual hardware.

They have a bunch of videos on their YouTube page showing it in action.

What do you think? Who's gonna make one of these for PC Engine for me?
April Fools, I assume?
Off-Topic / Re: What happened to Nullity?
03/27/2018, 07:28 PM
I just saw this... Why would we drive away or ban Nulltard? Why would we do that to anyone who's been a loyal and valued poster for ages? I don't know the extent of the chat box drama, and frankly don't care. Lord knows I've had my differences with people on these forums over the years, but fucking hell, you get past it. Before we had active mods around here, it was damn near impossible to get banned. Remember the fucking nazi dude? Or the pedophile? That shit made me support more active moderation. But if this is the result? Maybe I was wrong.

Unless he self-deleted his account. Then go ahead and disregard everything I just said.
Okay, this is pretty hilarious:

QuoteThe promo art for the Switch port of Bad Dudes on http://Nintendo.com  is probably the most amateurish thing I've ever seen. It's literally just sprite edits from fighting games (such as Double Dragon '95, Art of Fighting 2 and KOF) and pretty obvious ones at that.

I can understand not having access to the original art assets for such an old game (especially one from a defunct company like DECO), but it's not like there aren't scans of the arcade flyers and boxarts online. Or better yet, just use a screenshot from the actual game.
So, for context, Johnny Turbo's next game on Switch is a port of Bad Dudes. For the promo art on Nintendo.com, his company took pixel art from other games and slapped it on the banner. Check it out:

Promo art:

Actual games:


EDIT: Oh holy shit. I just noticed that the semi and the city background were both totally photoshopped in there. Genius.
I downloaded the game yesterday and played it for a bit. I'm pretty sure I've played this before on MAME. It's a really well-done port of a pretty shit game. I don't care for it, at least. It's an isometric adventure game, with a Dungeons & Dragons arcade vibe, but it's just not very fun. And the sound effects are garbage.

The intro screen is hilarious, though. It's got the Johnny Turbo logo and (I assume) Brandsetter's voice saying, "Johnny Turbo Presents..." From there, they've got lots of settings (RGB, HD, S-Video, Composite, 4:3, Stretch, etc.), which is nice to see. It's a two-player game, and you can select one of four characters.

The game is alright, I guess. It just didn't feel right to me.
Out today: Johnny Turbo's Arcade: Gate of Doom.

QuoteGate of Doom a is classic multiplayer action RPG for one to two players. Originally release in 1990, and a noted classic arcade title from the 90s.
I fucking hate these commercials simply because Budweiser is trying so hard to make "Dilly Dilly" a thing. I swear, the first time I go into a shithole bar and hear someone say, "Dilly Dilly!" I'm going to stab him in the throat.
Untranslated for a dead console. I just don't get it, but..YAY?
I thought the same thing. But apparently...

QuoteThis is a Japanese Import title. Import games may contain foreign language (audio and/or text) or other references that are unknown to consumers. This RPG is Japanese only and requires proficiency in the Japanese language to play.
Why would Konami bring release this here without translating it? Odd decision, indeed...
Well,  how about this?


QuoteEnjoy a world of mysteries.

Necromancer is a horror RPG released for the TurboGrafx-16 in 1988. You are a hero who heads out on an adventure with two other allies in order to search for the Evil Holy Sword "Necromancer" to defeat an evil force that is about to take over the Kingdom of Ishmaelia. Defeat enemies to level up and travel the land to gather information about the Evil Holy Sword "Necromancer."

You will be able to choose your two allies among five possible candidates at the castle which is the starting point of the game. Each ally possesses different abilities so choose them wisely and make sure that you progress the game with each character's specialty in mind.
Holy Christ...(pun intended), that one got a snort laugh out of me.
Yep, raising the level of discourse one tweet/comment at a time.
Everyone's missing the point of why that comment was fucked up.

"Why do we want all these PEOPLE from shithole countries coming here?" The keyword is not "shithole". It's "people".

Especially when you take his follow up remark: "Why do we need more Haitians? Take them out."

That's real classy for a president to say.

But okay, let's say for argument's sake the countries are shitholes. Have some fucking dignity; some respect. But the White House was right: his base ate this right up. They loved it. That's all that matters; not class, dignity, respect, or the integrity of the office. Just appealing to the rubes.
Quote from: Digi.k on 01/11/2018, 06:49 PMLooks like y's Viii is coming to the switch later this year
Thanks for the hot scoop. ;)
Nintendo just announced that it's coming to Switch this summer.
I agree with these sentiments. Calling them "all liberals" and painting them with the same brush as mainstream liberalism is akin to calling those torch-wielding jerkoffs in Charlottesville "all conservatives", and it's the problem with trying to have any sort of rational discourse these days. Everyone wants to box everyone else into a black and white label. They're so hopped up on the frothing hysteria put out by their "news" sources that they can't think straight and can't remember that we're all just people who want to live our damn lives.
"My two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart... ...a very stable genius."

That'll be carved into a monument someday.
Quote from: RyuHayabusa on 01/03/2018, 06:01 PMThe entire goal of liberalism today is to tear down every aspect of Western Civilization in the name of diversity and guilt and rebuild it into some communist hellhole.
I would like you to expand on this, if you would. Especially the bolded part.
Calling him the Twitter Troll in Chief is too much? Damn, you're sensitive... He's a Twitter Troll, is he not? I mean, shit man, you're not denying that are you? Good grief...

People give him shit about golfing because he famously said if he was president he wouldn't waste time playing golf because he'd be too busy working. Plus there's this. Are you so far gone you can't see the hypocrisy? Come on.

I can't go on too much right now because I'm on my phone in the middle of nowhere, but I'll just say that I respect some of your opinions, despite how badly I disagree with them and how I think some of them are just flat out ludicrous. I only just jump in here from time to time to try to get folks to converse instead of insult and troll. I'm not good at it, but I try.
I told you, man, I stopped participating because it was pointless. And yeah, I was guilty of antagonizing behavior, too. The difference here is that I realized it and stopped. I'm not interested  in lobbing shit at people online, nor am I interested in lumping people into libtard/conservatard boxes, or whatever. That sort of childish bullshit is what got us into our current situation with the Twitter Troll in Chief.

So no, I'm not hiding. I'm always happy to have a conversation. You have made a couple valid points, despite them being couched in 4chan-level bullshit. And sure, Nulltard insulted you first. Maybe rise above it. I know Trump likes to "hit em back 10 times harder", but it'd be nice if people remembered what dignity was, instead of grade school mentality. Maybe we'd get somewhere.
I'm being sincere when I say your arguments would carry more weight if you could refrain from the childish nonsense. While I disagree with 95% of what you've posted, I could at least respect your positions if they weren't all laced with antagonist horseshit.

It's why I stopped participating in this thread; it's pointless. Internet troll antics won't convince anyone of anything, except that you're an asshole. Unless that's your intent. If so, congrats. Very effective.
General Gaming / Johnny Turbo Returns?!
12/22/2017, 10:47 AM
This is so strange...


QuoteFlying Tiger Entertainment has announced that it is bringing some of Data East's most beloved arcade titles to the Switch.

Over 20 titles are coming to Switch, PS4, Xbox One and Steam, with the only confirmed game so far being the 1990 fantasy action release Gate of Doom (also known as Dark Seal). Games are expected to sell for $7.99 each on the eShop.

The really weird part of all of this is that Flying Tiger is using Turbo Technologies Inc. mascot Johnny Turbo to promote this range of games.

The apparent connection here is that Flying Tiger was founded by Johnny Brandstetter, the brand manager for the TurboGrafx-16 (PC Engine) in North America. The character of Johnny Turbo was based on Brandstetter, and we assume that since TTI's collapse in the '90s and Hudson Soft's purchase by Konami in more recent years, he's retained the rights to the character.
I'd love one for PS4. Thanks!
I almost forgot: Last Gladiators Digital Pinball! Cheap and awesome.
Listen to nopepper. Those are some great titles. Guardian Heroes is a good one to add to that list. There are some great fighters on Saturn, too.

Disclaimer: some of those games will cost you a small fortune.
That was a great video. Thanks!
Holy crap...why?

Power Golf (Virtual Console on Wii U)

Out today!
Mine are:

Nintendo DS

Some of my others are the Saturn, PS2, and the Switch is quickly climbing the ranks. The era of DS and PS2 was crazy, in my opinion. Tons of diversity in those software lineups.
Got kids? Get Arms. (and an extra set of JoyCons).

Also, Splatoon 2 is really great. They just released a Snipperclips Deluxe version in physical form, so pick that up if you like playing co-op puzzle games. It's great for yelling at your significant other for being a dumbass. ;)
Off-Topic / Re: NeoGAF explodes...
10/23/2017, 11:43 AM
I should've been more careful... By "fishy" I didn't intend to imply "false". I don't doubt it happened. It's just a strange story to me. The dude did something super creepy and inappropriate. Whether it was because they'd been drinking and he misread the situation, or because he's a super perv, I'm not willing to say.

I shouldn't even comment on it, honestly. Too many reasons not to.
Off-Topic / Re: NeoGAF explodes...
10/23/2017, 10:21 AM
Gonna say it: I loved NeoGAF. I never ventured to the Off Topic section, but the gaming section was better and more up-to-date than any "pro" site out there. I was a lurker, hardly ever posting anything, but it was a great place to get literally up to the second news. Yeah, there were lotsa shit-posts, but that's any forum. (Right guys? ;)).

The story of what happened is also fishy to me. I get it, I get it: he did something inappropriate while they were staying in a hotel room together and after a night of drinks. Not cool. But she went on to actually have a physical relationship with him after the fact. It just seems strange.

Anyway, I've heard that the mods are trying to put together a new site called "Resetera" or something like that, and in the meantime a bunch of members are hanging out at slaent.com. (What's with the horrible names?) But my ideal scenario is that Evilore transfers ownership to someone else and the current forums continue on. There's a ton of great info and resources on that site and it would be a shame to just flush it all.
Off-Topic / Re: Wanting to learn Japanese?
10/17/2017, 03:40 PM
Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 10/17/2017, 02:11 PMI found that Genki sort of sucks in a way because the practices are lost on you if you're not in a classroom environment.   It's like OK YOU BE PERSON A, NOW ASK PERSON B STUFF.       Talking to yourself isn't useful.

So you buy this kinda pricey book that you can't fully utilize.  It does give good explanations of grammar, though.
Tip: If you look online for a few seconds, you can get this for free...;) But yes, you're correct that it does give great explanations of grammar, and I've found it very useful because of that.

Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 10/17/2017, 02:11 PMJapanese From Zero worked better since you can be alone, and it's cheaper overall.
Yes, after your previous recommendation of this book I put it on my Amazon wish list. I'll be picking it up at some point, too. Thanks!

Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 10/17/2017, 02:11 PMRosetta Stone was kind of garbagey.  It just barfs things at you with no real context.   You can get free shit on a phone instead to get the same effect of brute force memorizing.   The bright side to the phone apps is you can learn while you poop.  At least you didn't waste a ton of money on RS.
I also took your advice on this earlier, and wouldn't have bought it if I hadn't gotten such a steep discount. And I see exactly what you meant. Like you said, it's brute force with no context, and that makes it super frustrating sometimes.

Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 10/17/2017, 02:11 PMWatching with subtitles doesn't help alot either, because your brain will subconsciously betray you.  You'll read the subtitles in English, and then halfassedly process the Japanese.
Yep, I do this mostly for enjoyment and only partially to work on Japanese. I'll read signs in the background, and pick up the occasional bit of dialog. But it's not really to "teach" me the language, other than a few words here and there.

Thanks for the perspective, Arkhan. I've read through this thread a number of times throughout this year and have found all of the opinions and resources here really valuable.
Off-Topic / Re: Wanting to learn Japanese?
10/17/2017, 01:38 PM
I wanted to resurrect this thread to give a bit of an update and pass along what I've found over the last 10ish months.

I've kept at studying Japanese pretty steadily this year, getting in at least a bit of time each day. I've tried a few different methods and think I have finally found a routine that works well for me. Currently, I'm working through the Genki book at least a bit each day, as well as checking in with the Duolingo app on my phone every single day for between 15 minutes and an hour, depending on how much time I have. I've also supplemented this by watching live-action Japanese shows nearly every day just to have more exposure to the language and how different people speak it.

Here are the materials I've used and my thoughts on each:

Japanese Hiragana & Katakana for Beginners: First Steps to Mastering the Japanese Writing System - This is also known as the "Tuttle" book. This was an invaluable first step for me, and helped me memorize both Hiragana and Katakana quite quickly. It emphasizes stroke order and gives really good tips for memorization by using pictures to associate with each character. In addition, this book provides some vocabulary, as well as some very basic grammar and Japanese reading/writing information. I highly recommend starting with this book.

Hiragana Pixel Party - I mentioned this app previously, but it's a great supplement to the Tuttle book as you're looking to memorize Hiragana. The chiptunes are great, and it's a fun way to learn how to quickly recall Hiragana characters. The app is free up to a certain level, but I bought the whole package because I found it so helpful and fun.

Rosetta Stone - I got a crazy deal on this through my work, and I really couldn't pass it up at the price. That said, I've had mixed results. I get why they immerse you completely into the language, without any English guidance. However, because of this, I found myself not understanding why things are written/spoken a certain way. It doesn't do a good job of explaining, "Hey, in these situations you say or write this, while in others you write this." It causes a lot of frustration, so I've decided to pull back on this for a bit, until I get more of a handle on things. Which leads me to...

GENKI I: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese 2nd edition - I love this book and read it every day. I actually just got it a week ago and it's already done so much more for me than Rosetta Stone ever did. Yes, there's English in the book (seems to taper off the further you go), but it does a great job of giving me the explanations I was looking for in Rosetta Stone. And now that I can read Hiragana/Katakana fairly easily, I'm getting so much out of it.

Genki: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese Workbook I - This is a companion to the Genki textbook, and also highly recommended. I can't say enough good things about this series.

Duolingo - I love this app and, like I said above, use it daily. It has some flaws, sure. But for daily practice it's really nice. And it's free! The app sorta "gamifies" learning, earning you EXP, in-game currency, counting your daily streaks, etc. I wouldn't recommend using it on its own, but it's a nice supplement and a good way to keep yourself at it on a daily basis.

Future planning...

I plan to keep plowing through Genki, and eventually grab Book 2. Also, as I get more into Kanji, I plan on picking up the Tuttle Kanji Guide, since I had such a good experience with the Hiragana/Katakana Guide. Eventually, I'll pick up Rosetta Stone again because it's good for listening and speaking.

So that's it. How about you guys? Any experience you'd like to share? Recommendations?
Quote from: turboswimbz on 09/12/2017, 07:42 PM
Quote from: cr8zykuban0 on 09/12/2017, 02:01 AMthis is pretty dumb of capcom to charge 100 bucks for this. If this was maybe 30-40 bucks, i'd consider it, but 100??? the fuck outta here!
Capcom just licensed it.  they have nothing to do with the release or pricing. Iam8bit is who you want to pissed at.
Yep. Fuck iam8bit. They're stuff is always absurdly priced and their customer service is dogshit.
A couple more out today:

- Chew Man Fu (Virtual Console for Wii U)
- Shockman (Virtual Console for Wii U)
Man, this makes me really happy. Dan and Gary are great guys with the best of intentions. It's really nice to see their show grow and thrive. Good for them!
Quote from: Dicer on 09/13/2017, 08:37 PMPlaying the octo demo now, love the art...a bit grindy to beat the first "boss" but it's solid and def nice to look at so far.
Yeah, that first boss is an asshole. I thought I had him on my third try, but he kicked my ass again. Sucks that you can't skip all the dialog before the battle. Shit like that in modern games drives me crazy.
General Gaming / Re: NES classic
09/13/2017, 01:19 PM
I want to see a Game Boy Classic...with a color screen.
General Gaming / Re: NES classic
09/12/2017, 01:17 PM
I'd actually be quite surprised if they put new games on it or change it in any way. I still know plenty of people who didn't get the first one and still want it. If they change it up, it'll sorta defeat the purpose of rereleasing it, right?
China Warrior out today.